Record Covid 19 cases hit the US as clueless Biden does nothing to stop it

This is unbelievable. The left bitched that Trump did nothing to fight the pandemic and under Biden, cases hit record numbers even WITH vaccine mandates.

Whatchagonnado, BIden?

The left mistakenly believed that vaccines and masks would stop the virus. That's all they had from the beginning, is masks that are only 10% effective and the vaccines developed under Trump.
Hey dumb ass, mRNA is NOT a vaccine, genuine vaccines do not require boosting every three to five fucking months, mRNA is a genetic therapy, and it erases your immune system over time, whilst depositing little time bombs all throughout your body in the form of blood clots, and spike proteins, and they do not know when, or even if they ever genuinely resolve, some people(1/1000 drop dead after the shots)face immediate negative consequences, some do not, but all greatly amplify the odds of of experiencing negative mRNA consequences with boosters, currently multiple nations are on their fourth jabs, with governments calling for the jabs in perpetuity, which is exactly what Bill Gates continually states is in the works!

Read the fucking link I posted....
You failed to mention the Graphene Oxide and lead paint chips that are in the gene therapy potion.
What I personally can't get over are the countless idiots out there who wake up with a few sniffles, run to test themselves with at home kits, and then go stand in line for hours waiting to be tested for omicron. Many of these same people then jump on Facebook and run off at the mouth about how they feel fine . . . other than a few sniffles. Newsflash: you've come down with the common cold, idiots.
Yep, they call them Snowflakes and Buttercups
The polarity reversal of the Dems from Trump to Biden concerning the virus is nothing short of dumbfounding.Possibly the most politicized, over hyped, over stated, "pandemic" in the history of the world.

Can you show % of maga fuckups as vaccinated whites?

When you talk about denying unvaccinated people healthcare and other basic services, I KNOW what you really mean.

No, don't have to be that harsh. A simple $500 refundable tax credit to anyone that is vaccinated, and a $500 penalty to anyone that refuses, should turn the tide. If nothing else, all the anti-vaxers are about the Benjamins. That should do the trick. They would take out their own mother for a few extra bucks.
I agree with giving people incentives to get vaccinated I do not agree with punitive measures.
Here in the Omaha area Omaha is gripping the area with the highest numbers of cases since the pandemic began. Over 1,500 cases today and hospitals are at 94% capacity. Medical personnel art extremely concerned about the next couple of weeks. It has the potential for a real disaster.
Here in the Omaha area Omaha is gripping the area with the highest numbers of cases since the pandemic began. Over 1,500 cases today and hospitals are at 94% capacity. Medical personnel art extremely concerned about the next couple of weeks. It has the potential for a real disaster.

Chaos and weakness, afterall, is the Bi-Dung brand!
Chaos and weakness, afterall, is the Bi-Dung brand!
I don't understand your people, this has nothing to do with Biden or trump. It's about a virus taking advantage of the people who choose to be unvaccinated. The majority of which are / we're trump supporters.
I don't understand your people, this has nothing to do with Biden or trump. It's about a virus taking advantage of the people who choose to be unvaccinated. The majority of which are / we're trump supporters.

Most experts agreed variants were in the Covid pipeline.
Sippy Cup got caught with his drawers full of shit, so it is what it now is.
He failed to follow the science!
But, then again, he doesn't even know what F'in year it is!!!

That is a bold faced lie. Why are you on here pounding the pulpit like Kruschev with his shoe spouting off lies?

American Blacks have the lowest percentage of vaccination followed by Hispanics.​

American Indians have the highest percentage followed by Asians then Caucasians.
Says the guy who prints his lies in bold face type.
Most experts agreed variants were in the Covid pipeline.
Sippy Cup got caught with his drawers full of shit, so it is what it now is.
He failed to follow the science!
But, then again, he doesn't even know what F'in year it is!!!

Only an idiot would laugh about something so serious. Hindsight is something few of us have. We are all only human. At least biting is doing everything humanly possible to stop this virus including most important of all not making it political.
I don't understand your people, this has nothing to do with Biden or trump. It's about a virus taking advantage of the people who choose to be unvaccinated. The majority of which are / we're trump supporters.

That's a lie. A deeply racist lie.

The least likely people to be vaccinated in this country are blacks and hispanics.

Only half of the black population is vaccinated, so when the left are talking about denying unvaccinated people healthcare and other basic services, you KNOW what they really mean.


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