Regrettable': Germany reacts to Trump plan to withdraw US troops


President Trump is President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. As such he doesn't have to answer to foreigners for troop movements. Nor should he.

Your senile child, which plays to be president of the USA, made a very long and very idiotic anti-German speech far from any facts, which are his "reason" - what a proud word for such an unbelievable stupid man - to reducde the US-army in Germany.

And how US-Americans were able to make such a psychopathological interesting person like Donald Trump to a "commander in chief of the US armed forces" - is even a mystery to god. I hope no one ever will have to see Donald Trump and his way to do decisions in case of a real serios military crisis.
Start paying your fair share for Nato

Why should we reduce our payings to the NATO to 25% or you should pay 4 times more? But if you like - do it: Pay 4 times more to the NATO.

and the UN.........UN a useless org........

What to say to such a stupid sentence?

Spend more on your own defense.

Buy more apple cakes.

.............or not I really don't give a damn anymore.......We don't need you...

"You" need no one. Masturbate.

.....And we kicked Germany's ass twice.........

The British empire and the USA "kicked everyones ass" wordwide. I guess in nearly every country of the world were active in history English speaking soldiers and found everywhere in the world disasters. How came? Do you try to flee the disaster, which you are on your own?

How about you LOL

Why should we listen to countries that have used us for decades..........Oh well...........BYE.

It's interesting that "you" see in everyone a criminal, who sold in the USA goods. If you don't like goods from anywhere in the world, then do not buy it. What's the real problem?
From a Moron country that started and lost 2 Wars.............Without us you would have been Russia's STFU........

Anytime you want some come and get it.
More than likely he was on the East Germany side
Sounds like it..........the biggest mistake of WWII was the same mistake of WWI........not finishing it........

Poland is why the world went to War in the first place..........should have driven the USSR out of that region to the boundaries......before the War...............The end result was a Cold War forever with proxy Wars for 40 years.............which hasn't worked out well.

WWI.......had they finished it to unconditional surrender there probably would not have been WWII

President Trump is President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. As such he doesn't have to answer to foreigners for troop movements. Nor should he.

Your senile child, which plays to be president of the USA, made a very long and very idiotic anti-German speech far from any facts, which are his "reason" - what a proud word for such an unbelievable stupid man - to reducde the US-army in Germany.

And how US-Americans were able to make such a psychopathological interesting person like Donald Trump to a "commander in chief of the US armed forces" - is even a mystery to god. I hope no one ever will have to see Donald Trump and his way to do decisions in case of a real serios military crisis.
Start paying your fair share for Nato

Why should we reduce our payings to the NATO to 25% or you should pay 4 times more? But if you like - do it: Pay 4 times more to the NATO.

and the UN.........UN a useless org........

What to say to such a stupid sentence?

Spend more on your own defense.

Buy more apple cakes.

.............or not I really don't give a damn anymore.......We don't need you...

"You" need no one. Masturbate.

.....And we kicked Germany's ass twice.........

The British empire and the USA "kicked everyones ass" wordwide. I guess in nearly every country of the world were active in history English speaking soldiers and found everywhere in the world disasters. How came? Do you try to flee the disaster, which you are on your own?

How about you LOL

Why should we listen to countries that have used us for decades..........Oh well...........BYE.

It's interesting that "you" see in everyone a criminal, who sold in the USA goods. If you don't like goods from anywhere in the world, then do not buy it. What's the real problem?
From a Moron country that started and lost 2 Wars.............Without us you would have been Russia's STFU........

Anytime you want some come and get it.
More than likely he was on the East Germany side
Sounds like it..........the biggest mistake of WWII was the same mistake of WWI........not finishing it........

Poland is why the world went to War in the first place..........should have driven the USSR out of that region to the boundaries......before the War...............The end result was a Cold War forever with proxy Wars for 40 years.............which hasn't worked out well.

WWI.......had they finished it to unconditional surrender there probably would not have been WWII
German arrogance would have made the war so as long as they live they will always be arrogant no matter how defeated they are.

President Trump is President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. As such he doesn't have to answer to foreigners for troop movements. Nor should he.

Your senile child, which plays to be president of the USA, made a very long and very idiotic anti-German speech far from any facts, which are his "reason" - what a proud word for such an unbelievable stupid man - to reducde the US-army in Germany.

And how US-Americans were able to make such a psychopathological interesting person like Donald Trump to a "commander in chief of the US armed forces" - is even a mystery to god. I hope no one ever will have to see Donald Trump and his way to do decisions in case of a real serios military crisis.
Start paying your fair share for Nato and the UN.........UN a useless org........

Spend more on your own defense..............or not I really don't give a damn anymore.......We don't need you........And we kicked Germany's ass twice.........How about you LOL

Why should we listen to countries that have used us for decades..........Oh well...........BYE.
Ok let's test all this. "Pay your fair share to NATO". What share is "fair" to you? As much as the US? Atm Europe has a joint military budget that apprises about 1.8 percent of its GDP. For a total of 223.4 billion. Russia atm spends 3.9 percent of its GDP on the military for a total of... 61.4 billion. I think more than triple the budget of it's projected main military rival is "fair" feel free to disagree.

As to the usefulness of NATO and the UN. NATO is a pact of mutual assistance. The only time its article 5 has ever been activated to defend one of its members was to come to the defense of the US after 9/11. The Korean war had the UN provide troops so have countless wars since. It has organizations providing everything from vaccines, to disaster relief and everything in between and provides world leaders a forum to hash out they're difference without always having to resort to violence.

As for the US being "used" American companies have literally conquered the world, American culture permeates everywhere. The US dollar is the benchmark currency of the world and oil is traded in it. A huge percentage of the world's wealth flows in American pockets ever year. So forgive me when I don't go and look at the US as a victim.

Didnt NATO bomb Christians in Serbia to aid Muslims trying to conquer it? Whats mutual aid got to do with that?
Did it to stop genocide.......and I remember the Russians came there to dare us to continue........LOL

What Russia didn't understand was that we were locked and loaded and ready to go to War with you over it.

Serbs took women and children into stadiums and murdered them........Lucky we didn't do more.

Russia came to the aid of GENOCIDE.

According to Human Rights Watch almost 300,000 Serbian Christians were expelled (ethnically cleansed) from Kosovo as the Muslims took over.
After the Albanians seized Kosovo stateless Serbian Christians made up the largest number of refugees in Europe.
The KLA murdered their own stadiumfulls and had their own mass graves. In one incident, known as the Gnjilane killings, the KLA first removed the tongues, then hammered nails into the heads of their Serbian victims before suffocating them slowly with plastic bags.

President Trump is President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. As such he doesn't have to answer to foreigners for troop movements. Nor should he.

Your senile child, which plays to be president of the USA, made a very long and very idiotic anti-German speech far from any facts, which are his "reason" - what a proud word for such an unbelievable stupid man - to reducde the US-army in Germany.

And how US-Americans were able to make such a psychopathological interesting person like Donald Trump to a "commander in chief of the US armed forces" - is even a mystery to god. I hope no one ever will have to see Donald Trump and his way to do decisions in case of a real serios military crisis.
Start paying your fair share for Nato and the UN.........UN a useless org........

Spend more on your own defense..............or not I really don't give a damn anymore.......We don't need you........And we kicked Germany's ass twice.........How about you LOL

Why should we listen to countries that have used us for decades..........Oh well...........BYE.
Ok let's test all this. "Pay your fair share to NATO". What share is "fair" to you? As much as the US? Atm Europe has a joint military budget that apprises about 1.8 percent of its GDP. For a total of 223.4 billion. Russia atm spends 3.9 percent of its GDP on the military for a total of... 61.4 billion. I think more than triple the budget of it's projected main military rival is "fair" feel free to disagree.

As to the usefulness of NATO and the UN. NATO is a pact of mutual assistance. The only time its article 5 has ever been activated to defend one of its members was to come to the defense of the US after 9/11. The Korean war had the UN provide troops so have countless wars since. It has organizations providing everything from vaccines, to disaster relief and everything in between and provides world leaders a forum to hash out they're difference without always having to resort to violence.

As for the US being "used" American companies have literally conquered the world, American culture permeates everywhere. The US dollar is the benchmark currency of the world and oil is traded in it. A huge percentage of the world's wealth flows in American pockets ever year. So forgive me when I don't go and look at the US as a victim.

Didnt NATO bomb Christians in Serbia to aid Muslims trying to conquer it? Whats mutual aid got to do with that?
Did it to stop genocide.......and I remember the Russians came there to dare us to continue........LOL

What Russia didn't understand was that we were locked and loaded and ready to go to War with you over it.

Serbs took women and children into stadiums and murdered them........Lucky we didn't do more.

Russia came to the aid of GENOCIDE.

According to Human Rights Watch almost 300,000 Serbian Christians were expelled (ethnically cleansed) from Kosovo as the Muslims took over.
After the Albanians seized Kosovo stateless Serbian Christians made up the largest number of refugees in Europe.
The KLA murdered their own stadiumfulls and had their own mass graves. In one incident, known as the Gnjilane killings, the KLA first removed the tongues, then hammered nails into the heads of their Serbian victims before suffocating them slowly with plastic bags.
The scale of it wasn't the same and you know it.
Gelsenkirchen, Germany, nowadays.
They mounted a new statue of Lenin next to the banner "Let's not give a chance to anticommunists". Funny guys.

Germany joins the long list of nations, including Egypt, Babylon and Rome, of those wiped down for their historic mistreatment of the Jews
Lennin was a POS.............murdered his own people.............but the statue there or not changes nothing............................History will be the same whether it is there or not.............Statues like that should be there to educate the people and who and what Lennin did.............You only hide history if you are part of a group that likes to REWRITE HISTORY and BRAINWASH the people.........something Socialist morons scream about.
I read it twice. Its a propaganda masterpiece. They invaded Poland because Britian and the US wouldnt?

Hitler and Stalin decided in the Ribbentrop-Molotow pact (August, 23rd, 1939) to eliminate Poland. This was practically the begin of world war 2. Ironically the official name of this pact was: "Treaty of Non-Aggression between Germany and the Union of Soviet Socialist Republics." Indeed Poland was a buffer against a direct war between the German Nazis and the Russian Soviets. That's why it had to be eliminated from Hitler and Stalin. That England, France and others - including the USA and a big part of the world - were also in this war was a collateral damage or side effect of this war between Hitler and Stalin. Stalin wan - Hitler lost. Good luck for Germany - bad luck for Russia - aside that war is never good for anyone.

Oh by the way: My father was a German soldier in Russia. A child soldier is perhaps a better expression. He never spoke any bad word about Russians. He taught me some Russian words, when I was a little boy. He died young about 30 wars - ah sorry: "years" - after this war - then he lost his 30 years long fight against the sicknesses this war had caused in his body. Men like him rebuilded Germany.
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Socialist Germans and socialist German Jews are play-fighting on a world stage, and banning guns in America. Put them all down.

Antisemite: The weapon fetishism of the people in the USA is extremely ugly and is extremely dangerous for everyone, who lives in the USA.
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You are confused. He bankrupted the Soviet's military by putting the Pershing II in Europe. Also, stealth technolgy and tank busters on the Fulda gap. 50% of the Soviet GDP was going for defense and Reagan out spent them. However he really bluffed them with the Star Wars technology that they thought was real. Dumb shits.

Credit also goes to Thatcher and Kohl for not giving into the Eurotrash Left Wing Surrender Monkeys.

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What a nonsense. The Russians cant live without strong hand.

You can. The real enemy of the Russians is Vodka. This forces strong ruling hands.

And it doesn't matter who will be that - Putin, Rasputin or someone else.

It is impossible to 'lost' Russia, because Russia never was a part of the West in the broad sense and never will be.

Russia is a multinational empire as was Austria-Hungaria and the Osman empire. The problem is in this case a problem of balance. And it needs multi-nationalism in Europe and big parts of Asia. A dominance of only some or one culture is not sane. And what you call "never was a part of the West" is true and not true the same time. The West was also once a part of the East. Rome is everywhere - Constantinople is everywhere. In the end we are all cultures, who came from the ancient Greeks and their philosophical camp fires. Russia as well as Europe and the USA. And as a Catholic let me say: One god - one truth - one church. The schisms and the reformations and separations show only that no one is really right. But this changes nothing in the fact that we all are children of god and have to find the right ways in love and rationality - and not drunken or drugged from substances or ideologies.
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From a Moron country that started and lost 2 Wars.............Without us you would have been Russia's STFU........

Anytime you want some come and get it.

You can repeat this as often as you like to repeat it. It is just simple not true that Germany started 2 world wars. This prejudice exists only because no one likes to think about the own war crimes. And it is by the way also not clear, whether Hitler liked to win any war. I guess he wan just simple what he liked to win: He is and will be forever the most famous German. Hitler was a narcissist, who spoke continously bullshit. Why do you think laughs no one about Donald Trump in Germany, although this man is a perfect comedian as Hitler was? I hope in the next elections Putin will not support Trump any longer to weaken the USA. That's too dangerous.
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