Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

So you're saying it's a taught 'feeling', not instrinsic to their nature? I have two heterosexual sons, I've never taught them that two men romantically together is 'disgusting', they came up with that all on their own. So yes, it's a biological and natural response, just ilke being gay is.

Bullshit. You can't tell me you never expressed disgust for "the gheys" in front of your sons. Kids that grow up in gay homes don't have a "biological reaction" to their parents kissing. Sorry, conditioned response like a dog salivating at a bell.

Yes, I can tell you that, how arrogant do you have to be to tell me you know more about what I've done in raising my sons than I do? :cuckoo: And any heterosexual male on this board will also say that they naturally feel 'disgust', 'uneasiness', or whatever when they see two men kissing. It's not biologically normal.

And yet kids raised in gay homes don't feel that "uneasiness" and still you want to claim it's a biological response? Bovine feces.

Regardless, you don't get to express your disgust in public anymore. It's not socially acceptable and that's okay. We're allowed to decide, in a society, what is acceptable behavior and what is not. You can't express your disgust over interracial marriages in public without censure. Good. You can't express your disgust over gay marriages in public without censure...also good.
That's just another example of PC being forced and people not being able to express how they feel, which was supposedly what your gay movement was all about. Now, not so much. Freedom for me, but not for thee!

And interacial marriage has no compairson to gay marraige, it's still a biological male and a biological female, i.e. normal biological function. People are taught to be racist, feeling revulsion in seeing intimate relastions between two members of the same sex is a naturally occurring phenomenon, just like being gay is. Yet you want people silenced for their natural feelings, just like gays used to be.

Nope, sorry you can't pull the "it's not the same" card. We're talking about expressing disgust here, no other comparisons being made. There are people who find interracial relationships just as disgusting as you find gay ones. If they were to express that disgust at their workplace, should they be censured for it, yes or no?

Sorry, yes I can, you don't control what 'card' I play, what I say, or what I do. But it's understandable why you seem to think you have that power.

People who find interacial marriages 'disgusting' do so on a different level, and if they do, they should be free to express it, the same as anyone who would find seeing two guys kissing.

It depends on the work place, and I don't believe the NFL player being reprimanded was at work, he posted what he posted on his own free time.

And in addition, you're totally dodging the point. Even had the NFL not fined or 'censored' him (liberals are obvsiously suddenly in favor of censoring, who knew?), since he is an NFL player the media would still have excoriated him for his natural feelings. But because you don't happen to agree with his natural feelings, now you're cool with him being threatened, silenced, censored, etc... If it were a gay getting the same treatment, you'd be on the other side of the argument, you have no integrity on the issue whatsoever.

:lol: This is the best post of the day...

"It's a different kind of disgust". :lol:

Too rich.
Bullshit. You can't tell me you never expressed disgust for "the gheys" in front of your sons. Kids that grow up in gay homes don't have a "biological reaction" to their parents kissing. Sorry, conditioned response like a dog salivating at a bell.

Yes, I can tell you that, how arrogant do you have to be to tell me you know more about what I've done in raising my sons than I do? :cuckoo: And any heterosexual male on this board will also say that they naturally feel 'disgust', 'uneasiness', or whatever when they see two men kissing. It's not biologically normal.

And yet kids raised in gay homes don't feel that "uneasiness" and still you want to claim it's a biological response? Bovine feces.

Regardless, you don't get to express your disgust in public anymore. It's not socially acceptable and that's okay. We're allowed to decide, in a society, what is acceptable behavior and what is not. You can't express your disgust over interracial marriages in public without censure. Good. You can't express your disgust over gay marriages in public without censure...also good.

Easy to make that statement without anything to back it up. ;)

Except when 'society' didn't find your behavior acceptable right? :lol:

Now it's 'cool' cause the power has shifted and you decide what moral values are acceptable and impose threats to ensure that others fall in line with your morals. Society is no different than it was 50 years ago, same basic rules, those in power form conformity to their authority, you just applaud it now because you agree with the forced conformity of today but you didn't with the forced conformity of 30 years ago. Hypocrit.
Nope, sorry you can't pull the "it's not the same" card. We're talking about expressing disgust here, no other comparisons being made. There are people who find interracial relationships just as disgusting as you find gay ones. If they were to express that disgust at their workplace, should they be censured for it, yes or no?

Sorry, yes I can, you don't control what 'card' I play, what I say, or what I do. But it's understandable why you seem to think you have that power.

People who find interacial marriages 'disgusting' do so on a different level, and if they do, they should be free to express it, the same as anyone who would find seeing two guys kissing.

It depends on the work place, and I don't believe the NFL player being reprimanded was at work, he posted what he posted on his own free time.

And in addition, you're totally dodging the point. Even had the NFL not fined or 'censored' him (liberals are obvsiously suddenly in favor of censoring, who knew?), since he is an NFL player the media would still have excoriated him for his natural feelings. But because you don't happen to agree with his natural feelings, now you're cool with him being threatened, silenced, censored, etc... If it were a gay getting the same treatment, you'd be on the other side of the argument, you have no integrity on the issue whatsoever.

:lol: This is the best post of the day...

"It's a different kind of disgust". :lol:

Too rich.

Conformity to what society will accept is good if your behavior is the one accepted, not good when your behavior is not accepted. :lol:

Too rich.
Yes, I can tell you that, how arrogant do you have to be to tell me you know more about what I've done in raising my sons than I do? :cuckoo: And any heterosexual male on this board will also say that they naturally feel 'disgust', 'uneasiness', or whatever when they see two men kissing. It's not biologically normal.

And yet kids raised in gay homes don't feel that "uneasiness" and still you want to claim it's a biological response? Bovine feces.

Regardless, you don't get to express your disgust in public anymore. It's not socially acceptable and that's okay. We're allowed to decide, in a society, what is acceptable behavior and what is not. You can't express your disgust over interracial marriages in public without censure. Good. You can't express your disgust over gay marriages in public without censure...also good.

Easy to make that statement without anything to back it up. ;)

Except when 'society' didn't find your behavior acceptable right? :lol:

Now it's 'cool' cause the power has shifted and you decide what moral values are acceptable and impose threats to ensure that others fall in line with your morals. Society is no different than it was 50 years ago, same basic rules, those in power form conformity to their authority, you just applaud it now because you agree with the forced conformity of today but you didn't with the forced conformity of 30 years ago. Hypocrit.

You really want to compare being able to call me a fag in public with arresting us 'cause we're queer? Did you go to the school of really bad analogies too?

Did it used to be socially acceptable to own people? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to call black people the N-word? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to express disgust in public over interracial marriages? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to beat your wife or rape her in the marriage bed? Yes...until it wasn't.

I could do this all day...
you may not have taught them that, but society did. you didn't raise them in a vacuum and they likely did not come up with that 'all on their own'

Bullshit, this society via media and pop culture has done nothing but parade same sex relationships in front of them from the time they were little. Give me a break. :lol:
and i'm sure you had no influence on their supposed reactions, or that they were never exposed to any homophobic media or peers.

Could religious programming be what you speak of?


It's sensitivity training, not re-education and no I see nothing wrong with it since it is a private organization doing it. It's not the government.

Are you this gullible?

Not at all, but if you think that this is a 1st Amendment issue, you certainly are. Don't like the atmosphere at your place of employment because they don't allow you to bash the fags or the n-words at work? Find employment with right wing radio.

Okay then. You will be fine if some business Fines and sends a homosexual like you to sensitivity training because you are homosexual and said so right? Wrong is wrong and it is time the wrongs of the fascist organizations like GLAD and NOW are shown for what they are.
Two guys kissing is Orwellian? Jesus titty-fucking Christ, how do you people even come up with this shit?

Please do us all a favor and STFU. Your ploy is juvenile.
My "ploy"? You don't know what "Orwellian" actually means, do you? Just like you don't know what "Progressive", "Conservative", "Liberal", "Wisdom" and "Intellect" mean either, right?

Much more then you
your claim is that disgust is a biological response and not one borne out of society, and yet to back up your claim you want me to just do a poll?
surely you could show something where homosexuality is universally reviled in all cultures (it hasn't been) or some sort of psychological study to back up your claim if it wasn't so much pulled out of your ass bullshit.

So you're saying it's a taught 'feeling', not instrinsic to their nature? I have two heterosexual sons, I've never taught them that two men romantically together is 'disgusting', they came up with that all on their own. So yes, it's a biological and natural response, just ilke being gay is.

you may not have taught them that (although i'm sure you did), but society did. you didn't raise them in a vacuum and they likely did not come up with that 'all on their own'
More Bigotry from the so called enlightened left.... You guys are pathetic.
For someone to try to compare his/her homosexual plight to slavery is beyond deplorable. There is no connection.
And yet kids raised in gay homes don't feel that "uneasiness" and still you want to claim it's a biological response? Bovine feces.

Regardless, you don't get to express your disgust in public anymore. It's not socially acceptable and that's okay. We're allowed to decide, in a society, what is acceptable behavior and what is not. You can't express your disgust over interracial marriages in public without censure. Good. You can't express your disgust over gay marriages in public without censure...also good.

Easy to make that statement without anything to back it up. ;)

Except when 'society' didn't find your behavior acceptable right? :lol:

Now it's 'cool' cause the power has shifted and you decide what moral values are acceptable and impose threats to ensure that others fall in line with your morals. Society is no different than it was 50 years ago, same basic rules, those in power form conformity to their authority, you just applaud it now because you agree with the forced conformity of today but you didn't with the forced conformity of 30 years ago. Hypocrit.

You really want to compare being able to call me a fag in public with arresting us 'cause we're queer? Did you go to the school of really bad analogies too?

Did it used to be socially acceptable to own people? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to call black people the N-word? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to express disgust in public over interracial marriages? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to beat your wife or rape her in the marriage bed? Yes...until it wasn't.

I could do this all day...

See, the problem here is that you are a dishonest hack like your goofy friend Jilly and you have to smear those you disagree with, you're incapable of having any kind of an honest discussion.

Fact: I have never called anyone a 'fag', nor would I condone it.
Fact: I have never been in favor of 'queers' (your word, never mine) being arrested.
Fact: I have never personally expressed 'disgust' at a homosexual display of affection, but I understand how a heterosexual man would have such natural feelings in this instance.

Yet I have been accused of all three in your post above even though I've never once uttered anything even remotely close to that.

As to your examples, the glaring difference is that one would naturally feel DISGUST in all of those situations, slavery, phystical violence (which was never 'accepted' by society, it was just never talked about), calling people vile names, etc.. And because they were repressed from expressing disgust by 'society's rules' these situations were allowed to continue for years.

You are now condoning the exact same societal pressure to do the exact same thing, to keep people from expressing how they feel about something because it offends you.

I have never once condoned anyone being called a name, period. That was not the case in this instance, a heterosexual male saying 'horrible' over watching two men kiss in a romantic way is expressing his feelings about it. Again, you think that by using pressure and threats on people to shut them up is really changing how they feel about it? Get real.
I dont watch Disney Sports.... The agenda always overtakes the sports.

Yeah but I asked why no one focused their anger at ESPN and instead made this about Dems, Obama, Gays etc

You should try actually reading the thread. It is about a agenda not your messiah.

Yeah and ESPN is missing from the discussion. But I see you are dancing around that part so go back to focusing on everyone but who aired the kiss. Because that makes sense
Yeah but I asked why no one focused their anger at ESPN and instead made this about Dems, Obama, Gays etc

You should try actually reading the thread. It is about a agenda not your messiah.

Yeah and ESPN is missing from the discussion. But I see you are dancing around that part so go back to focusing on everyone but who aired the kiss. Because that makes sense

Hey dummy is espn part of media?
Easy to make that statement without anything to back it up. ;)

Except when 'society' didn't find your behavior acceptable right? :lol:

Now it's 'cool' cause the power has shifted and you decide what moral values are acceptable and impose threats to ensure that others fall in line with your morals. Society is no different than it was 50 years ago, same basic rules, those in power form conformity to their authority, you just applaud it now because you agree with the forced conformity of today but you didn't with the forced conformity of 30 years ago. Hypocrit.

You really want to compare being able to call me a fag in public with arresting us 'cause we're queer? Did you go to the school of really bad analogies too?

Did it used to be socially acceptable to own people? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to call black people the N-word? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to express disgust in public over interracial marriages? Yes...until it wasn't.
Did it used to be socially acceptable to beat your wife or rape her in the marriage bed? Yes...until it wasn't.

I could do this all day...

See, the problem here is that you are a dishonest hack like your goofy friend Jilly and you have to smear those you disagree with, you're incapable of having any kind of an honest discussion.

Fact: I have never called anyone a 'fag', nor would I condone it.
Fact: I have never been in favor of 'queers' (your word, never mine) being arrested.
Fact: I have never personally expressed 'disgust' at a homosexual display of affection, but I understand how a heterosexual man would have such natural feelings in this instance.

Yet I have been accused of all three in your post above even though I've never once uttered anything even remotely close to that.

As to your examples, the glaring difference is that one would naturally feel DISGUST in all of those situations, slavery, phystical violence (which was never 'accepted' by society, it was just never talked about), calling people vile names, etc.. And because they were repressed from expressing disgust by 'society's rules' these situations were allowed to continue for years.

You are now condoning the exact same societal pressure to do the exact same thing, to keep people from expressing how they feel about something because it offends you.

I have never once condoned anyone being called a name, period. That was not the case in this instance, a heterosexual male saying 'horrible' over watching two men kiss in a romantic way is expressing his feelings about it. Again, you think that by using pressure and threats on people to shut them up is really changing how they feel about it? Get real.

What's frustrating is their intolerance.

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