Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party


Blacks are never blamed for their violence or inability to join civilization. The democrats of the south before 1960 were right to want separation. The truth is blacks were better off as they had 1# A strong family structure, 2# local economy within the black community that hired blacks, 3# had some of the best music ever made.

What do blacks have today? Welfare, violence and are brainwashed into voting for a party. lol You can't make this shit up!!! It is a cycle of dependency and idiocy.

What should we of done? For one we should of gave them equal rights within our society, of course, but we should of treated them equal and expected more out of them. We made a mistake of treating them as the victim and driving the message into their minds that we're just wrong. Big mistake. We really needed to bring them into our society thinking that they need to meet a high standard and as our equal.

So what would you propose we do today? Should the Pigford scam go forward? Should Progressives continue their genocide and destruction of the black family? Can the black population rise out of the ruin inflicted upon them by the good liberal Democrat lynchers turned savior of the so-called "Afro-American Problem"?
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Ah, you're confused....what you meant to say is that the Dems, smart or no, are 'exacerbating" my racial nonsense, which, is, of course, a false assumption, on your part. Dems don't directly or indirectly influence my independent thought, one way or another. I merely see them as the lesser of two evils. Better the devil you know than the one you don't. Find a Democrat that is an overt racist. You have to go back to Robert Byrd, and he "recanted". And didn't Repubs try to "make hay" out of clumsily worded comments by Harry Reid and Joe Biden? You're not very smart, are you?

Look around you're willfully blind sir these people are everywhere throughout your party

[ame=]Democrat Official: 'He's An Arrogant N***** - YouTube[/ame]

Really? Find'll be hard-pressed. She's more of a true North Carolinian than she is a Democrat. I couldn't even find whether she was actually a Dem or not.

MI Democrat look it up..... Oh here's another

In 2008 during that contentious Democrat primary that pitted Hillary Clinton against Barack Obama, the former president was in full sales mode to get his wife the nomination of the Democrat Party and in an effort to enlist Ted Kennedy to his cause he uttered what any journalist would immediately brand as a racist remark.

Ryan Lizza reports that the late Tim Russert related a Bill Clinton anecdote that must shock anyone overly sensitive to charges of racism.

You might recall, as does Lizza, that Bill Clinton was already being accused of acting in a racist manner by discounting Obama's primary wins that year and an incident after the South Carolina primaries figured prominently in that charge. But the former president was even more vehement in private.

Russet told Liza that Clinton was in a discussion with Senator Ted Kennedy and while attempting to cajole Kennedy into understanding that Obama was too young and inexperienced, Clinton said, "A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags."

This "carrying our bags" line could easily be read as harkening back to the days when African Americans were commonly seen as porters, baggage handlers, housekeepers, and other domestic employees.

Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy: In The Past, Obama Would Be ?Carrying our Bags? | Publius Forum
Look around you're willfully blind sir these people are everywhere throughout your party

Democrat Official: 'He's An Arrogant N***** - YouTube

Really? Find'll be hard-pressed. She's more of a true North Carolinian than she is a Democrat. I couldn't even find whether she was actually a Dem or not.

MI Democrat look it up..... Oh here's another

In 2008 during that contentious Democrat primary that pitted Hillary Clinton against Barack Obama, the former president was in full sales mode to get his wife the nomination of the Democrat Party and in an effort to enlist Ted Kennedy to his cause he uttered what any journalist would immediately brand as a racist remark.

Ryan Lizza reports that the late Tim Russert related a Bill Clinton anecdote that must shock anyone overly sensitive to charges of racism.

You might recall, as does Lizza, that Bill Clinton was already being accused of acting in a racist manner by discounting Obama's primary wins that year and an incident after the South Carolina primaries figured prominently in that charge. But the former president was even more vehement in private.

Russet told Liza that Clinton was in a discussion with Senator Ted Kennedy and while attempting to cajole Kennedy into understanding that Obama was too young and inexperienced, Clinton said, "A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags."

This "carrying our bags" line could easily be read as harkening back to the days when African Americans were commonly seen as porters, baggage handlers, housekeepers, and other domestic employees.

Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy: In The Past, Obama Would Be ?Carrying our Bags? | Publius Forum

Absolutely. But didn't the Clinton mend those "fences", and Hilary became President Obama's Sec. of State...a role she was stellar in, and who came to President Obama's aid, in getting him re-elected, giving an outstanding convention speech? None other than President Clinton. Kiss and made up. What?
This thread serves no purpose whatsoever. It doesn't explain why blacks, as a group, do not vote Republican despite the fact that blacks, as a group, tend to be socially conservative. If you brush this fact off as "blacks vote for democrats to get free stuff" then you have alienated the very group you wish to attract. The Republican party needs some self analysis and some self awareness and needs to come up with a business plan that explains why blacks don't vote for them (again, other than "free stuff") and they need to come up with a plan to attract black voters. I'm sorry, but this "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, black people won't vote for us because we don't give them free stuff" isn't going to cut it. So, the question that needs to be answered is "why won't black people vote for Republicans."

Republicans have been unable to convince blacks that their policies will make their lives better. Go into black neighborhoods, offer them opportunities, offer them training, offer them jobs they can support their families on and blacks will vote republican

Why don't Republicans do that? Because their policies will make their lives worse
So look America

Republicans used to support Civil Rights as recently as 50 years ago

Your implication is a lie, which one have they not supported?

Our current Civil Rights struggle involves homosexuals rights as citizens. As usual, republicans are on the wrong side of history

GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.
Really? Find'll be hard-pressed. She's more of a true North Carolinian than she is a Democrat. I couldn't even find whether she was actually a Dem or not.

MI Democrat look it up..... Oh here's another

In 2008 during that contentious Democrat primary that pitted Hillary Clinton against Barack Obama, the former president was in full sales mode to get his wife the nomination of the Democrat Party and in an effort to enlist Ted Kennedy to his cause he uttered what any journalist would immediately brand as a racist remark.

Ryan Lizza reports that the late Tim Russert related a Bill Clinton anecdote that must shock anyone overly sensitive to charges of racism.

You might recall, as does Lizza, that Bill Clinton was already being accused of acting in a racist manner by discounting Obama's primary wins that year and an incident after the South Carolina primaries figured prominently in that charge. But the former president was even more vehement in private.

Russet told Liza that Clinton was in a discussion with Senator Ted Kennedy and while attempting to cajole Kennedy into understanding that Obama was too young and inexperienced, Clinton said, "A few years ago, this guy would have been carrying our bags."

This "carrying our bags" line could easily be read as harkening back to the days when African Americans were commonly seen as porters, baggage handlers, housekeepers, and other domestic employees.

Bill Clinton to Ted Kennedy: In The Past, Obama Would Be ?Carrying our Bags? | Publius Forum

Absolutely. But didn't the Clinton mend those "fences", and Hilary became President Obama's Sec. of State...a role she was stellar in, and who came to President Obama's aid, in getting him re-elected, giving an outstanding convention speech? None other than President Clinton. Kiss and made up. What?

He "mended fences" for political reasons not very impressive really
Your implication is a lie, which one have they not supported?

Our current Civil Rights struggle involves homosexuals rights as citizens. As usual, republicans are on the wrong side of history

GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.

I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

Those arent phony designations Joe. Those specific points on the political left right conservative liberal spectrum. This is basic political science. No it doesn't make you an authority on anything. You don't get to tell me how to practice my faith.

Too bad you just failed basic political science.

Hope you understand pictures, cause words seem to have no effect on you.

HOrseshit graphs mean nothing to me.

Reality- the "conservatives" of 1861 were the ones who wanted to continue slavery. The conservatives of 1961 were the ones who taked about "States Rights" to continue Jim Crow.

That response tells me all I need to know. You are wanting to misattribute the term conservative to the Republicans, whereas it was the Democrats who fought for the continuance of Jim Crow. It doesn't matter really, but you are associated with the party who oppressed the black man for more than a century and fought to maintain pay inequality in the workplace.

That graph should mean a whole lot to you, Joe. But... you are just as closed minded as ever. Democrats (the party you now associate with) are the real racists, and still continue to be, stereotyping the black man and vilifying the white, favoring the woman over the man, and immorality over morality.

The fact is, no matter how the Democratic party leans, they are incredibly destructive to society. Conservative or Liberal. I don't give a flying fuck if they were "conservative"
or not. I never labeled them as such in my OP. This was nothing but a pathetic attempt to deflect from reality.
Our current Civil Rights struggle involves homosexuals rights as citizens. As usual, republicans are on the wrong side of history

GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.

I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

Being Gay is not the same as being Black....Most black people are against Gay marriage
Can anyone name the modern day conservative states rights Democrats?

Those holding political office, preferably.

Let's see how long a list of those people the rightwing inmates can compile.

Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

Unimportant and deflective. The conservative segregationist racists in the white South through their Deep South electoral state votes 54 to 1 in five of six elections from 1968 to 1988.

Who were they, buckeye? Why, people like you. And black racists like Poet were happily digging into the Democratic Party.
Our current Civil Rights struggle involves homosexuals rights as citizens. As usual, republicans are on the wrong side of history

GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.

I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

Hmm..., I thought this thread was about the persecution of Black people by Progressive Democrats for over 150 years. When did the trolls come to town.

Absolutely. But didn't the Clinton mend those "fences", and Hilary became President Obama's Sec. of State...a role she was stellar in, and who came to President Obama's aid, in getting him re-elected, giving an outstanding convention speech? None other than President Clinton. Kiss and made up. What?

He "mended fences" for political reasons not very impressive really
Whatever. Barack Obama is on his second term, and his wife is the frontrunner, whether she runs or not for 2016. I call that brilliance and serendipity.
GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.

I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

Hmm..., I thought this thread was about the persecution of Black people by Progressive Democrats for over 150 years. When did the trolls come to town.

They've been here for a just added one more to their ranks.
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Our current Civil Rights struggle involves homosexuals rights as citizens. As usual, republicans are on the wrong side of history

GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.

I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

You Democrats fight for the civil rights of one man, while diminishing the civil rights of another. When it comes to religion, you wish to weed it out of our society, no respect for it whatsoever. Even when the Constitution plainly says it is an integral part of America. When it comes to unions, you force people to join them, pay dues or be vilified for standing up for their rights; all while saying the common man has the right to work.

When it comes to race, you make sure to tell the black to fight against racial oppression, whilst maintaining a racist view of the white. You teach the aspect of tolerance, but are unwilling to accept a different point of view. You talk about peace, but cause chaos. You say you fight for the rights of all Americans, when in all reality you fight for only a select few.

You just don't realize how hypocritical you guys are.
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GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.

I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

Being Gay is not the same as being Black....Most black people are against Gay marriage

That's a fucking lie and you with your "white privilege" on overload. How fucking dare you speak for any black person, let alone "most black people". Fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about. And if you check the polls, most Americans support gay marriage: For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

69 % of Democrats and 78 % of liberals and 65 % of moderates...the groups to which most blacks belong.
Try talking about things which you know about and can back up.
GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.

I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

You Democrats fight for the civil rights of one man, while diminishing the civil rights of another. When it comes to religion, you wish to weed it out of our society, no respect for it whatsoever. Even when the Constitution plainly says it is an integral part of America. When it comes to unions, you force people to join them, pay dues or be vilified for standing up for their rights; all while saying the common man has the right to work.

When it comes to race, you make sure to tell the black to fight against racial oppression, whilst maintaining a racist view of the white. You teach the aspect of tolerance, but are unwilling to accept a different point of view. You talk about peace, but cause chaos. You say you fight for the rights of all Americans, when in all reality you fight for only a select few.

You just don't realize how hypocritical you guys are.

Yes we do

We fight for the civil rights of those who are being oppressed over those who are trying to oppress
Can anyone name the modern day conservative states rights Democrats?

Those holding political office, preferably.

Let's see how long a list of those people the rightwing inmates can compile.

Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

Unimportant and deflective. The conservative segregationist racists in the white South through their Deep South electoral state votes 54 to 1 in five of six elections from 1968 to 1988.

Who were they, buckeye? Why, people like you. And black racists like Poet were happily digging into the Democratic Party.

I really don't know what to say about white people like you, J.S. . White racism is far more egregious and harmful than any black racism could ever be. Me, calling your asses out on your racism hardly constitutes any racism, on my part. You're just not used to being publicly embarrassed, and at the hands of a gay black liberal Democrat.
I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

Being Gay is not the same as being Black....Most black people are against Gay marriage

That's a fucking lie and you with your "white privilege" on overload. How fucking dare you speak for any black person, let alone "most black people". Fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about. And if you check the polls, most Americans support gay marriage: For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

69 % of Democrats and 78 % of liberals and 65 % of moderates...the groups to which most blacks belong. Try talking about things which you know about and can back up.
You happen to be right about blacks, but the turn around is very recent. African-Americans, blue-collar workers do an about-face on gay marriage: poll ? MSNBC

You have not a cluse about most of the other stuff, including your own racism, Poet.
Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

Unimportant and deflective. The conservative segregationist racists in the white South through their Deep South electoral state votes 54 to 1 in five of six elections from 1968 to 1988.

Who were they, buckeye? Why, people like you. And black racists like Poet were happily digging into the Democratic Party.

I really don't know what to say about white people like you, J.S. . White racism is far more egregious and harmful than any black racism could ever be. Me, calling your asses out on your racism hardly constitutes any racism, on my part. You're just not used to being publicly embarrassed, and at the hands of a gay black liberal Democrat.

So much for Ignore. You are right that you "really don't know" that your black racisim is so very apparent to those far more sophisticated than you about such matters.

Who cares that you are black . . . or gay . . . or liberal . . . or Democrat . . . or a mediocre artist . . . other than you?

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