Regrettable': Germany reacts to Trump plan to withdraw US troops

It was the German Heinrich Hertz, who produced the frist microwaves in history. And the first one who cooked with microwaves was Percy Spencer from the company Raytheon.
It is a want and not a need for survival
And you can do this and be international successful in selling goods.
We can't compete with nations that pay with a bowl of it would be local sales with tariffs out the ass......PROTECTIONISM.

Sorry. But if you like to export something then a "bad" value of a currency is better. Important is the buying power.
Only Globalist say devaluing currency is a good screws the little people.

It's nonsense to say so. We gave up our own currency for the Euro, specially because it is not so easy to manipulate big currencies. Big currencies are much more slow and stable. And okay: If you don't like to sell goods in the international markets then you are not able to earn money in the global markekts. But that's easy. My wife fro example order from teim to something from the USA. Since Donald Trump is president "her" little company in the USA has more problems and it needs a longer time to send material (higher administration effort). And this company in the USA gets also material from China. This was a problem - then Corona was a problem - and she fears in the future Trump and the material from China will be a problem again.
Nonsense..............the currency launders go hit the easy button at the Reserve and IMF and then loan it to the countries to pay the bills that only increase until they implode.............

Which is why the wicked witch of the IMF talks about a Global reset all the time......and this may be coming soon...........Can only be done in a world of CHAOS......which is going on right now.

Hä? ... Sell Hawaii and Alaska and build a wall around your country. See you in 399 years.
German trolls are weird...........more reason to leave............they are pompus assholes too....LOL

For you we are assholes only - without forename, Sir. And we can be damned ugly assholes, Sir.
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We should be bringing ALL US troops home, shutti g down all foreign military and diplomatic facilities and sticking our middle fingers up at the rest of the world. They are NOT our allies. We should let them eradicate each other and defend only ourselves.

I agree. It's stupid to send soldiers into world war 1. Who cares whether the Osmans win or England?

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We need to go ahead and bring our soldiers home

And not only 12,000: All of them including all of your nukes.

i agree completely. and end nato.

the cold war is over.
The Europeans hate the idea of having to spend a lot of their money to defend themselves ;)

but also hate the idea of being dependent on people they look down on, ie Americans.

Aha - you are an "Angstbeisser". If you don't bite then your food bowl keeps empty.

they are not mature enough to be grateful.

Grateful? For what for heavens sake should Germans be grateful to the USA? You should be grateful to us!

1. for paying more for your defense, than you do yourself.

I don't know why you always again repeat this absolute nonsensical stupidity.

2. for what should we be grateful to you for?

On much more than a million reasons - but let it be. I hate such stupidities. Go! Leave Germany! With all of your soldiers and with all of your nukes.

I hope so................

I do also let Europe defend themselves from Russia :smoke:

Oh by the way: Putin still supports Trump.

not really. save your red baiting for someone that cares. cold war is over.

Your own secret services say Putin supports Trump and fights against Biden.


Putins propaganda? It's by the way most amusing that US-Americans think an anti-politics against others shows that someone knows what's the best to do for the USA. Whatever: Your problem. Whatever will happen in the USA - the hate in the USA against Europe - and specially against Germany - reached meanwhile an absurde level of idiocy. No one is able to defend what he hates. So leave Germany with all of your soldiers. And don't forget to take your nukes with you.

americans don't hate europe.

we have defended europe for generations.

if your people ask us to leave, we are gone. you are in the minority in your country, in wanting us to leave.

We need to go ahead and bring our soldiers home

And not only 12,000: All of them including all of your nukes.

i agree completely. and end nato.

the cold war is over.
The Europeans hate the idea of having to spend a lot of their money to defend themselves ;)

but also hate the idea of being dependent on people they look down on, ie Americans.

Aha - you are an "Angstbeisser". If you don't bite then your food bowl keeps empty.

they are not mature enough to be grateful.

Grateful? For what for heavens sake should Germans be grateful to the USA? You should be grateful to us!

1. for paying more for your defense, than you do yourself.

I don't know why you always again repeat this absolute nonsensical stupidity.

2. for what should we be grateful to you for?

On much more than a million reasons - but let it be. I hate such stupidities. Go! Leave Germany! With all of your soldiers and with all of your nukes.

I hope so................

I do also let Europe defend themselves from Russia :smoke:

Oh by the way: Putin still supports Trump.

not really. save your red baiting for someone that cares. cold war is over.

Your own secret services say Putin supports Trump and fights against Biden.


Putins propaganda? It's by the way most amusing that US-Americans think an anti-politics against others shows that someone knows what's the best to do for the USA. Whatever: Your problem. Whatever will happen in the USA - the hate in the USA against Europe - and specially against Germany - reached meanwhile an absurde level of idiocy. No one is able to defend what he hates. So leave Germany with all of your soldiers. And don't forget to take your nukes with you.

americans don't hate europe.

Aha. You are a selective un-reader of the totally stupid hateful nonsense many - better to say "most" - US-Americans write about Europe.

we have defended europe for generations.

You bombed down without any scruple the German population during world war 2 for example and you sold a big part of Europe to the Soviet Stalin.

if your people ask us to leave, we are gone. you are in the minority in your country, in wanting us to leave.

32% of all Germans do not agree with the decision of Donald Trump to reduce the US-American forces in Germany. 4% of them think more US-soldiers should come to Germany. 47% of all Germans agree with Trump that it is good to reduce the US-American forces. 25% of them think all US-soldiers should leave Germany. 21% have not a special opinion in this question.
So in a referendum the result would be now 60% for "USA go" and 40% for "USA stay". I guess that's the historical worst result, because normally Germans see since centuries something like more or less naughty grandchildren in the USA.

In general 66% of all Germans think the USA should pull out their nukes. So if you take serios yourselve then you should pull out the nukes of the USA because this is clearly the will of most Germans. You will not do so, hypocrite.

And the USA speaks in general not any longer with Germany. Our government has not any discussion with the government of the USA about anything what is the will or what are plans of the USA. The USA ignores the sovereignity of Germany, gives ultimates and makes sanctions. You are an international rowdy and lawbreaker.

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The reduction from 250,000 US-American soldiers of the USA in Germany to 34,000 soldiers (a reduction of more than 85% (=216,000 men)) caused not big problems. One reason why it caused not big problems was it that in former times the USA and Germnany "automatically" coordinated such changes. But this normal way of communication is now blocked - perhaps destroyed forever. It was once for me for example a totally normal taboo never to speak about, how many US-soldiers are in Germany. Who should had been interested in such numbers except the enemies of the USA and Germany?

What Donald Trump describes with the word "great" I would describe with the word "mad". First made Trump the USA "mad again" and now he tries to keep the USA "mad forever". What is the plan from Donald Trump for this 216+12=228,000 men? Does he need them to build a roof over the psychiatric hospital USA after he made walls without windows all around? Did the USA pay any cent less for defence because you pulled out 216,000 soldiers of the USA from Germany? Oh by the way ... the changes Trump made now will cost the USA some billions and will bring the USA less than nothing.
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We need to go ahead and bring our soldiers home

And not only 12,000: All of them including all of your nukes.

i agree completely. and end nato.

the cold war is over.
The Europeans hate the idea of having to spend a lot of their money to defend themselves ;)

but also hate the idea of being dependent on people they look down on, ie Americans.

Aha - you are an "Angstbeisser". If you don't bite then your food bowl keeps empty.

they are not mature enough to be grateful.

Grateful? For what for heavens sake should Germans be grateful to the USA? You should be grateful to us!

1. for paying more for your defense, than you do yourself.

I don't know why you always again repeat this absolute nonsensical stupidity.

2. for what should we be grateful to you for?

On much more than a million reasons - but let it be. I hate such stupidities. Go! Leave Germany! With all of your soldiers and with all of your nukes.

I hope so................

I do also let Europe defend themselves from Russia :smoke:

Oh by the way: Putin still supports Trump.

not really. save your red baiting for someone that cares. cold war is over.

Your own secret services say Putin supports Trump and fights against Biden.


Putins propaganda? It's by the way most amusing that US-Americans think an anti-politics against others shows that someone knows what's the best to do for the USA. Whatever: Your problem. Whatever will happen in the USA - the hate in the USA against Europe - and specially against Germany - reached meanwhile an absurde level of idiocy. No one is able to defend what he hates. So leave Germany with all of your soldiers. And don't forget to take your nukes with you.

americans don't hate europe.

Aha. You are a selective un-reader of the totally stupid hateful nonsense many - better to say "most" - US-Americans write about Europe.

we have defended europe for generations.

You bombed down without any scruple the German population during world war 2 for example and you sold a big part of Europe to the Soviet Stalin.

if your people ask us to leave, we are gone. you are in the minority in your country, in wanting us to leave.

32% of all Germans do not agree with the decision of Donald Trump to reduce the US-American forces in Germany. 4% of them think more US-soldiers should come to Germany. 47% of all Germans agree with Trump that it is good to reduce the US-American forces. 25% of them think all US-soldiers should leave Germany. 21% have not a special opinion in this question.
So in a referendum the result would be now 60% for "USA go" and 40% for "USA stay". I guess that's the historical worst result, because normally Germans see since centuries something like more or less naughty grandchildren in the USA.

In general 66% of all Germans think the USA should pull out their nukes. So if you take serios yourselve then you should pull out the nukes of the USA because this is clearly the will of most Germans. You will not do so, hypocrite.

And the USA speaks in general not any longer with Germany. Our government has not any discussion with the government of the USA about anything what is the will or what are plans of the USA. The USA ignores the sovereignity of Germany, gives ultimates and makes sanctions. You are an international rowdy and lawbreaker.

1. not sure what you said there. my point stands. americans do not hate europe.

2. yes, we bombed the shit out of nazi germany. i am fine with that. fdr's failure with yalta, was bad. but, hey, who made it our responsibility?

3. so, less time on the internet and more time pushing that referendum. good luck with getting it past your greedy politicians though.
... not sure what you said there. my point stands. americans do not hate europe. yes, we bombed the shit out of nazi germany. ...

Good to know why you threw a bomb in Mrs. Millers kitchen in Nürnberg and killed her daughter.

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... not sure what you said there. my point stands. americans do not hate europe. yes, we bombed the shit out of nazi germany. ...

Good to know why you threw a bomb in Mrs. Millers kitchen in Nürnberg and killed her daughter.

sorry, i rarely watch vids on here. if you have a point to make, make it. otherwise, let me be clear. i am find with our historical bombing of nazi germany.

and occupied other european lands.
... i am find with our historical bombing of nazi germany. ...

I understand what you say with this words. Don't forget your nukes here, when you will go home with all of your soldiers.

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... i am find with our historical bombing of nazi germany. ...

I understand what you say with this words.

i would hope so.

my fathers generation fought that war. he was in the pacific, himself. regardless, we did not start it, but we certainly finished it.

don't want to be bombed by the us? don't wage war on us.
no comment

you thinking of waging war on us? not a good idea. that has not worked out well for anyone. not since the Canadians kicked our asses in the war of 1812.
By the way Correll: Do you understand what you say and how unbelievable stupid it is what you say? Could be good for you to use no drugs or weapsons any longer.

you got a point to make, z, just make it. the drama was boring the moment you started, and is just getting older.

wwii was a terrible war. we did not start it. we did bomb the shit out of the germans during wwii.

if you think that is a problem, you need to learn what war is all about. and try to toughen up. someday, we might not be there to take care of you.
You bombed down without any scruple the German population during world war 2 for example and you sold a big part of Europe to the Soviet Stalin.

I really don't think Germany is in any position to criticize the scruples of any nation that was fighting the Nazis.

How much money did we get for that part of Europe WE sold to Soviet Stalin?
You bombed down without any scruple the German population during world war 2 for example and you sold a big part of Europe to the Soviet Stalin.

I really don't think Germany is in any position to criticize the scruples of any nation that was fighting the Nazis.

How much money did we get for that part of Europe WE sold to Soviet Stalin?

What an idiotic question. To "sell someone" means to a see slaves in this people. You betrayed many people in the East of Europe. By the way: What do you like to do now in case of the criminal dictator Lukaschenko? To make new sanctions against Germany and all other democratic states in the world?
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You bombed down without any scruple the German population during world war 2 for example and you sold a big part of Europe to the Soviet Stalin.

I really don't think Germany is in any position to criticize the scruples of any nation that was fighting the Nazis.

How much money did we get for that part of Europe WE sold to Soviet Stalin?

What an idiotic question. To "sell someone" means to a see slaves in this peopel. You betrayed many people in the East of Europe. By the way: What do you like to do now in case of the criminal dictator Lukaschenko? To make new sanctions against Germany and all other democratic states in the world?
Was it not you who said, and I quote, "for example, and you SOLD a big part of Europe to Soviet Stalin".
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... I really don't think Germany is in any position to criticize the scruples of any nation that was fighting the Nazis. ...

Okay. Then let me say it in this way: My murdered Jewish and German ancestors would rotate in their graves, if I would not call crimes crimes.

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... I really don't think Germany is in any position to criticize the scruples of any nation that was fighting the Nazis. ...

Okay. Then let me say it in this way: My murdered Jewish and German ancestors would rotate in their graves, if I would not call crimes crimes.

Who was it again that started WWII?
You bombed down without any scruple the German population during world war 2 for example and you sold a big part of Europe to the Soviet Stalin.

I really don't think Germany is in any position to criticize the scruples of any nation that was fighting the Nazis.

How much money did we get for that part of Europe WE sold to Soviet Stalin?

What an idiotic question. To "sell someone" means to a see slaves in this peopel. You betrayed many people in the East of Europe. By the way: What do you like to do now in case of the criminal dictator Lukaschenko? To make new sanctions against Germany and all other democratic states in the world?
Was it not you who said, and I quote, "for example, and you SOLD a big part of Europe to Soviet Stalin".


... I really don't think Germany is in any position to criticize the scruples of any nation that was fighting the Nazis. ...

Okay. Then let me say it in this way: My murdered Jewish and German ancestors would rotate in their graves, if I would not call crimes crimes.

Who was it again that started WWII?

Stalin and Hitler in the secret part of the Ribbentrop-Molotow pact, where they decided to eliminate Poland.

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