Regrettable': Germany reacts to Trump plan to withdraw US troops

Ask the farmers, ask the coal miners
The coal minors?

you must be joking

obama stabbed them in the back and put them in intensive care for the sake of the man-made global warming hoax before trump was even elected

as for US farmers they are getting the same treatment from china that Australian barley and beef farmers are getting because the Aussies are joining in the demand that china and the WHO be investigated

you are extremely narrow-minded to blame chinese bullying tactics on trump
Yes the coal miners.

Obama held the coal industry to strict environmental standards. As he should. He recognized that coal was becoming an obsolete form of energy and advised workers that coal jobs days were numbered.

Trump LIED. He told coal miners that he would not only save their jobs but increase production.

There are fewer coal jobs under Trump than there were under Obama
200 year supply of cheap energy.......and the environmental controls are modern now.

People like you bitch and whine about coal......don't say a word to how Solar panels are made or the cobalt for the batteries..............all you have done is EXPORT environmental disasters to the Far East and the cheap labor there mines it for almost nothing with no EPA and die horrible deaths.........

When you gonna complain about that troll.
Coal is an obsolete form of energy.
If they can burn cleanly, they can operate.

Problem is, the cost to make it clean make it uneconomical.
Who died and made you king.........and while we are at it who gave the EPA the authority to change laws in this country without consent of the people........

4th tier of our country makes laws ..........and people like you don't say anything.

Now to Solar...........shove them where the sun doesn't shine.......LOL
The EPA represents the interest of We the People over corporate greed trying to make a buck out of exploiting the environment.
You didn't answer the question..........they create laws without the consent of a vote or our elected officials............they piss on the Constitution daily.

We have no dang problem with pollution controls, and our controls are better than anyone in the world........................All you are doing is exporting the problem..................and SOLAR is very harmful to the people mining it and making it............they are used as cannon fodder

You don't say anything about that now don't you.

Now WHO THE HELL gave California the right to ORDER people to install Solar Panels to build there???...............Suppose you will say you believe in Freedom too...........hmmm
State and local authorities set all building codes
Dont like it, build somewhere else.

EPA was empowered by Congress and President Nixon to set environmental rules. They do not have to clear each one through Congress......Too political
Only Moron Liberals live in places like California.........if you haven't noticed everyone is hauling ass from your UTOPIAN STATE............except Illegals..............HELL.........they don't even like you much.....just vote for you long enough to get relatives in.............They think you are Morons also.

If your ways are so good.........why the hell is everyone leaving........Let that sink in Troll

President Trump is President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. As such he doesn't have to answer to foreigners for troop movements. Nor should he.

Your senile child, which plays to be president of the USA, made a very long and very idiotic anti-German speech far from any facts, which are his "reason" - what a proud word for such an unbelievable stupid man - to reducde the US-army in Germany.

And how US-Americans were able to make such a psychopathological interesting person like Donald Trump to a "commander in chief of the US armed forces" - is even a mystery to god. I hope no one ever will have to see Donald Trump and his way to do decisions in case of a real serios military crisis.
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President Trump is sending a message to the German people, dump your idiot leftwing leaders, we aren’t going to defend a fascist leftwing government.

Let’s see how they respond.

Normally we would make a Volksfest to say "Good bye". We never had big problems with your soldiers. But it's Corona time. Not even an Octoberfest this year.

I loved Germany when I was stationed there in the 80s. Beautiful country. Friendly people. Only socialist country that does it right. Even they went thru their dictatorship period with the Nazis. The war ended that. Now they are one of Europe's best nations, putting the UK, France, and Italy to shame. I miss Baveria. But we need to pull our troops out. We have no business being there anymore.

Also soldiers need a home, where they are save. And it could be you underestimate, what your forces are here able to do for your country. But this I will not discuss. And you underestimate perhaps also the benefit/cost ratio for the US-army in Germany. Whatever: "Your" decision. I have no problem with any decision in this context.

But are the decisions of Donald Trump and his loyal spitlickers really decisions of loyal US-Americans? I fear too many people confuse Trumps egocentrism with patriotism and too many US-Americans don't see in his amusing narcissism a dangerous way into a megalomania, where everyone becomes the enemy of everyone else, while Trump is the laughing spinner in the middle of his chaos.

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President Trump is sending a message to the German people, dump your idiot leftwing leaders, we aren’t going to defend a fascist leftwing government.

Let’s see how they respond.

Normally we would make a Volksfest to say "Good bye". We never had big problems with your soldiers. But it's Corona time. Not even an Octoberfest this year.

I loved Germany when I was stationed there in the 80s. Beautiful country. Friendly people. Only socialist country that does it right. Even they went thru their dictatorship period with the Nazis. The war ended that. Now they are one of Europe's best nations, putting the UK, France, and Italy to shame. I miss Baveria. But we need to pull our troops out. We have no business being there anymore.

Strategically, you need to be there.
Donald Trump’s plans to withdraw roughly a third of the US troops stationed in Germany have been criticised in the country by conservatives

Actually Conservatives like the idea that Trump is getting more welfare queens off the government rolls.

There is no reason for Americans to subsidize Germany's defense spending.

You don't do such things! Is everyone an idiot in the USA? Since when defines Washington what Germany has to do or not to do with the money of the German tax payers?
Donald Trump’s plans to withdraw roughly a third of the US troops stationed in Germany have been criticised in the country by conservatives

Actually Conservatives like the idea that Trump is getting more welfare queens off the government rolls.

There is no reason for Americans to subsidize Germany's defense spending.

You don't do such things! Is everyone an idiot in the USA? Since when defines Washington what Germany has to do or not to do with the money of the German tax payers?

When we pay their defense bill by providing American troops and equipment and the Germans aren't taxed as much.

It is called welfare. Basically Germany has been on the American welfare rolls for 70 years.

Good for Trump. He should withdraw all American troops from Germany.
Donald Trump’s plans to withdraw roughly a third of the US troops stationed in Germany have been criticised in the country by conservatives

Actually Conservatives like the idea that Trump is getting more welfare queens off the government rolls.

There is no reason for Americans to subsidize Germany's defense spending.

You don't do such things! Is everyone an idiot in the USA? Since when defines Washington what Germany has to do or not to do with the money of the German tax payers?

When we pay their defense bill by providing American troops and equipment and the Germans aren't taxed as much.

It is called welfare. Basically Germany has been on the American welfare rolls for 70 years.

Good for Trump. He should withdraw all American troops from Germany.

Take all your soldiers home. Sell Alaska and Hawaii. Build a wall around the rest of the USA. And be happy.

all you have done is EXPORT environmental disasters to the Far East and Africa..

Globalists who want free trade are just paying foreigners to pollute for them

in the end the desire for cheap stuff overrides their fake greenness

And this says a member of a nation, which had forced Japan with canons boats to open the own markets for the USA. Identity, your name is for sure not "USA".
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If they can burn cleanly, they can operate.
China and india have thousands of coal plants that you depend on to mske your cheap cell phone

When liberals say “clean” you are really talking about c02 which is a phony issue
President Trump is sending a message to the German people, dump your idiot leftwing leaders, we aren’t going to defend a fascist leftwing government.

Let’s see how they respond.

Normally we would make a Volksfest to say "Good bye". We never had big problems with your soldiers. But it's Corona time. Not even an Octoberfest this year.

I loved Germany when I was stationed there in the 80s. Beautiful country. Friendly people. Only socialist country that does it right. Even they went thru their dictatorship period with the Nazis. The war ended that. Now they are one of Europe's best nations, putting the UK, France, and Italy to shame. I miss Baveria. But we need to pull our troops out. We have no business being there anymore.

Also soldiers need a home, where they are save. And it could be you underestimate, what your forces are here able to do for your country. But this I will not discuss. And you underestimate perhaps also the benefit/cost ratio for the US-army in Germany. Whatever: "Your" decision. I have no problem with any decision in this context.

But are the decisions of Donald Trump and his loyal spitlickers really decisions of loyal US-Americans? I fear too many people confuse Trumps egocentrism with patriotism and too many US-Americans don't see in his amusing narcissism a dangerous way into a megalomania, where everyone becomes the enemy of everyone else, while Trump is the laughing spinner in the middle of his chaos.

I think it is highly offensive that you feel Trump supporters are spitlickers.
Trump supporters are people that have had their eyes opened and can see that nobody in our government can be trusted anymore.
That is a sad state of affairs when you literally cannot trust your government to do the right thing or be honest with you.
Take all your soldiers home. Sell Alaska and Hawaii. Build a wall around the rest of the USA. And be happy.

Many Americans would love to withdraw all the troops from Germany. Let Merkle's Muslim buddies defend Germany.
President Trump is sending a message to the German people, dump your idiot leftwing leaders, we aren’t going to defend a fascist leftwing government.

Let’s see how they respond.

Normally we would make a Volksfest to say "Good bye". We never had big problems with your soldiers. But it's Corona time. Not even an Octoberfest this year.

I loved Germany when I was stationed there in the 80s. Beautiful country. Friendly people. Only socialist country that does it right. Even they went thru their dictatorship period with the Nazis. The war ended that. Now they are one of Europe's best nations, putting the UK, France, and Italy to shame. I miss Baveria. But we need to pull our troops out. We have no business being there anymore.

Also soldiers need a home, where they are save. And it could be you underestimate, what your forces are here able to do for your country. But this I will not discuss. And you underestimate perhaps also the benefit/cost ratio for the US-army in Germany. Whatever: "Your" decision. I have no problem with any decision in this context.

But are the decisions of Donald Trump and his loyal spitlickers really decisions of loyal US-Americans? I fear too many people confuse Trumps egocentrism with patriotism and too many US-Americans don't see in his amusing narcissism a dangerous way into a megalomania, where everyone becomes the enemy of everyone else, while Trump is the laughing spinner in the middle of his chaos.

I think it is highly offensive that you feel Trump supporters are spitlickers.

Trump eliminates everyone in his surrounding, who is not his spitlicker. He accepts only loyalite to his person - and not loyalite to the USA and normal civilized values.

Trump supporters are people that have had their eyes opened and can see that nobody in our government can be trusted anymore.

People vote for Trump, because they see with this what you call "open eyes", that nobody in your government can be trusted? ... ¿except Trump? ... Strange. But what is the will of this people - including you? To produce chaos? I would say: If your political system is really out of control, so the people of the USA are not able any longer to be the sovereign of the USA, then why not to make a new constituent assambly and try to correct all this problems and to make a new constitution?

That is a sad state of affairs

Okay - the USA is a sad state - and Trump - the incarnation of a perfect untrustworthy idiot - makes now the USA "great again". What do you think will happen, when you will awake after this drunken dreams? I tell you: We will make a big business in Germany and sell to you an Aspirin on credit for your grumpy head.

when you literally cannot trust your government to do the right thing or be honest with you.

I don't know why - but you remember me now to the brave soldier Schweijk. When he had to go to world war 1 he made an agreement with his best friend to meet each other at 9 o'clock after the war. Then he thought a little while and said "But come at 10 o'clock - I might be late".

In memoriam Bohemia - requiescat in pace
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Take all your soldiers home. Sell Alaska and Hawaii. Build a wall around the rest of the USA. And be happy.

Many Americans would love to withdraw all the troops from Germany.

Do it.

Let Merkle's Muslim buddies defend Germany.

If you would be a soldier of the USA then you should leave our country immediatelly. No one is able to defend what he hates. Anyway the US-soldiers here are not defending Germany. They defend the USA. Germany is only a factor in their calculations.
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Take all your soldiers home. Sell Alaska and Hawaii. Build a wall around the rest of the USA. And be happy.

Many Americans would love to withdraw all the troops from Germany.

Do it.

Let Merkle's Muslim buddies defend Germany.

If you would be a soldier of the USA then you should leave our country immediatelly. No one is able to defend what he hates. Anyway the US-soldiers here are not defending Germany. They defend the USA. Germany is only a factor in their calculations.

Most Americans don't have a clue why we still have soldiers stationed in that shithole country.

I served on the Fluda Gap for a few months in 1967. Me and 200,000 of my friends.
Take all your soldiers home. Sell Alaska and Hawaii. Build a wall around the rest of the USA. And be happy.

Many Americans would love to withdraw all the troops from Germany.

Do it.

Let Merkle's Muslim buddies defend Germany.

If you would be a soldier of the USA then you should leave our country immediatelly. No one is able to defend what he hates. Anyway the US-soldiers here are not defending Germany. They defend the USA. Germany is only a factor in their calculations.

Most Americans don't have a clue why we still have soldiers stationed in that shithole country.

End of "discussion". Take your soldiers. All of them. Go home.

I served on the Fluda Gap for a few months in 1967. Me and 200,000 of my friends.

You never "served" - you did perhaps do a job, or not. You try to produce enemies of the USA, which will try to destroy your country - so you are able to feel great or strong as long as this will not happen.

PS: I took a look what was called "Fulda gap". Do you know what the NATO had done in this scenario? For example the NATO had thrown a nuke at Hattenbach - directly into the center of Germany.
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Take all your soldiers home. Sell Alaska and Hawaii. Build a wall around the rest of the USA. And be happy.

Many Americans would love to withdraw all the troops from Germany.

Do it.

Let Merkle's Muslim buddies defend Germany.

If you would be a soldier of the USA then you should leave our country immediatelly. No one is able to defend what he hates. Anyway the US-soldiers here are not defending Germany. They defend the USA. Germany is only a factor in their calculations.

Most Americans don't have a clue why we still have soldiers stationed in that shithole country.

End of "discussion". Take your soldiers. All of them. Go home.

I served on the Fluda Gap for a few months in 1967. Me and 200,000 of my friends.

You never "served" - you did perhaps do a job, or not. You try to produce enemies of the USA, which will try to destroy your country - so you are able to feel great or strong as long as this will not happen.

PS: I took a look what was called "Fulda gap". Do you know what the NATO had done in this scenario? For example the NATO had thrown a nuke at Hattenbach - directly into the center of Germany.

Ha! And do you know why Germany was divided and became a potential battlefield? There were pretty good reasons for this.
And the fourth Reich have a pretty good chances to finish its existence in the same way as the third one.
Take all your soldiers home. Sell Alaska and Hawaii. Build a wall around the rest of the USA. And be happy.

Many Americans would love to withdraw all the troops from Germany.

Do it.

Let Merkle's Muslim buddies defend Germany.

If you would be a soldier of the USA then you should leave our country immediatelly. No one is able to defend what he hates. Anyway the US-soldiers here are not defending Germany. They defend the USA. Germany is only a factor in their calculations.

Most Americans don't have a clue why we still have soldiers stationed in that shithole country.

End of "discussion". Take your soldiers. All of them. Go home.

I served on the Fluda Gap for a few months in 1967. Me and 200,000 of my friends.

You never "served" - you did perhaps do a job, or not. You try to produce enemies of the USA, which will try to destroy your country - so you are able to feel great or strong as long as this will not happen.

PS: I took a look what was called "Fulda gap". Do you know what the NATO had done in this scenario? For example the NATO had thrown a nuke at Hattenbach - directly into the center of Germany.

Ha! And do you know why Germany was divided and became a potential battlefield?

So why "you" and your allies did you do the war crimes to throw masses of bombs on German civilists, to displace millions of Germans, to give a big area of Germany to Slawic nations, to erase complete German cultures like Silesia or Bohemia, to rape millions of German women, to let die German pows on hunger and to murder them in many other ways and so on ...

There were pretty good reasons for this.

I hope you don't try to tell me now because the Nazis had murdered many members of my families? Sorry - but I do not think the crimes of the Nazis are able to be an excuse for the crimes of the allies.

And the fourth Reich have a pretty good chances to finish its existence in the same way as the third one.


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President Trump is President of the US and Commander in Chief of the US armed forces. As such he doesn't have to answer to foreigners for troop movements. Nor should he.

Your senile child, which plays to be president of the USA, made a very long and very idiotic anti-German speech far from any facts, which are his "reason" - what a proud word for such an unbelievable stupid man - to reducde the US-army in Germany.

And how US-Americans were able to make such a psychopathological interesting person like Donald Trump to a "commander in chief of the US armed forces" - is even a mystery to god. I hope no one ever will have to see Donald Trump and his way to do decisions in case of a real serios military crisis.
Start paying your fair share for Nato and the UN.........UN a useless org........

Spend more on your own defense..............or not I really don't give a damn anymore.......We don't need you........And we kicked Germany's ass twice.........How about you LOL

Why should we listen to countries that have used us for decades..........Oh well...........BYE.

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