Ready For New Stiff Spine In Foreign Policy???

So do you agree with what Mattis said regarding Trump and Putin?

It's a simple question, lightweight. It's sad that you're too dishonest and stupid to really discuss your views. You're just a fucking Repug caricature.

What is your name again???

Seems all of your posts are as accurate as your avi.

I love it.

Can't even answer a simple question. What a lame ass lightweight.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect.

Remind me.....who did you claim would be the final Republican?????

Actually, I’m proud of you!
Not only are you a fool, but you announce it every time you post that avi!!!

Except for the fact that Trump didn't win. Hillary beat him by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting...

Let's examine the vote....

1. "Officially, Clinton has beaten Trump in the popular vote by approximately 2.5 million."

If you count Illegal aliens and dead folks.
How many of the 30 million illegal aliens voted?

How many?

2. "Be careful about sources."

How's this....LA Times:

7. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Wanna deny this:

6. "12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

How about disqualifying this guy...

3. "Clinton has beaten Trump in the popular vote by approximately 2.5 million."

Yup....but not if you only count legal voters.

"Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama."

Now....if 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted last time

....and now
a. their icon, Obama, told them to vote and not be concerned that there would be any penalty (as per the video)


b. the central issue in Trump's campaign was throwing them out of the nation that they invaded....

....ya' think maybe 13.2%....or 17.6%.....or more of 'em voted??????
What would logic dictate?

They voted?
You betcha'!!!!!!!

If any illegal aliens did vote (which I doubt), it doesn't make up for all of the Democrats who were prevented from voting due to voter suppression. There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016 than there were in 2012, overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create long lines, so that Democratic voters would go home without voting.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

So you lose, lightweight. Hillary Clinton won by over 2.6 million votes and by over 2%. This election has been stolen from her.
What is your name again???

Seems all of your posts are as accurate as your avi.

I love it.

Can't even answer a simple question. What a lame ass lightweight.

You've got no facts, no game, and no intellect.

Remind me.....who did you claim would be the final Republican?????

Actually, I’m proud of you!
Not only are you a fool, but you announce it every time you post that avi!!!

Except for the fact that Trump didn't win. Hillary beat him by 2% and 2.5 million votes and counting...

Let's examine the vote....

1. "Officially, Clinton has beaten Trump in the popular vote by approximately 2.5 million."

If you count Illegal aliens and dead folks.
How many of the 30 million illegal aliens voted?

How many?

2. "Be careful about sources."

How's this....LA Times:

7. "If you’ve visited the DMV in the last few weeks, you may have noticed that you can now complete your voter registration at the same time you renew your driver’s license — without having to fill out a separate form.... they will be registered as having no party preference. " Registered to vote at the DMV? Check again. Many who use the new process miss a vital step two

Wanna deny this:

6. "12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally" 12 States (and DC) That Allow Driver's Licenses for People in the Country Illegally - Illegal Immigration -

How about disqualifying this guy...

3. "Clinton has beaten Trump in the popular vote by approximately 2.5 million."

Yup....but not if you only count legal voters.

"Richman was the co-author of a 2014 study that looked at noncitizen voting in the 2008 and 2010 elections. In the comparable presidential election year, the Old Dominion study determined 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted in the 2008 presidential election, and about 81 percent of those voters backed Democrat Barack Obama."

Now....if 6.4 percent on noncitizens in the United States voted last time

....and now
a. their icon, Obama, told them to vote and not be concerned that there would be any penalty (as per the video)


b. the central issue in Trump's campaign was throwing them out of the nation that they invaded....

....ya' think maybe 13.2%....or 17.6%.....or more of 'em voted??????
What would logic dictate?

They voted?
You betcha'!!!!!!!

If any illegal aliens did vote (which I doubt), it doesn't make up for all of the Democrats who were prevented from voting due to voter suppression. There were 868 fewer voting locations in 2016 than there were in 2012, overwhelmingly in Democratic precincts. Why? Because Repug election officials wanted to create long lines, so that Democratic voters would go home without voting.

There Are 868 Fewer Places to Vote in 2016 Because the Supreme Court Gutted the Voting Rights Act

So you lose, lightweight. Hillary Clinton won by over 2.6 million votes and by over 2%. This election has been stolen from her.

"If any illegal aliens did vote (which I doubt),....


As if your avi didn't prove you enough of a dunce....his one is icing on the cake!'s gilding the lily.

Maybe you could change that foot-in-your-mouth avi to "Lily."
Mad Dog led an assault battalion in Operation Desert Storm...AND THAT'S THE WAY YOU'RE SUPPOSED TO LEAD IT! NO GAMES, FOLKS! MAD DOG DOESN'T PLAY GAMES!

He went after the Taliban and Al Qaeda VISCIOUSLY, AND HE WILL DESTROY ISIS!
2. Waterboarded????
Just about every college student has been, you dolt.

Umm, have you been to college?

Seems very unlikely on many counts, starting with obsessive thought patterns coupled with delusions.

Let me know when you're ready to compare educations.

Ah, so yes? You've been college?

How many times were you waterboarded?

The answer is ZERO, because you are obviously clueless about what it is and what it does, let alone how many college students it happens to.
2. Waterboarded????
Just about every college student has been, you dolt.

Umm, have you been to college?

Seems very unlikely on many counts, starting with obsessive thought patterns coupled with delusions.

Let me know when you're ready to compare educations.

Ah, so yes? You've been college?

How many times were you waterboarded?

The answer is ZERO, because you are obviously clueless about what it is and what it does, let alone how many college students it happens to.

Your education to attention.

“Now we are engaged in a great [civil] war, testing whether that nation, or any nation so conceived and so dedicated, can long endure.”
And the best defense against the possibility of another 9/11 is a mélange of distresses that every college student goes through, voluntarily.
According to the NYTimes, this is it:

NYTimes outline of “torture techniques”
Interrogation Techniques - Interactive Graphic -

And below, is pretty much the way I remember the ‘torture.’

1. Walling: "A flexible false wall will be constructed. The individual is placed with his heels touching the wall: The interrogator pulls the individual forward and then quickly and firmly pushes the individual into the wall. It is the individual's shoulder blades that hit the wall."

Anyone who’s been at a concert, or a sale at Nordstrom’s has been through this one. Any permanent injuries?

2. The Facial (or Insult) Slap (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"With the facial slap or insult slap, the interrogator slaps the individual's face with fingers slightly spread. The hand makes contact with the area directly between the tip of the individual's chin and the bottom of the corresponding earlobe. The interrogator invades the individual's personal space.”

This one is a toughie, since women today will put up with any behavior, but you guys who have gone out with ladies, may have had to contend with this ‘torture.’

3. Cramped Confinement & insects Placed In a Confinement Box (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)

"You would like to place (Abu) Zubaydah in a cramped confinement box with an insect. You have informed us that he appears to have a fear of insects. …place a harmless insect in the box."

There was the time we took a cabin in the woods. Yes, I was exposed to this horrid torture!

4. "With respect to the small confinement box, you have informed us that he would spend at most two hours in this box ... For the larger box, in which he can both stand and sit, he may be placed in this box for up to eighteen hours at a time ..."

It’ s also known by it’s alternate title: the dreaded ‘college dorm room!’ In one of the dorm rooms in Columbia, you actually had to have the door open to fit the bed!
And...when my family first came to NYC and couldn't find an apartment, we rented a Jamaican's hat.

5. Dietary Manipulation (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)
"This technique involves the substitution of commercial liquid meal replacements for normal food, presenting detainees with a bland, unappetizing, but nutritionally complete diet."

Now, this is torture. I remember after the first two weeks of staying up until 3 in the morning and eating nothing but junk food I was already 10 pounds heavier. You know what came next: the living hell of NutriSystem!

"Medical officers are required to ensure adequate fluid and nutritional intake, and frequent medial monitoring takes place while any detainee is undergoing dietary manipulation."

Plus, I didn’t get any medical officer, although there was this cute pre-med soph…

6. Nudity (Bradury memo, May 10, 2005)

"This technique is used to cause psychological discomfort, particularly if a detainee, for cultural or other reasons, is especially modest. When the technique is employed, clothing can be provided as an instant reward for cooperation... Interrogators can exploit the detainee's fear of being seen naked."

No details here, but I will tell you that at Vassar, we had co-ed bathrooms and showers.

7. Abdominal Slap (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"In this technique, the interrogator strikes the abdomen of the detainee with the back of his open hand. The interrogator must have no rings or other jewelry on his hand. The interrogator is positioned directly in front of the detainee, generally no more than than 18 inches from the detainees. With his fingers held tightly together and fully extended, and with his palm toward the interrogator's own body, using his elbow as a fixed pivot point, the interrogator slaps the detainee in the detainee's abdomen. The interrogator may not use a fist, and the slap must be delivered above the navel and below the sternum.”

Dreadful! Why, this is almost as bad as Dodge Ball!

8. Water Dousing and "Flicking" (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

"Cold water is poured on the detainee either from a container or from a hose without a nozzle.”

Do you have an older brother? Need I say more?

"… You have also described a variation of water dousing involving much smaller quantities of water; this variation is known as 'flicking.' Flicking of water is achieved by the interrogator wetting his fingers and then flicking them at the detainee, propelling droplets at the detainee."

This can’t be serious.

9. Sleep Deprivation (more than 48 hours) (Bradbury memo, May 10, 2005)

I get the heebie-jeebies just thinking of those No-Doz days, and nights.

"… In lieu of standing sleep deprivation, a detainee may instead be seated on and shackled to a small stool. The stool supports the detainee's weight, but is too small to permit the subject to balance himself sufficiently to go to sleep…

I’ve been in college lectures in similar situations.

10. Waterboarding (Bybee memo, August 1, 2002)
"Finally, you would like to use a technique called the 'waterboard.’ “..air flow is slightly restricted for 20 to 40 seconds."

Here is the biggie, waterboarding, or as we called it, Chug-a-Lug:

Wow, kind of reminds you of that line from “Pulp Fiction,”
"You hear me talking, hill-billy boy? I ain't through with you by a damn sight. I'ma get medieval on yer ass."

Of course, folks like you, girly-man, who never went to college, may not have faced those "tortures."

Did you want to mention the name of your gynecologist?
Last edited:
Tired of a President who bows to other potentates???

Check this out:
"Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense
....James N. Mattis to be secretary of defense, according to people familiar with the decision, nominating a former senior military officer who led operations across the Middle East to run the Pentagon less than four years after he hung up his uniform."
Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense

A bit of insight into who this man is:
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
One of the rules Maj. Gen. James Mattis gave his Marines to live by in Iraq, as quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (2006) by Thomas E. Ricks; as excerpted in Armed Forces Journal (August 2006)

The enemies of America: beware.

Russia gets green light. Hail Trump!
Tired of a President who bows to other potentates???

Check this out:
"Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense
....James N. Mattis to be secretary of defense, according to people familiar with the decision, nominating a former senior military officer who led operations across the Middle East to run the Pentagon less than four years after he hung up his uniform."
Trump has chosen retired Marine Gen. James Mattis for secretary of defense

A bit of insight into who this man is:
"Be polite, be professional, but have a plan to kill everybody you meet."
One of the rules Maj. Gen. James Mattis gave his Marines to live by in Iraq, as quoted in Fiasco: The American Military Adventure in Iraq (2006) by Thomas E. Ricks; as excerpted in Armed Forces Journal (August 2006)

The enemies of America: beware.

Russia gets green light. Hail Trump!

And your link says.....???? just made that up.

The usual Liberal attempt.
Trump asked General Patraeus how he compares to Mad Dog...

"sir, Mad Dog's better than I" replied General Petraeus
Weakbama's reluctance to use our military effectively has tremendously damaged morale...MAD DOG WILL BRING ABOUT A REVOLUTION IN OUR ARMY'S MORALE!
I wonder whether Mad Dog and the Wandering General supported getting involved in Syria at all? I thought it and Libya were fools errands. And as bad as the despots were, they were probably better than anything new. Obama's initial reaction was to stay the hell away, but the hawks like McCain pilloried him on Sunday talk shows, so we went in half assed.

It will be interesting to see what Trump does. Putting up with the stench of 3rd world despots (as Reagan did) takes a strong stomach
No doubt Tru mp is inheriting a huge mess in the ME created by Obama and Hillary. Good luck with that.
2. Waterboarded????
Just about every college student has been, you dolt.

Umm, have you been to college?

Seems very unlikely on many counts, starting with obsessive thought patterns coupled with delusions.

Let me know when you're ready to compare educations.

Ah, so yes? You've been college?

How many times were you waterboarded?

The answer is ZERO, because you are obviously clueless about what it is and what it does, let alone how many college students it happens to.

Your education to attention.

Fuck you and your dodge town.

Answer the question: Where you waterboarded in college or anywhere else?

Answer: NO.

So stfu about how all the college kids get waterboarded and what a walk in the park it is.
2. Waterboarded????
Just about every college student has been, you dolt.

Umm, have you been to college?

Seems very unlikely on many counts, starting with obsessive thought patterns coupled with delusions.

Let me know when you're ready to compare educations.

Ah, so yes? You've been college?

How many times were you waterboarded?

The answer is ZERO, because you are obviously clueless about what it is and what it does, let alone how many college students it happens to.

Your education to attention.

Fuck you and your dodge town.

Answer the question: Where you waterboarded in college or anywhere else?

Answer: NO.

So stfu about how all the college kids get waterboarded and what a walk in the park it is.
I agree with you, but I don't think it's possible to argue with someone living on another plane of existence.

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