Reese Witherspoon accepts her white privilege...but will keep the money and jobs...


Diamond Member
Jul 19, 2014
Reese Witherspoon.....wanting to avoid a democrat re-education camp....finally realizes she has received benefits due to her "White Privilege." However, she will keep the money and any and all future benefits from that privilege....

Reese Witherspoon Says Mindy Kaling Taught Her About Her White Privilege

With the help of actress Mindy Kaling, movie star Reese Witherspoon has finally confronted her own white privilege.

In a Tuesday post for feminist magazine Glamour, Witherspoon explained how she was taken aback when her A Wrinkle in Time co-star, Kaling, told her she has to create her own roles in Hollywood, presumably because she's a person of color. A shocked Witherspoon said she used to have "parts that just showed up for me," implying this was the case in part because of her whiteness.

"Another thing I think about a lot is how it feels to be a minority woman in America, so rarely seeing yourself onscreen, and it’s unconscionable," wrote the Legally Blonde actress.

"When I asked Mindy Kaling, 'Don’t you ever get exhausted by always having to create your own roles?' she said, 'Reese, I’ve never had anything that I didn’t create for myself.' I thought, Wow, I feel like a jerk for asking that; I used to have parts that just showed up for me," said Witherspoon. "I can’t imagine how hard it is to write your own parts and simultaneously have to change people’s perceptions of what a woman of color is in today’s society."

Just so the truth is out there....Mindy Kaliing doesn't get a lot of work...because she is chubby.......and that is the truth....

And again...this just shows that Hollywood, and left wingers, are racist...since they control everything in hollywood.....
Reese Witherspoon.....wanting to avoid a democrat re-education camp....finally realizes she has received benefits due to her "White Privilege." However, she will keep the money and any and all future benefits from that privilege....
Well, you need to remember that PC is situational and transactional only.

So, White Privilege makes the loonies "feel" really "guilty" and "sorry" at this very moment. Then, they "feel" good about themselves for a few hours. Like when they're shopping, vacationing and investing. Then later they'll "feel" really "guilty" again.

It's all in the timing.
HollyWeird "celebs" need to just do their acting and stfu about politics and other more important matters that are not in their scripts they have to study.
The problem is black culture is so vastly different from everyone else in the nation, most of the nation cant connect with most "black movies", so they dont buy them.

I LOVE mixed martial arts, but I'm smart enough to realize most people wont want to watch too many MMA movies.

It is what it is.
They should hand over all their assets to charity and accept that they didn't earn anything in life legitimately. Clearly they have only obtained any success in life due to their privilege. Their guilt alone will lead them to the righteous path of denouncing their own success, right?

Now they can and visit all of the many poor citizens in America who do not fit this generalization and ask them what their problem is, why aren't they rich and successful like she is.

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