Record breaking snow, caused by THE global warming, all over the midwest.

Shouldn’t you give the dumbass award to yourself since he is completely and factually correct?


The Dino era had 5 times the amount of C02 we have today and the dinosaurs lived fine and dandy....

This is what I love about this board...just when you think you have seen the stupidest possible thing written in thread, someone comes along and proves you wrong!

Well done!


How were we humans doing back then?

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So are you saying mammals didn't exsist back then ?
Shouldn’t you give the dumbass award to yourself since he is completely and factually correct?


The Dino era had 5 times the amount of C02 we have today and the dinosaurs lived fine and dandy....

This is what I love about this board...just when you think you have seen the stupidest possible thing written in thread, someone comes along and proves you wrong!

Well done!


How were we humans doing back then?

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So are you saying mammals didn't exsist back then ?

I will ask again, how were us HUMANS doing back then????

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Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

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Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick with no affect on the climate. To suggest otherwise is pure absurdity.

For one denier it is the sun, for the next it is geological cycles...damn if only those silly scientist had thought of those things and taken them into account!

This is the result of people getting their science from news sources instead of from the scientist themselves, ignorance prevails.

It took mankind from the dawn of time till the 1800 to reach a billion people, it took us 120 years to reach the next billion, 60 years to reach the next, and 40 years to reach the next and 40 years to add 2.5 billion. You would have to be an idiot to think that such growth will not have an impact on the planet we live in.

I've studied it for 15 years inside a certain govt agency. We don't affect the climate. It is the heighth of arrogance to think we are the main cause of glowarm.

You should give back your 15 years of salary, clearly it was wasted

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Oh, climate change is happening...but not because of the propaganda thats being thrown out to the public.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

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Lab work, McFly!

Where's my lab work showing the relationship between 120PPM increase in CO2 and temperature?
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

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Lab work, McFly!

Where's my lab work showing the relationship between 120PPM increase in CO2 and temperature?

More facts that will be ignored by the sheople on the left.

They cannot refute any of it.
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