Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

Its ok Jake, we both know you didn't know that there is a difference between being "racialist" and being "racist".

ra·cial·ism (rsh-lzm)
a. An emphasis on race or racial considerations, as in determining policy or interpreting events.
b. Policy or practice based on racial considerations.
2. Chiefly British Variant of racism.

racialist - definition of racialist by the Free Online Dictionary, Thesaurus and Encyclopedia.

Half right Jake, I am being "racialist", he is just a racist.

You are half wrong, but on the right track.

You are a british variant of racist by your definition. :lol:
Who's this guy? What party is he from?


Yeah, that would be that conservative bigot George Wallace who was a white Southern conservative Democrat before he "found religion" after that attempt on his life. Before his "evolution" he stated things that many conservatives today may have borrowed from him. Here's an example:

" You and I know that that's extremely difficult to do where our newspapers are owned by out-of-state interests. Newspapers which are run and operated by left-wing liberals, Communist sympathizers, and members of the Americans for Democratic Action and other Communist front organizations with high sounding names.

However, we will not be intimidated by the vultures of the liberal left-wing press. We will not be deceived by their lies and distortions of truth. We will not be swayed by their brutal attacks upon the character and reputation of any honest citizen who dares stand up and fight for liberty. "

" It is perfectly obvious from the left-wing liberal press and from the left-wing law journals that what the court is saying behind all the jargon is that they don't like our form of government.

They think they can establish a better one. In order to do so it is necessary that they overthrow our existing form, destroy the democratic institutions created by the people, change the outlook, religion, and philosophy, and bring the whole area of human thought, aspiration, action and organization, under the absolute control of the court. Their decisions reveal this to be the goal of the liberal element on the court which is in a majority at present. "

"Now, let us examine the manner in which the Court has continuously chipped away at the concept of private property. It is contended by the left-wing liberals that private property is merely a legal fiction."

" I intend to give the American people a clear choice. I welcome a fight between our philosophy and the liberal left-wing dogma which now threatens to engulf every man, woman, and child in the United States.

I am in this race because I believe the American people have been pushed around long enough and that they, like you and I, are fed up with the continuing trend toward a socialist state which now subjects the individual to the dictates of an all-powerful central government. "
Modern History Sourcebook: George C. Wallace: The Civil Rights Movement: 1964
L'il fella, stfu. We are talking about the sixties (1964, 1965). The Civil Rights and Voting acts of 1964 and 1965 was a Dem-led and GOP-supported action. The votes support that view.

The only revisionism is located in puss pocket racist brains today.

Put down the bong. I just proved Wallace and Faubus were two huge segregationists that were Dem.

Get over yourself.

And both very conservative.


Yeah....and the democrats were such a conservative paty while supporting segregation. Like roosevelt, truman, stephenson, wilson....all those rabid conservatives

I think that the problem with people like you, is that you get so used to and comfortable with using a broad brush against different groups of people, that you suddenly think or assert that other people are doing the same thing. I didn't state that "the democrats were such a conservative paty ", I referred to specific Democrats.

Yeah....and the democrats were such a conservative paty while supporting segregation. Like roosevelt, truman, stephenson, wilson....all those rabid conservatives

So what?

Reagan was once a Roosevelt Democrat. What does that have to do with the modern Republican Party that worships Reagan?

Does that mean that the modern GOP worships Reagan the racist Democrat?

Those arent phony designations Joe. Those specific points on the political left right conservative liberal spectrum. This is basic political science. No it doesn't make you an authority on anything. You don't get to tell me how to practice my faith.

Too bad you just failed basic political science.

Hope you understand pictures, cause words seem to have no effect on you.

HOrseshit graphs mean nothing to me.

Reality- the "conservatives" of 1861 were the ones who wanted to continue slavery. The conservatives of 1961 were the ones who taked about "States Rights" to continue Jim Crow.
Can anyone name the modern day conservative states rights Democrats?

Those holding political office, preferably.

Let's see how long a list of those people the rightwing inmates can compile.
LOL. Trouble in paradise.

Nah, we are popping the reactionary puss monsters from the mainstream GOP, while the smart Dems are limiting your racial nonsense.

Ah, you're confused....what you meant to say is that the Dems, smart or no, are 'exacerbating" my racial nonsense, which, is, of course, a false assumption, on your part. Dems don't directly or indirectly influence my independent thought, one way or another. I merely see them as the lesser of two evils. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. Find a Democrat that is an overt racist. You have to go back to Robert Byrd, and he "recanted". And didn't Repubs try to "make hay" out of clumsily worded comments by Harry Reid and Joe Biden? You're not very smart, are you?

Look around you're willfully blind sir these people are everywhere throughout your party

[ame=]Democrat Official: 'He's An Arrogant N***** - YouTube[/ame]
"grey barred"???? Sorry, but I don't speak "whitespeak". Yep. Wright is old news and irrelevant. Irritating? You're a flea. And I have Raid. LOL

whitespeak, what a racist comment (/sarcasm)!!!!!!!

I don't talk y'alls lingo. I speak Standard English. The Queen's English, you know. Not that stuff you talk in lower Appalachia.

Yes, the Queen says "y'alls" all the time.:cuckoo:
Nah, we are popping the reactionary puss monsters from the mainstream GOP, while the smart Dems are limiting your racial nonsense.

Ah, you're confused....what you meant to say is that the Dems, smart or no, are 'exacerbating" my racial nonsense, which, is, of course, a false assumption, on your part. Dems don't directly or indirectly influence my independent thought, one way or another. I merely see them as the lesser of two evils. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. Find a Democrat that is an overt racist. You have to go back to Robert Byrd, and he "recanted". And didn't Repubs try to "make hay" out of clumsily worded comments by Harry Reid and Joe Biden? You're not very smart, are you?

Look around you're willfully blind sir these people are everywhere throughout your party

[ame=]Democrat Official: 'He's An Arrogant N***** - YouTube[/ame]

Really? Find'll be hard-pressed. She's more of a true North Carolinian than she is a Democrat. I couldn't even find whether she was actually a Dem or not.
This thread serves no purpose whatsoever. It doesn't explain why blacks, as a group, do not vote Republican despite the fact that blacks, as a group, tend to be socially conservative. If you brush this fact off as "blacks vote for democrats to get free stuff" then you have alienated the very group you wish to attract. The Republican party needs some self analysis and some self awareness and needs to come up with a business plan that explains why blacks don't vote for them (again, other than "free stuff") and they need to come up with a plan to attract black voters. I'm sorry, but this "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, black people won't vote for us because we don't give them free stuff" isn't going to cut it. So, the question that needs to be answered is "why won't black people vote for Republicans."
How about the era where Democrats thought blacks and latinos were too stupid or lazy to go get free voter identifications cards so they voted against voter ID?
This thread serves no purpose whatsoever. It doesn't explain why blacks, as a group, do not vote Republican despite the fact that blacks, as a group, tend to be socially conservative. If you brush this fact off as "blacks vote for democrats to get free stuff" then you have alienated the very group you wish to attract. The Republican party needs some self analysis and some self awareness and needs to come up with a business plan that explains why blacks don't vote for them (again, other than "free stuff") and they need to come up with a plan to attract black voters. I'm sorry, but this "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, black people won't vote for us because we don't give them free stuff" isn't going to cut it. So, the question that needs to be answered is "why won't black people vote for Republicans."

Excellent points.
Can anyone name the modern day conservative states rights Democrats?

Those holding political office, preferably.

Let's see how long a list of those people the rightwing inmates can compile.

Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

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