Reagan & Conservatives -- Revisonist History 101

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Yeah, I do.

I don't think you do, because I've explained it to you twice and you still don't get it.
I have little doubt in the world of JoeB it makes perfect sense. But then by God's grace, so few of us live there.

In your world, denial of reality is pretty easy.

You rail against the strictures of civilized society, but you'd never want to live without them.
Why would I rail against a civilized society? I live in one. You live in a shit hole called Chicago. You should be railing for one ffs!
Again, Capitalism failed a whole 20 years after Communism did.

Maybe we need to try something new.

True Capitalism never's crony capitalism which fails

Doesnt' that sound like all the Communists who insist that what the USSR had wasn't "True" communism? The Trotskyites claimed it turned away from Communism in 1923 and the Stalinists claim it did in 1956.

Or all you religious nutters who kill each other because you think the other guy is a heretic and doesn't practice the "True" faith?

Any philosophy sounds great on paper, and usually gets screwed up when people get involved.

You're all over the map.... Lets keep it simple for you Joey

[ame=]Milton Friedman - I, Pencil - YouTube[/ame]
Joe B's problem is that he's wearing ideological "blinders" that make him see all of the problems inherent with capitalism while not seeing the good things that it provides. The truth of the matter is...capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other system known to man...yet Joe wants to replace it with systems that have impoverished countries like Cuba. He's a sad combination of naive and willfully ignorant.
Joe B's problem is that he's wearing ideological "blinders" that make him see all of the problems inherent with capitalism while not seeing the good things that it provides. The truth of the matter is...capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other system known to man...yet Joe wants to replace it with systems that have impoverished countries like Cuba. He's a sad combination of naive and willfully ignorant.

He used ta be a Republican, until be became a Communist
Marxists believe that there are no rights. There is no Private Property. There is only what the rest of society agrees you should have.

No, that's what EVERYONE believes.

Its why you can't go streaking naked down mainstreet today, guy. Because the rest of society has decided they don't want to see your junk, sight unseen.

No Honey Boo Boo, Marxists believe that the state owns everything and they deign to allocate you what they think you're entitled to

No, you see, guy, civilized societies have been doing that LONG before there was a guy named Marx....
I have little doubt in the world of JoeB it makes perfect sense. But then by God's grace, so few of us live there.

In your world, denial of reality is pretty easy.

You rail against the strictures of civilized society, but you'd never want to live without them.
Why would I rail against a civilized society? I live in one. You live in a shit hole called Chicago. You should be railing for one ffs!

You live in Germany's Whorehouse, you should talk.
Joe B's problem is that he's wearing ideological "blinders" that make him see all of the problems inherent with capitalism while not seeing the good things that it provides. The truth of the matter is...capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other system known to man...yet Joe wants to replace it with systems that have impoverished countries like Cuba. He's a sad combination of naive and willfully ignorant.

One more time for the stupid.

Cuba is "impoverished" because we've been waging a 50 year vindictive economic war on her for taking Meyer Lansky's casinos away from him.

What brought people out of poverty isn't Capitalism. It was that we had this thing called "A Labor Movement" in this country. Look it up, dumbass, it was in all the history books. And shit was pretty good, until a senile, braindamaged actor got into the White HOuse and fucked it up for the rest of us. .
Joe B's problem is that he's wearing ideological "blinders" that make him see all of the problems inherent with capitalism while not seeing the good things that it provides. The truth of the matter is...capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other system known to man...yet Joe wants to replace it with systems that have impoverished countries like Cuba. He's a sad combination of naive and willfully ignorant.

One more time for the stupid.

Cuba is "impoverished" because we've been waging a 50 year vindictive economic war on her for taking Meyer Lansky's casinos away from him.

What brought people out of poverty isn't Capitalism. It was that we had this thing called "A Labor Movement" in this country. Look it up, dumbass, it was in all the history books. And shit was pretty good, until a senile, braindamaged actor got into the White HOuse and fucked it up for the rest of us. .

Cuba is impoverished because it's employed a Marxist form of government for the past 50 years. It would have gone belly up long ago if it weren't for the Soviets providing them with billions of dollars in annual subsidies. Now the Cuban government is encouraging private enterprise (ie capitalism!!!) in an effort to jump start their floundering economy because they no longer get that money from the USSR.

You know so little about Cuba it's laughable, Joe...
Reagan's policies touched off the greatest period of wealth creation this country has ever seen, Joe. This liberal myth that Reagan somehow "fucked things up" is amusing. "The misery index, defined as the inflation rate added to the unemployment rate, shrunk from 19.33 when he began his administration to 9.72 when he left, the greatest improvement record for a President since Harry S. Truman left office.[33] In terms of American households, the percentage of total households making less than $10,000 a year (in real 2007 dollars) shrunk from 8.8% in 1980 to 8.3% in 1988 while the percentage of households making over $75,000 went from 20.2% to 25.7% during that period, both signs of progress.[34]" Wikipedia.
Joe B's problem is that he's wearing ideological "blinders" that make him see all of the problems inherent with capitalism while not seeing the good things that it provides. The truth of the matter is...capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other system known to man...yet Joe wants to replace it with systems that have impoverished countries like Cuba. He's a sad combination of naive and willfully ignorant.

One more time for the stupid.

Cuba is "impoverished" because we've been waging a 50 year vindictive economic war on her for taking Meyer Lansky's casinos away from him.

What brought people out of poverty isn't Capitalism. It was that we had this thing called "A Labor Movement" in this country. Look it up, dumbass, it was in all the history books. And shit was pretty good, until a senile, braindamaged actor got into the White HOuse and fucked it up for the rest of us. .

Cuba is impoverished because it's employed a Marxist form of government for the past 50 years. It would have gone belly up long ago if it weren't for the Soviets providing them with billions of dollars in annual subsidies. Now the Cuban government is encouraging private enterprise (ie capitalism!!!) in an effort to jump start their floundering economy because they no longer get that money from the USSR.

You know so little about Cuba it's laughable, Joe...

Guy, Soviets have been gone for 20 years, Cuba is still there.

But the assholes in Miami are STILL insisting we keep sanction on until the Cuban people admit they were wrong for chasing them out, and our gutless politicians go along with it.
Reagan's policies touched off the greatest period of wealth creation this country has ever seen, Joe. This liberal myth that Reagan somehow "fucked things up" is amusing. "The misery index, defined as the inflation rate added to the unemployment rate, shrunk from 19.33 when he began his administration to 9.72 when he left, the greatest improvement record for a President since Harry S. Truman left office.[33] In terms of American households, the percentage of total households making less than $10,000 a year (in real 2007 dollars) shrunk from 8.8% in 1980 to 8.3% in 1988 while the percentage of households making over $75,000 went from 20.2% to 25.7% during that period, both signs of progress.[34]" Wikipedia.

Reagan defeated inflation by gutting the middle class.

Here's the real sign of how fucked up things are. Adjusted for inflation, middle class wages have been flat, while CEO Compensation has increased 400%.
One more time for the stupid.

Cuba is "impoverished" because we've been waging a 50 year vindictive economic war on her for taking Meyer Lansky's casinos away from him.

What brought people out of poverty isn't Capitalism. It was that we had this thing called "A Labor Movement" in this country. Look it up, dumbass, it was in all the history books. And shit was pretty good, until a senile, braindamaged actor got into the White HOuse and fucked it up for the rest of us. .

Cuba is impoverished because it's employed a Marxist form of government for the past 50 years. It would have gone belly up long ago if it weren't for the Soviets providing them with billions of dollars in annual subsidies. Now the Cuban government is encouraging private enterprise (ie capitalism!!!) in an effort to jump start their floundering economy because they no longer get that money from the USSR.

You know so little about Cuba it's laughable, Joe...

Guy, Soviets have been gone for 20 years, Cuba is still there.
Cuba's an island, and despite Obama's democrats geological observations, islands do not tip over and disappear into the sea.

Guam Island will tip over according to US Rep Hank Johnson
Joe B's problem is that he's wearing ideological "blinders" that make him see all of the problems inherent with capitalism while not seeing the good things that it provides. The truth of the matter is...capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other system known to man...yet Joe wants to replace it with systems that have impoverished countries like Cuba. He's a sad combination of naive and willfully ignorant.

One more time for the stupid.

Cuba is "impoverished" because we've been waging a 50 year vindictive economic war on her for taking Meyer Lansky's casinos away from him.

What brought people out of poverty isn't Capitalism. It was that we had this thing called "A Labor Movement" in this country. Look it up, dumbass, it was in all the history books. And shit was pretty good, until a senile, braindamaged actor got into the White HOuse and fucked it up for the rest of us. .

Cuba is impoverished because that's the pot of stale bread at the end of the Rainbow of every single Progressive economy
Was there the possibility that Cuba would no longer be there. You're not the sharpest tack in the world, but again you do understand that islands do not tip over.
Joe B's problem is that he's wearing ideological "blinders" that make him see all of the problems inherent with capitalism while not seeing the good things that it provides. The truth of the matter is...capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other system known to man...yet Joe wants to replace it with systems that have impoverished countries like Cuba. He's a sad combination of naive and willfully ignorant.

One more time for the stupid.

Cuba is "impoverished" because we've been waging a 50 year vindictive economic war on her for taking Meyer Lansky's casinos away from him.

What brought people out of poverty isn't Capitalism. It was that we had this thing called "A Labor Movement" in this country. Look it up, dumbass, it was in all the history books. And shit was pretty good, until a senile, braindamaged actor got into the White HOuse and fucked it up for the rest of us. .

Cuba is impoverished because it's employed a Marxist form of government for the past 50 years. It would have gone belly up long ago if it weren't for the Soviets providing them with billions of dollars in annual subsidies. Now the Cuban government is encouraging private enterprise (ie capitalism!!!) in an effort to jump start their floundering economy because they no longer get that money from the USSR.

You know so little about Cuba it's laughable, Joe...

JoeB is convinced that this time they'll do Marxism right
Joe B's problem is that he's wearing ideological "blinders" that make him see all of the problems inherent with capitalism while not seeing the good things that it provides. The truth of the matter is...capitalism has taken more people out of poverty than any other system known to man...yet Joe wants to replace it with systems that have impoverished countries like Cuba. He's a sad combination of naive and willfully ignorant.

One more time for the stupid.

Cuba is "impoverished" because we've been waging a 50 year vindictive economic war on her for taking Meyer Lansky's casinos away from him.

What brought people out of poverty isn't Capitalism. It was that we had this thing called "A Labor Movement" in this country. Look it up, dumbass, it was in all the history books. And shit was pretty good, until a senile, braindamaged actor got into the White HOuse and fucked it up for the rest of us. .

Cuba is impoverished because that's the pot of stale bread at the end of the Rainbow of every single Progressive economy

Actually, despite our bad behavior, Cubans live far better today than they did under our puppet Batista.
One more time for the stupid.

Cuba is "impoverished" because we've been waging a 50 year vindictive economic war on her for taking Meyer Lansky's casinos away from him.

What brought people out of poverty isn't Capitalism. It was that we had this thing called "A Labor Movement" in this country. Look it up, dumbass, it was in all the history books. And shit was pretty good, until a senile, braindamaged actor got into the White HOuse and fucked it up for the rest of us. .

Cuba is impoverished because that's the pot of stale bread at the end of the Rainbow of every single Progressive economy

Actually, despite our bad behavior, Cubans live far better today than they did under our puppet Batista.

You really are what Stalin called useful idiot
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