Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

One dose is not considered fully vaccinated asshole.
You are a liar. People are not going to take 5, 10, 15 booster shots. That is absurd, and The CDC standard only requires one vaccination. And F that anyways, Omicron is nothing but the common cold.

Corona is never going away. It is the same class of virus as the common cold. Only 85 per 100,000 die from Corona which makes the mortality rate 0.00085%. Eighty Five Ten Thousandths of a Percent.

The Scamdemic was a big lie, and that lie was used to disrupt our economy, cheat in the 2020 election, and force Oppression and Tyranny upon The American People for the sole purpose of profiteering for Big Pharma and for making the politicians on their payroll more wealthy.

Now go back to being Pooty Poot Putin's personal butt plug or shaving Xi's hairless balls or whatever you weirdos do in your bedrooms at night.
One dose is not considered fully vaccinated asshole.
Again, we know you just want to call us "dorty joos" and claim we are unworthy of life. We know what you are, you Satanic God Hating DemNazi Globalist Filth. Your lies are doing nothing but paving your path to Hell. I suggest you invest in fireproof underwear for your Chestnuts will be roasting on an open fire when your time comes.
You are a liar. People are not going to take 5, 10, 15 booster shots. That is absurd, and The CDC standard only requires one vaccination. And F that anyways, Omicron is nothing but the common cold.

Corona is never going away. It is the same class of virus as the common cold. Only 85 per 100,000 die from Corona which makes the mortality rate 0.00085%. Eighty Five Ten Thousandths of a Percent.

The Scamdemic was a big lie, and that lie was used to disrupt our economy, cheat in the 2020 election, and force Oppression and Tyranny upon The American People for the sole purpose of profiteering for Big Pharma and for making the politicians on their payroll more wealthy.

Now go back to being Pooty Poot Putin's personal butt plug or shaving Xi's hairless balls or whatever you weirdos do in your bedrooms at night.
Currently 853,000+ people have died from the virus, so how many people under your ratio would have had to been infected?
So, why does DC have lower rate of death from COVID than most very red maga fuckup states like the Dakotas? Or Oklahoma?
Because blacks aren’t taking the death jab.
Don’t conflate death rates with case rates.
Again, we know you just want to call us "dorty joos" and claim we are unworthy of life. We know what you are, you Satanic God Hating DemNazi Globalist Filth. Your lies are doing nothing but paving your path to Hell. I suggest you invest in fireproof underwear for your Chestnuts will be roasting on an open fire when your time comes.
There is no heaven or hell treeguy
Currently 853,000+ people have died from the virus, so how many people under your ratio would have had to been infected?
BTW shit for Brains, the Vaccination rate on the CDC Site is not 78.5% you filthy Nazi.

Here you go pole smoking deviant. Straight from the NVSS at the height of The COVID Hysteria, even with padded numbers due to Federal Monies incentivizing classifying any death even a car accident as COVID at the height of the COVID Scamdemic, deaths were only 85 per 100,000 people. In other words only 0.00085%

You are more likely to get cancer or heart disease and die.

And using your inflated BIG SCARY NUMBER of 853,000 divided by The US Population makes the mortality rate 0.00258485%

Either way, it is a BOLD FACED LIE to call Corona a Pandemic. The Spanish Flu was 2% and you cannot even get within 1,000th of a percent of that.

Liars go to know that, right?

You are correct. The least likely people to be vaccinated in this country are blacks and hispanics.

Only half of the black population is vaccinated, so when the left are talking about denying unvaccinated people healthcare and other basic services, you KNOW what they really mean.

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Can you show % of maga fuckups as vaccinated whites?
This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

Biden isn't super human, he is only a man. I don't know anybody who's tried harder to get the unvaccinated vaccinated. Records are bringing being broken all around the world with these variants. Fortunately it will be over soon hopefully no more variants will be given the chance to mutate because of our unvaccinated populations. If you want to place blame on anybody place it on them. Then you'd be correct.
514,000,000 Doses of Corona Vaccine have been administered in The US.

The US has achieved nearly 80% Vaccination Rate (78.5%)

Asians in the US are vaccinated at a 77% rate followed by Caucasians at 73%.

The Big Lie we were told was "2 weeks to flatten the curve."

The Curve Never Got Out of Control in the First Place.

With the Mortality rate even at it's worst only being 0.00085% it's clear that the Fanatical Fascist Left Lies.
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This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

Trump launched Operation Warp Speed and was able to get three vaccines developed and in production so fast the experts were amazed. Even Dick Durban, a Democrat Senator, gave Trump credit for this effort.

Joe Biden can’t even get test kits to the public. Like Obama said, “Don’t underestimate Joe’s ability to fuck things up.”

African-American people are vaccinated at a higher rate than maga fuckups.
That is a bold faced lie. Why are you on here pounding the pulpit like Kruschev with his shoe spouting off lies?

American Blacks have the lowest percentage of vaccination followed by Hispanics.​

American Indians have the highest percentage followed by Asians then Caucasians.
No it doesn't.

FDA needs to go through and carefully redact 380,000 pages of their Pfizer aproval materials, which is a big task that requires time, judge will rule on reasonable timeframe for them to get it done.
FOIA stalling for 55-75 years.

If it was Trump's papers of the same amount, it'd be out in a week.
African-American people are vaccinated at a higher rate than maga fuckups.
As I already stated, the most important stat in determining death rates is age. DC does not have a large senior citizen population.

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