Reaganites are RINOs


Diamond Member
Sep 27, 2012
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.
amnesty, guns to terrorists, drugs in the streets, corrupt administration..
Is that Reagan or Obama? :badgrin:
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.

I think that you are overstating the case, quit a bit,

BUT, another point is that times have changed. A couple of examples.

1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.

3. Immigration was a very different situation then. A reasonable person could reasonable expect things to work out without much fuss. Now only the deeply deluded could think that.

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more, that will come up.
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.

I think that you are overstating the case, quit a bit,

BUT, another point is that times have changed. A couple of examples.

1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.

3. Immigration was a very different situation then. A reasonable person could reasonable expect things to work out without much fuss. Now only the deeply deluded could think that.

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more, that will come up.
I just cant buy what ifs. You have no idea if his beliefs would be different or not.
The fact is, if reagan was POTUS today, he would either be a D or be slammed by the repubs for being a RINO
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.

I think that you are overstating the case, quit a bit,

BUT, another point is that times have changed. A couple of examples.

1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.

3. Immigration was a very different situation then. A reasonable person could reasonable expect things to work out without much fuss. Now only the deeply deluded could think that.

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more, that will come up.
I just cant buy what ifs. You have no idea if his beliefs would be different or not.
The fact is, if reagan was POTUS today, he would either be a D or be slammed by the repubs for being a RINO

I made no mention of "What if"s.

I pointed out that today, different aspects of a person's political position are more or less important then they were then.

Take Anti-Communism. In the 80s, that was very important. A person could be judged almost exclusively on that, due to how important it was to hold the line.

Today? IF some idiot thinks we need to have trade with Cuba? Not a threat to World Peace.
Zionist hate Reagan. Reagan didn't fall for Israel's bait when Israel murdered our Marines in Lebanon and tried to frame Hezbo for it.

W, O, LBJ would have attacked Hezbo immediately.....
I have noticed the Republicans call them that. However, at the same time, defend that goober through thick and thin.

I think that you are overstating the case, quit a bit,

BUT, another point is that times have changed. A couple of examples.

1. Being a strong anti-communist is less central now.

2. Free Trade was a policy that made a lot of sense then. Now, it, at least as it has been practiced, is obviously an utter failure.

3. Immigration was a very different situation then. A reasonable person could reasonable expect things to work out without much fuss. Now only the deeply deluded could think that.

Just off the top of my head. I'm sure there is more, that will come up.
I just cant buy what ifs. You have no idea if his beliefs would be different or not.
The fact is, if reagan was POTUS today, he would either be a D or be slammed by the repubs for being a RINO

Trump supporters now claim Romney, McCain, and both Bushes were RINOs all along despite supporting every one of them. They only still praise Reagan because it was far enough back that they think we'll forget that he wasn't much different than the rest. It helps them justify the dismantling of their own ideals with the election of Trump.
My scorecard is worn out. I don't know what is what in that party any more.

Do you see the difference in the situation with regard to Free Trade?

Then it was easy to believe that a period of increased competition would lead to stronger US companies that would compete and the jobs would either come back or be replaced by new high tech jobs.

That did not happen.
OF all the recent disasters the US has had in the Oval Office, you picked the one who actually did a lot of good....

Did you prefer, W, LBJ, and O to Reagan?
OF all the recent disasters the US has had in the Oval Office, you picked the one who actually did a lot of good....

Did you prefer, W, LBJ, and O to Reagan?
I dont prefer any of them. I havent liked a POTUS since JFK. Some of his beliefs i didnt care for, but he actually thought about the people. At least from what i have read.
I also dont consider arming terrorists, putting drugs in the streets, corrupt administrations etc as "good"
I havent liked a POTUS since JFK

"Arming Terrorists" = "Iran Contra"


Get real.

If you consider Iran "terrorist," you are either Zionist or a clueless parrot of media misinfo you never check up on...

Name the wars started by "terrorist" Iran....
REAGAN was the first with amnesty so he messed everything up . Reagan also did some gun laws that are bad for Americans . My opinion is that it was really 'ghwb' that was too influential on Reagans thinking and policies . Reagan was a 'bush' type rino conservative and its the surviving 'bushes' that are rinos and the big problem . ------------- just a comment .
I havent liked a POTUS since JFK

"Arming Terrorists" = "Iran Contra"


Get real.

If you consider Iran "terrorist," you are either Zionist or a clueless parrot of media misinfo you never check up on...

Name the wars started by "terrorist" Iran....
Operation cyclone actually. Your guessing game sucks a big one LOL
TN Harley checks "Funny" then checks and finds out the Zionist misinfo on Iran is 100% bullshit, and his pathetic birdbrain has been parroting BULLSHIT for years...

Learn to CHECK UP on "facts" from the Israeli owned "US" media....

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