Recent LIES Fox News has spewed

Hey, douchebag, you ought to be more concerned with fact checking all the other news outlets. You know, the ones that are biased toward the left:

Daily Beast
Mother Jones
Daily KOS
Huffington Post

That's 12 of them right there that are openly leftists and that have ALL had problems telling the truth in the past, some moreso than others. Yet you want to whine about Fox? Get real, douche bag!

Go suck a cock, asshole. That's apparently all you are good at.

Prove it.

No, I don't mean prove that you know all about "cock sucking". I mean prove all of those news sources lie.

While you're at it, prove that fux doesn't.

Or, you could just admit that you're too stupid to turn off fux.
As usual, the RWNJs are desperate to derail the thread and terrified of actually addressing the OP.

As usual, none of them posted a link to prove their lies.

Fact is, RWNJs know fux is lying. They know their opinions are based on lies. RWNJs take great pride in their willful stupidity.
Your impotent leftist anger makes my nipples hard!
I'm glad there is at least one TV news channel that makes bed wetters weep into their lattes.

Republican yellow belly bedwetters drink lattes? Who'd have thunk it? ;)

wow, you've now sunk to calling people who is concerned over our and our countries safety names just like that thug Obama. thank goodness there are some SANE people left to take care of people like you

SNIP: ADD HILLARY in this also. video at the site

Scarborough: Obama Is ‘Radically Out Of Step’ With The Reality Of ISIS [VIDEO]
Of course Polifact doesn't document their allegations. Liberal when confronted with truth covers their ears and moan... Lies lies lies.
Hey, douchebag, you ought to be more concerned with fact checking all the other news outlets. You know, the ones that are biased toward the left:

Daily Beast
Mother Jones
Daily KOS
Huffington Post

That's 12 of them right there that are openly leftists and that have ALL had problems telling the truth in the past, some moreso than others. Yet you want to whine about Fox? Get real, douche bag!

Go suck a cock, asshole. That's apparently all you are good at.

Prove it.

No, I don't mean prove that you know all about "cock sucking". I mean prove all of those news sources lie.

While you're at it, prove that fux doesn't.

Or, you could just admit that you're too stupid to turn off fux.
Ha ha ha!! You are deranged! Sure, I could research it and provide links to media sources confirming my allegation of these leftist shill sources committing lies, half-truths, and all out bias. But why would I go to all that trouble for you? You will just pick at it anyway. You lack the character to admit when you are wrong. Most leftists do. Besides, this is one of those things that's self evident, like the sun rising in the east and setting in the west. Further, you cannot prove a negative; i.e., that Fox does not lie. They do, however, cover competing sides on issues much better that other networks. You can regularly watch a segment on CNN and MSNBC where there are 2 or more guests and each one is a leftist and there are no conservatives to present opposing viewpoints. They do this every day. At least Fox attempts to present all sides of an issue, though they are admittedly not perfect.
This scorecard shows the ratings for statements made on air by Fox, Fox News and Fox Business personalities and their pundit guests. Rulings do not include statements made on air by politicians or paid spokespeople.

Statements made on FOX
Click on the ruling to see all of the statements made on FOX.

FOX's file: | PunditFact

What the fuck is "half true"? Either it's true or it's a lie.

I notice some of these were opinions or speculations and none were in context.

They claim statements are false with no evidence to support their claim.
it's politifact folks. they jumped the shark a long time ago. Now they are just lapdogs for the Democrat party. Lets see from them all the lies on all the other news stations.
we'll wait for it:eusa_whistle:

Prove it.

You can't.

FACT is, fux tells the truth in only 18% of their stories.

What's amusing, that people like yourself define "untruthful" as any statement that doesn't agree with your view of the world. FOX NEWS doesn't lie...they simply don't tell YOU what YOU want to hear!
FOX Derangement Syndrome.
Want more?
Defenders of Prosperity: Liberals Lied About Logan's Attack
CBS Lies. Will Dan Rather Get Away With It This Time?
NBC News anchor caught lying
Aurora Massacre: ABC Caught In Another Lie…
Talk show host Ed Schultz says Wisconsin state employees might lose 20 percent of their income under Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair plan
President Bush did give the New York Times interviews
MSNBC Admits: ‘Unable to Verify’ False Limbaugh Quote; No Retraction or Apology

Hey, douchebag, you ought to be more concerned with fact checking all the other news outlets. You know, the ones that are biased toward the left:

Daily Beast
Mother Jones
Daily KOS
Huffington Post

That's 12 of them right there that are openly leftists and that have ALL had problems telling the truth in the past, some moreso than others. Yet you want to whine about Fox? Get real, douche bag!

Go suck a cock, asshole. That's apparently all you are good at.

Prove it.

No, I don't mean prove that you know all about "cock sucking". I mean prove all of those news sources lie.

While you're at it, prove that fux doesn't.

Or, you could just admit that you're too stupid to turn off fux.
Here, I will add a few more to make sure you are happy
Daily Beast retracts story on Scott Walker
Politico Retraction on Palin and Levin Story? Investigation Leads to HuffPost Retraction

Busted! Mother Jones Caught Lying - Airport Spitting Incident Was a Hoax ...UPDATED - Progressives Today
The Konformist Blog: Daily Kos Issues Retraction Of Smear

Want more?
Defenders of Prosperity: Liberals Lied About Logan's Attack
CBS Lies. Will Dan Rather Get Away With It This Time?
NBC News anchor caught lying
Aurora Massacre: ABC Caught In Another Lie…
Talk show host Ed Schultz says Wisconsin state employees might lose 20 percent of their income under Gov. Scott Walker’s budget repair plan
President Bush did give the New York Times interviews
MSNBC Admits: ‘Unable to Verify’ False Limbaugh Quote; No Retraction or Apology

Hey, douchebag, you ought to be more concerned with fact checking all the other news outlets. You know, the ones that are biased toward the left:

Daily Beast
Mother Jones
Daily KOS
Huffington Post

That's 12 of them right there that are openly leftists and that have ALL had problems telling the truth in the past, some moreso than others. Yet you want to whine about Fox? Get real, douche bag!

Go suck a cock, asshole. That's apparently all you are good at.

Prove it.

No, I don't mean prove that you know all about "cock sucking". I mean prove all of those news sources lie.

While you're at it, prove that fux doesn't.

Or, you could just admit that you're too stupid to turn off fux.
Hey, douchebag, you ought to be more concerned with fact checking all the other news outlets. You know, the ones that are biased toward the left:

Daily Beast
Mother Jones
Daily KOS
Huffington Post

That's 12 of them right there that are openly leftists and that have ALL had problems telling the truth in the past, some moreso than others. Yet you want to whine about Fox? Get real, douche bag!

Go suck a cock, asshole. That's apparently all you are good at.

classy prison talk for a 3rd grader.
OP has lost all credibility when she posted this thread under "Politics" and not under "Media".
Hey, douchebag, you ought to be more concerned with fact checking all the other news outlets. You know, the ones that are biased toward the left:

Daily Beast
Mother Jones
Daily KOS
Huffington Post

That's 12 of them right there that are openly leftists and that have ALL had problems telling the truth in the past, some moreso than others. Yet you want to whine about Fox? Get real, douche bag!

Go suck a cock, asshole. That's apparently all you are good at.

classy prison talk for a 3rd grader.
I agree, Luddy is acting like a Class A schmuck!

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