Real Americans Excuse Pres. Donald's Prolific Compulsive Lying

The first was not a lie. When you start off with a falsehood and with the type of site it is, there really is no need to continue.
All False statements involving Bernie Sanders | PolitiFact Vermont

Let's start here.

Forty percent of the guns in this country are sold without any background checks."

While indeed false it's far higher than that. Thousands of guns are sold every day without a background check. For the record, I am OK with that but that is not what the site was going after. They are arguing it's far less.

The site then argues it's around 20%. No, really, I have no idea the exact number but it's probably 80%. New guns sold have a check but the thousands upon thousands of used guns sold generally do not.

But, what Bernie did here was quote a study. He did not supply the study. The study can be wrong but that does not make his statement a lie.


Bernie Sanders wrongly says Donald Trump did not apologize........

The site argues that the campaign put out a statement that "if anyone was offended, sorry".

That is not an apology. That is saying that they are sorry if anyone was offended by Trump's statement, not that Trump was sorry for the statement.

Do I have to do them all?
View attachment 271792

So you believe that only 20% of guns sold in this country are done without a background check?
I don't know what the number is, just that Bernie lied. Plus, I've been wanting to use that pict for a while. :biggrin:

The site that called it a lie doesn't know what the number is either. The simple fact is, there is no one that knows.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Why do you hate America?
Thank you for proving the point of the thread. Anyone who criticizes or disagrees with Trump is unAmerican and must hate America. Only Trump loyalist are true and real Americans in delusional Trump world.
I don't disagree that people excuse the lies out of their politician. It's OK when their guy does it but not when the other does. No, I do not understand this.
“The ideal subject of totalitarian rule is not the convinced Nazi or the convinced communist, but people for whom the distinction between fact and fiction and the distinction between true and false no longer exist.”
The Origins of Totalitarianism
Hannah Arendt

These words increasingly sound less like a dispatch from another century than a chilling description of the political and cultural landscape we inhabit today. Today's world is one in which fake news and lies are emitted in a Twitter feed by the president at a lightening pace and amplified by Internet troll factories. The opposition, eager to fight back takes those lies and creates even more lies.

Without commonly agreed-on facts, not Republican facts, not Democratic facts, not the alternative facts, there can be no rational debate over policies, no substantive means of evaluating candidates for political office, and no way to hold elected officials accountable to the people. Without truth, democracy will die. And that is the ultimate goal of our enemies. Trump is just a tool. Any narcissistic demigod in the oval office who seeks to create his own reality would do.
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From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious. is not the same

Politicians may stretch the truth or misrepresent certain facts

Trump flat out lies, creates his own facts and alternate facts. He lies about things that can easily be proven false and then forces his staff to support the lie.
When the Dems admit that they want open borders to get more electors, then that will be simply one less lie that they're perpetrating.
Only citizens can vote
When can you admit that illegals are not swamping our polls
All the beaners vote Dem, that's the ONLY reason the Dems want open borders. If they all voted GOP, do you think that the Dems would want them in or out? Now answer honestly.
Citizens vote
Not saying he doesn't lie, but dems consider everything they disagree with as a lie as well. Why do you guys even give a hoot if a politician lies? Is this somehow surprising?
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Why do you hate America?
Thank you for proving the point of the thread. Anyone who criticizes or disagrees with Trump is unAmerican and must hate America. Only Trump loyalist are true and real Americans in delusional Trump world.
Go back to whatever Muslim country you came from!
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.
Not saying he doesn't lie, but dems consider everything they disagree with as a lie as well. Why do you guys even give a hoot if a politician lies? Is this somehow surprising?
Because it impacts not only his credibility but our credibility as a nation
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.
No politician lies with the frequency of Trump

Not even close
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.
No politician lies with the frequency of Trump

Not even close
We've never seen anything like this.

Hopefully we won't again.
No President is above criticism. If Trump made less specious comments he wouldn’t be receiving such obloquy.
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.

Unfortunately the media is largely biased today. It always has been to a point but it's gone way overboard today. It goes both ways. Is that a lie? I do not defend Trump's lies but I'm not sure this is one.

The media shouldn't be handing the questions to one candidate before the debate.
While the "main stream" media may lean left, and may express opinions that way, their reporting is largely factual. Mistakes are made occasionally, and retractions/corrections issued, but lies?


Another note:

It's important for a news distinguish between news and opinion. This is largely where Fox falls down, presenting people like Hannity as reporters or anchors instead of entertainers. Their actual reporting is largely factual.
''may'' lean left????? hahahahahhahahahahah
''factual'''---BIG hahahahahahhahahahahahhahaha
Smollet/Covington RECENT examples
How nice for you.
How about that Seth Rich thing? One of dozens.
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.

Unfortunately the media is largely biased today. It always has been to a point but it's gone way overboard today. It goes both ways. Is that a lie? I do not defend Trump's lies but I'm not sure this is one.

The media shouldn't be handing the questions to one candidate before the debate.
While the "main stream" media may lean left, and may express opinions that way, their reporting is largely factual. Mistakes are made occasionally, and retractions/corrections issued, but lies?

Factual can still be one sided. You can factually call out one side while ignoring the other doing the same.
Not saying he doesn't lie, but dems consider everything they disagree with as a lie as well. Why do you guys even give a hoot if a politician lies? Is this somehow surprising?
It's one thing to break promises and predictions since no president can control all future events. It something quite different to deny widely accepted facts, to change documented past events to fit your your needs, and to deny what you have said when it's recorded for the world to see.

So many Trump supporters don't care if the president lies because all politician lie so that makes it Ok. Wrong. Consistent substitution of truth with lies does not just undermine democracy, it undermines our bearing in the real world thereby laying the groundwork for replacing our democratic system of government with a totalitarian system. This what Trump's real value is to our enemies, to sow the seeds of distrust in the our leadership, the news media, and even ourselves.
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From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.

You have to be more specific. Some of his family is in official roles. It is valid to condemn them if they are doing something you disagree with.
at the end of the day my friends, Trump, like Nixon before him, will find himself home alone in the oval, with the hinterlands betrayed, the GOP defenders silenced, and the imperious city thirsting for the kill

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