Recall Days After 9/11 Congress Churned Out What Became Called "The Patriot Act" ...Why No Legislation Now?


Can You Smell Me
Aug 3, 2013
Surely, they must have legislation for a pandemic, even if it is Kung Flu Hoax like the one currently. Deep State Tiny Tony Fraudi who has very close ties to Pelosi and other crooked democrats must have reminded them personally, there will be a "pandemic." Within hours of the 9/11, Congress was working up new legislation, revising old, unconstitutional legislation they would never bother inflicting on American citizens without a crisis, etc., but why nothing now?

How about this for starters:

"The Real Patriot Act"

If you are an American Citizen, no State, County, or Local government can by edict or common law make your US Constitution Rights null and void. Any government official denying your Constitutional Rights shall be removed from office and will receive no pension or benefits. This is redundant since it is in the Bill of Rights of the several states and the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution already indicates that, but since many politicians, especially Deep State democrats, have not read the US Constitution and most certainly do not understand it, or natural rights inherent in free people, this reminder is necessary.
Did you forget to finish this post? Or are you saying the current Congress hasn't enacted coronavirus legislation because it would violate constitutional rights, and thus they're afraid they'd be removed from office and lose their pensions for doing so?
Osiris, my post was to present the juxtaposition of the fact as a result of Islamic Terrorism, Congress had a catalog of new rules days after the event to allegedly prevent the pandemic of Islamic Terrorism for inflicting further physical, economic and psychological damage to US Citizens. Little did we know, the "Patriot Act" would be used by Crooked Hillary and Obama to spy on President Trump and his associates and attack our US Constitution! But that is not the point, exactly. The fact that as a result of a fake pandemic governors and mayors etc. were and are free to violate the US Constitution makes the Bill of Rights de facto Null and Void. So the two main things happening are first, unconstitutional behavior be state and local governments insisting on "lockdowns" enforced by a police state in which courts are totally silent, to top it off they are letting criminals out of prison. And second, there is no legislation presented to address the physical, economic and psychological damage to US Citizens caused by fake scientists like Crooked Hillary/Obama/W,H.O. butt muncher Tiny Tony Fraudi. Or more generally, if there was another fake pandemic sometime in the future, are state and local again allowed to squash the Bill of Rights while their fake "experts" decide when you can have your rights back?

So, even if you don't think Tiny Tony Fraudi is a domestic terrorist, the false information he provided President Trump resulted in domestic terror in the form of fear of a fake pandemic, and with the hideously bad remedy of quarantining healthy people and demanding they wear germ infested masks which is the opposite of which should be done.
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Okay, since the concept I introduced might be too conceptual. What about a "Pandemic Act" in which Congress openly states your rights as an American Citizen mean shit if a politician or bureaucrat alleges there is a contagious disease that requires victims to be put in comas and placed on "ventilators?" Well, this is what in fact happened without legislation! What Congress should do, if it actually worked for American citizens, would be to propose "The Anti-Pandemic Act" in which American citizens are reassured they are free citizens no matter happens in some ghetto shithole or some tragic nursing home.
Surely, they must have legislation for a pandemic, even if it is Kung Flu Hoax like the one currently. Deep State Tiny Tony Fraudi who has very close ties to Pelosi and other crooked democrats must have reminded them personally, there will be a "pandemic." Within hours of the 9/11, Congress was working up new legislation, revising old, unconstitutional legislation they would never bother inflicting on American citizens without a crisis, etc., but why nothing now?

How about this for starters:

"The Real Patriot Act"

If you are an American Citizen, no State, County, or Local government can by edict or common law make your US Constitution Rights null and void. Any government official denying your Constitutional Rights shall be removed from office and will receive no pension or benefits. This is redundant since it is in the Bill of Rights of the several states and the Bill of Rights of the US Constitution already indicates that, but since many politicians, especially Deep State democrats, have not read the US Constitution and most certainly do not understand it, or natural rights inherent in free people, this reminder is necessary.
The Patriot Act is an abomination.
No doubt. It was used against not only average American citizens, but against our own President and folks he hired for his campaign and administration by Obama/Crooked Hillary fake ass "intelligent agencies" in coordination with the fake news DNC/MSM. It is troubling nobody from the Freedom Caucus or other actual patriotic politicians is presenting legislation to insure ridiculous "lockdowns" never happen again since there is scientific evidence "lockdowns" not only make the Constitution null and void, they actually cause more disease.

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