Record breaking snow, caused by THE global warming, all over the midwest.

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere, it has been at that level for all of recorded and prehistoric time. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth, never has, and unless we have all out nuclear war, never will. But even a nuclear war would only cause a temporary change in terms of the life of the planet, it would recover in a few hundred thousand years.

as someone said earlier, man is a pin prick in the life to the earth.
Why oh why did nobody tell us that Global Warming would be so Fucking Freezing Cold!!?????!!????
I can't stand talking to an uneducated man about things above his head, that he is not even willing to try to understand, so I am out of this conversation with Blind Boo, and he is on temporary ignore. I don't have time to teach people who refuse to learn what I have learned in a life time of study. I have tried repeatedly to share what I know with the unwashed masses on The Left, and it always ends the same.

The 2nd Law of Thermodynamics only applies to an isolated/closed system.

It does not apply with regards to the sun/earth.


Oh, and abiotic oil is the equivalent of cold fusion...sounds great on paper, but total bunk

pollution = bad

everyone agrees on that

pollution does not cause climate change, pollution causes dirty air and water which are bad for humans.

fight pollution, stop the bullshit about man made climate change, because there is no such thing.

Two separate issues, not unlike those that confuse weather and climate.

I do agree there is not man made climate change, but there is man affected climate change and the smart people are not arguing over the semantics of it, they are doing things to prepare for the change. Because I believe that man has had an effect on climate people often assume i am a carbon tax, stupid light bulbs supporter, but nothing is further from the truth. I push more for adaptation vice some vain attempt to stop it. It took us roughly 200,000 years to get to 1 billion people on the planet, and then only 215 years to add 6.5 billion more. Is it crazy to think that might have some impact on our planet?

The farmers I deal with understand that things are changing and that if they do not adapt their practices they will be SOL. It is estimated that the amount of irrigated crop land in the Mid-west and the Plains states might double when the results from the Census of Ag are posted next year. The growing season is shifting in this area all over our country.

The DOD understands it....

The worst thing to ever happen to the science of climate change were morons like Al Gore and his stupid movie.
Why oh why did nobody tell us that Global Warming would be so Fucking Freezing Cold!!?????!!????
I think they did tell us that.

Remember the dumbest movie ever made, The Day After Tomorrow?

CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere, it has been at that level for all of recorded and prehistoric time. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth, never has, and unless we have all out nuclear war, never will. But even a nuclear war would only cause a temporary change in terms of the life of the planet, it would recover in a few hundred thousand years.

as someone said earlier, man is a pin prick in the life to the earth.

In 1850 or so it was 285 ppm. It has steadily increased. This month it is about 410 ppm. The increase is from burning fossil fuels.

Daily CO2

I'd like to say we'll see, but the consensus is that most of the effects will not begin to be felt until the last half of the century. And the catastrophic predictions are well into next century. So I ain't gonna see whatever happens.

from Climate Change: Climate Resource Center - Graphic: The relentless rise of carbon dioxide
CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere, it has been at that level for all of recorded and prehistoric time. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth, never has, and unless we have all out nuclear war, never will. But even a nuclear war would only cause a temporary change in terms of the life of the planet, it would recover in a few hundred thousand years.

as someone said earlier, man is a pin prick in the life to the earth.

In 1850 or so it was 285 ppm. It has steadily increased. This month it is about 410 ppm. The increase is from burning fossil fuels.

Daily CO2

I'd like to say we'll see, but the consensus is that most of the effects will not begin to be felt until the last half of the century. And the catastrophic predictions are well into next century. So I ain't gonna see whatever happens.

Translation ~ you won't be alive to be proven wrong or right, that is irresponsible behavior to try to force people to live with out things they enjoy in life and cheaply like their parents and grandparents .
CO2 makes up .039% of the atmosphere, it has been at that level for all of recorded and prehistoric time. Man is not changing the climate of planet earth, never has, and unless we have all out nuclear war, never will. But even a nuclear war would only cause a temporary change in terms of the life of the planet, it would recover in a few hundred thousand years.

as someone said earlier, man is a pin prick in the life to the earth.

In 1850 or so it was 285 ppm. It has steadily increased. This month it is about 410 ppm. The increase is from burning fossil fuels.

Daily CO2

I'd like to say we'll see, but the consensus is that most of the effects will not begin to be felt until the last half of the century. And the catastrophic predictions are well into next century. So I ain't gonna see whatever happens.

Translation ~ you won't be alive to be proven wrong or right, that is irresponsible behavior to try to force people to live with out things they enjoy in life and cheaply like their parents and grandparents .

Such as?
Here is another puzzle for the mental midgets on The Left.

We are bombarded by these energies every day.


If there were really a CO2 blanket that was trapping this energy and causing Fictitious Global Warming, why aren’t we being cooked to death?

How did life even form when The Paleogelogic record tells us that life flourished even exploded at exponentially higher levels of CO2 than we have today?

In fact we are in what is called a CO2 dessert and we actually need more CO2 to stimulate plant growth and make the desserts bloom.

2nd question: Global Warming Hoax Theory argues that CO2 is a Greenhouse Gas that is trapping heat and raising the overall temperature of our planet. Now they can’t prove that but that’s not where I am going.

A Greenhouse Gas is qualified as a Gas that retains and absorbs and traps more heat within the Earth than it radiates out to space. This implies that such a molecule would have a barrier side to it stopping heat from being radiated out to space and an absorptive side that absorbs and traps heat and allows it to be radiated in one direction back at Earth.

So here is the Riddle Joker. If this CO2 Blanket actually exists then How in the Hell does IR Radiation even reach The Earth? Why aren’t we freezing to death?

Liberal Earth Worshippers are arguing that IR can get in but can’t get out yet the mechanics of that indicate that it wouldn’t be able to get in, in the first place.

How exact does a molecule that only makes up 0.039% of our atmosphere have such powerful magical properties?

Oxygen must be very jealous about right now and Niteogen is just depressed over all the attention this insignificant CO2 gets.

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Shouldn’t you give the dumbass award to yourself since he is completely and factually correct?


The Dino era had 5 times the amount of C02 we have today and the dinosaurs lived fine and dandy....

This is what I love about this board...just when you think you have seen the stupidest possible thing written in thread, someone comes along and proves you wrong!

Well done!

Shouldn’t you give the dumbass award to yourself since he is completely and factually correct?


The Dino era had 5 times the amount of C02 we have today and the dinosaurs lived fine and dandy....

This is what I love about this board...just when you think you have seen the stupidest possible thing written in thread, someone comes along and proves you wrong!

Well done!


How were we humans doing back then?

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Global weather change is obvious, you can deny it but unless you live in a deep cave it is obvious. A single word 'warming' confuses the corporate puppies, sad. Agnotology keeps the conservative snowflakes looking in the other direction, you guys are funny, ignorant too.

"So it's basically a shoot the messenger strategy that they've been pursuing for decades, but most actually scientists have been ignoring them for about the same amount of time." Trump is taking advice on the future of the environment from a man who denies basic science

Excellent read for those whose minds are not managed by corporate money: Merchants of Doubt: How a Handful of Scientists Obscured the Truth on Issues from Tobacco Smoke to Global Warming by Naomi Oreskes


'Agnotology, The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance' Agnotology: The Making and Unmaking of Ignorance by Robert N. Proctor
Can anyone understand what she is talking about..??? I only have a PHD

The Dino era had 5 times the amount of C02 we have today and the dinosaurs lived fine and dandy....

This is what I love about this board...just when you think you have seen the stupidest possible thing written in thread, someone comes along and proves you wrong!

Well done!


So you telling us you are ignorant of science and history????

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