Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Here's why SeaBiscuit is a Faggot... because she wants employers to Suspend, Fire, Fine and force into Reeducation Camps anyone who dared to voice their Repulsion about Deviant Sexual Exhibitionism on their own time.
It was two dudes kissing. That's as "sexually deviant" as this:


Better not look at this one:

Homosexual reproduction takes place by natural means. Straight parents naturally have children who are gay.

And the species has continued for thousands of years.

Its artificial when you introduce a third party to the deal.
What "third party"? Two parents naturally have a gay child. That's how it works. That's how it's always worked. And it obviously works because we're still here regardless. And now at this point in time, Conservatives need to face the reality that their religion is powerless to stop gay people from being accepted as normal members of society, just like women, blacks, Latinos, etc.

Why is that so difficult to understand? Oh yeah. Because you're Conservatives.

Can two gay parents propagate the species without the help from a third party?
Did anyone have parents that reproduced homosexually? Homosexuals have a large amount of money to buy lawyers and they already influence popular media now. (How long is that bubble going to last?) Homosexuals have the SAME rights everyone else does. But that isn't enough? Why not? Let me see here. Gay men lick each other's anuses, and the suck the semen out of each others penises. Besides being rather unhygienic, they can never have children. Gay women preform sodomy on each other, but, sorry, biologically, no children. But they "Love each other the same as Heterosexuals" . Really. So? they change the laws to adopt, or mistakenly have a heterosexual fling and have a kid. Weak, lame and ethically corrupt. Not buying for it second.
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Its artificial when you introduce a third party to the deal.
What "third party"? Two parents naturally have a gay child. That's how it works. That's how it's always worked. And it obviously works because we're still here regardless. And now at this point in time, Conservatives need to face the reality that their religion is powerless to stop gay people from being accepted as normal members of society, just like women, blacks, Latinos, etc.

Why is that so difficult to understand? Oh yeah. Because you're Conservatives.

Can two gay parents propagate the species without the help from a third party?

Yes, but one ALWAYS has to be MALE and one ALWAYS female.

See, this is one male and one female equalling two AND then three! (The baby)

Ever wonder why marriage laws are specific to only two? See above.

Ain't logic logical?
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What "third party"? Two parents naturally have a gay child. That's how it works. That's how it's always worked. And it obviously works because we're still here regardless. And now at this point in time, Conservatives need to face the reality that their religion is powerless to stop gay people from being accepted as normal members of society, just like women, blacks, Latinos, etc.

Why is that so difficult to understand? Oh yeah. Because you're Conservatives.

Can two gay parents propagate the species without the help from a third party?

Yes, but one ALWAYS has to be MALE and one ALWAYS female.

See, this is one male and one female equalling two AND then three! (The baby)

Ever wonder why marriage laws are specific to only two? See above.

Ain't logic logical?

Yeah, I know. I was trying to see in knb could be honest with himself.
Can two gay parents propagate the species without the help from a third party?

Yes, but one ALWAYS has to be MALE and one ALWAYS female.

See, this is one male and one female equalling two AND then three! (The baby)

Ever wonder why marriage laws are specific to only two? See above.

Ain't logic logical?

Yeah, I know. I was trying to see in knb could be honest with himself.

Watch an episode of hoarders. Obsessive compulsives have a hard time being honest with themselves. It's absolutely clear, but they can't admit it.
Logic? From the religious right? Good one. Where does logic play out in the propagation of the species in the Bible?

God created Adam from a patch of sand and then created Eve from one of Adam's ribs. These were the first two people on Earth and they were alone. Adam and Eve had three sons, Cain, Abel and Seth. Cain, Abel, and Seth found wives (somewhere, whatever, don't ask questions, just sit there and believe) and had children, and then Cain killed Abel and left to join some other tribe that just appeared without God's omniscient knowledge.

Whatever the timeline in the Bible, the idea that two people spawned the entire race is more absurd than two men or two women getting married. And we can't even say that Adam and Eve created everyone because of the supposed Great Flood which left only Noah, his wife, their three sons and their three wives to repopulate the entire human race.
People were and still are disgusted by interracial relationships. They learned not to say it out loud..,you will too.

Well thanks for affirming that you're okay imposing your beliefs and forcing others to conform to your moral standards or else they'll be treated exactly as you felt you were treated being a gay person. Punish people for how they feel and force them to conform to socieities standards, exactly what happened to gays until very recently in history. Nice to know that you support it for others, just so it's not you. Hypocrits abound. You lose any credibility to have an opinion on it as far as I'm concerned.

Yes, I support the free market doing it, not the government. I'm not sorry it's not socially acceptable to express disgust, openly, over interracial relationships...and gay ones.

Of course you aren't, it's the way you want it, other people have to supress their true natural feelings, but you're free to publically express yours all you wish. Just so long as you get what you want, the hell with anyone eles's freedoms. So it's hardly a 'free market' when people are silenced through threats. Exact same thing gays went thru, yet when it's reversed, you're fine with it, and you support it. You don't stand for freedom, you stand for having things your way, and as long as you have what you want, screw anyone else. Yet you expect people to have sympathy for your 'plight'. :cuckoo:
but fag bashing just isn't popular like it used to evidenced by the homophobes that are losing their jobs over their bigotry.

1/2 the Kilt agrees with people Losing their Jobs if they don't agree with her Sexual Defiance or DARE to voice their Opinion via the 1st Amendment.

We are in a bad way in the Country...



Isn't a first Amendment issue. Congress isn't keeping this guy from tweeting his ignorance.

His EMPLOYER is telling him not to make them look worse than they already do. This is the same team where players were regularly bullying other players.
I don't care what generation a heterosexual male grows up in or how much they're taught that being homosexual is ' a okay', they're going to be naturally repulsed by seeing two men kissing in a sexual manner, that's just a basic biological fact. And yet you want them to be punished for how they naturally feel, sound familiar?

i'd like to see the psychological or biological study that backs up your assertion

Go ask any heterosexual male, and you'll have your 'study', given they aren't forced to lie to you because of social peer pressure regarding their true feelings.
First it's forbidden. Then it's permitted. Then it's mandatory.
The NFL is doing itself no favors. No one wants to see that shit. They'll turn off the set before they watch crap like that and a sissified NFL will find itself out of business.

Oh, gosh, you mean that the NFL fans who didn't bat an eye at Michael Vick's Dog Fighting ring, Aaron Hernandez murder charges, Incognito's bullying, all the players who have fathered children out of wedlock....

but two Dudes kissing? Man, we ain't going to put up with that shit for a minute.
HETERO: Gimme gimme gimme.

UNCLE SAM: Here you go.

TH3 GAYZ: We'd like the same, please.


TH3 GAYZ: We just want the same government cash and prizes you get.

BIGOTS: You are already equal!

If that were true then civil unions would be legal in all 50 states, that's not what they want.
Homosexuality has been treated differently down the centuries. In America, if you are homosexual, you can still vote on mill levy's up to who becomes president. You have ALL the same rights as anyone else. Now, you or I can't marry someone of the same sex, and that isn't in the Constitution. People that have perverted sexual leanings, protecting dysfunctional sexuality wasn't part of the deal... it's not protected under racial, religious or political freedoms . I don't think it was even implied in the Constitution.

I think this has been pointed out to you before. Why do you keep ignoring it?

14 Supreme Court Cases: Marriage is a Fundamental Right

Do you think that you only have the rights expressly enumerated in the Constitution?
Homosexuality has been treated differently down the centuries. In America, if you are homosexual, you can still vote on mill levy's up to who becomes president. You have ALL the same rights as anyone else. Now, you or I can't marry someone of the same sex, and that isn't in the Constitution. People that have perverted sexual leanings, protecting dysfunctional sexuality wasn't part of the deal... it's not protected under racial, religious or political freedoms . I don't think it was even implied in the Constitution.

I think this has been pointed out to you before. Why do you keep ignoring it?

14 Supreme Court Cases: Marriage is a Fundamental Right

Do you think that you only have the rights expressly enumerated in the Constitution?

It's "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"... As the Supreme Court pointed out when Blacks and Whites were Denied Marriage...

Blacks and Whites of the Opposite Sex, that is.

Because there is NOTHING "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" about a Man Marrying a Man or a Woman Marrying a Woman...

Fact. :thup:


Come on people

Homsexuals make up less than, 1%. something percent of our population is this country

but if we don't all bow to them, it's us who is the sick ones

how you love that...beat down by a minority....AGAIN

Blacks, now latinos, homosexuals...and it's all OUR FAULT

You let it happen them beat you down, then live with it

Actually the statistics currently have the gheys at about 4% of the population. Why does the number matter? Jews made up less than 1% of the population of Germany in 1933.
Homosexuality has been treated differently down the centuries. In America, if you are homosexual, you can still vote on mill levy's up to who becomes president. You have ALL the same rights as anyone else. Now, you or I can't marry someone of the same sex, and that isn't in the Constitution. People that have perverted sexual leanings, protecting dysfunctional sexuality wasn't part of the deal... it's not protected under racial, religious or political freedoms . I don't think it was even implied in the Constitution.

I think this has been pointed out to you before. Why do you keep ignoring it?

14 Supreme Court Cases: Marriage is a Fundamental Right

Do you think that you only have the rights expressly enumerated in the Constitution?

It's "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival"... As the Supreme Court pointed out when Blacks and Whites were Denied Marriage...

Blacks and Whites of the Opposite Sex, that is.

Because there is NOTHING "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" about a Man Marrying a Man or a Woman Marrying a Woman...

Fact. :thup:



How is a death row inmate "Fundamental to our very Existence and Survival" again?

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