Real Men! ... ?

For context since we're on the subject.The actors and actress that
Golden Age Hollywood presents may be at real odds as to the real
personalities in front of the camera.
For years I thought that Errol Flynn was this Great American
everyman.A real stand-up all american type.Nothing could be further from
the truth.Was tossed ,out of every school he attended. Had many jobs.
He was a sex addict { supposedly had some kind of Sex dungeon under his
Mansion }. I believe it was hidden under some rug in his living room.
Just a guess.Flynn was also a Drug addict { serious } and alcoholic.
Oddly it never seemed to show on Film.Especially when partnered
next to hyper jolly Alan Hale Sr.Father of { Skipper } from - Gilligans Island -.
Alan Hale Jr. was the personification of an All American type athlete.
Ended his Days schmoozing with Customers at his Lobster Restaurant.
He deserved it.He was a good guy.Hollywood had a history for it's
corrupting influence.
A Movie I'd love to purchase stars B Actors { Alan Hale jr. ,
Charles McGraw, John Ericson and the Sexy actress Mari Blanchard }
- The Cruel Tower - { 1956 }
My kinda movie.My kinda man talk.My kinda backdrop.Men working
and talking like men and the competing for the attention of a real
Siren like Blanchard.Don't make em like that anymore.
Yep. Flynn was actually a grosly perverted man and a drug addict. He definitly didn't live my idea of a manly and fulfilling life.
I can't.
I am not a biologist.

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