Record breaking snow, caused by THE global warming, all over the midwest.

Snow flurries south of the Mason Dixon line. Is it possible that volcano emissions and exhaust from con-trails all over the world and my 8 cyl F-150 can keep the Sun from peaking after the last relatively recent geological ice age barely 50,000 years ago and sliding into another ice age? I say bring it on but I don't have much hope for mankind's ability to do it.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

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Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick with no affect on the climate. To suggest otherwise is pure absurdity.
Warmer earth (specifically oceans) generates that unstable jet stream and causes the weird weather we've been having, like record breaking snow storms in mid April.
It's all cyclical. The earths tilted axis. The earths wobble. Ice sheets that expand & contract. Etc.

We have a VERY limited data set with which to make predictions.
The earths climate has never been completely stable. The Sahara was once tropical for example and that obviously didn't change because of my Dodge Ram.
Pollution is bad obviously but the hysteria the left promotes is ridiculous
You just keep on believing that. I've learned that you deniers can't be taught.
What you've "learned" is irrelevant lol

I learned about green eggs and ham early in life. Have yet to ever see any green eggs and ham.

The earth will continue to spin and man will continue to live on regardless of your hysteria & "learning" lol
That's nice <pats grampa on head> .You just keep on believing, like any cultist.
The laws of physics back me up. Funny to see how far off the deep end you are.
Now dont you have a whale to go save or something? The vandalism isn't going to happen by itself
Like hell they do. John Tyndall established that water vapor, CO2, CH4, and NOx were GHGs in 1859. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the air by 120 ppm, from 280 ppm to over 400 ppm. That 120 ppm is larger than the difference between the depths of the ice ages, and the interglacial periods such as we are in today. You are apparently completely ignorant of the laws of physics.
Question for the libs:

Your goal is to stop humans from polluting the planet, Right?

If not, what is your goal?

Why isn't stopping pollution enough? Why do you need a fake link between pollution and climate in order to fight pollution?

virtually every person on earth would be with you to stop pollution, you don't need the climate narrative to fight pollution.

Or is it really something else? Is your real goal to mandate how everyone else must live? Can you answer honestly?
What a liar you are. Pruitt allows the mountain top mines to pollute whole watersheds. And has relaxed or done away with other regulations on pollution.
It's all cyclical. The earths tilted axis. The earths wobble. Ice sheets that expand & contract. Etc.

We have a VERY limited data set with which to make predictions.
The earths climate has never been completely stable. The Sahara was once tropical for example and that obviously didn't change because of my Dodge Ram.
Pollution is bad obviously but the hysteria the left promotes is ridiculous
You just keep on believing that. I've learned that you deniers can't be taught.
What you've "learned" is irrelevant lol

I learned about green eggs and ham early in life. Have yet to ever see any green eggs and ham.

The earth will continue to spin and man will continue to live on regardless of your hysteria & "learning" lol
That's nice <pats grampa on head> .You just keep on believing, like any cultist.
The laws of physics back me up. Funny to see how far off the deep end you are.
Now dont you have a whale to go save or something? The vandalism isn't going to happen by itself
Like hell they do. John Tyndall established that water vapor, CO2, CH4, and NOx were GHGs in 1859. We have increased the amount of CO2 in the air by 120 ppm, from 280 ppm to over 400 ppm. That 120 ppm is larger than the difference between the depths of the ice ages, and the interglacial periods such as we are in today. You are apparently completely ignorant of the laws of physics.
I said the earth will continue to spin.
So no, I am 100% correct about the laws of physics.
Now go protest an oil rig or something else completely useless. That's what you all are good at.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

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Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick with no affect on the climate. To suggest otherwise is pure absurdity.

For one denier it is the sun, for the next it is geological cycles...damn if only those silly scientist had thought of those things and taken them into account!

This is the result of people getting their science from news sources instead of from the scientist themselves, ignorance prevails.

It took mankind from the dawn of time till the 1800 to reach a billion people, it took us 120 years to reach the next billion, 60 years to reach the next, and 40 years to reach the next and 40 years to add 2.5 billion. You would have to be an idiot to think that such growth will not have an impact on the planet we live in.
Mid April in Central Florida and we needed to turn the heat on this morning.

Global warming my ass!
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

Sent from my iPhone using

Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick with no affect on the climate. To suggest otherwise is pure absurdity.

For one denier it is the sun, for the next it is geological cycles...damn if only those silly scientist had thought of those things and taken them into account!

This is the result of people getting their science from news sources instead of from the scientist themselves, ignorance prevails.

It took mankind from the dawn of time till the 1800 to reach a billion people, it took us 120 years to reach the next billion, 60 years to reach the next, and 40 years to reach the next and 40 years to add 2.5 billion. You would have to be an idiot to think that such growth will not have an impact on the planet we live in.

I've studied it for 15 years inside a certain govt agency. We don't affect the climate. It is the heighth of arrogance to think we are the main cause of glowarm.
Mid April in Central Florida and we needed to turn the heat on this morning.

Global warming my ass!
I am still burning wood in April trying to cause Global Warming but it ain't doing a damn bit of good.

That's because burning wood contributes a net sum of zero in terms of carbon emissions when you burn it.

If you don't understand the carbon cycle, it's not surprising that you don't understand how man is increasing the level of CO2.
Mid April in Central Florida and we needed to turn the heat on this morning.

Global warming my ass!
I am still burning wood in April trying to cause Global Warming but it ain't doing a damn bit of good.

That's because burning wood contributes a net sum of zero in terms of carbon emissions when you burn it.

If you don't understand the carbon cycle, it's not surprising that you don't understand how man is increasing the level of CO2.

If you knew anything about science you would understand that CO2 is not the greenhouse gas that the environmental wackos claim it to be. In theory it should be but the chemistry of the earth is far more complex than the models indicate.

That is why there have been times in the earth's past where the temperature has been lower than what it is now and the CO2 levels much higher. There have also been times when the earth has been warmer than it is now but the CO2 levels have been lower.

In real science the overwhelming evidence is that CO2 levels lags temperature increases.

Of course the environmental wackos don't want to talk about that because it ruins their AGW scam bullshit.

If you want a real greenhouse gas go look up methane.
Not much being reported by the commie networks with their commie agendas.

Remember, that Big Yellow Thing in the Sky has almost no impact on our Climate. The fact that solar activity is at a minimum is boob bait for rubes, keep believing in the power of the CO2 molecule


Wow, if only scientist knew about that big yellow thing in the sky then they could favor in its activity when looking at climate change....

Oh wait, they do know about the sun and they do factor in solar activity...

There is an old’s better to keep your mouth shut and appear stupid than to open it and remove all doubt....

You should take that advice wig your posting

Sent from my iPhone using

Geological cycles. We're but a pinprick with no affect on the climate. To suggest otherwise is pure absurdity.

For one denier it is the sun, for the next it is geological cycles...damn if only those silly scientist had thought of those things and taken them into account!

This is the result of people getting their science from news sources instead of from the scientist themselves, ignorance prevails.

It took mankind from the dawn of time till the 1800 to reach a billion people, it took us 120 years to reach the next billion, 60 years to reach the next, and 40 years to reach the next and 40 years to add 2.5 billion. You would have to be an idiot to think that such growth will not have an impact on the planet we live in.

I've studied it for 15 years inside a certain govt agency. We don't affect the climate. It is the heighth of arrogance to think we are the main cause of glowarm.

You should give back your 15 years of salary, clearly it was wasted

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I completely understand Carbon's effect upon our Carbon Based Planet and Carbon Based Life Forms. We need carbon and lot's of it. More Carbon is even better as it Greens The Earth, and can make The Desert Bloom and Increase Crop Yields.

I hold two degrees in Science and I can tell you for a fact, Carbon has no net effect on raising or lowering the Earth's temperature. We have a Carbon Cycle and though carbon can fluctuate in PPM in the atmosphere, it is not causative at all in altering The Earth's Climate. CO2 in the atmosphere can be elevated with volcanic activity or rapid decomposition of bio material, but what it cannot do is increase atmospheric temperatures. Mars is 98% CO2, and is cold as a dead liberal's tit.

More CO2 means more Oxygen produced by plants and faster growth rates which would lead to the planet being able to sustain even more life.

You can thank me later for educating your feeble mind.
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If you knew anything about science you would understand that CO2 is not the greenhouse gas that the environmental wackos claim it to be

Thanks for the laughs, Flash.

Why Carbon Dioxide Is a Greenhouse Gas
There is actually no such thing as a Greenhouse Gas actually since the Earth can radiate excess heat in to space. That is a work of fiction.

In other words, dummy, we aren't in a damn closed Terrarium or Green House with Panes of Glass holding the heat in.
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If you knew anything about science you would understand that CO2 is not the greenhouse gas that the environmental wackos claim it to be

Thanks for the laughs, Flash.

Why Carbon Dioxide Is a Greenhouse Gas
There is actually no such thing as a Greenhouse Gas actually since the Earth can radiate excess heat in to space. That is a work of fiction.

In other words, dummy, we aren't in a damn closed Terrarium or Green House with Panes of Glass holding the heat in.

The minute you remove an external heat source from any gas, it will cool, in other words, it does not retain and trap heat like you nut bags try to tell us it does.

CO2 especially does this well and sinks as it cools, and actually pools and flows like water when it does.

Such an amusing tree.

H2O is probably the greatest of all the greenhouse gases. If it weren't for the greenhouse effects of water vapor the earth would be very cold all the time. You see they, the greenhouse gases, absorb energy when the sun is shining and like you said when that energy source is removed, where does the heat they absorb go? Anyone?

Questions, questions questions..........
Just more on CO2 to show what a hoax CO2 based Global Warming is.

Not only does CO2 have zero IR Transitive Properties, but it is important to our environment. If we had Higher CO2 concentrations, we could literally make The Desert Bloom. We could increase precipitation and plant growth in arid areas, and actually cool them.

But like I said, CO2 is not a Mythological Greenhouse Gas. That is a Political term, not a Scientific term, but unfortunately Science in particular fields has now made it's bed with Politics and both are far more corrupted by this strange alliance of bedfellows. When Science involves itself in Politics, both Politics and Science become Corrupted.

Thanks Al Gore!

To quote myself again:

"The minute you remove an external heat source from any gas, it will cool, in other words, it does not retain and trap heat like you nut bags try to tell us it does.

CO2 especially does this well and sinks as it cools, and actually pools and flows like water when it does. That's because it is heavier than what we call "Air"."

What external heat source are we talking about? The Sun primarily. It is The Sun that drives climate. The Climate Fluctuates seasonally, and during Solar Minimums and Maximums, not because of CO2.

And then there is another problem with CO2, it's weight vs. Air.

So tell me this genius.... If CO2 is heavier than air, then how in the FUCK can it make THE AIR, Warmer?

The different relative gravities, and densities of CO2 vs. Air do not allow for CO2 to mix relatively easy with Air. CO2 actually helps the air to cool because it sinks as itself cools causing convection currents through air which help dissipate heat.
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