Regrettable': Germany reacts to Trump plan to withdraw US troops

Ha! And do you know why Germany was divided and became a potential battlefield?

So why "you" and your allies did you do the war crimes to throw masses of bombs on German civilists, to displace millions of Germans, to give a big area of Germany to Slawic nations, to erase complete German cultures like Silesia or Bohemia, to rape millions of German women, to let die German pows on hunger and to murder them in many other ways and so on ...
Oh, it wasn't about the "justice". It was about stopping the evil. A surgeon doesn't cut a patient to "punish" him. He amputete an affected limb to prevent the spread of gangrene.
There were pretty good reasons for this.
I hope you don't try to tell me now because the Nazis had murdered many members of my families? Sorry - but I do not think the crimes of the Nazis are able to be an excuse for the crimes of the allies.
Murders of "many members of your families" was just one of your crimes.

And the fourth Reich have a pretty good chances to finish its existence in the same way as the third one.
May be. But I'm on the side of life.
President Trump is sending a message to the German people, dump your idiot leftwing leaders, we aren’t going to defend a fascist leftwing government.

Let’s see how they respond.

Normally we would make a Volksfest to say "Good bye". We never had big problems with your soldiers. But it's Corona time. Not even an Octoberfest this year.

I loved Germany when I was stationed there in the 80s. Beautiful country. Friendly people. Only socialist country that does it right. Even they went thru their dictatorship period with the Nazis. The war ended that. Now they are one of Europe's best nations, putting the UK, France, and Italy to shame. I miss Baveria. But we need to pull our troops out. We have no business being there anymore.

Also soldiers need a home, where they are save. And it could be you underestimate, what your forces are here able to do for your country. But this I will not discuss. And you underestimate perhaps also the benefit/cost ratio for the US-army in Germany. Whatever: "Your" decision. I have no problem with any decision in this context.

But are the decisions of Donald Trump and his loyal spitlickers really decisions of loyal US-Americans? I fear too many people confuse Trumps egocentrism with patriotism and too many US-Americans don't see in his amusing narcissism a dangerous way into a megalomania, where everyone becomes the enemy of everyone else, while Trump is the laughing spinner in the middle of his chaos.

You are confused about this.

Trump has the right agenda for the US.

Trump is an idiot, who continously speaks an extreme bullshit, because he has not any real idea about anything in this world. He grew up in an ivory plane over NY and he is a dynamite fisher. If he likes to eat fish he kills all fish in a lake and whether this fish are US-Americans or not is not interesting for him. By the way: I heard he likes tp do an interesting experiment with 19,000 US-American supporters of him and the Corona virus. I'm sure Trump will not lose - what does't mean the Corona virus will lose.

The fact that the Eurotrash


and other world assholes

Not everyone is able to be "great". Better to be a world asshole than to be an US-American.

don't like Trump's America first agenda is a great indication it is the right agenda.

Agenda? Trump? USA? What's that? ... Who cares. ... Whatever any agenda of the USA might be in the future - this is only interesting any longer for 4 or 8 years. Afterwards everyone has to restart on ground zero again with the USA. Your nation remembers me in the momnet to a sentence my mother said about bad workers. She said from time to time: "Some overturn with the ass, what they raised with the hands."

You are very confused, however, we don't give a shit. We love Trump. He is the President of the US, not the President of the world.

Trump will take care of America and if the Eurotrash and third world scum don't like it then they can cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump is the best President in modern times. That is saying a lot since the runner up was Reagan.
crimes to throw masses of bombs on German civilists, to displace millions of Germans, to give a big area of Germany to Slawic nations, to erase complete
What don't you get, prick? It is your nation that gave the power to an half-insane idiot and cheered him when he promised you vast lands on the East and a number of slaves.

It is you who came to plunder and pillage. And you got your asses kicked as a result. And you should be grateful for your nation being allowed (mistakenly I think) to create your national state again.
crimes to throw masses of bombs on German civilists, to displace millions of Germans, to give a big area of Germany to Slawic nations, to erase complete
What don't you get, prick? It is your nation that gave the power to an half-insane idiot and cheered him when he promised you vast lands on the East and a number of slaves.

One problem in "discussions" about the idiocies of the US-American politics with US-Americans is: US-Americans know less than nothing about Germany, but more than everything about the years from 1933-1945.

You know Hitler was possible - so why do you do what you do now under Trump about 100 years later? Today some serios people in the USA seriosly doubt about Donald Trump will accept the result of the next elections, if he will lose.

It is you who came to plunder and pillage. And you got your asses kicked as a result. And you should be grateful for your nation being allowed (mistakenly I think) to create your national state again.

What do you suggest instead of a national identity?
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problem in "discussions" about the idiocies of the US-Amrcuan polirics with US-Americans is: US-Americans know less than nothing about Germany, but more than everything about the years from 1933-1945.

You know Hitler was possible - so why do you do what you do now under Trump about 100 years later? Today some serios people in the USA seriosly doubt about Donald Trump will accept the result of the next elections, if he will
1. Have no idea what Trump has to do with what I wrote above.
2. I am not a big fan of Trump.
3. I have already told you that I am not an American and have nothing to do with the US.

What do you suggest instead of a national identity
Germany should have been divided on several independent states.
... we don't give a shit.

Sure. That's normal for US-Americans under Trump.

We love Trump.

You do what? ... Strange ...

He is the President of the US, not the President of the world.

Tell him this.

Trump will take care of America and if the Eurotrash

Sometimes I have the feeling this is a kind of compulsive act.

and third world scum

Scum = Abschaum, Gesindel. ... Got it ... You follow the racist logic of colonialism and early industrializaion. 19th century, I guess.

don't like it then they can cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump is the best President in modern times.

He is president - but is he president?

That is saying a lot since the runner up was Reagan.

What's wrong with Ronald Reagan? No - don't tell me this. For today I had heard enough nonsense.
problem in "discussions" about the idiocies of the US-Amrcuan polirics with US-Americans is: US-Americans know less than nothing about Germany, but more than everything about the years from 1933-1945.

You know Hitler was possible - so why do you do what you do now under Trump about 100 years later? Today some serios people in the USA seriosly doubt about Donald Trump will accept the result of the next elections, if he will

1. Have no idea what Trump has to do with what I wrote above.
2. I am not a big fan of Trump.
3. I have already told you that I am not an American and have nothing to do with the US.

And what is your nationality?

What do you suggest instead of a national identity
Germany should have been divided on several independent states.

A good idea. When will you do so? Before or after?
... we don't give a shit.

Sure. That's normal for US-Americans under Trump.

We love Trump.

You do what? ... Strange ...

He is the President of the US, not the President of the world.

Tell him this.

Trump will take care of America and if the Eurotrash

Sometimes I have the feeling this is a kind of compulsive act.

and third world scum

Scum = Abschaum, Gesindel. ... Got it ... You follow the racist logic of colonialism and early industrializaion. 19th century, I guess.

don't like it then they can cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump is the best President in modern times.

He is president - but is he president?

That is saying a lot since the runner up was Reagan.

What's wrong with Ronald Reagan? No - don't tell me this. For today I had heard enough nonsense.

You are confused about a great many things.

American nationalism is a good thing. Our friends and allies usually prosepr when we prosper. Hell most of the countries we are allied with are on some kind of American welfare some way or another.

The thing about Trump that makes him so great is that he is not giving away the store to other countries like those shitheads Obama, Bush and Clinton.

Reagan? The guy defeated the Soviets without ever firing a shot while as the same time giving the US an economy that boomed for 18 years.
... we don't give a shit.

Sure. That's normal for US-Americans under Trump.

We love Trump.

You do what? ... Strange ...

He is the President of the US, not the President of the world.

Tell him this.

Trump will take care of America and if the Eurotrash

Sometimes I have the feeling this is a kind of compulsive act.

and third world scum

Scum = Abschaum, Gesindel. ... Got it ... You follow the racist logic of colonialism and early industrializaion. 19th century, I guess.

don't like it then they can cram it where the sun don't shine.

Trump is the best President in modern times.

He is president - but is he president?

That is saying a lot since the runner up was Reagan.

What's wrong with Ronald Reagan? No - don't tell me this. For today I had heard enough nonsense.

You are confused about a great many things.

American nationalism is a good thing.

Hmm ... I do not see this.

Our friends and allies usually prosepr when we prosper. Hell most of the countries we are allied with are on some kind of American welfare some way or another.

The thing about Trump that makes him so great

Great? Trump? He is an idiot - and everyone knows this.

is that he is not giving away the store to other countries like those shitheads Obama, Bush and Clinton.


Reagan? The guy defeated the Soviets without ever firing a shot while as the same time giving the US an economy that boomed for 18 years.

He did not defeat the Soviets. The story is much more complex. But what was bad to do so - except that he harvested what others - specially Germany - had hard worked for?
problem in "discussions" about the idiocies of the US-Amrcuan polirics with US-Americans is: US-Americans know less than nothing about Germany, but more than everything about the years from 1933-1945.

You know Hitler was possible - so why do you do what you do now under Trump about 100 years later? Today some serios people in the USA seriosly doubt about Donald Trump will accept the result of the next elections, if he will
1. Have no idea what Trump has to do with what I wrote above.
2. I am not a big fan of Trump.
3. I have already told you that I am not an American and have nothing to do with the US.

What do you suggest instead of a national identity
Germany should have been divided on several independent states.

It was.
... Murders of "many members of your families" was just one of your crimes. ...

I find it by the way always again fascinating how the US-American "logic of moral" makes out of victims criminals. So who or what gives you any right to call me the murderer of my own family members?

President Trump is President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. As such he doesn't have to answer to foreigners for troop movements. Nor should he.

Your senile child, which plays to be president of the USA, made a very long and very idiotic anti-German speech far from any facts, which are his "reason" - what a proud word for such an unbelievable stupid man - to reducde the US-army in Germany.

And how US-Americans were able to make such a psychopathological interesting person like Donald Trump to a "commander in chief of the US armed forces" - is even a mystery to god. I hope no one ever will have to see Donald Trump and his way to do decisions in case of a real serios military crisis.
Start paying your fair share for Nato and the UN.........UN a useless org........

Spend more on your own defense..............or not I really don't give a damn anymore.......We don't need you........And we kicked Germany's ass twice.........How about you LOL

Why should we listen to countries that have used us for decades..........Oh well...........BYE.
Ok let's test all this. "Pay your fair share to NATO". What share is "fair" to you? As much as the US? Atm Europe has a joint military budget that apprises about 1.8 percent of its GDP. For a total of 223.4 billion. Russia atm spends 3.9 percent of its GDP on the military for a total of... 61.4 billion. I think more than triple the budget of it's projected main military rival is "fair" feel free to disagree.

As to the usefulness of NATO and the UN. NATO is a pact of mutual assistance. The only time its article 5 has ever been activated to defend one of its members was to come to the defense of the US after 9/11. The Korean war had the UN provide troops so have countless wars since. It has organizations providing everything from vaccines, to disaster relief and everything in between and provides world leaders a forum to hash out they're difference without always having to resort to violence.

As for the US being "used" American companies have literally conquered the world, American culture permeates everywhere. The US dollar is the benchmark currency of the world and oil is traded in it. A huge percentage of the world's wealth flows in American pockets ever year. So forgive me when I don't go and look at the US as a victim.

Didnt NATO bomb Christians in Serbia to aid Muslims trying to conquer it? Whats mutual aid got to do with that?
problem in "discussions" about the idiocies of the US-Amrcuan polirics with US-Americans is: US-Americans know less than nothing about Germany, but more than everything about the years from 1933-1945.

You know Hitler was possible - so why do you do what you do now under Trump about 100 years later? Today some serios people in the USA seriosly doubt about Donald Trump will accept the result of the next elections, if he will
1. Have no idea what Trump has to do with what I wrote above.
2. I am not a big fan of Trump.
3. I have already told you that I am not an American and have nothing to do with the US.

What do you suggest instead of a national identity
Germany should have been divided on several independent states.

It was.
Not exactly. It was divided into four 'occupation zones', three of which were later united in a single state.
Didnt NATO bomb Christians in Serbia to aid Muslims trying to conquer it? Whats mutual aid got to do with that
It was not about Christians and Muslims. It was about elimination of possible ally of Russia in the center of Europe.
Take all your soldiers home. Sell Alaska and Hawaii. Build a wall around the rest of the USA. And be happy.

Many Americans would love to withdraw all the troops from Germany.

Do it.

Let Merkle's Muslim buddies defend Germany.

If you would be a soldier of the USA then you should leave our country immediatelly. No one is able to defend what he hates. Anyway the US-soldiers here are not defending Germany. They defend the USA. Germany is only a factor in their calculations.

Most Americans don't have a clue why we still have soldiers stationed in that shithole country.

End of "discussion". Take your soldiers. All of them. Go home.

I served on the Fluda Gap for a few months in 1967. Me and 200,000 of my friends.

You never "served" - you did perhaps do a job, or not. You try to produce enemies of the USA, which will try to destroy your country - so you are able to feel great or strong as long as this will not happen.

PS: I took a look what was called "Fulda gap". Do you know what the NATO had done in this scenario? For example the NATO had thrown a nuke at Hattenbach - directly into the center of Germany.

Ha! And do you know why Germany was divided and became a potential battlefield?

So why and your allies did you do the war crime to throw masses of bombs on German civilists, to displace millions of Germans, to give a big area of Germany to Slawic nations, to erase complete German cultures like Silesia or Bohmeia, to rape millions of German women, to let die German pows on hunger and to murder them in many other ways and so on ...

There were pretty good reasons for this.

I hope you don't try to tell me now because the Nazis had murdered many members of my families? Sorry - but I do not think the crimes of the Nazis are able to be an excuse for the crimes of the allies.

And the fourth Reich have a pretty good chances to finish its existence in the same way as the third one.


You started the War with Hitler and Nazi's...................we beat your asses into a Mud Hole without mercy..........same as your WANKER country did to others..............Oh well.

You shouldn't have started something you couldn't finish.......and now you are running your mouths again.......about all you are good for anymore to me...........Now bow to your new citizens from the Muzzie world and your new Diversity.........LOL

It's that german we're the greatest mentality
It's why they started two world wars.

We did not start world war 1 at all. And world war 2 was started from Stalin and Hitler together. "You" fought for Stalin.

Oh, really?
Did you read Putin's article in "The National Interest"?

I read it twice. Its a propaganda masterpiece. They invaded Poland because Britian and the US wouldnt?

President Trump is President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. As such he doesn't have to answer to foreigners for troop movements. Nor should he.

Your senile child, which plays to be president of the USA, made a very long and very idiotic anti-German speech far from any facts, which are his "reason" - what a proud word for such an unbelievable stupid man - to reducde the US-army in Germany.

And how US-Americans were able to make such a psychopathological interesting person like Donald Trump to a "commander in chief of the US armed forces" - is even a mystery to god. I hope no one ever will have to see Donald Trump and his way to do decisions in case of a real serios military crisis.
Start paying your fair share for Nato and the UN.........UN a useless org........

Spend more on your own defense..............or not I really don't give a damn anymore.......We don't need you........And we kicked Germany's ass twice.........How about you LOL

Why should we listen to countries that have used us for decades..........Oh well...........BYE.
Ok let's test all this. "Pay your fair share to NATO". What share is "fair" to you? As much as the US? Atm Europe has a joint military budget that apprises about 1.8 percent of its GDP. For a total of 223.4 billion. Russia atm spends 3.9 percent of its GDP on the military for a total of... 61.4 billion. I think more than triple the budget of it's projected main military rival is "fair" feel free to disagree.

As to the usefulness of NATO and the UN. NATO is a pact of mutual assistance. The only time its article 5 has ever been activated to defend one of its members was to come to the defense of the US after 9/11. The Korean war had the UN provide troops so have countless wars since. It has organizations providing everything from vaccines, to disaster relief and everything in between and provides world leaders a forum to hash out they're difference without always having to resort to violence.

As for the US being "used" American companies have literally conquered the world, American culture permeates everywhere. The US dollar is the benchmark currency of the world and oil is traded in it. A huge percentage of the world's wealth flows in American pockets ever year. So forgive me when I don't go and look at the US as a victim.

Didnt NATO bomb Christians in Serbia to aid Muslims trying to conquer it? Whats mutual aid got to do with that?
Interesting you want to paint that intervention as centered around religion. NATO bombing of Yugoslavia - Wikipedia
It was centered around the issue of ethnic cleansing something I will assume you are against yourself. And it was very much a "mutual decision"

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