Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force...

Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May

"By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency," President Obama told the people of Elkhart, Indiana three days ago. "We cut unemployment in half, years before a lot of economists thought we would."

The unemployment rate in May dropped to 4.7 percent, BLS reported, less than half of its Obama-era high of 10 percent in October 2009.

But the labor force participation rate has deteriorated over Obama's two terms.

Obama says he's the bestest.....

Why does Obama allow boomers to retire?

Doesn't he know Conservatives are watching the Labor Participation Rate?
Well, see, that's why we needed to get rid of social security. These old people can do something to make money, and if they can't they'll starve, and they won't be "takers" anymore.

Retirement Statistics – Statistic Brain
Yeah, no, retired people do not make up the entire percentage of people out of the Labor Force.
It makes people like right-winger feel better to think so.
Fucking hell!! Almost 40% of Americans don't work. Wow.
You know that 40% mostly consists of the retired, stay at home parents and all students above 16 years old, right?

That doesn't change the fact that the number WHO ARE NOT RETIRED has been climbing also.
And stay at home Mom's?...they account for less than 5%...and NONE of them are retired.
So go and make them get jobs, they are out there...

As long as certain ideologies will hand them more for nothing than they could make working, where is the incentive for them to go to work?

Rather than making them get jobs, quit giving them a handout. They'll either starve or figure out they have to work.
I bet you'd be great at that job, just apply..
Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May

"By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency," President Obama told the people of Elkhart, Indiana three days ago. "We cut unemployment in half, years before a lot of economists thought we would."

The unemployment rate in May dropped to 4.7 percent, BLS reported, less than half of its Obama-era high of 10 percent in October 2009.

But the labor force participation rate has deteriorated over Obama's two terms.

Obama says he's the bestest.....

Why does Obama allow boomers to retire?

Doesn't he know Conservatives are watching the Labor Participation Rate?

Are you claiming all 94 million are retirees?
Of course not. We've always had kids, sick and moms staying at home. But everytime somebody puts up a "OMG more people are not in the work force," they fail to notice what people have been warning about all through the Slick and W years. It's upon us. Prepare your anuses.

What Baby Boomers’ Retirement Means For the U.S. Economy
Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May

"By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency," President Obama told the people of Elkhart, Indiana three days ago. "We cut unemployment in half, years before a lot of economists thought we would."

The unemployment rate in May dropped to 4.7 percent, BLS reported, less than half of its Obama-era high of 10 percent in October 2009.

But the labor force participation rate has deteriorated over Obama's two terms.

Obama says he's the bestest.....

Why does Obama allow boomers to retire?

Doesn't he know Conservatives are watching the Labor Participation Rate?
Well, see, that's why we needed to get rid of social security. These old people can do something to make money, and if they can't they'll starve, and they won't be "takers" anymore.

Well we can always process them into little tasty green wafers.....

I'm firmly convinced that Grover Norquist and his "ilk" have a true purpose. If we got rid of social security, we'd return to a society where adult children lived in the same house hold as their parents. And employers wouldn't have to chip in with payroll taxes.

And when a bunch of people get so pissed off at the gop establishment that they'll vote for a guy like Trump because he is the only thing not tried before, I really don't blame them. Hell, I voted for the guy in my primary. Not that he has any clue about how to govern.
...and according to Liberals, as long as Barry is President, this number should not be included in any way in calculating the current unemployment rate. Not one of those should be considered 'out of work'...

"A record 94,708,000 Americans were not in the labor force in May -- 664,000 more than in April -- and the labor force participation rate dropped two-tenths of a point to 62.6 percent, near its 38-year low, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday."

""By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency," President Obama told the people of Elkhart, Indiana three days ago."


BTW, Barry is the 1st President in US history NOT to experience 3% growth.

Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May
The baby boomers have evidently reached critical mass.
...and according to Liberals, as long as Barry is President, this number should not be included in any way in calculating the current unemployment rate. Not one of those should be considered 'out of work'...

"A record 94,708,000 Americans were not in the labor force in May -- 664,000 more than in April -- and the labor force participation rate dropped two-tenths of a point to 62.6 percent, near its 38-year low, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday."

""By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency," President Obama told the people of Elkhart, Indiana three days ago."


BTW, Barry is the 1st President in US history NOT to experience 3% growth.

Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May
The baby boomers have evidently reached critical mass.
Like a damn atom bomb. Of course, we could lift the cap on payroll taxes and social security would be solvent throughout the we boomers dying out. It would have been preferable, however, to not have had the W tax cuts so that we could have bought back debt owed to private investors and for govts, and then reissued new debt to bridge the economy through the boomer years.
With 4.6 or so unemployment rate and booming economy? Are you implying the President is a liar or just that his policies have failed?
I hear the O is back on the campaign trail, claiming that in order to preserve all the great things he has done, Obama care...(fill in the blanks) you must support the pathological liar because the Donald will erase the past 7 years of his administrations accomplishments. One can only hope.

Retirement Statistics – Statistic Brain
Yeah, no, retired people do not make up the entire percentage of people out of the Labor Force.

Where does your link say that?
OK, so that's 41 million, add in the disabled and you are at 50, add in students over 16 and you are at 70, add in stay at home moms and dads plus those staying home to care for sick or elderly family members and you are in the 90s.

Retirement Statistics – Statistic Brain
Yeah, no, retired people do not make up the entire percentage of people out of the Labor Force.

Where does your link say that?
OK, so that's 41 million, add in the disabled and you are at 50, add in students over 16 and you are at 70, add in stay at home moms and dads plus those staying home to care for sick or elderly family members and you are in the 90s.
Takers. They're all takers. Leeches. Cancer. Deadwood.
Fucking hell!! Almost 40% of Americans don't work. Wow.
You know that 40% mostly consists of the retired, stay at home parents and all students above 16 years old, right?

That doesn't change the fact that the number WHO ARE NOT RETIRED has been climbing also.
And stay at home Mom's?...they account for less than 5%...and NONE of them are retired.
So go and make them get jobs, they are out there...

As long as certain ideologies will hand them more for nothing than they could make working, where is the incentive for them to go to work?

Rather than making them get jobs, quit giving them a handout. They'll either starve or figure out they have to work.
I bet you'd be great at that job, just apply..

I don't have a problem helping those that truly CAN'T work. On the other side, I also don't have a problem with letting someone that WON'T work starve.

Retirement Statistics – Statistic Brain
Yeah, no, retired people do not make up the entire percentage of people out of the Labor Force.

Where does your link say that?
OK, so that's 41 million, add in the disabled and you are at 50, add in students over 16 and you are at 70, add in stay at home moms and dads plus those staying home to care for sick or elderly family members and you are in the 90s.

Your kind always has an excuse for the freeloaders.
"A record 94,708,000 Americans were not in the labor force in May
I just love when I see propaganda outlets take advantage of the innumeracy of tards.

Well, not really. I can't really laugh at such pathetic stupidity.

You see, the LFPR is not at a record low, but that news would not give you idiots a boner.

But because our population is always increasing, your puppet masters are able to scream "A RECORD NUMBER OF AMERICANS ARE NOT IN THE LABOR FORCE!" Now THAT is how you make a headline, mister!

It's just like when the Lefties scream about "RECORD PROFITS ZOMG!"
The Funniest BLS Report Ever

Only a captured government drone could put out a report showing only 38,000 new jobs created, with the working age population rising by 205,000, and have the balls to report the unemployment rate plunged from 5.0% to 4.7%, the lowest since August 2007. If you ever needed proof these worthless bureaucrats are nothing more than propaganda peddlers for the establishment, this report is it. The two previous months were revised significantly downward in the fine print of the press release.

It is absolutely mind boggling that these government pond scum hacks can get away with reporting that 484,000 people who WERE unemployed last month are no longer unemployed this month. Life is so fucking good in this country, they all just decided to kick back and leave the labor force. Maybe they all won the Powerball lottery. How many people do you know who can afford to just leave the workforce and live off their vast savings?

In addition, 180,000 more Americans left the workforce, bringing the total to a record 94.7 million Americans not in the labor force. The corporate MSM will roll out the usual “experts” to blather about the retirement of Baby Boomers as the false narrative to deflect blame from Obama and his minions. The absolute absurdity of the data heaped upon the ignorant masses is clearly evident in the data over the last three months. Here is government idiocracy at its finest:

Number of working age Americans added since March – 406,000

Number of employed Americans since March – NEGATIVE 290,000

Number of Americans who have supposedly voluntarily left the workforce – 1,226,000

Unemployment rate – FELL from 5.0% to 4.7%

Talk about perpetrating the BIG LIE. Goebbels and Bernays are smiling up from the fires of hell as their acolytes of propaganda have kicked it into hyper-drive. We only need the other 7.4 million “officially” unemployed Americans to leave the work force and we’ll have 0% unemployment. At the current pace we should be there by election time. I wonder if Cramer, Liesman, or any of the other CNBC mouthpieces for the establishment will point out that not one single full-time job has been added in 2016. There were 6,000 less full-time jobs in May than in January, while there are 572,000 more low paying, no benefits, part-time Obama service jobs. Sounds like a recovery to me.

It gets even better. The birth death excel spreadsheet “adjustment” added 224,000 phantom jobs into the May calculation. The lies – they burn. We know for a fact more businesses are closing than opening since the 2008 financial crisis. This model assumes more openings than closings. IT’S ADJUSTMENT IS DEAD WRONG. In reality, jobs should be subtracted from the total. It added 231,000 phantom jobs in April too. The jobs numbers are much worse than the bad numbers being reported.

When you see lies, misinformation and deceitfulness at this level, you have to ask yourself whether this entire debt supported house of cards is about to fall. The smell of desperation is in the air. The MSM stories about a booming economy are rolled out on a daily basis. Meanwhile, the average family is being crushed by Obamacare, rising rents, rising food costs, and no interest on any savings they might have left.

It also seems awfully suspicious that within seconds of the awful report, the faux journalists immediate reaction was NO FED RATE HIKE in June or July. These pundits of propaganda want the ignorant masses to think a .25% increase in interest rates actually matters to the economy or the average person. We’ve had ZIRP for almost seven years and the economy blows. Rates have been at emergency levels as the establishment has flogged the economic recovery story to death. There has been no recovery for the average person. The recovery has been for Wall Street and the sycophants who suck off their teat.

Obama has been on his self congratulatory tour exclaiming how fucking awesome the economy has been under his reign of error. The Bush presidency was most certainly a fiscal disaster, but Obama’s tenure was even worse. The numbers don’t lie, but Obama does.


Look at that stupendous record of success. Obama should be as proud as punch. Since the unemployment rate is now back to 2007 levels, before the Federal Reserve/Wall Street/Washington DC created financial implosion, let’s take a look at the Obama success story:

  • The workforce has grown by 21 million people, while the number of employed has grown by a whopping 5 million.
  • The labor participation rates has plunged from 66.0% to 62.6%, the lowest since the 1970s.
  • The number of Americans who have left the work force because their lives are so fulfilled is 16 million. I’m sure there is no correlation to food stamps or SSDI enrollment.
  • The Boomer retirement narrative is proven false by the fact that a record percentage of Americans over the age of 65 are working in order to avoid starvation and homelessness.
  • Of the 5 million jobs added since 2007, only 2 million of them were full-time.
  • Obama’s success in destroying the mining industry is borne out in the 207,000 jobs destroyed in the last two years.
  • The percentage of men aged 25 to 54 (prime working years) not working is at an all-time high.
  • Real median household income (using the fake understated CPI) is still 1.3% LOWER today than it was in 2007.
  • Wages continue to stagnate in the 2.3% range, while real inflation for real people in the real world exceeds 5%.
It doesn’t matter how much propaganda the establishment peddles, average families who aren’t beholden to the establishment for their living, know how bad the things have gotten. They have been getting increasingly pissed off. The rising tide of support for Trump and Sanders is a reaction to the lies, misinformation, mismanagement, corruption, and lawlessness of the establishment. The people know they have been screwed. The complex web which makes up the establishment control makes it difficult for the average person to discern who exactly has screwed them, but they know a screw when they feel it.

As this summer progresses and the economy continues to sink, the anger will continue to build. The violence has already begun, as paid thugs are bused in to create havoc at every Trump rally. The establishment fears the unknown. They need to control the agenda. Trump scares them. The economy is clearly in recession for the average family. The stock, bond, and real estate markets are the most overvalued in history. A crash in any or all of these markets would unleash mayhem. The next five months could alter the future course of this country. Stay tuned.

The Funniest BLS Report Ever | Zero Hedge

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