Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

I wonder if Sam ever Raped a Boy?... :dunno:

I know one thing for certain... If some poor kid from the Ghetto who thought he could get a good word from Sam by letting him diddle him a little but then Sam went past "Stop" and "No" and Fucked him in the Ass anyway, JoeB might just say, "That's what he gets"...

Women Lie about Rape too. :thup:



Okay, um, guy, you seem to have a real obsession with anal sex. Maybe you need help.

Nice dodge.

NOt a dodge at all. Mal has some kind of fixation about this sort of thing. No one has accused Sam of having relations with minors. Not that this would stop Mal, he wanted to hang Bryan Singer for unsubstatiated allegations.
No, I'm not. A gay professional athlete tweeting something derogatory about "breeders" deserves the same sensitivity training, suspension and fine the Miami Dolphin got.

Do you support a Constitutional Amendment prohibiting gays from civil marriage?

no. It isnt a federal issue.

Okay, do you support a state amendment doing the same thing?

If the state wants it yes. Do you honestly think I hate homosexuals? I dont care who you or anyone fucks. I also dont know why you feel the need to promote who you have sex with as if it is what defines you. Because if sex is what defines you then you're a damn shallow woman.

The Left pretends that "the consequences" are set in stone, unavoidable.

Of course, they are not.

"The consequences" are a tool that they use to intimidate, threaten and control.

"Diversity" and "Inclusion": Horseshit.


Guy, I'm not sure why you are blaming "the left" for what the Miami Dolphins did.

The MIAMI DOLPHINS are the ones who ordered this guy into sensitivity training.

Not "the Left". Not President Obama. Not JoeB131 in Chicago. (Frankly, I think it's kind of a waste of time, this level of ignorance can't be "cured".)

The Miami Dolphins, which probably acted because they already got a lot of bad press because Incognito was engaging in locker room harassment.

The real problem is that the NFL has a lot of thugs acting badly, and they are trying to clean up their image.

You really need to stop projecting your sense of oppression.
Football is the most "manly" thing on the planet? Yeah, besides fatherhood, Muay Thai, and pink ribbons in your hair.

American football is a bunch of overpaid prima donna 'roid-freaks who gyrate against each other in tight pants until it's time to take a shower together. You know, manly man stuff.

Manly men, doing manly things with other men.

Yes, talking to an imaginary sky man has lead to...

Torturing Heretics
Burning Witches
Suppression of Science
Molesting Altar Boys

We really need to discourage that sort of thing.
In a few years it might not be enough to just be indifferent about Gay men.
You will have to be pro gay.
If you say you are not gay it just might not be enough to be accepted in society.
WE ALL will have to provide some evidence that we tried a gay sex act at least a few times
and had evidence we didn't like it.

That's actually not as far fetched as you think. Ancient Greece devolved to just about that level once the floodgates on buggering boys as young as age 6 became in vogue. All adult males of status were basically expected to take young boys to sodomize and initiate into their own orientation. And they in turn were expected to grow up and take boys themselves in turn. It was expected of these men and I'm sure no small social pressure was applied to make them comply...

And the Ancient Greeks created Western Civilization..

So what is your problem again?

The Left pretends that "the consequences" are set in stone, unavoidable.

Of course, they are not.

"The consequences" are a tool that they use to intimidate, threaten and control.

"Diversity" and "Inclusion": Horseshit.


Guy, I'm not sure why you are blaming "the left" for what the Miami Dolphins did.

The MIAMI DOLPHINS are the ones who ordered this guy into sensitivity training.

Not "the Left". Not President Obama. Not JoeB131 in Chicago. (Frankly, I think it's kind of a waste of time, this level of ignorance can't be "cured".)

The Miami Dolphins, which probably acted because they already got a lot of bad press because Incognito was engaging in locker room harassment.

The real problem is that the NFL has a lot of thugs acting badly, and they are trying to clean up their image.

You really need to stop projecting your sense of oppression.

Standard partisan ideologue strategy: Try to use one example to negate a macro point.

Joe, just be honest for once. Gloat. Have fun with it. Rub it in my face. You have large corporations knee-jerking whenever they're afraid they might receive bad publicity. You people have an entire country afraid to say what it's actually thinking for fear of punishment. Even more impressive, a country that was founded on freedom of expression.

Go ahead and gloat. But at least be honest. Just once. Your head won't explode, I swear.

Standard partisan ideologue strategy: Try to use one example to negate a macro point.

Um, no, i was talking about the SUBJECT OF THIS THREAD.

Which is...

Reeducation Camp if you say "OMG" or "Horrible" about men kissing on TV

Now, if you want to talk about Sterling or some other example, start a thread on that. I mean, I guess if you think that Sterling is being "oppressed" because he offended the people who are making money for his team, and they want him to go, that's fine. Poor guy is only going to walk away with a couple billion for a return on a couple million investment.

Joe, just be honest for once. Gloat. Have fun with it. Rub it in my face. You have large corporations knee-jerking whenever they're afraid they might receive bad publicity. You people have an entire country afraid to say what it's actually thinking for fear of punishment. Even more impressive, a country that was founded on freedom of expression.

Go ahead and gloat. But at least be honest. Just once. Your head won't explode, I swear.


guy, I had a co-worker who lost her job because she posted a resume on Craig's List that said, "The company was bought out and I don't feel comfortable here."

People get fired for posting "My Boss Sucks" on Facebook.

People have been afraid to say what they really think for fear of punishment since they learned to speak, because that has them interact with "Other People".

If there's a problem here, it's that the internet gives people a false sense of security, and they can say stuff on Twitter or Facebook they'd never say to someone's face.
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Yes, talking to an imaginary sky man has lead to...

Torturing Heretics
Burning Witches
Suppression of Science
Molesting Altar Boys

We really need to discourage that sort of thing.
An "imaginary sky man." So that's what you call "Jesus Christ?"

OK, let's take your HORSE SHIT one by one...

Crusades: Started by the MUSLIMS.
Jihads: Again, a MUSLIM practice.
Torturing Heretics: Give an example where young American children ever caused a Heretic to be tortured.
Burning Witches: "Witches?" God isn't real but "witches" are?
Suppression of science: I'd laugh, but the stupidity of that statement has left me numb. Please give an example of modern Christianity suppressing science.
Molesting altar boys: This has nothing to do with God, and everything to do with the devil, the same as you and your perverted sexual deviants will learn when you die.

So much energy put into promoting and supporting a SICK, PERVERTED, DEVIANT, MENTAL ILLNESS that causes the same sex to be sexually attracted to each other, when just the opposite is what's needed. These people PSYCHIATRIC HELP, not acceptance and coddling.
no. It isnt a federal issue.

Okay, do you support a state amendment doing the same thing?

If the state wants it yes. Do you honestly think I hate homosexuals? I dont care who you or anyone fucks. I also dont know why you feel the need to promote who you have sex with as if it is what defines you. Because if sex is what defines you then you're a damn shallow woman.

So you want to legislate your "disagreement"...just as I suspected.
An "imaginary sky man." So that's what you call "Jesus Christ?"

Naw, I call Jesus 'Naked Dude on a Stick" or sometimes "Cosmic Jewish Zombie".


OK, let's take your HORSE SHIT one by one...

Crusades: Started by the MUSLIMS.

Um, no, the First Crusade was called by Pope Urban II who wanted some street cred in his fight with Holy Roman Emperor Henry IV, so he called for taking the Holy Land back from Muslims, even though they had controlled it for 400 years and no one cared at that point.

Jihads: Again, a MUSLIM practice.

Where did I make a distinction between Muslim Crazy and Christian Crazy?

Torturing Heretics: Give an example where young American children ever caused a Heretic to be tortured.

Only because in the MODERN world, we don't tolerate that shit anymore. But for 1800 of Christianity's 2000 years of existence, they were totally torturing each other over minor theological points. The Spanish Inquisition executed it's last person in 1813, and wasn't disbanded until 1834.

Burning Witches: "Witches?" God isn't real but "witches" are?

Okay- They burned women they THOUGHT were witches because they didn't know what a germ was and needed someone to blame for diseases. I'm not sure how that makes it any better.

Now, yeah, that sounds laughable now, but let's not forget, Sarah Palin's church welcomed a "Witch Hunter" from Africa as a guest speaker.

Suppression of science: I'd laugh, but the stupidity of that statement has left me numb. Please give an example of modern Christianity suppressing science.

Well, how about expunging all talk of evolution from schoolbooks. Now, yeah, not as bad as when they tortured Galileo and executed Bruno over Copernican theory that the earth went around the sun. Or when they opposed vaccinations for Small Pox as "The Devil's Needle.

Molesting altar boys: This has nothing to do with God, and everything to do with the devil, the same as you and your perverted sexual deviants will learn when you die.

The thing was, the reason why the local priest got away with this shit is that they had a whole church paying hush money and influencing authorities not to pursue these cases. And because you had a bunch of churchgoers who all knew the Clergy were like that but since they were "talking for God", they gave them a pass.

So much energy put into promoting and supporting a SICK, PERVERTED, DEVIANT, MENTAL ILLNESS that causes the same sex to be sexually attracted to each other, when just the opposite is what's needed. These people PSYCHIATRIC HELP, not acceptance and coddling.

Um, yeah, the thing is, the APA did the science, and found that gay folks weren't mentally ill.

They were just gay.

Now, belief in a magic sky pixie who tortures you for all eternity, that actually kind of sounds like a mental illness.
In a few years it might not be enough to just be indifferent about Gay men.
You will have to be pro gay.
If you say you are not gay it just might not be enough to be accepted in society.
WE ALL will have to provide some evidence that we tried a gay sex act at least a few times
and had evidence we didn't like it.

That's actually not as far fetched as you think. Ancient Greece devolved to just about that level once the floodgates on buggering boys as young as age 6 became in vogue. All adult males of status were basically expected to take young boys to sodomize and initiate into their own orientation. And they in turn were expected to grow up and take boys themselves in turn. It was expected of these men and I'm sure no small social pressure was applied to make them comply...

Okay, um, guy, you seem to have a real obsession with anal sex. Maybe you need help.

Nice dodge.

NOt a dodge at all. Mal has some kind of fixation about this sort of thing. No one has accused Sam of having relations with minors. Not that this would stop Mal, he wanted to hang Bryan Singer for unsubstatiated allegations.

unsubstatiated allegations - LMAO - you truly are one uninformed ignorant Liberal aren't you ?!!

Bryan Singer, Garth Ancier, Fernando Rivas, Other than being Gay and Pedophiles , or more correctly termed Hebephiliacs, what all these men have in common is that they are members of an elitist organization, a gay syndicate that controls much of what we see in fantasy entertainment. They are a group that endeavors strenuously to manipulate public perceptions and punish any who oppose their will. They number in the Thousands, from the captains of the Industry down to the lowly foot soldier, they hire and promote their own, and exclude any opposing views as much as possible. [See Gay Mafia]

Marc Collins-Rector, the parties host [At which Singer performed his dirty deeds] and a Registered sex offender who sexually abused several underage boys and has since fled the U.S. , whereabouts unknown.

Yes, talking to an imaginary sky man has lead to...

Torturing Heretics
Burning Witches
Suppression of Science
Molesting Altar Boys

We really need to discourage that sort of thing.
An "imaginary sky man." So that's what you call "Jesus Christ?"

OK, let's take your HORSE SHIT one by one...

Crusades: Started by the MUSLIMS.
Jihads: Again, a MUSLIM practice.
Torturing Heretics: Give an example where young American children ever caused a Heretic to be tortured.
Burning Witches: "Witches?" God isn't real but "witches" are?
Suppression of science: I'd laugh, but the stupidity of that statement has left me numb. Please give an example of modern Christianity suppressing science.
Molesting altar boys: This has nothing to do with God, and everything to do with the devil, the same as you and your perverted sexual deviants will learn when you die.

So much energy put into promoting and supporting a SICK, PERVERTED, DEVIANT, MENTAL ILLNESS that causes the same sex to be sexually attracted to each other, when just the opposite is what's needed. These people PSYCHIATRIC HELP, not acceptance and coddling.

I don't share your religous beliefs , but you analogies are right on target , keep em coming !
Nice dodge.

NOt a dodge at all. Mal has some kind of fixation about this sort of thing. No one has accused Sam of having relations with minors. Not that this would stop Mal, he wanted to hang Bryan Singer for unsubstatiated allegations.

unsubstatiated allegations - LMAO - you truly are one uninformed ignorant Liberal aren't you ?!!

Bryan Singer, Garth Ancier, Fernando Rivas, Other than being Gay and Pedophiles , or more correctly termed Hebephiliacs, what all these men have in common is that they are members of an elitist organization, a gay syndicate that controls much of what we see in fantasy entertainment. They are a group that endeavors strenuously to manipulate public perceptions and punish any who oppose their will. They number in the Thousands, from the captains of the Industry down to the lowly foot soldier, they hire and promote their own, and exclude any opposing views as much as possible. [See Gay Mafia]

Marc Collins-Rector, the parties host [At which Singer performed his dirty deeds] and a Registered sex offender who sexually abused several underage boys and has since fled the U.S. , whereabouts unknown.

Okay, guy, so when did "guilt by association" become evidence?

Where is the EVIDENCE against Singer.

Yes, talking to an imaginary sky man has lead to...

Torturing Heretics
Burning Witches
Suppression of Science
Molesting Altar Boys

We really need to discourage that sort of thing.

You actually included molesting alter boys in your list in defending the homosexual stereotype that they molest children?

Think much?
NOt a dodge at all. Mal has some kind of fixation about this sort of thing. No one has accused Sam of having relations with minors. Not that this would stop Mal, he wanted to hang Bryan Singer for unsubstatiated allegations.

unsubstatiated allegations - LMAO - you truly are one uninformed ignorant Liberal aren't you ?!!

Bryan Singer, Garth Ancier, Fernando Rivas, Other than being Gay and Pedophiles , or more correctly termed Hebephiliacs, what all these men have in common is that they are members of an elitist organization, a gay syndicate that controls much of what we see in fantasy entertainment. They are a group that endeavors strenuously to manipulate public perceptions and punish any who oppose their will. They number in the Thousands, from the captains of the Industry down to the lowly foot soldier, they hire and promote their own, and exclude any opposing views as much as possible. [See Gay Mafia]

Marc Collins-Rector, the parties host [At which Singer performed his dirty deeds] and a Registered sex offender who sexually abused several underage boys and has since fled the U.S. , whereabouts unknown.

Okay, guy, so when did "guilt by association" become evidence?

Where is the EVIDENCE against Singer.

Singer is no stranger to accusations of Pedophilia , In 1997, a 14 year old extra accused him of similar behavior. In addition to the Egan case , another case from an English Lad has surfaced with similar accusations . But according to you faggots and Liberals , they're all lieing, everybody is lieing - except of course those who endorse the perverted agenda.

New Sex Abuse Lawsuit Targets Bryan Singer, Gary Goddard - The Hollywood Reporter
The moron is going to claim that men who molest little boys or rape them aren't really's "all about power", these idiots say. No, if you can get aroused by someone of the same sex regardless of their age..You're a faggot, liberals. That's how it works and you can go ahead and do a million mental cartwheels around that fact, but I'm the end, you know Im right.

Yes, talking to an imaginary sky man has lead to...

Torturing Heretics
Burning Witches
Suppression of Science
Molesting Altar Boys

We really need to discourage that sort of thing.

You actually included molesting alter boys in your list in defending the homosexual stereotype that they molest children?

Think much?
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Okay, do you support a state amendment doing the same thing?

If the state wants it yes. Do you honestly think I hate homosexuals? I dont care who you or anyone fucks. I also dont know why you feel the need to promote who you have sex with as if it is what defines you. Because if sex is what defines you then you're a damn shallow woman.

So you want to legislate your "disagreement"...just as I suspected.
You again showed what a dishonest hack you are

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