Real Americans Excuse Pres. Donald's Prolific Compulsive Lying

Remember when Hillary's husband stood in front of the cameras and announced "I never had sex with that woman Monica Lewinski"? Lefties defended him by arguing that sodomy wasn't "sex". How about the time he announced "for the first time in modern history the U.S. has no ICBM's pointed at her". This was right after the Bubba sold ICBM technology to China. These are big lies but leties manage to dismiss them while they claim that 10,000 was really 9,999 constitutes a lie.
A lot of Trump supporters don't care that he's a boisterous asshole. They love it in fact. One way or another they think his presence in government will ultimately be a good thing.
----------------------------------- your words are ok but i'd use different words and say that Trump is simply ASSERTIVE and i'd also say that TRUMP is an American First American that doesn't kiss azz Confounding . Agree though that the TRUMP MAY fix some things and issues . I like how he is SUPPOSEDLY sending the 'dept of agriculture' and its employees to Kansas or Iowa or forcing them to quit their jobs if they don't want to move . And now TRUMP is messing with that true azzhole 'cummins' a 'dem' from Baltimore and also messing with 'ilham omar' and the squad of scum Confounding .
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.

Nobody’s paying attention to the 80 year old beggar and thief. Good, REAL Americans hear nothing beyond his Robin Hood bullshit....”I’ll steal for you!”

So you'll concede the point.
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.

Nobody’s paying attention to the 80 year old beggar and thief. Good, REAL Americans hear nothing beyond his Robin Hood bullshit....”I’ll steal for you!”

So you'll concede the point.

I’ll concede that nobody knows what he’s saying as nobody is listening...YES
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
In Democratic Socialism Speech, Bernie Sanders Lies About Money

Right, you have nothing.
Hope you're having fun being so stupid.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?

Trumps lying is accepted and condoned by his supporters

What it does though is it destroy all his credibility as a leader. The initial reaction to any Trump statement must be.......he is probably lying

What it does is it makes it more difficult to get the public to support extreme actions like a war or major military action

It also makes it almost impossible for Trump to build an international coalition or make a trade deal.
Trump is not liked or trusted anywhere in the world. Even if a leader is ready to work with Trump, the people of that country will not support it
----------------------------------- GOOD RWinger !!
Trump is the one who is FINALLY telling the truth--telling it like it is
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.
I'm also a LIAR!! EVERYONE is a LIAR-------------------------AND RACIST
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.
"All politicians are liars". There is some truth there, but it is dismissive of tRump's compulsive daily, sometimes hourly, lies. tRump has set new highs (or lows depending on how you look at it) for lying. Compairing other politician's lies to tRump's is like compairing a farm pond to lake Erie, or a drainage ditch to the Amazon river.

Stop trying to minimize the issue.
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?

“Americans First”, “Make America Great Again” and “Stop Wetbacks” are extremely powerful sentiments....Good, REAL Americans know this and they can’t give two shits about his embellishments.
2 meaningless slogans and a facial slur.

You are an easily manipulated fool, like all tRumpkins.

Call it whatever makes you feel good...they are definitely “meaningless” to all unAmerican pieces of shits....BUT 30 states and 2,623 want their country back and they have faith in Trump doing all he can to deliver it to them. They can’t give two fucks about the shit that doesn’t matter.
How is tRump "giving you your country back"?

By making it OK to be a racist?

By making it OK for corporations to pollute?

By disrupting international trade?

By making healthcare more scarce?

By making the already wealthy wealthier?

Trump is the one who is FINALLY telling the truth--telling it like it is
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.
I'm also a LIAR!! EVERYONE is a LIAR-------------------------AND RACIST

yeah, everyone knows exactly what Trumpbots are.

Trump is the one who is FINALLY telling the truth--telling it like it is
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.
I'm also a LIAR!! EVERYONE is a LIAR-------------------------AND RACIST

yeah, everyone knows exactly what Trumpbots are.

I love it!!!!
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
In Democratic Socialism Speech, Bernie Sanders Lies About Money
The federalist?

Need a real source man.

For someone who calls himself "thinker" you don't do a whole lot of it if you thought that was gonna fly.
Real Americans Excuse Pres. Donald's Prolific Compulsive Lying

Show me where I ever excused Trump's lies? Trump says a lot of stuff that is factually untrue. But then, it seems a strange thing to hang onto when one looks at how much Obama and especially Hillary lied and ignore or dismiss THAT, all the while those were BIG lies about national security, people lives and 1/6th the economy, whereas most of Trump's lies seem about stupid, petty stuff.
  • Has Trump lied about national security and his handling of secrets?
  • Has Trump lied about people's deaths in a terror attack claiming it was all spontaneous about a video?
  • Did Trump deliberately lie about keeping our doctors while saving thousands of dollars he KNEW was a blatant fib?
But I don't mean to digress. Many things Trump says are factually wrong. But it is stupid shit like saying his inauguration audience was the biggest in history, or that his economy is the best ever. Some of his lies are clearly just his style of saying things. He exaggerates, rounds up in his favor. Some of it seems to be poorly informed. Some of it seems to be over-generalization, again, a type of style no doubt carried forward from business. Some of it seems speaking without thinking first. Some of it seems pure ego.

I get that. But then, Trump never claimed to be a polished speaker. Nor a statesman. Not even a good public speaker. Yet through all of that, some of which is sometimes frustrating or even embarrassing, people support him because they sense from him at least he means well. That unlike other leaders, he relates to the voter instead of sitting up high on an ivory throne living off in some Washington bubble. And most of all, because they feel he loves his country and is really trying to make things better rather than trying to foster a political career for personal gain just to get rich. He's already rich. He's one of the few in Washington who has actually LOST money while in office.
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You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
In Democratic Socialism Speech, Bernie Sanders Lies About Money

Right, you have nothing.
Hope you're having fun being so stupid.

Venezuela was doing great until oil bottomed out. There are no lies in the video, only things you disagree with.
Trump is the one who is FINALLY telling the truth--telling it like it is
I can't think of a single, verifiable truth tRumo has told.

Can you?
yes-I can ..the one about the MSM being fake and bullshit, for one
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.

Unfortunately the media is largely biased today. It always has been to a point but it's gone way overboard today. It goes both ways. Is that a lie? I do not defend Trump's lies but I'm not sure this is one.

The media shouldn't be handing the questions to one candidate before the debate.
That's a lie.

A lie you want to believe because it supports your bias, but a lie non the less.

lies (plural noun)
  1. an intentionally false statement.
I don't think there was any question about the definition of the word.

Unless you are saying tRump doesn't realize he's lying? That he is so delusional he truly believes everything he says and tweets?

You realize that would almost be worse, right?
From reading these pages and threads on USMB, one must conclude that to be a "Real American", one must accept and or excuse the endless prolific compulsive lying of Donald Trump. Criticizing him for lying is considered "unAmerican". Providing links and videos of Trump lying is tantamount to treason.
The chaos and confusion created by Trump's misinformation and disinformation campaigns in American politics have drastically changed the nature of American politics.
Has Trump created a precedent where Americans expecting or demanding truth is unAmerican?
Merrucans are so used to politicians lying that it doesn't faze them anymore. The only difference with Trump is that he's not as good at lying as a career politician. So it's more obvious.
You are incorrect. It is tRump who has desensitized us to lying. Pre tRump media of all stripes (except faux in certain circumstances) would jump on any lie. These days everyone is numb. It's not news anymore.
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.
"All politicians are liars". There is some truth there, but it is dismissive of tRump's compulsive daily, sometimes hourly, lies. tRump has set new highs (or lows depending on how you look at it) for lying. Compairing other politician's lies to tRump's is like compairing a farm pond to lake Erie, or a drainage ditch to the Amazon river.

Stop trying to minimize the issue.
So Trump is the biggest lying politician of all time. I stopped caring about all the political lying a few decades ago. YYAAAWWWNNN!!! :bigbed:
All politicians are liars. Cased closed. Move on.

Can you post a lie Bernie Sanders has told? A lie, not something you disagree with.
In Democratic Socialism Speech, Bernie Sanders Lies About Money

Right, you have nothing.
Hope you're having fun being so stupid.

Venezuela was doing great until oil bottomed out. There are no lies in the video, only things you disagree with.

Wow, all socialist countries were doing great, until they ran out of money...dumbass.

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