Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force...

Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May

"By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency," President Obama told the people of Elkhart, Indiana three days ago. "We cut unemployment in half, years before a lot of economists thought we would."

The unemployment rate in May dropped to 4.7 percent, BLS reported, less than half of its Obama-era high of 10 percent in October 2009.

But the labor force participation rate has deteriorated over Obama's two terms.

Obama says he's the bestest.....

Why does Obama allow boomers to retire?

Doesn't he know Conservatives are watching the Labor Participation Rate?

Are you claiming all 94 million are retirees?

That's what the lefties say....
Those not looking for work are retired....
We all know that's BS...
Clearly, grokking data analysis is above your pay grade.

The trends show declining LRFP ratios for younger workers and rising ones for retirement age people.
Well, not exactly.

From the link referenced in your link:

Labor force projections to 2024: the labor force is growing, but slowly : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Labor force projections to 2024: the labor force is growing, but slowly
The labor force is projected to grow over the next 10 years at an average annual rate of 0.5 percent, a slower rate than in recent decades. Demographic factors—including slower population growth and the aging of the U.S. population—in addition to the declining labor force participation rate will be responsible for the projected growth of the labor force.

As a result of declining fertility rates and decreasing international migration, the population of the United States is growing more slowly than in previous decades and is also getting older.1 In addition, the labor force participation rate has been declining as a result of demographic, structural, and cyclical factors after having peaked from 1997 to 2000. Still, even with the decreasing participation rates of the past few years, because population is the single most important factor in determining the size and composition of the labor force, the declining growth of the labor force is more a result of the declining growth rate of the population over the years.
...and according to Liberals, as long as Barry is President, this number should not be included in any way in calculating the current unemployment rate. Not one of those should be considered 'out of work'...

"A record 94,708,000 Americans were not in the labor force in May -- 664,000 more than in April -- and the labor force participation rate dropped two-tenths of a point to 62.6 percent, near its 38-year low, the Labor Department's Bureau of Labor Statistics reported on Friday."

""By almost every economic measure, America is better off than when I came here at the beginning of my presidency," President Obama told the people of Elkhart, Indiana three days ago."


BTW, Barry is the 1st President in US history NOT to experience 3% growth.

Record 94,708,000 Americans Not in Labor Force; Participation Rate Drops in May

Someone forgot to tell him, socialism doesn't work.
Clearly, grokking data analysis is above your pay grade.

The trends show declining LRFP ratios for younger workers and rising ones for retirement age people.
Well, not exactly.

From the link referenced in your link:

Labor force projections to 2024: the labor force is growing, but slowly : Monthly Labor Review: U.S. Bureau of Labor Statistics


Labor force projections to 2024: the labor force is growing, but slowly
The labor force is projected to grow over the next 10 years at an average annual rate of 0.5 percent, a slower rate than in recent decades. Demographic factors—including slower population growth and the aging of the U.S. population—in addition to the declining labor force participation rate will be responsible for the projected growth of the labor force.

As a result of declining fertility rates and decreasing international migration, the population of the United States is growing more slowly than in previous decades and is also getting older.1 In addition, the labor force participation rate has been declining as a result of demographic, structural, and cyclical factors after having peaked from 1997 to 2000. Still, even with the decreasing participation rates of the past few years, because population is the single most important factor in determining the size and composition of the labor force, the declining growth of the labor force is more a result of the declining growth rate of the population over the years.

So they are predicting the labor force to grow during the Trump presidency?

I agree with them.
Looking at that one number without considering our massively distorted age demographics (the Baby Boomers) and our massive increases in productivity due to technology over the last two decades is essentially pointless.

If we don't get our shit together and start addressing the ramifications of our rapidly changing economy.....

Aw, fuck it.
I'm still trying to fine the website where the losers go to register they're no longer in the workforce or to unregister if they do decide to find work.

Only low information dopes believe whatever the governmet decides the unemployment rate to be, after first manipulating the number of those not looking for work.
Fucking hell!! Almost 40% of Americans don't work. Wow.

yes, about 40% of Americans are children or retired people. Retired people make up 14.5% of the population and people under 18 make up 24% of he population. So really, we are talking about 1.5% of the population that is of working age that can't find work.

Now, there are demagraphic strains we have to deal with. We have more people living longer and less people having babies.
Looking at that one number without considering our massively distorted age demographics (the Baby Boomers) and our massive increases in productivity due to technology over the last two decades is essentially pointless.

If we don't get our shit together and start addressing the ramifications of our rapidly changing economy.....

Aw, fuck it.

Don't worry! Jeff Bezos and Elon Musk are diligently working on the plan to use all these surplus humans for batteries to power their Billionaire Colony on Mars!

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