Real Americans Excuse Pres. Donald's Prolific Compulsive Lying

From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.

You have to be more specific. Some of his family is in official roles. It is valid to condemn them if they are doing something you disagree with.

How about attacking his youngest son, his daughter Tiffany, and his wife? I'll sum it up for you guys. A person can have an Obama bumper sticker in Indiana, and have no trouble at all. What happens if someone has a Trump bumper sticker on either cost? What would the media say about it? Being civil would be a great thing, but hating Trump is no reason to justify such behavior. Maybe we could quit telling people to be offended by Trump, and decide to stop physically assaulting people we don't agree with.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Trump points out all the lies of the Democrats, so you attempt to lable Trump the liar. Good one. To be a DemoRAT all we have to do is:

Excuse pedophiles

Excuse rapists

Excuse sexual battery

That is it, accept sexual deviants and you or I can be a DemoRAT!!
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.

You have to be more specific. Some of his family is in official roles. It is valid to condemn them if they are doing something you disagree with.

How about attacking his youngest son, his daughter Tiffany, and his wife?

You never attack a presidents minor kids. Never. I don't know that I've seen Tiffany mentioned much at all. The wife of a president is a trickier position. Many attacked Michelle Obama quite often. If she is speaking up on policy, it's legit. Melania pretty much stays to herself so not much there. Melania get attacked because of her previous actions of adultery and posing naked when people like Franklin Graham hold her up as some sort of role model.

I'll sum it up for you guys. A person can have an Obama bumper sticker in Indiana, and have no trouble at all. What happens if someone has a Trump bumper sticker on either cost? What would the media say about it? Being civil would be a great thing, but hating Trump is no reason to justify such behavior. Maybe we could quit telling people to be offended by Trump, and decide to stop physically assaulting people we don't agree with.

I don't believe I've seen many advocate for actual physical assault. There was that guy in Charlottesville but luckily that is not common.
How about the lie of the DECADE!

Obama, "If you like your health care plan, you can keep it,"
“The day after it happened, I acknowledged that this was an act of terrorism.”

Obama the liar, in referring to the attack on 9/11, in Benghazi! Obama never acknowledged that the killing of our Ambassador was an act of terrorism.

Better yet, what was Obama's response, militarily?
I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.

You have to be more specific. Some of his family is in official roles. It is valid to condemn them if they are doing something you disagree with.

How about attacking his youngest son, his daughter Tiffany, and his wife?

You never attack a presidents minor kids. Never. I don't know that I've seen Tiffany mentioned much at all. The wife of a president is a trickier position. Many attacked Michelle Obama quite often. If she is speaking up on policy, it's legit. Melania pretty much stays to herself so not much there. Melania get attacked because of her previous actions of adultery and posing naked when people like Franklin Graham hold her up as some sort of role model.

I'll sum it up for you guys. A person can have an Obama bumper sticker in Indiana, and have no trouble at all. What happens if someone has a Trump bumper sticker on either cost? What would the media say about it? Being civil would be a great thing, but hating Trump is no reason to justify such behavior. Maybe we could quit telling people to be offended by Trump, and decide to stop physically assaulting people we don't agree with.

I don't believe I've seen many advocate for actual physical assault. There was that guy in Charlottesville but luckily that is not common.

I don't think Melania's past makes her fair game. Like you said, she pretty much keeps to herself. Also, it might be helpful if the media and the Democrats condemned Antifa. It would also be helpful if people like Maxine Waters quit telling people to harass people in public. Nothing wrong with disagreeing, but maybe pay more attention to the targets. The media and the Democrat leadership are silent on violence and openly promote harassment. There is no need to assault people for hats and bumper stickers. There is no way to justify it.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.

You have to be more specific. Some of his family is in official roles. It is valid to condemn them if they are doing something you disagree with.

How about attacking his youngest son, his daughter Tiffany, and his wife?

You never attack a presidents minor kids. Never. I don't know that I've seen Tiffany mentioned much at all. The wife of a president is a trickier position. Many attacked Michelle Obama quite often. If she is speaking up on policy, it's legit. Melania pretty much stays to herself so not much there. Melania get attacked because of her previous actions of adultery and posing naked when people like Franklin Graham hold her up as some sort of role model.

I'll sum it up for you guys. A person can have an Obama bumper sticker in Indiana, and have no trouble at all. What happens if someone has a Trump bumper sticker on either cost? What would the media say about it? Being civil would be a great thing, but hating Trump is no reason to justify such behavior. Maybe we could quit telling people to be offended by Trump, and decide to stop physically assaulting people we don't agree with.

I don't believe I've seen many advocate for actual physical assault. There was that guy in Charlottesville but luckily that is not common.

I don't think Melania's past makes her fair game. Like you said, she pretty much keeps to herself. Also, it might be helpful if the media and the Democrats condemned Antifa. It would also be helpful if people like Maxine Waters quit telling people to harass people in public. Nothing wrong with disagreeing, but maybe pay more attention to the targets. The media and the Democrat leadership are silent on violence and openly promote harassment. There is no need to assault people for hats and bumper stickers. There is no way to justify it.

Waters should not have said what she said. No excuse out of that from an elected official. I noted why Melania gets caught in the cross hairs. Maybe it's not fair but there is a point there to be made.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
You are correct-he lies, sews confusion, and name calls. All bad. I still prefer him to others for this reason-he is killing the political correctness that has taken over our society. You can't call a black bad or you are racist. Really? You can't call a woman bad or you are sexist. You can't do a good job unless you are polite??? He is doing a good job despite the attacks on his character and actions. If Biden had the same agenda as Trump, I would vote for him.

You have a lot of trouble with women and black folks, do you?

Let's start here.

Forty percent of the guns in this country are sold without any background checks."

While indeed false it's far higher than that. Thousands of guns are sold every day without a background check. For the record, I am OK with that but that is not what the site was going after. They are arguing it's far less.

The site then argues it's around 20%. No, really, I have no idea the exact number but it's probably 80%. New guns sold have a check but the thousands upon thousands of used guns sold generally do not.

But, what Bernie did here was quote a study. He did not supply the study. The study can be wrong but that does not make his statement a lie.


Bernie Sanders wrongly says Donald Trump did not apologize........

The site argues that the campaign put out a statement that "if anyone was offended, sorry".

That is not an apology. That is saying that they are sorry if anyone was offended by Trump's statement, not that Trump was sorry for the statement.

Do I have to do them all?
View attachment 271792

So you believe that only 20% of guns sold in this country are done without a background check?
I don't know what the number is, just that Bernie lied. Plus, I've been wanting to use that pict for a while. :biggrin:

The site that called it a lie doesn't know what the number is either. The simple fact is, there is no one that knows.
So Bernie made up a number. Got it.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Americans got use to Presidents lying under Obama....Trump is nothing new, not the 1st, and not the worst.

I would rather have a President who lies yet delivers the strongest economy & lowest unemployment in decades than a lot g President who supports terrorists, gave Russia Uranium / Crimea, set an administration record for federal non-compliance with FISA, and dragged the US into 2 illegal wars to help Al Qaeda & ISIS...
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.
During his campaign speeches, Trump encouraged that protestors be beat up
He even offered to pay any fines
That's the big picture question going forward - is this a one-off or the new normal?

His fans have made it abundantly clear that NONE of his behaviors matter as long as he pushes their political agenda forward. That opens the door to the Democrats doing the same thing, and down the toilet we go, where there are no rules, no standards, no expectations.

This is the predictable result when we make a deal with the devil and forgive everything. This might just be the beginning.

I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.

You have to be more specific. Some of his family is in official roles. It is valid to condemn them if they are doing something you disagree with.

How about attacking his youngest son, his daughter Tiffany, and his wife? I'll sum it up for you guys. A person can have an Obama bumper sticker in Indiana, and have no trouble at all. What happens if someone has a Trump bumper sticker on either cost? What would the media say about it? Being civil would be a great thing, but hating Trump is no reason to justify such behavior. Maybe we could quit telling people to be offended by Trump, and decide to stop physically assaulting people we don't agree with.
No excuse for our Presidents poor behavior
I did not support his criticism of an American city, but overall I don't get too excited about his personal conduct. His political enemies are fair game, and except for Ted Cruz's dad, he leaves people's families alone. I don't think it is Trump supporters problem for supporting someone who actually delivers on policies we wanted. I think the biggest issue is his enemies constantly stroking out over ever thing he does. For example two scoops of ice cream. I think it is a fail to attack voters for supporting someone who is a match on policy. It is a bit petty.
I'd agree completely that there are a LOT of people who take every last single possible little thing and go completely off the rails with it. It happened with Obama and it's happening with Trump, and there's no reason to believe that it's going to improve with the next President. The lunatics are running the asylum.

But I don't think it's unreasonable to wonder how far we plan on lowering our standards. I'm talking about the most fundamental aspects of behaviors that we have always expected from adults, let alone the President of the United States. This is a man who says or tweets something virtually every day for which we would scold our children, and to forgive that says more about us than it says about him.

And that's my real concern. Trump is merely a symptom. Like Kim Kardashian. It can't be a good sign for a culture to lionize people like this, yet here we are.

I've noticed the deterioration of discourse as well. It became real evident when the media began attacking W. Bush. It was a blatant lack of respect. I think many people are being too sensitive about the tweeting. Not a fan of attacking Baltimore, but in general it is pretty harmless. I'm having trouble understanding Democrat's moral conundrums about Trump, when the media is actually attacking his family. It is not ok to say the other side does it too, but if you are worried about people going too low, attacking people's families seems much worse than critical tweets. Encouraging the public to attack other citizens is just sick. Trump tweets, but he doesn't attack children and encourage the public to beat up people who disagree.

You have to be more specific. Some of his family is in official roles. It is valid to condemn them if they are doing something you disagree with.

How about attacking his youngest son, his daughter Tiffany, and his wife? I'll sum it up for you guys. A person can have an Obama bumper sticker in Indiana, and have no trouble at all. What happens if someone has a Trump bumper sticker on either cost? What would the media say about it? Being civil would be a great thing, but hating Trump is no reason to justify such behavior. Maybe we could quit telling people to be offended by Trump, and decide to stop physically assaulting people we don't agree with.
No excuse for our Presidents poor behavior
That's the bottom line.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?

Trumps lying is accepted and condoned by his supporters

What it does though is it destroy all his credibility as a leader. The initial reaction to any Trump statement must be.......he is probably lying

What it does is it makes it more difficult to get the public to support extreme actions like a war or major military action

It also makes it almost impossible for Trump to build an international coalition or make a trade deal.
Trump is not liked or trusted anywhere in the world. Even if a leader is ready to work with Trump, the people of that country will not support it

Yes, because Trump is the first politician and/or president to lie in the history of the world.

if you like your plan, you can keep your plan, period.

I was against gay marriage before I was for it.
I'm sorry, but this is a bunch of bullcrap. I already mentioned a few of the comments I was not ok with, but you can find comments like these by anyone in public life. This is just 'I hate Trump' so so should you. I kind of figured Democrats didn't like him. I find all this hand wringing and concern to be completely ridiculous. You guys hate him, we get it. Jeez.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Flame Bait?
Flame Zone.

Please list the lies you are going to lie about Donald Trump lying about

Your entire party is based on lies, from lying about gender, to lying about how much socialism is suppressing The US Economy, to lying about Russia.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
You are correct-he lies, sews confusion, and name calls. All bad. I still prefer him to others for this reason-he is killing the political correctness that has taken over our society. You can't call a black bad or you are racist. Really? You can't call a woman bad or you are sexist. You can't do a good job unless you are polite??? He is doing a good job despite the attacks on his character and actions. If Biden had the same agenda as Trump, I would vote for him.

You have a lot of trouble with women and black folks, do you?
No, but they seem to have trouble with male white folks

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