Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

How about the era where Democrats thought blacks and latinos were too stupid or lazy to go get free voter identifications cards so they voted against voter ID?

When have Republicans offered free ID for all Americans?
Unimportant and deflective. The conservative segregationist racists in the white South through their Deep South electoral state votes 54 to 1 in five of six elections from 1968 to 1988.

Who were they, buckeye? Why, people like you. And black racists like Poet were happily digging into the Democratic Party.

I really don't know what to say about white people like you, J.S. . White racism is far more egregious and harmful than any black racism could ever be. Me, calling your asses out on your racism hardly constitutes any racism, on my part. You're just not used to being publicly embarrassed, and at the hands of a gay black liberal Democrat.

So much for Ignore. You are right that you "really don't know" that your black racisim is so very apparent to those far more sophisticated than you about such matters.

Who cares that you are black . . . or gay . . . or liberal . . . or Democrat . . . or a mediocre artist . . . other than you?

Obviously you, because you're talking about it. Sophisticated? Trailer trash? Backwoodies? Imbeciles who can't spell "racism"? LOL. Too funny.
This thread serves no purpose whatsoever. It doesn't explain why blacks, as a group, do not vote Republican despite the fact that blacks, as a group, tend to be socially conservative. If you brush this fact off as "blacks vote for democrats to get free stuff" then you have alienated the very group you wish to attract. The Republican party needs some self analysis and some self awareness and needs to come up with a business plan that explains why blacks don't vote for them (again, other than "free stuff") and they need to come up with a plan to attract black voters. I'm sorry, but this "waaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaa, black people won't vote for us because we don't give them free stuff" isn't going to cut it. So, the question that needs to be answered is "why won't black people vote for Republicans."

Why won't Blacks vote for Republicans anymore? Lets see..

[ame=]Examining Black Loyalty to Democrats - YouTube[/ame]
Obviously you, because you're talking about it. Sophisticated? Trailer trash? Backwoodies? Imbeciles who can't spell "racism"? LOL. Too funny.

You are so fun to trap, poet. You found it! I bet you are as automatic on the scales, no real inspiration or motivation. You are as blinder-sighted as a kitten running for the food bowl.

Who cares that you are black . . . or gay . . . or liberal . . . or Democrat . . . or a mediocre artist . . . other than you?
Obviously you, because you're talking about it. Sophisticated? Trailer trash? Backwoodies? Imbeciles who can't spell "racism"? LOL. Too funny.

You are so fun to trap, poet. You found it! I bet you are as automatic on the scales, no real inspiration or motivation. You are as blinder-sighted as a kitten running for the food bowl.

Who cares that you are black . . . or gay . . . or liberal . . . or Democrat . . . or a mediocre artist . . . other than you?

He is so obvious, his hate, racism, bigotry, sexism is for all to see, I'm not sure if he has anything left to prove.
I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

Being Gay is not the same as being Black....Most black people are against Gay marriage

That's a fucking lie and you with your "white privilege" on overload. How fucking dare you speak for any black person, let alone "most black people". Fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about. And if you check the polls, most Americans support gay marriage...

If YOU check the polls, a majority of African Americans still oppose gay marriage. You can point to shifting attitudes among African Americans but you can't cry "that's a fucking lie" when the facts say otherwise.
White racism is far more egregious and harmful than any black racism could ever be. Me, calling your asses out on your racism hardly constitutes any racism, on my part. ...

It seems you don't understand at all, and that makes YOU part of the problem.
Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

Unimportant and deflective. The conservative segregationist racists in the white South through their Deep South electoral state votes 54 to 1 in five of six elections from 1968 to 1988.

Who were they, buckeye? Why, people like you. And black racists like Poet were happily digging into the Democratic Party.

I really don't know what to say about white people like you, J.S. . White racism is far more egregious and harmful than any black racism could ever be. Me, calling your asses out on your racism hardly constitutes any racism, on my part. You're just not used to being publicly embarrassed, and at the hands of a gay black liberal Democrat.

First racism is racism....its more serious than uttering a single word
I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

You Democrats fight for the civil rights of one man, while diminishing the civil rights of another. When it comes to religion, you wish to weed it out of our society, no respect for it whatsoever. Even when the Constitution plainly says it is an integral part of America. When it comes to unions, you force people to join them, pay dues or be vilified for standing up for their rights; all while saying the common man has the right to work.

When it comes to race, you make sure to tell the black to fight against racial oppression, whilst maintaining a racist view of the white. You teach the aspect of tolerance, but are unwilling to accept a different point of view. You talk about peace, but cause chaos. You say you fight for the rights of all Americans, when in all reality you fight for only a select few.

You just don't realize how hypocritical you guys are.

Yes we do

We fight for the civil rights of those who are being oppressed over those who are trying to oppress

Oh really? Here's the most basic question. Why are you guys ignoring the behavior of your party pre 1964? Was it not.. oppressive?
I thought this thread was about the persecution of Black people by Progressive Democrats for over 150 years.

You are the wrong cartoon duck. :lol:

"Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party"
Then kindly explain the original title and point to where in the original article gay rights were mentioned.
I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

Being Gay is not the same as being Black....Most black people are against Gay marriage

That's a fucking lie and you with your "white privilege" on overload. How fucking dare you speak for any black person, let alone "most black people". Fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about. And if you check the polls, most Americans support gay marriage: For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

69 % of Democrats and 78 % of liberals and 65 % of moderates...the groups to which most blacks belong.
Try talking about things which you know about and can back up.

You don't know me. You talk about privilege you're talking Obama. I talk to people every day I have yet to find one black person not even one who supports gay marriage and I don't need you're stupid bullshit polls to tell me that. Got it?
Being Gay is not the same as being Black....Most black people are against Gay marriage

That's a fucking lie and you with your "white privilege" on overload. How fucking dare you speak for any black person, let alone "most black people". Fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about. And if you check the polls, most Americans support gay marriage: For First Time, Majority of Americans Favor Legal Gay Marriage

69 % of Democrats and 78 % of liberals and 65 % of moderates...the groups to which most blacks belong.
Try talking about things which you know about and can back up.

You don't know me. You talk about privilege you're talking Obama. I talk to people every day I have yet to find one black person not even one who supports gay marriage and I don't need you're stupid bullshit polls to tell me that. Got it?

I doubt most of the people in this thread know any actual black folk. They all act like liberals from MAine, and see all those poor blacks, and feel the liberal white guilt in full force.....kind of a modern white liberals burden, which is why everything they say is a government program and if you're agains that, apparently you're a racist...
Absolutely. But didn't the Clinton mend those "fences", and Hilary became President Obama's Sec. of State...a role she was stellar in, and who came to President Obama's aid, in getting him re-elected, giving an outstanding convention speech? None other than President Clinton. Kiss and made up. What?

He "mended fences" for political reasons not very impressive really
Whatever. Barack Obama is on his second term, and his wife is the frontrunner, whether she runs or not for 2016. I call that brilliance and serendipity.

You think Michelle will run? True she has as much experience as Barack had, so it could happen
GAD man which side are you arguing? Your display of what you think of blacks is rather disgusting. No matter what one thinks of the homosexuals there is absolutely no comparison to the black struggles in America. Struggles that were solved through the Republican party not the Democrat party. Yes, some gays have been killed as have been Christians, Muslims and a whole bunch of other people but blacks? No other group had the treatment of their people as it was institutionalized by the democrat party.

Now you wish us to believe that being black and being gay is the same thing, disgusting.

BTW when was this gay civil rights act voted on? Again your implication is BS if not downright lie.

I grew up in a time when being gay meant you could be beaten up without any protection.......gays were asking for it....if they weren't so queer, none of this would have happened
Gays were denied housing, jobs
Do you know that gays were even denied the right to serve their country?
In most of America , they cant even marry the person they love

The struggles of gays has been the civil rights fight of our generation......and Republicans missed the boat

You Democrats fight for the civil rights of one man, while diminishing the civil rights of another. When it comes to religion, you wish to weed it out of our society, no respect for it whatsoever. Even when the Constitution plainly says it is an integral part of America. When it comes to unions, you force people to join them, pay dues or be vilified for standing up for their rights; all while saying the common man has the right to work.

When it comes to race, you make sure to tell the black to fight against racial oppression, whilst maintaining a racist view of the white. You teach the aspect of tolerance, but are unwilling to accept a different point of view. You talk about peace, but cause chaos. You say you fight for the rights of all Americans, when in all reality you fight for only a select few.

You just don't realize how hypocritical you guys are.

Straight liberal playbook, see you're so stupid they dont have to even think about your ideas....they really believe this....that's why they dont answer any questions
People preaching tolerance tend to be the most tolerant, just like non-judgemental people tend to be the most judgemental.....they just do it behind your back

Liberals are alot like the popular girl in the teen movies, slutty and fake, they'll make fun of the poor main character from afar, but then near they'll be kind, dripping with sarcasm..
Wehrwolfen said:
Then kindly explain the original title and point to where in the original article gay rights were mentioned.

No one is worried about your question? Move along.
Being Gay is not the same as being Black....Most black people are against Gay marriage

That's a fucking lie and you with your "white privilege" on overload. How fucking dare you speak for any black person, let alone "most black people". Fuck you. You have no idea what you're talking about. And if you check the polls, most Americans support gay marriage...

If YOU check the polls, a majority of African Americans still oppose gay marriage. You can point to shifting attitudes among African Americans but you can't cry "that's a fucking lie" when the facts say otherwise.

African-Americans, the Last Democratic Holdouts on Gay Marriage? -

Polling on gay marriage among blacks has been mixed. A March 2013 Pew Center study -- which compiled results from four surveys conducted over more than a year -- found 40 percent of African-Americans support gay marriage, with 48 percent opposing. The same study found 49 percent of whites and 61 percent of Democrats support gay marriage.
Other polls, with much smaller sample sizes than the Pew study, actually show a majority of black voters now support gay marriage. A March 2013 NBC News/Wall Street Journal poll found 51 percent of African-American voters now support gay marriage. A May 2012 ABC News/Washington Post poll found 59 percent support gay marriage.

Michael Dimock, the director of the Pew Research Center for the People & the Press, said it’s natural that there’s some statistical “noise” around such polls. But what is clear is that, just as with the general population, support for gay marriage is growing among blacks. Ten years ago, just 27 percent of African-Americans favored gay marriage, according to the Pew study.
Can anyone name the modern day conservative states rights Democrats?

Those holding political office, preferably.

Let's see how long a list of those people the rightwing inmates can compile.

Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

So your answer is "None". Then what is the point of this thread?
Can anyone name the modern day conservative states rights Democrats?

Those holding political office, preferably.

Let's see how long a list of those people the rightwing inmates can compile.

Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

So your answer is "None". Then what is the point of this thread?

The point of this thread was to apprise Democrats of the actions of their predecessors. Not about what happened to them when their racism was relegated to the dustbin of history.

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