Real Racism: A History of the Democratic Party

The most important member of the US Congress who voted against the most important civil rights legislation in modern history, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was

Republican Barry Goldwater.

TWO WEEKS LATER, the Republican Party rewarded him with the nomination for President of the United States.

The GOP didn't have to choose the man who had voted to keep the South segregated, but they did.

Nelson Rockefeller, Goldwater's closest competitor for the 1964 nomination, was a zealous supporter of civil rights.
He was practically booed off the stage at the 1964 convention when he spoke out against rightwing extremism.

70% of the Republican convention delegates voted AGAINST a GOP party platform plank that affirmed the constitutionality of the 1964 Civil Rights Act;

they were the Goldwater wing of the GOP.

Of course Goldwater got trounced. Where did he manage to win a FEW states?

In the South, because racist, segregationist, states rights extremist Democrats flocked to his banner.

1964 was the turning point for the Republican Party. In a way, the Goldwater extremists were the Tea Party of the 1960's.

Good link:

1964 Republican Convention: Revolution From the Right | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine
Can anyone name the modern day conservative states rights Democrats?

Those holding political office, preferably.

Let's see how long a list of those people the rightwing inmates can compile.

Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

So your answer is "None". Then what is the point of this thread?

No, strom did, I dont have to demagogue an issue. The point of this thread, altough I'm not the OP......and if Im wrong, the OP can correct me, was to show that the democrat party was and still is the party of racism...

Now it's a very complicated and nuance view of modern racism.
Obviously overt racism is pretty much dead, and I think we all agree that's a good thing.

But when people say the southern strategy, it's an attempt by the left to nullify the republican ascendancy in the south.

Like many liberals in this thread I believed in it.....but then I moved to Tennessee in 1992 and didnt see any racists in the republican clubs, primaries and more recently tea party events.

But I did see a democrat governor, Well fed Ned, who started TennCare
I did see 2 democrat senators James Sasser and Harlan Mathews

For state offices, they were dominated by democrats... and the narrative was that republicans dominated tennesse and they didnt, not until the mid 90s did they consistantly elect statewide officers and 2000s until they got state reps.

Republicans attained an elected majority in the Senate in the 104th General Assembly for the first time since Reconstruction;

Williams was elected as speaker of the Tennessee House on January 13, 2009, in a surprising divergence from the Republican party's accepted plan for succession. Democrats, who had lost the majority in the House for the first time since 1969

The point is democrats dominated the southern states, the racist didnt switch parties, because they were

a) very few leaders switch, Stom is the biggest name, and noone will give any others
b)the racists kept voting for democrats....or the republicans would have swept everything...
c) the only tool they can use is presidential elections, but again the republicans won in huge landslids in 72, 80, 84, and 88
The democrats won the south in 68, 76 and split in 92 and 96
So the republican didnt really win a contested race in the south until 2000..

Now why did the south go republican....well look at the black vote, I was shocked to learn Nixon in 60 only got 39%, this is WITH RACISTS in the democrat party, so why would vote for's the same reason they vote now for it.....government programs, which democrats make synonymous with it wasnt to scare off blacks....

the south went republican for two main reasons:
1) the south was getting better educated and wealthier
2) republicans were leaving the midwest and east because of taxes and both are intertwined.
My dad was a professor for Ohio State and became one for U. of Tenn. for those very reasons (and a nice pay increase!)

Ok now how are the democrat still racist, right?
Because they expect blacks to vote democrat or they are marginalized by being unauthentic, white, oreo, uncle tom, ect ect
Also becsaue they looke at black folks as needing training wheels like govt programs and affirmative action...
they put them in ghettos, you dont see many whites in ghettos, some in shitty trailer parks, but not really ghettos..herded like cattle.

TRy working for a black republican for congress, you get letters from the klan, other white democrats, and liberal blacks. These include death threats, words that would probably offend you, as well as other stuff.
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Can you name segregationist democrats that switched, preferably those that held office

So your answer is "None". Then what is the point of this thread?

The point of this thread was to apprise Democrats of the actions of their predecessors. Not about what happened to them when their racism was relegated to the dustbin of history.

No, you are making one more comically lame attempt at guilt by association between today's Democrats and southern conservative Democrats of long ago.

You're an idiot. You should go away and get a new pasttime and stop annoying us with your tedious stupidity.
Barry Goldwater was an idiot. He still is and will be. He got whipped because he did not go along with the consensus on civil rights. But we southerners are still racist?

No. In fact, more black people live here in the south than any other geographical region in America.

Nearly 56.5% of the entire black population in America lives here. If we were racist, you think we'd be less tolerant to them living here, right? But as it stands, that population distribution speaks for itself.
Barry Goldwater was an idiot. He still is and will be. He got whipped because he did not go along with the consensus on civil rights. But we southerners are still racist?

No. In fact, more black people live here in the south than any other geographical region in America.

Nearly 56.5% of the entire black population in America lives here. If we were racist, you think we'd be less tolerant to them living here, right? But as it stands, that population distribution speaks for itself.

Barry Goldwater is an idiot

Barry Goldwater is the father of modern conservatism. you learn in school...

Modern conservatism is idiotic.
The most important member of the US Congress who voted against the most important civil rights legislation in modern history, the Civil Rights Act of 1964, was

Republican Barry Goldwater.

TWO WEEKS LATER, the Republican Party rewarded him with the nomination for President of the United States.

The GOP didn't have to choose the man who had voted to keep the South segregated, but they did.

Nelson Rockefeller, Goldwater's closest competitor for the 1964 nomination, was a zealous supporter of civil rights.
He was practically booed off the stage at the 1964 convention when he spoke out against rightwing extremism.

70% of the Republican convention delegates voted AGAINST a GOP party platform plank that affirmed the constitutionality of the 1964 Civil Rights Act;

they were the Goldwater wing of the GOP.

Of course Goldwater got trounced. Where did he manage to win a FEW states?

In the South, because racist, segregationist, states rights extremist Democrats flocked to his banner.

1964 was the turning point for the Republican Party. In a way, the Goldwater extremists were the Tea Party of the 1960's.

Good link:

1964 Republican Convention: Revolution From the Right | History & Archaeology | Smithsonian Magazine

Then why did Senator Everett Dirksen break Robert Byrd's filibuster? Oh right, he wasn't paying any attention to that travesty known as Barry Goldwater. He was acting based off of something entirely different from the extremist Republican platform.

You still fail at trying to pin us as racists, NY. It's quite pathetic to link them to the Tea Party too.

So your answer is "None". Then what is the point of this thread?

The point of this thread was to apprise Democrats of the actions of their predecessors. Not about what happened to them when their racism was relegated to the dustbin of history.

No, you are making one more comically lame attempt at guilt by association between today's Democrats and southern conservative Democrats of long ago.

You're an idiot. You should go away and get a new pasttime and stop annoying us with your tedious stupidity.

The problem is you confuse "conservative" democrats with conservative republicans

When was the last time a democrat was more conservative in a presidential election?
You know the answer? Well before the supposed switch of the quit bringing conservatives into it.....because again you cant name any of these switchers....we got Strom....who else?20 other democrats voted against it and they didnt switch. Other major players like Wallace, Connor and Maddox didnt switch....

Liberal Carter was mentored by Maddox
Liberal Clinton was mentored by Fullbright

So where is this crap comming from?
Barry Goldwater was an idiot. He still is and will be. He got whipped because he did not go along with the consensus on civil rights. But we southerners are still racist?

No. In fact, more black people live here in the south than any other geographical region in America.

Nearly 56.5% of the entire black population in America lives here. If we were racist, you think we'd be less tolerant to them living here, right? But as it stands, that population distribution speaks for itself.

Barry Goldwater is an idiot

Barry Goldwater is the father of modern conservatism. you learn in school...

Modern conservatism is idiotic.

Wrong, Goldwater voted conviction...unlike LBJ and other liberals

Godwater opposed the 64 civil rights bill on the ground of government power

Why did Al Gore Sr oppose it?
Why did LBJ water down the 57 Civil rights bill?
You have to look at the whole picture
the problem with liberals is they look at things in a vaccum
They are taught bullshit and just repeat it and never question it
They look at everything through their own prism and are moralistic in their view and are crusadors to stamp out all have to let stuff go....which is why the want knee jerk laws for every shooting or plant explosion......
Barry Goldwater was an idiot. He still is and will be. He got whipped because he did not go along with the consensus on civil rights. But we southerners are still racist?

No. In fact, more black people live here in the south than any other geographical region in America.

Nearly 56.5% of the entire black population in America lives here. If we were racist, you think we'd be less tolerant to them living here, right? But as it stands, that population distribution speaks for itself.

Barry Goldwater is an idiot

Barry Goldwater is the father of modern conservatism. you learn in school...

Modern conservatism is idiotic.

What a biased argument. I show you these statistics, and you reply with "conservatism is idiotic."

Did you hear of Edmund Burke? No, of course not. As you should have learned in school, he is the father of philosophical modern conservatism. Your linking it to Barry Goldwater is fallacious. Very dumb if you ask me. Do some research, learn your history.
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Barry Goldwater was an idiot. He still is and will be. He got whipped because he did not go along with the consensus on civil rights. But we southerners are still racist?

No. In fact, more black people live here in the south than any other geographical region in America.

Nearly 56.5% of the entire black population in America lives here. If we were racist, you think we'd be less tolerant to them living here, right? But as it stands, that population distribution speaks for itself.

Barry Goldwater is an idiot

Barry Goldwater is the father of modern conservatism. you learn in school...

Modern conservatism is idiotic.

What a biased argument. I show you these statistics, and you reply with "conservatism is idiotic."

Did you hear of Edmund Burke? No, of course not. As you should have learned in school, he is the father of philosophical modern conservatism. Your linking it to Barry Goldwater is fallacious. Very dumb if you ask me. Do some research, learn your history.

Yeah I think they hate Burke because he despised the French Revolution after the terror stage.
So your answer is "None". Then what is the point of this thread?

The point of this thread was to apprise Democrats of the actions of their predecessors. Not about what happened to them when their racism was relegated to the dustbin of history.

No, you are making one more comically lame attempt at guilt by association between today's Democrats and southern conservative Democrats of long ago.

You're an idiot. You should go away and get a new pasttime and stop annoying us with your tedious stupidity.

A Democrat is a Democrat, buddy. Sorry to break that to ya!

So my OP was a success. All you can do is call me stupid, idiotic, and tedious. You lack a coherent argument, because as I just read, buckeye just kicked your ass, badly.

The Dixiecrat Myth | Black & Right

My work here is done.
Barry Goldwater was an idiot. He still is and will be. He got whipped because he did not go along with the consensus on civil rights. But we southerners are still racist?

No. In fact, more black people live here in the south than any other geographical region in America.

Nearly 56.5% of the entire black population in America lives here. If we were racist, you think we'd be less tolerant to them living here, right? But as it stands, that population distribution speaks for itself.

Barry Goldwater is an idiot

Barry Goldwater is the father of modern conservatism. you learn in school...

Modern conservatism is idiotic.

What a biased argument. I show you these statistics, and you reply with "conservatism is idiotic."

Did you hear of Edmund Burke? No, of course not. As you should have learned in school, he is the father of philosophical modern conservatism. Your linking it to Barry Goldwater is fallacious. Very dumb if you ask me. Do some research, learn your history.

Edmund Burke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't be an asshole. Please. I enjoy seeing a conservative have to throw Barry Goldwater under the bus in a desperate attempt to defend some assinine point they've tried to make.
Barry Goldwater is an idiot

Barry Goldwater is the father of modern conservatism. you learn in school...

Modern conservatism is idiotic.

What a biased argument. I show you these statistics, and you reply with "conservatism is idiotic."

Did you hear of Edmund Burke? No, of course not. As you should have learned in school, he is the father of philosophical modern conservatism. Your linking it to Barry Goldwater is fallacious. Very dumb if you ask me. Do some research, learn your history.

Edmund Burke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't be an asshole. Please. I enjoy seeing a conservative have to throw Barry Goldwater under the bus in a desperate attempt to defend some assinine point they've tried to make.

I really didn't like Barry Goldwater. Another thing was you tried to link him to modern conservatism. A third thing is that you think Barry Goldwater voted against the 64 act for racist reasons. In fact there was one provision in the entire bill that dealt with the private property.

Barry Goldwater felt that business should not have to be told who to accept and deny service to, so he swiftly voted against it. Theretofore, He previously supported the integration of the Arizona Air National guard. However, as stated just earlier, his vote against the bill won a ton of segregationist Democrats over to his side, and he swept the south from Lyndon in the Election because of it, not to mention he was nominated by the GOP since all of those segregationists voted for Goldwater in the primaries. They all (the Democrats) mistakenly believed he was a segregationist, but that could not have been more further from the truth.

And as you so easily forget, there were hardly any Republicans in the South, since almost all state and local legislatures held Democratic majorities. You can't pull the wool over my eyes. Don't be an idiot. You lost this argument.
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A Democrat is a Democrat, buddy. Sorry to break that to ya!

As a Republican is a Republican, thus you and me, ol buddy, inherit Barry Goldwater and the Southern Strategy as the Dems have to inherit their racist past into the 1960s.
The point of this thread was to apprise Democrats of the actions of their predecessors. Not about what happened to them when their racism was relegated to the dustbin of history.

No, you are making one more comically lame attempt at guilt by association between today's Democrats and southern conservative Democrats of long ago.

You're an idiot. You should go away and get a new pasttime and stop annoying us with your tedious stupidity.

A Democrat is a Democrat, buddy. Sorry to break that to ya!

So my OP was a success. All you can do is call me stupid, idiotic, and tedious. You lack a coherent argument, because as I just read, buckeye just kicked your ass, badly.

The Dixiecrat Myth | Black & Right

My work here is done.

I've refuted your nonsense comprehensively. Your lame attempts to deny that only make it more enjoyable.

If you can divorce yourself from the Goldwater Republicans, then certainly any liberal Democrat today can divorce himself from the conservative segregationist Democrats.


Is the modern Republican Party more the Goldwater party than the Nelson Rockefeller party?

Of course it is. Moderate centrist civil rights supporting Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller are reviled by the modern GOP.

The modern GOP is the party of the likes of Rand Paul, straight out of the Goldwater legacy of the GOP.
A Democrat is a Democrat, buddy. Sorry to break that to ya!

As a Republican is a Republican, thus you and me, ol buddy, inherit Barry Goldwater and the Southern Strategy as the Dems have to inherit their racist past into the 1960s.

No, we inherit our past as champions of civil rights. Barry Goldwater had zero effect on the passage of the bill. He is very irrelevant, and you are misguided in thinking he had anything to do with them then. Because if I remember correctly, the Civil Rights Act was passed by the Republican Party.

That's what we inherit, Jake. And who is "we" Jake? Who is this "we" you speak of, pale face?
The civil rights were passed by Congress, and signed by LBJ, with the Dems in the majority and aided by the GOP in the minority. That is what we inherit, TK: the history, the whole and accurate history.

And, yes, BG's silliness is our part of our history.
No, you are making one more comically lame attempt at guilt by association between today's Democrats and southern conservative Democrats of long ago.

You're an idiot. You should go away and get a new pasttime and stop annoying us with your tedious stupidity.

A Democrat is a Democrat, buddy. Sorry to break that to ya!

So my OP was a success. All you can do is call me stupid, idiotic, and tedious. You lack a coherent argument, because as I just read, buckeye just kicked your ass, badly.

The Dixiecrat Myth | Black & Right

My work here is done.

I've refuted your nonsense comprehensively. Your lame attempts to deny that only make it more enjoyable.

If you can divorce yourself from the Goldwater Republicans, then certainly any liberal Democrat today can divorce himself from the conservative segregationist Democrats.


Is the modern Republican Party more the Goldwater party than the Nelson Rockefeller party?

Of course it is. Moderate centrist civil rights supporting Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller are reviled by the modern GOP.

The modern GOP is the party of the likes of Rand Paul, straight out of the Goldwater legacy of the GOP.

If refutation of my argument entails name calling, then I am due for a trip to the looney bin. The rest of your 'argument' is moot. All you Democrats have done is introduce strwamen like Barry Goldwater into this debate to deflect away from your atrocious past.
What a biased argument. I show you these statistics, and you reply with "conservatism is idiotic."

Did you hear of Edmund Burke? No, of course not. As you should have learned in school, he is the father of philosophical modern conservatism. Your linking it to Barry Goldwater is fallacious. Very dumb if you ask me. Do some research, learn your history.

Edmund Burke - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Don't be an asshole. Please. I enjoy seeing a conservative have to throw Barry Goldwater under the bus in a desperate attempt to defend some assinine point they've tried to make.

I really didn't like Barry Goldwater. Another thing was you tried to link him to modern conservatism. A third thing is that you think Barry Goldwater voted against the 64 act for racist reasons. In fact there was one provision in the entire bill that dealt with the private property.

Barry Goldwater felt that business should not have to be told who to accept and deny service to, so he swiftly voted against it. Theretofore, He previously supported the integration of the Arizona Air National guard. However, as stated just earlier, his vote against the bill won a ton of segregationist Democrats over to his side, and he swept the south from Lyndon in the Election because of it, not to mention he was nominated by the GOP since all of those segregationists voted for Goldwater in the primaries. They all (the Democrats) mistakenly believed he was a segregationist, but that could not have been more further from the truth.

And as you so easily forget, there were hardly any Republicans in the South, since almost all state and local legislatures held Democratic majorities. You can't pull the wool over my eyes. Don't be an idiot. You lost this argument.

Every Republican representative in the South voted against the Civil Rights Act of 1964. Even if there were very few of them, they were indistinguishable from the Democrats on the issue of segregation...

...therefore... is foolish of you to try to pin Southern racism of long ago on the Democratic Party, and further to attempt to associate it with the modern Democratic Party.
A Democrat is a Democrat, buddy. Sorry to break that to ya!

So my OP was a success. All you can do is call me stupid, idiotic, and tedious. You lack a coherent argument, because as I just read, buckeye just kicked your ass, badly.

The Dixiecrat Myth | Black & Right

My work here is done.

I've refuted your nonsense comprehensively. Your lame attempts to deny that only make it more enjoyable.

If you can divorce yourself from the Goldwater Republicans, then certainly any liberal Democrat today can divorce himself from the conservative segregationist Democrats.


Is the modern Republican Party more the Goldwater party than the Nelson Rockefeller party?

Of course it is. Moderate centrist civil rights supporting Republicans like Nelson Rockefeller are reviled by the modern GOP.

The modern GOP is the party of the likes of Rand Paul, straight out of the Goldwater legacy of the GOP.

If refutation of my argument entails name calling, then I am due for a trip to the looney bin. The rest of your 'argument' is moot. All you Democrats have done is introduce strwamen like Barry Goldwater into this debate to deflect away from your atrocious past.

lol, so Barry Goldwater, the father of modern conservatism, is a strawman, but southern conservative Democrats are not?

Where are the Rockefeller Republicans today?

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