Read my lips

Just curious. Do you Trump supporters think that Trump EVER did anything that wasn't such a great move so far?

Just curious. do you pray to Allah or Gaia for a recession that will wipe out the standard of living for millions of Americans? Which of your gods do you turn to in your lust to visit misery on America so that you can get a Marxist elected (to cause even greater misery)?
Praying is for Trump supporters. I'm a Libertarian.
Trump is playing with fire and he thinks his supporters are too stupid to give a damn
Bloomberg Opinion) -- Donald Trump is dangerously close to becoming the first Republican president since George H.W. Bush to raise taxes. According to the Tax Foundation, if the tariffs already announced by Trump go into effect, they will amount to a $200 billion annual tax increase. That’s larger than the $165 billion average annual reduction in 2017’s Tax Cut and Jobs Act.

Bush’s brazen break with Republican orthodoxy, along with a sluggish economy and broken promises, made him a one-term president. If Trump’s not careful, he may join him.

In his 1988 campaign, Bush famously asked the public to read his lips when he promised “no new taxes.” While Bush had been Ronald Reagan’s vice president, he came from an earlier generation of moderate Republicans. Movement conservatives always had doubts about his fealty to their low-tax agenda.

As it turned out, those concerns were justified. In 1990, two years after a successful campaign based in part on a commitment to fight Congress’s attempts to raise taxes, Bush faced a rising deficit and a Congress reluctant to cut domestic spending. He caved. In June he announced that he was willing to accept a budget that not only cut defense spending but also included tax increases.

The final package included increases in both income and payroll taxes and went into effect in 1991. In the next year’s campaign, Bush had to deal with rising unemployment and withering criticism in both the primary and the general election over his decision to go back on his pledge.

Trump’s situation is not exactly analogous, of course. But his fate could be same. In his 2016 campaign, Trump promised that nearly every American would see a tax cut. He also pledged to renegotiate America’s “horrible trade deals” and reinvigorate U.S. manufacturing. When those negotiations failed and a trade war broke out, Trump assured Americans that trade wars were good and easy to win.
George Bush Senior fucked over millions of Americans with his typical career politician bullshit

The economy tanked because of high taxes... deservedly so
Just curious. Do you Trump supporters think that Trump EVER did anything that wasn't such a great move so far?
So you believe any POTUS - even Obama - has been perfect? Yeah … adults know we always get some bad with the good but Trump enabled us to avoid the Shrillary Dragon. That alone makes he and us winners but we've done a lot of winning the last 31+ months, much to Bill Maher's distress:
  • A nicely and sustainably expanding economy (which has raised all ships) with low inflation.
  • Historically low unemployment (especially amongst our minorities) with rising wages and disposable income.
  • A strong dollar and investment markets.
  • A righting of what had been a listing (left) USSC.
  • Repeated exposure of our self-serving swamp and the nefarious players within it, including but not limited to our MSM/DNC and high-ranking mutts at both our DOJ & FBI.
  • Job Growth Underscores Economy’s Vigor; Unemployment at Half-Century Low
No wonder you bitter, anti-American leftards are so hysterical. What is good for America seems bad for you.

I suppose it is.

Thank you Mr Prez and MAGA, baby!! :D
I agree with some of Trump's ideas. I was asking if you peeps thought that Trump ever fucked anything up. Because it doesn't appear to be.
Trump is playing with fire and he thinks his supporters are too stupid to give a damn
Bloomberg Opinion) -- Donald Trump is dangerously close to becoming the first Republican president since George H.W. Bush to raise taxes. According to the Tax Foundation, if the tariffs already announced by Trump go into effect, they will amount to a $200 billion annual tax increase. That’s larger than the $165 billion average annual reduction in 2017’s Tax Cut and Jobs Act.

Bush’s brazen break with Republican orthodoxy, along with a sluggish economy and broken promises, made him a one-term president. If Trump’s not careful, he may join him.

In his 1988 campaign, Bush famously asked the public to read his lips when he promised “no new taxes.” While Bush had been Ronald Reagan’s vice president, he came from an earlier generation of moderate Republicans. Movement conservatives always had doubts about his fealty to their low-tax agenda.

As it turned out, those concerns were justified. In 1990, two years after a successful campaign based in part on a commitment to fight Congress’s attempts to raise taxes, Bush faced a rising deficit and a Congress reluctant to cut domestic spending. He caved. In June he announced that he was willing to accept a budget that not only cut defense spending but also included tax increases.

The final package included increases in both income and payroll taxes and went into effect in 1991. In the next year’s campaign, Bush had to deal with rising unemployment and withering criticism in both the primary and the general election over his decision to go back on his pledge.

Trump’s situation is not exactly analogous, of course. But his fate could be same. In his 2016 campaign, Trump promised that nearly every American would see a tax cut. He also pledged to renegotiate America’s “horrible trade deals” and reinvigorate U.S. manufacturing. When those negotiations failed and a trade war broke out, Trump assured Americans that trade wars were good and easy to win.
George Bush Senior fucked over millions of Americans with his typical career politician bullshit

The economy tanked because of high taxes... deservedly so
And you don't think Tariffs will MORE than take away whatever gains trumps taxcuts brought? Trump knows shit about our economy
Trump is playing with fire and he thinks his supporters are too stupid to give a damn
Bloomberg Opinion) -- Donald Trump is dangerously close to becoming the first Republican president since George H.W. Bush to raise taxes. According to the Tax Foundation, if the tariffs already announced by Trump go into effect, they will amount to a $200 billion annual tax increase. That’s larger than the $165 billion average annual reduction in 2017’s Tax Cut and Jobs Act.

Bush’s brazen break with Republican orthodoxy, along with a sluggish economy and broken promises, made him a one-term president. If Trump’s not careful, he may join him.

In his 1988 campaign, Bush famously asked the public to read his lips when he promised “no new taxes.” While Bush had been Ronald Reagan’s vice president, he came from an earlier generation of moderate Republicans. Movement conservatives always had doubts about his fealty to their low-tax agenda.

As it turned out, those concerns were justified. In 1990, two years after a successful campaign based in part on a commitment to fight Congress’s attempts to raise taxes, Bush faced a rising deficit and a Congress reluctant to cut domestic spending. He caved. In June he announced that he was willing to accept a budget that not only cut defense spending but also included tax increases.

The final package included increases in both income and payroll taxes and went into effect in 1991. In the next year’s campaign, Bush had to deal with rising unemployment and withering criticism in both the primary and the general election over his decision to go back on his pledge.

Trump’s situation is not exactly analogous, of course. But his fate could be same. In his 2016 campaign, Trump promised that nearly every American would see a tax cut. He also pledged to renegotiate America’s “horrible trade deals” and reinvigorate U.S. manufacturing. When those negotiations failed and a trade war broke out, Trump assured Americans that trade wars were good and easy to win.
George Bush Senior fucked over millions of Americans with his typical career politician bullshit

The economy tanked because of high taxes... deservedly so
And you don't think Tariffs will MORE than take away whatever gains trumps taxcuts brought? Trump knows shit about our economy
Tariffs are chicken feed on what it costs the American citizens,

So...because Obama had his worshipers it is ok for you to worship Trump....Most people have outgrown "well, he did it too" by the time they are 14 or so.

No one worships Trump.

But there are those like you that are filled with hatred and rage over him defeating Stumbles McMyturn....

Now your moron wants the G& meeting next year at one of his properties in Fla during Hurricane season AND his lawyer barr wants to party there too ??? Do these republican AH's never hear of the emolument clause?

Trump is a businessman. His advisers have since advised him that can't happen. He was just inviting them to his place. Another nothing burger.

They'd be spending Trump would be gaining from his presidency Against the law And what about Barr the make believe AG for America but in reality Trumps lawyer wants to give a party at a trump property This pos should be impeached along with the trump crook

And if they weren't charged. Comrade?

Poor TDS victim. you really are not well. Hatred ate your soul, and then your brain.
That said president Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do, bring China to its knees and if that requires tariffs so be it.

You better pray that won’t happen.

Right now the farmers are hurting even with the welfare aids. Just imagine these farmers are unable to sell their products. Followed by John Deere and fertilizers companies.
How about fishermen, wine makers, shoes and just about everything we need in our daily lives? From health insurance to car insurance to your car brakes jobs to haircuts to fast food and your food on top of your table.

ALL PRICES GOES UP. You better pray that won’t happen. Negotiations started last year and no end insight. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12b last year & $16b this year. Next year $20b.

Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.
That said president Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do, bring China to its knees and if that requires tariffs so be it.

You better pray that won’t happen.

Right now the farmers are hurting even with the welfare aids. Just imagine these farmers are unable to sell their products. Followed by John Deere and fertilizers companies.
How about fishermen, wine makers, shoes and just about everything we need in our daily lives? From health insurance to car insurance to your car brakes jobs to haircuts to fast food and your food on top of your table.

ALL PRICES GOES UP. You better pray that won’t happen. Negotiations started last year and no end insight. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12b last year & $16b this year. Next year $20b.

  • 29% of consumer goods Americans get from China are currently subject to tariffs. Tomorrow, that’ll spike to 69%, per the AP.
  • Once increased tariffs on more Chinese goods go into effect on Dec. 15, almost all consumer goods we buy from China will be staring down tariffs.
Business groups are having a tough time swallowing this
The CEO of the U.S. Chamber of Commerce: "The current path of constant escalation doesn’t increase the likelihood of a deal; it risks a recession here at home."

Footwear Distributors and Retailers of America: "Brands have already said tariffs will dent job growth and shoe stores are saying it's a job killer."

Director of the University of Michigan survey on consumer sentiment:"The recent decline is due to negative references to tariffs, which were spontaneously mentioned by one in three consumers."

President Trump’s response:



Bottom line: Loyal Brew readers know that consumers have been powering the U.S. economy. But it’s clear that after this latest round of tariffs, retailers will have no choice but to raise prices on some goods. The question now is what happens when an unstoppable economic force meets an immovable tariff object?

Then don't buy from China, dumbass.
Angry incoherent lefties must be pretty dumb if they think Bloomie's opinion is important. What the hell do incoherent lefties really want? On one hand they ridicule Trump's tax breaks and before you can say Hillary they take the opposite tact and warn the President about raising taxes.
Just curious. Do you Trump supporters think that Trump EVER did anything that wasn't such a great move so far?
Sure we do liar, but no matter how many times we do, you liars still puke up the same bullshit.
Got an example of something Trump did that turned out to not be such a genius move? (I support some of his policies too)
Even his tariff deal was a good idea BUT the idiot didn't approach China with our allies backing him That could have brought a quicker ending Meanwhile many Americans are feeling the pain
What pain?

Like this Dude mould maker making a peanut of $80,000 a year.
How much do you think it’s worth if Trump has its way on trade war?

Cut down on beer from 6 packs a day to one pack a day, Skip lunch, macaroni and cheese every dinner, no more bus rides just walk.

You don’t have health insurance to start with because you cannot afford so you better pray you don’t get sick because we are not ( tax payers) going to bail you out.

You're so full of shit, Comrade.

Moving production from China to Laos or Nicaragua is just as easy as it was when Clinton moved production (and Union jobs) from America to China (and got filthy rich)
Just curious. Do you Trump supporters think that Trump EVER did anything that wasn't such a great move so far?
They think he walks on water

You're comparing Trump supporters mentality to that of a child?

OUCH that hurts.

Because the little boy praying to Obama is a Trump supporter. :thup:

You Communists are so smart

Why am I the cancer?? Because I hate this blabbering fool in our WH , because I despise the embarrassment he brings to our country? because I wonder at what idiots support him?

You're a hate filled retard with the same content between your ears that is in your depends.

NURSE, could someone see to this? Eddie shit himself again....:iyfyus.jpg:
Now your moron wants the G7 meeting next year at one of his properties in Fla during Hurricane season AND his lawyer barr wants to party there too ??? Did these republican AH's ever hear of the emolument clause?

Again idiot, he invited the group to his place, a common business practice. Big fucking deal. You TDS fools are desperate for ANYTHING to spew your rage and hatred over, no matter how minor or immaterial...

Since when an unethical business practices is acceptable?

We are not doing anything wrong we are just pointing out the irregularities of your president. That comes with the job.
That said president Trump is doing exactly what we elected him to do, bring China to its knees and if that requires tariffs so be it.

You better pray that won’t happen.

Right now the farmers are hurting even with the welfare aids. Just imagine these farmers are unable to sell their products. Followed by John Deere and fertilizers companies.
How about fishermen, wine makers, shoes and just about everything we need in our daily lives? From health insurance to car insurance to your car brakes jobs to haircuts to fast food and your food on top of your table.

ALL PRICES GOES UP. You better pray that won’t happen. Negotiations started last year and no end insight. At the same time we made farmers welfare recipients $12b last year & $16b this year. Next year $20b.

Comrade, while I get that the filthy traitors known as democrats are agents of Beijing, that the party serves Xi Jinping alone is well known. But what you lackies of China fail to grasp is that other countries exist. Already Vietnam is picking up manufacturing, Guatemala is a perfect choice, plenty of unskilled labor without the massive shipping costs from your country.

Agricultural exports to your country of China represent only 2.7% of total exports, nearly all are of Soybeans produced by massive Corporations. The sale of Mega Corporation Swift to China under Obama had a FAR greater impact, as pork products that had come from America were moved to China. But of course you had no problem with that, China won and democrats got paid.

Facts and logic don't fit the left's narrative on China and trade. One thing is clear, the left no longer give a shit about American workers, the poor or middle class. Worse, Dem assholes are trying to flood OUR country with 10's of millions of illegals which lowers wages for all of them.
Then don't buy from China, dumbass.

Idiot liberals have driven up the cost of doing business in the USA so high that...wait for it...bags of lettuce in the grocery store...yep made in China WTF. Its cheaper to grow lettuce in China, harvest it, bag it, and ship it clear across the Pacific ocean than to grow it locally? Goddamn.
Now your moron wants the G7 meeting next year at one of his properties in Fla during Hurricane season AND his lawyer barr wants to party there too ??? Did these republican AH's ever hear of the emolument clause?

Again idiot, he invited the group to his place, a common business practice. Big fucking deal. You TDS fools are desperate for ANYTHING to spew your rage and hatred over, no matter how minor or immaterial...

Since when an unethical business practices is acceptable?

We are not doing anything wrong we are just pointing out the irregularities of your president. That comes with the job.
View attachment 276959
In name only lol
Then don't buy from China, dumbass.

Idiot liberals have driven up the cost of doing business in the USA so high that...wait for it...bags of lettuce in the grocery store...yep made in China WTF. Its cheaper to grow lettuce in China, harvest it, bag it, and ship it clear across the Pacific ocean than to grow it locally? Goddamn.

For the record, only the plastic bag is made in China, the lettuce comes from Mexico. (Used to be Camarillo California, but Jerry Brown put an end to that)
George Bush Senior fucked over millions of Americans with his typical career politician bullshit

The economy tanked because of high taxes... deservedly so

Plus he was dumb enough to trust Dem's who knifed him in the back the first chance they got on that deal. You cannot negotiate with Dem's, they are lying scum who will backstab you on the deal every time.
Then don't buy from China, dumbass.

Idiot liberals have driven up the cost of doing business in the USA so high that...wait for it...bags of lettuce in the grocery store...yep made in China WTF. Its cheaper to grow lettuce in China, harvest it, bag it, and ship it clear across the Pacific ocean than to grow it locally? Goddamn.

For the record, only the plastic bag is made in China, the lettuce comes from Mexico. (Used to be Camarillo California, but Jerry Brown put an end to that)

No seriously "grown in China" my brother was making dinner and read that. He's a die hard Democrat. He about shit himself.

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