Real Americans Excuse Pres. Donald's Prolific Compulsive Lying

You know exactly what I am suggesting. Well, not suggesting, saying.

No, I don't, it's not easy trying to follow what liberals call logic.

I'm pro-life. I support the 2nd Amendment. I believe we need a balanced budget amendment. What makes me a liberal?

That I understand the rest of the world has started to undermine the dollar as the world currency?

There are a few more amendments other than the 2nd. Having a balanced budget amendment is pure BS, that would just allow politicians to create more "creative" accounting principles. What makes you a liberal is all your stupid-ass comments.

I support all the Amendments. You?

Absolutely. Now enough of your BS.

SO it seems we are both liberals.
No, I don't, it's not easy trying to follow what liberals call logic.

I'm pro-life. I support the 2nd Amendment. I believe we need a balanced budget amendment. What makes me a liberal?

That I understand the rest of the world has started to undermine the dollar as the world currency?

There are a few more amendments other than the 2nd. Having a balanced budget amendment is pure BS, that would just allow politicians to create more "creative" accounting principles. What makes you a liberal is all your stupid-ass comments.

I support all the Amendments. You?

Absolutely. Now enough of your BS.

SO it seems we are both liberals.

From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

Isn’t that what politicians are supposed to do...advance the agenda of their constituency?
Making wetbacks, wack-jobs, weirdos and degenerates feel like the pillars of America was never supposed to be a duty of the POTUS...the Kenyan made you believe it was though.
Trump is the one who is FINALLY telling the truth--telling it like it is
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.

Unfortunately the media is largely biased today. It always has been to a point but it's gone way overboard today. It goes both ways. Is that a lie? I do not defend Trump's lies but I'm not sure this is one.

The media shouldn't be handing the questions to one candidate before the debate.
While the "main stream" media may lean left, and may express opinions that way, their reporting is largely factual. Mistakes are made occasionally, and retractions/corrections issued, but lies?


Another note:

It's important for a news distinguish between news and opinion. This is largely where Fox falls down, presenting people like Hannity as reporters or anchors instead of entertainers. Their actual reporting is largely factual.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious. is not the same

Politicians may stretch the truth or misrepresent certain facts

Trump flat out lies, creates his own facts and alternate facts. He lies about things that can easily be proven false and then forces his staff to support the lie.
When the Dems admit that they want open borders to get more electors, then that will be simply one less lie that they're perpetrating.
Only citizens can vote
When can you admit that illegals are not swamping our polls
Trump is the one who is FINALLY telling the truth--telling it like it is
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.

Unfortunately the media is largely biased today. It always has been to a point but it's gone way overboard today. It goes both ways. Is that a lie? I do not defend Trump's lies but I'm not sure this is one.

The media shouldn't be handing the questions to one candidate before the debate.
While the "main stream" media may lean left, and may express opinions that way, their reporting is largely factual. Mistakes are made occasionally, and retractions/corrections issued, but lies?


Another note:

It's important for a news distinguish between news and opinion. This is largely where Fox falls down, presenting people like Hannity as reporters or anchors instead of entertainers. Their actual reporting is largely factual.
''may'' lean left????? hahahahahhahahahahah
''factual'''---BIG hahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha
Smollet/Covington RECENT examples
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.
"All politicians are liars". There is some truth there, but it is dismissive of tRump's compulsive daily, sometimes hourly, lies. tRump has set new highs (or lows depending on how you look at it) for lying. Compairing other politician's lies to tRump's is like compairing a farm pond to lake Erie, or a drainage ditch to the Amazon river.

Stop trying to minimize the issue.
So Trump is the biggest lying politician of all time. I stopped caring about all the political lying a few decades ago. YYAAAWWWNNN!!! :bigbed:
You are still trying to minimize it. I understand, it would be bad for you to admit it is worse.
Trump is the one who is FINALLY telling the truth--telling it like it is
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.

Unfortunately the media is largely biased today. It always has been to a point but it's gone way overboard today. It goes both ways. Is that a lie? I do not defend Trump's lies but I'm not sure this is one.

The media shouldn't be handing the questions to one candidate before the debate.
While the "main stream" media may lean left, and may express opinions that way, their reporting is largely factual. Mistakes are made occasionally, and retractions/corrections issued, but lies?

Factual can still be one sided. You can factually call out one side while ignoring the other doing the same.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
Bernie Sanders: six lies in five minutes
A blog by someone named "comrade winter"?

You can't be serious.
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.

lies (plural noun)
  1. an intentionally false statement.
I don't think there was any question about the definition of the word.

Unless you are saying tRump doesn't realize he's lying? That he is so delusional he truly believes everything he says and tweets?

You realize that would almost be worse, right?

Donald definitely believes what he is saying. He's a plain speaking person that speaks his mind passionately and unapologetically. That's why so many people connected to him. It's why he won and will win again. I'll take any populist over any partisan flunky any day.
If he really believes what he's saying he is completely delusional and should be locked up.for his own safety.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious. is not the same

Politicians may stretch the truth or misrepresent certain facts

Trump flat out lies, creates his own facts and alternate facts. He lies about things that can easily be proven false and then forces his staff to support the lie.
When the Dems admit that they want open borders to get more electors, then that will be simply one less lie that they're perpetrating.
Only citizens can vote
When can you admit that illegals are not swamping our polls
All the beaners vote Dem, that's the ONLY reason the Dems want open borders. If they all voted GOP, do you think that the Dems would want them in or out? Now answer honestly.
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.
"All politicians are liars". There is some truth there, but it is dismissive of tRump's compulsive daily, sometimes hourly, lies. tRump has set new highs (or lows depending on how you look at it) for lying. Compairing other politician's lies to tRump's is like compairing a farm pond to lake Erie, or a drainage ditch to the Amazon river.

Stop trying to minimize the issue.
So Trump is the biggest lying politician of all time. I stopped caring about all the political lying a few decades ago. YYAAAWWWNNN!!! :bigbed:
You are still trying to minimize it. I understand, it would be bad for you to admit it is worse.
I'm a Libertarian, not a Rep. And supported Obummer... for a while. And there are a lot of things that Trump makes me gag on, but his lying isn't one of them, I find it hilarious actually.
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
Bernie Sanders: six lies in five minutes
A blog by someone named "comrade winter"?

You can't be serious.
He either said those things or he didn't. Stop attacking the messenger because you have nothing.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
Bernie Sanders: six lies in five minutes
A blog by someone named "comrade winter"?

You can't be serious.
He either said those things or he didn't. Stop attacking the messenger because you have nothing.

The first was not a lie. When you start off with a falsehood and with the type of site it is, there really is no need to continue.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
Bernie Sanders: six lies in five minutes
A blog by someone named "comrade winter"?

You can't be serious.
He either said those things or he didn't. Stop attacking the messenger because you have nothing.

The first was not a lie. When you start off with a falsehood and with the type of site it is, there really is no need to continue.
All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont
Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
Bernie Sanders: six lies in five minutes
A blog by someone named "comrade winter"?

You can't be serious.
He either said those things or he didn't. Stop attacking the messenger because you have nothing.

The first was not a lie. When you start off with a falsehood and with the type of site it is, there really is no need to continue.
All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont

Let's start here.

Forty percent of the guns in this country are sold without any background checks."

While indeed false it's far higher than that. Thousands of guns are sold every day without a background check. For the record, I am OK with that but that is not what the site was going after. They are arguing it's far less.

The site then argues it's around 20%. No, really, I have no idea the exact number but it's probably 80%. New guns sold have a check but the thousands upon thousands of used guns sold generally do not.

But, what Bernie did here was quote a study. He did not supply the study. The study can be wrong but that does not make his statement a lie.


Bernie Sanders wrongly says Donald Trump did not apologize........

The site argues that the campaign put out a statement that "if anyone was offended, sorry".

That is not an apology. That is saying that they are sorry if anyone was offended by Trump's statement, not that Trump was sorry for the statement.

Do I have to do them all?
A blog by someone named "comrade winter"?

You can't be serious.
He either said those things or he didn't. Stop attacking the messenger because you have nothing.

The first was not a lie. When you start off with a falsehood and with the type of site it is, there really is no need to continue.
All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont

Let's start here.

Forty percent of the guns in this country are sold without any background checks."

While indeed false it's far higher than that. Thousands of guns are sold every day without a background check. For the record, I am OK with that but that is not what the site was going after. They are arguing it's far less.

The site then argues it's around 20%. No, really, I have no idea the exact number but it's probably 80%. New guns sold have a check but the thousands upon thousands of used guns sold generally do not.

But, what Bernie did here was quote a study. He did not supply the study. The study can be wrong but that does not make his statement a lie.


Bernie Sanders wrongly says Donald Trump did not apologize........

The site argues that the campaign put out a statement that "if anyone was offended, sorry".

That is not an apology. That is saying that they are sorry if anyone was offended by Trump's statement, not that Trump was sorry for the statement.

Do I have to do them all?
A blog by someone named "comrade winter"?

You can't be serious.
He either said those things or he didn't. Stop attacking the messenger because you have nothing.

The first was not a lie. When you start off with a falsehood and with the type of site it is, there really is no need to continue.
All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont

Let's start here.

Forty percent of the guns in this country are sold without any background checks."

While indeed false it's far higher than that. Thousands of guns are sold every day without a background check. For the record, I am OK with that but that is not what the site was going after. They are arguing it's far less.

The site then argues it's around 20%. No, really, I have no idea the exact number but it's probably 80%. New guns sold have a check but the thousands upon thousands of used guns sold generally do not.

But, what Bernie did here was quote a study. He did not supply the study. The study can be wrong but that does not make his statement a lie.


Bernie Sanders wrongly says Donald Trump did not apologize........

The site argues that the campaign put out a statement that "if anyone was offended, sorry".

That is not an apology. That is saying that they are sorry if anyone was offended by Trump's statement, not that Trump was sorry for the statement.

Do I have to do them all?
View attachment 271792

So you believe that only 20% of guns sold in this country are done without a background check?
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Why do you hate America?
He either said those things or he didn't. Stop attacking the messenger because you have nothing.

The first was not a lie. When you start off with a falsehood and with the type of site it is, there really is no need to continue.
All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont

Let's start here.

Forty percent of the guns in this country are sold without any background checks."

While indeed false it's far higher than that. Thousands of guns are sold every day without a background check. For the record, I am OK with that but that is not what the site was going after. They are arguing it's far less.

The site then argues it's around 20%. No, really, I have no idea the exact number but it's probably 80%. New guns sold have a check but the thousands upon thousands of used guns sold generally do not.

But, what Bernie did here was quote a study. He did not supply the study. The study can be wrong but that does not make his statement a lie.


Bernie Sanders wrongly says Donald Trump did not apologize........

The site argues that the campaign put out a statement that "if anyone was offended, sorry".

That is not an apology. That is saying that they are sorry if anyone was offended by Trump's statement, not that Trump was sorry for the statement.

Do I have to do them all?
View attachment 271792

So you believe that only 20% of guns sold in this country are done without a background check?
I don't know what the number is, just that Bernie lied. Plus, I've been wanting to use that pict for a while. :biggrin:

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