Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Coming from a scientific perspective how does one reconcile homosexuality with evolution of the species? I've always found this very interesting. Two males or two females do not further the species.

Well, since gays have had a place in the process since its beginning, there must be an evolutionary purpose. Overpopulation, someone to take care of the offspring...could be a number of evolutionary explanations for same sex attractions.

The evolutionary puzzle of homosexuality
Homosexuality has been treated differently down the centuries. In America, if you are homosexual, you can still vote on mill levy's up to who becomes president. You have ALL the same rights as anyone else. Now, you or I can't marry someone of the same sex, and that isn't in the Constitution. People that have perverted sexual leanings, protecting dysfunctional sexuality wasn't part of the deal... it's not protected under racial, religious or political freedoms . I don't think it was even implied in the Constitution.

I think this has been pointed out to you before. Why do you keep ignoring it?

14 Supreme Court Cases: Marriage is a Fundamental Right

Do you think that you only have the rights expressly enumerated in the Constitution?

It's "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"... As the Supreme Court pointed out when Blacks and Whites were Denied Marriage...

Blacks and Whites of the Opposite Sex, that is.

Because there is NOTHING "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" about a Man Marrying a Man or a Woman Marrying a Woman...

Fact. :thup:



*yawn* Not the comparing interracial marriage with gay marriage line. Again. There's no comparison.

Plenty of obvious evidence that race is hereditary. One is stuck with what one gets. One doesn't just "feel" black/Hispanic/white/whatever. One is.

The only evidence to support homosexuality is aberrant behavior. It is manifested by no other means.

This country and society has lost any direction and or collective conscience/will it might have catering to any and every little minority group that comes along. Screw the majority. Besides being just most of the people , who are they?
Well thanks for affirming that you're okay imposing your beliefs and forcing others to conform to your moral standards or else they'll be treated exactly as you felt you were treated being a gay person. Punish people for how they feel and force them to conform to socieities standards, exactly what happened to gays until very recently in history. Nice to know that you support it for others, just so it's not you. Hypocrits abound. You lose any credibility to have an opinion on it as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, I support the free market doing it, not the government. I'm not sorry it's not socially acceptable to express disgust, openly, over interracial relationships...and gay ones.

Of course you aren't, it's the way you want it, other people have to supress their true natural feelings, but you're free to publically express yours all you wish. Just so long as you get what you want, the hell with anyone eles's freedoms. So it's hardly a 'free market' when people are silenced through threats. Exact same thing gays went thru, yet when it's reversed, you're fine with it, and you support it. You don't stand for freedom, you stand for having things your way, and as long as you have what you want, screw anyone else. Yet you expect people to have sympathy for your 'plight'. :cuckoo:

Yes, that's right. Just like if you think a black man with a white woman is disgusting, keep it to yourself. If you expressed disgust over that in public at the workplace, would you expect to be fired or censured for it?
I think this has been pointed out to you before. Why do you keep ignoring it?

14 Supreme Court Cases: Marriage is a Fundamental Right

Do you think that you only have the rights expressly enumerated in the Constitution?

It's "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"... As the Supreme Court pointed out when Blacks and Whites were Denied Marriage...

Blacks and Whites of the Opposite Sex, that is.

Because there is NOTHING "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" about a Man Marrying a Man or a Woman Marrying a Woman...

Fact. :thup:



*yawn* Not the comparing interracial marriage with gay marriage line. Again. There's no comparison.

Plenty of obvious evidence that race is hereditary. One is stuck with what one gets. One doesn't just "feel" black/Hispanic/white/whatever. One is.

The only evidence to support homosexuality is aberrant behavior. It is manifested by no other means.

This country and society has lost any direction and or collective conscience/will it might have catering to any and every little minority group that comes along. Screw the majority. Besides being just most of the people , who are they?

To start with, nobody is comparing race to sexual orientation. What is compared and comparable in the discrimination that gays are experiencing in the realm of marriage equality. The parables there are almost frightening in their similarities. The language is even the same. Here, I'll give you some examples.

"They cannot possibly have any progeny, and such a fact sufficiently justifies those laws which forbid the intermarriage of blacks and whites." ~ State v. Jackson. Missouri (1883)

"The amalgamation of the races is not only unnatural, but is always productive of deplorable results. Our daily observation shows us, that the offspring of these unnatural connections are generally sickly and effeminate [...]They are productive of evil, and evil only, without any corresponding good." ~ Scott v. Georgia (1869)

"By the laws of Massachusetts intermarriages between these races are forbidden as criminal. Why forbidden? Simply because natural instinct revolts at it as wrong." ~ Senator James R. Doolittle (D-WI), 1863

"Intermarriages between white persons and negroes or mulattoes were regarded as unnatural and immoral." ~ Scott v. Sandford (1857), Chief Justice Taney

And then there are the legal arguments:

Here are four of the arguments they used:

1) First, judges claimed that marriage belonged under the control of the states rather than the federal government.

2) Second, they began to define and label all interracial relationships (even longstanding, deeply committed ones) as illicit sex rather than marriage.

3) Third, they insisted that interracial marriage was contrary to God's will, and

4) Fourth, they declared, over and over again, that interracial marriage was somehow "unnatural."

On this fourth point--the supposed "unnaturality" of interracial marriage--judges formed a virtual chorus. Here, for example, is the declaration that the Supreme Court of Virginia used to invalidate a marriage between a black man and a white woman in 1878:

The purity of public morals," the court declared, "the moral and physical development of both races….require that they should be kept distinct and separate… that connections and alliances so unnatural that God and nature seem to forbid them, should be prohibited by positive law, and be subject to no evasion.

The fifth, and final, argument judges would use to justify miscegenation law was undoubtedly the most important; it used these claims that interracial marriage was unnatural and immoral to find a way around the Fourteenth Amendment's guarantee of "equal protection under the laws." How did judges do this? They insisted that because miscegenation laws punished both the black and white partners to an interracial marriage, they affected blacks and whites "equally." This argument, which is usually called the equal application claim, was hammered out in state supreme courts in the late 1870s, endorsed by the United States Supreme Court in 1882, and would be repeated by judges for the next 85 years.

Eerily familiar isn't it?
I don't care what generation a heterosexual male grows up in or how much they're taught that being homosexual is ' a okay', they're going to be naturally repulsed by seeing two men kissing in a sexual manner, that's just a basic biological fact. And yet you want them to be punished for how they naturally feel, sound familiar?

i'd like to see the psychological or biological study that backs up your assertion

Go ask any heterosexual male, and you'll have your 'study', given they aren't forced to lie to you because of social peer pressure regarding their true feelings.

your claim is that disgust is a biological response and not one borne out of society, and yet to back up your claim you want me to just do a poll?
surely you could show something where homosexuality is universally reviled in all cultures (it hasn't been) or some sort of psychological study to back up your claim if it wasn't so much pulled out of your ass bullshit.
Logic? From the religious right? Good one. Where does logic play out in the propagation of the species in the Bible?

God created Adam from a patch of sand and then created Eve from one of Adam's ribs. These were the first two people on Earth and they were alone. Adam and Eve had three sons, Cain, Abel and Seth. Cain, Abel, and Seth found wives (somewhere, whatever, don't ask questions, just sit there and believe) and had children, and then Cain killed Abel and left to join some other tribe that just appeared without God's omniscient knowledge.

Whatever the timeline in the Bible, the idea that two people spawned the entire race is more absurd than two men or two women getting married. And we can't even say that Adam and Eve created everyone because of the supposed Great Flood which left only Noah, his wife, their three sons and their three wives to repopulate the entire human race.

I think we have gone over this before.

Find one post that I have made on this subject that references the bible or religion.

Post it or quit being dishonest. This clearly shows your obsessive compulsive behavior.

Now go find the post or stfu.

surely you could show something where homosexuality is universally reviled in all cultures (it hasn't been) or some sort of psychological study to back up your claim if it wasn't so much pulled out of your ass bullshit.
And gay marriages existed in which cultures? I can't find one in the "polls".
surely you could show something where homosexuality is universally reviled in all cultures (it hasn't been) or some sort of psychological study to back up your claim if it wasn't so much pulled out of your ass bullshit.
And gay marriages existed in which cultures? I can't find one in the "polls".

Until about a century ago, "Marriage" was effectively a transfer of property, with the ownership of a second class citizen (a woman) being transferred from her father to her husband. Marriages were arranged by families, beating your wife was considered acceptable, women couldn't vote or own property on their own.

It's why I have to laugh when I hear a Wing-Nut talk about "Traditional Marriage".
I will refuse to watch Sam Nasty and the Rams football games, except for any clips where Sam Nasty gets injured:badgrin:
"Specifically, Jones posted disapproving comments on Twitter after the Rams drafted defensive end Michael Sam — and after ESPN showed an on-air kiss between Sam and another man who wasn’t his twin brother. Jones said “omg” after the kiss was televised, and later called the moment “horrible.”

Dolphins fine, suspend Don Jones from offseason program | ProFootballTalk

The Dolphins announced that cornerback Don Jones has been fined by the team and excused from offseason workouts “until such time that he undergoes and completes educational training for his recent comments made on social media during the NFL Draft.”

"Educational training"?... Holy fucking shit... We are in trouble as a Species.

And this is just the beginning kids. They started with the most "manly" thing this Nation had to offer the World and they are going to springboard off of that and make is so that your Church can't Preach from Leviticus and that YOU can't say "OMG" when two men are kissing on TV.


The problem is the liberals and a quite a few libertarians wont see how creepy this truly is. This is straight up Orwell here
but fag bashing just isn't popular like it used to evidenced by the homophobes that are losing their jobs over their bigotry.

1/2 the Kilt agrees with people Losing their Jobs if they don't agree with her Sexual Defiance or DARE to voice their Opinion via the 1st Amendment.

We are in a bad way in the Country...



What, I thought ya'll liked those "right to work" states. You don't have a right to play for the NFL or have a TV show. I have to be very careful about the things I say at's not a 1st Amendment issue.

You already knew that just needed another gay thread. Haven't met your quota for the month?

You truly see nothing wrong with reeducation and fining people for what they SAY? Where does it stop?
Except I never said I supported anyone losing their job. I do support the apparent dying off of homophobia though...especially because it makes Mal batcrap insane. :lol:

Why dont you text me the minuet everyone never disagrees about anything anymore.
Two guys kissing is Orwellian? Jesus titty-fucking Christ, how do you people even come up with this shit?
Yes, I support the free market doing it, not the government. I'm not sorry it's not socially acceptable to express disgust, openly, over interracial relationships...and gay ones.

Of course you aren't, it's the way you want it, other people have to supress their true natural feelings, but you're free to publically express yours all you wish. Just so long as you get what you want, the hell with anyone eles's freedoms. So it's hardly a 'free market' when people are silenced through threats. Exact same thing gays went thru, yet when it's reversed, you're fine with it, and you support it. You don't stand for freedom, you stand for having things your way, and as long as you have what you want, screw anyone else. Yet you expect people to have sympathy for your 'plight'. :cuckoo:

Yes, that's right. Just like if you think a black man with a white woman is disgusting, keep it to yourself. If you expressed disgust over that in public at the workplace, would you expect to be fired or censured for it?

That's just another example of PC being forced and people not being able to express how they feel, which was supposedly what your gay movement was all about. Now, not so much. Freedom for me, but not for thee!

And interacial marriage has no compairson to gay marraige, it's still a biological male and a biological female, i.e. normal biological function. People are taught to be racist, feeling revulsion in seeing intimate relastions between two members of the same sex is a naturally occurring phenomenon, just like being gay is. Yet you want people silenced for their natural feelings, just like gays used to be.
40 years ago alot or Americans found it disgusting if a black man kissed a white woman. Hell, there was an uproar when captain kirk kissed that black lady on star trek. 120 years ago it was scandalous for a woman to show her ankle in public. Whether you like it or not, American society generally gets more socially progressive as time marches on.

They are not the same things.
i'd like to see the psychological or biological study that backs up your assertion

Go ask any heterosexual male, and you'll have your 'study', given they aren't forced to lie to you because of social peer pressure regarding their true feelings.

your claim is that disgust is a biological response and not one borne out of society, and yet to back up your claim you want me to just do a poll?
surely you could show something where homosexuality is universally reviled in all cultures (it hasn't been) or some sort of psychological study to back up your claim if it wasn't so much pulled out of your ass bullshit.

So you're saying it's a taught 'feeling', not instrinsic to their nature? I have two heterosexual sons, I've never taught them that two men romantically together is 'disgusting', they came up with that all on their own. So yes, it's a biological and natural response, just ilke being gay is.
First it's forbidden. Then it's permitted. Then it's mandatory.
The NFL is doing itself no favors. No one wants to see that shit. They'll turn off the set before they watch crap like that and a sissified NFL will find itself out of business.

I told the NFL exactly what I thought of them.

That Sports was always someplace we could go to forget about politics.

A pure meritocracy where your background doesn't matter, where your race doesn't matter and where your sexual preferences didn't matter.

I recall one time Warren Sapp made a pro-Lying Cocksucker-in-Chief remark on NFLN -- He has never made one since.

This is the thing with dimocrap scum.... They're like communists, like Orwell, like Huxley, they want to force their politics, their beliefs, down our throats 24/7/365 and want NO part of society to be a Politics-Free Zone.

I swear to God, they'd have political slogans on toilet paper if they could get away with it.

I refuse to buy Pepsi products because they all but stole the Lying Cocksucker in Chiefs logo. And they're not even hiding their political preferences anymore. Watch their ads. Figure it out. Subliminal, but undeniable.

I'm sick of politics. I hate politics and I despise politicians.

Especially dimocraps. They'd politicize..... Well, there's NOTHING they wouldn't politicize if they thought they could get away with it.

Too funny! Pepsi had their logo first. But just goes to show what an idiot you are. Well done, doofus. :eusa_clap:

I was thinking the same thing.... I hate agreeing with you.
You truly see nothing wrong with reeducation and fining people for what they SAY? Where does it stop?
Was he fined by the government or by the team which is a private employer? Does he go to "educational reconditioning" or whatever at a special government facility, or is it just a meeting with some PR people in a Dolphins office?

If the government doesn't have anything to do with it then people need to stop bitching about the constitutionality of a private employee being docked pay for making the company look bad.
Of course you aren't, it's the way you want it, other people have to supress their true natural feelings, but you're free to publically express yours all you wish. Just so long as you get what you want, the hell with anyone eles's freedoms. So it's hardly a 'free market' when people are silenced through threats. Exact same thing gays went thru, yet when it's reversed, you're fine with it, and you support it. You don't stand for freedom, you stand for having things your way, and as long as you have what you want, screw anyone else. Yet you expect people to have sympathy for your 'plight'. :cuckoo:

Yes, that's right. Just like if you think a black man with a white woman is disgusting, keep it to yourself. If you expressed disgust over that in public at the workplace, would you expect to be fired or censured for it?

That's just another example of PC being forced and people not being able to express how they feel, which was supposedly what your gay movement was all about. Now, not so much. Freedom for me, but not for thee!

And interacial marriage has no compairson to gay marraige, it's still a biological male and a biological female, i.e. normal biological function. People are taught to be racist, feeling revulsion in seeing intimate relastions between two members of the same sex is a naturally occurring phenomenon, just like being gay is. Yet you want people silenced for their natural feelings, just like gays used to be.

Nope, sorry you can't pull the "it's not the same" card. We're talking about expressing disgust here, no other comparisons being made. There are people who find interracial relationships just as disgusting as you find gay ones. If they were to express that disgust at their workplace, should they be censured for it, yes or no?

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