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religion is just brainwashing

All religion must fucking die!!!

Well, I think that is maybe taking things a step too far, at least for right now. :D Religious organizations can do a lot of good work in helping people, and it is a great coping mechanism for a lot of people. So if it helps some people, that is a good thing. But the last quote in your signature makes a lot of sense too. I guess people are going to use religion and religious people as a means to an ends in a lot of cases, whether that be good or bad ends. :dunno: It would be very difficult to dismantle a thousands-year-old belief system that has followers who don't require any evidence or proof of their beliefs.
....all the Catholics I know, including my father's family, grew up Catholic
since they were babies, their parents took them to church and school where they were taught, from their earliest childhood--about Catholicism
...this is like brainwashing kids to believe in ''something''
..sure, they ask them if they want to ''renounce satan, follow jesus, etc--later!--but even this is ''forced'' on them
isn't this the way most religions are?

if I were born in Indonesia, chances are very, very great I would not be Catholic--but Islamic---
My mom was an avowed atheist and made no bones about it.

I'm a Southern Baptist.

So no, it's not brainwashing.
when you force your kids to learn a religion--that's brainwashing
....all the Catholics I know, including my father's family, grew up Catholic
since they were babies, their parents took them to church and school where they were taught, from their earliest childhood--about Catholicism
...this is like brainwashing kids to believe in ''something''
..sure, they ask them if they want to ''renounce satan, follow jesus, etc--later!--but even this is ''forced'' on them
isn't this the way most religions are?

if I were born in Indonesia, chances are very, very great I would not be Catholic--but Islamic---
My mom was an avowed atheist and made no bones about it.

I'm a Southern Baptist.

So no, it's not brainwashing.
it is brainwashing--especially when no one can prove there is a god, etc
when they teach that a man is god??!!??
born to a virgin
you will go to hell if you don't follow the rules
....all the Catholics I know, including my father's family, grew up Catholic
since they were babies, their parents took them to church and school where they were taught, from their earliest childhood--about Catholicism
...this is like brainwashing kids to believe in ''something''
..sure, they ask them if they want to ''renounce satan, follow jesus, etc--later!--but even this is ''forced'' on them
isn't this the way most religions are?

if I were born in Indonesia, chances are very, very great I would not be Catholic--but Islamic---
My mom was an avowed atheist and made no bones about it.

I'm a Southern Baptist.

So no, it's not brainwashing.
it is brainwashing--especially when no one can prove there is a god, etc
when they teach that a man is god??!!??
born to a virgin
you will go to hell if you don't follow the rules

Parents are supposed to raise their children in their culture and they are supposed to instill an understanding of the differences between right, and wrong...and they are supposed to teach their children how to better themselves and give them strategies for success and joy. If we choose to do that via religion, that's right and good that we do so.

All child-rearing is *brainwashing* ..it's older, wiser, adults telling their children right from wrong and how to be a decent and productive person.

I'm more concerned about the *brainwashing* that takes place in our schools. For example, the whole *environmental* religion that their heads are filled with. The notion that they should *question everything* taught to them by their parents....that they should be ashamed of their home culture and religion, and reject them for the *proven science* that the schools claim they are presented.
I was having a discussion with a group of people that included an ECONOMICS TEACHER just a few days ago. She was lobbying (hard) for government internet in their tiny, isolated community. She made the claim that in order to teach ECONOMICS she had to have access to fast, live streaming internet because she used live streams to TEACH ECONOMICS.

She stated that her #1 priority as an ECONOMICS TEACHER in a tiny school was to teach her students to QUESTION EVERYTHING. And by everything, she means everything they learn at home...religion, culture, values, you name it. She didn't see her #1 priority as an ECONOMICS TEACHER to teach the kids economics. She saw her #1 priority as exposing them to propaganda and challenging them to accept that propaganda and question what they were taught by their parents...first and foremost, she wanted people to accept that all good things come from the government.

Guess what? This whore spent the first half of her working life as a FOREST SERVICE BROWNSHIRT.

What a piece of work. THAT'S brainwashing.

Teaching my children that there is a hereafter, and that there will be rewards and punishments for choices they make is the right thing to do. It's what parents are supposed to do. And communities where it is done are historically more civilized, with less crime and a lot more happiness, than communities that don't. And it's nobody else's business anyway.

It isn't anybody's job to grab my kids and tell them that they should *question* their faith. It's NOT YOUR JOB. It's not the job of the schools. What other kids learn at home is none of your business. What religion they are...likewise, nunya. Teach your own kids any stupidity you like. Don't worry about the kids that go to church. That's nunya.

And I will also teach them that scumbag teachers who refuse to teach their subjects and instead teach their children to challenge and reject their culture and their families should be tarred, feathered, and imprisoned.
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how old are these testimonies?

To which testimonies are you referring? Some are about two thousand years old. I wouldn't be surprised if perhaps another was as recent as today. There is no way of knowing that unless someone should come forward with their account.
the bible testimonies are too old to be as reliable as say something from the 1940s

Yeah, never mind that we trust written accounts of other events that old for all kinds of accepted history.
the bible testimonies are too old to be as reliable as say something from the 1940s

Doesn't automatically make them unreliable though.

The fact that are chock full of magical nonsense makes them unreliable.

Ah, so they're unreliable because they detail things you don't personally believe in. Got it.

And sorry, but when were you voted arbiter of all that is reality in the universe? I don't recall getting a ballot for that election, and I'd like to demand a recount.
the bible testimonies are too old to be as reliable as say something from the 1940s

Doesn't automatically make them unreliable though.
makes chain of custody more unreliable
yes, they are more unreliable
no inet/video/telephones/radio transmissions/etc to back up their stories as there are now or in the 1930s/etc===less witness/etc
the older the story, the more unreliable

Ah, so you also discount the Peloponnesian War, Alexander the Great, Genghis Khan, all the Egyptian Pharaohs . . .
the bible testimonies are too old to be as reliable as say something from the 1940s

Doesn't automatically make them unreliable though.
the story about jesus rising from the dead--this is totally unreliable
how many testimonies?? no one actually saw the body ''float up'' to heaven or wherever
did the writer actually talk to the ''witnesses''?
as stated before--look at stories today!! just for example: Michael Brown had his hands up!!!!!! hahahhahahah..we still hear this CRAP

Actually, Jesus' ascension to Heaven was witnessed, and the witnesses DID tell their stories. You just don't want to believe them.
Remind me that I don't EVER want to meet any little hellions raised by you.

What a stupid thing to say. As if you could make any predictions about the temperament or morals of my children. I would not deign to do the same of your children, despite my determination that you are brainwashing them with religion.

Yeah, actually, I can. It would be that empirical evidence you're so fond of claiming. I can look at you, and draw conclusions based on heredity. And then I can look at your ignorance of morality and hostility toward anything not "scientific" and your lack of understanding of parenting in terms of those "non-scientific" things, and draw pretty accurate conclusions about that.

And you're fooling yourself if you think you aren't very much "deigning" to reach conclusions about my children and how they're raised. I direct you to your constant use of the word "brainwashing". If you're going to be an arrogant, pompous boob, at least own it.

Just because they are brainwashed does not necessarily lead me to believe they are of ill temperament or immoral. And again, thank the secular ideas of classical liberalism and scientific enlightenment for that one. Otherwise, they might be grubby little genocidal fundamentalists.

And no, you could not pretend to predict anything about my children. You embarrass yourself to say so.

Yes, but listening to you talk leads me to believe YOU are a crappy person, which leads me to believe you would raise crappy people, particularly when you're railing against the teaching of non-materialistic views of right and wrong as "brainwashing". For the life of me, I will never understand why every leftist seems to be shocked and outraged by the idea that what they say and how they say actually reveals something about who they are.

Or is it only RELIGIOUS morality you consider silly and unscientific?

Let's be clear. I will not be thanking secular anything for the good character of my children, and certainly not on the instructions of an arrogant toad who doesn't know any of us from his left butt cheek. 'Kay? My children are good, compassionate, moral people because - unlike you - I know it to be my job as their parent to teach them those things I believe to be true to the best of my ability. And MY beliefs built Western Civilization. Can you say the same for yours?

You absolutely should be thanking the secular ideas of scientififc enlightenment for both your modern morals and theirs.

And religious morality is only ever "good and right" by accident or intuition.

You absolutely don't know fuck-all about my morals and whether or not they're "modern", so I'll thank YOU to piss off with your assertions about what I believe and who I should thank for it.

Not even going to start on how little respect I have for your opinion of what religious morals are or how often they're right.

I have absolutely no problem with religion per se, it's the abuse of religion my men, for personal and secular purposes, I am against.

Yeah, well, humans suck. I certainly won't argue with that. This is why the Bible says that we are to look to God, not men.
....all the Catholics I know, including my father's family, grew up Catholic
since they were babies, their parents took them to church and school where they were taught, from their earliest childhood--about Catholicism
...this is like brainwashing kids to believe in ''something''
..sure, they ask them if they want to ''renounce satan, follow jesus, etc--later!--but even this is ''forced'' on them
isn't this the way most religions are?

if I were born in Indonesia, chances are very, very great I would not be Catholic--but Islamic---
My mom was an avowed atheist and made no bones about it.

I'm a Southern Baptist.

So no, it's not brainwashing.
it is brainwashing--especially when no one can prove there is a god, etc
when they teach that a man is god??!!??
born to a virgin
you will go to hell if you don't follow the rules

Parents are supposed to raise their children in their culture and they are supposed to instill an understanding of the differences between right, and wrong...and they are supposed to teach their children how to better themselves and give them strategies for success and joy. If we choose to do that via religion, that's right and good that we do so.

All child-rearing is *brainwashing* ..it's older, wiser, adults telling their children right from wrong and how to be a decent and productive person.

I'm more concerned about the *brainwashing* that takes place in our schools. For example, the whole *environmental* religion that their heads are filled with. The notion that they should *question everything* taught to them by their parents....that they should be ashamed of their home culture and religion, and reject them for the *proven science* that the schools claim they are presented.
bringing them up to be good does not mean bringing them up to believe in an invisible fairy
no--not all child-rearing is brainwashing
teach them not to steal, be good, be kind....fine
but not Mary was a virgin, god came to earth, he will return, pre-marital sex is a sin, etc
....all the Catholics I know, including my father's family, grew up Catholic
since they were babies, their parents took them to church and school where they were taught, from their earliest childhood--about Catholicism
...this is like brainwashing kids to believe in ''something''
..sure, they ask them if they want to ''renounce satan, follow jesus, etc--later!--but even this is ''forced'' on them
isn't this the way most religions are?

if I were born in Indonesia, chances are very, very great I would not be Catholic--but Islamic---
My mom was an avowed atheist and made no bones about it.

I'm a Southern Baptist.

So no, it's not brainwashing.
it is brainwashing--especially when no one can prove there is a god, etc
when they teach that a man is god??!!??
born to a virgin
you will go to hell if you don't follow the rules

Parents are supposed to raise their children in their culture and they are supposed to instill an understanding of the differences between right, and wrong...and they are supposed to teach their children how to better themselves and give them strategies for success and joy. If we choose to do that via religion, that's right and good that we do so.

All child-rearing is *brainwashing* ..it's older, wiser, adults telling their children right from wrong and how to be a decent and productive person.

I'm more concerned about the *brainwashing* that takes place in our schools. For example, the whole *environmental* religion that their heads are filled with. The notion that they should *question everything* taught to them by their parents....that they should be ashamed of their home culture and religion, and reject them for the *proven science* that the schools claim they are presented.
bringing them up to be good does not mean bringing them up to believe in an invisible fairy
no--not all child-rearing is brainwashing
teach them not to steal, be good, be kind....fine
but not Mary was a virgin, god came to earth, he will return, pre-marital sex is a sin, etc

That's your opinion.

You're free to fuck up your kids in any manner you choose.
Meanwhile, I will continue to teach my children about God, and the Holy Spirit, and the difference between right, and wrong. And there's nothing you can do about it. Focus on your own issues.
....all the Catholics I know, including my father's family, grew up Catholic
since they were babies, their parents took them to church and school where they were taught, from their earliest childhood--about Catholicism
...this is like brainwashing kids to believe in ''something''
..sure, they ask them if they want to ''renounce satan, follow jesus, etc--later!--but even this is ''forced'' on them
isn't this the way most religions are?

if I were born in Indonesia, chances are very, very great I would not be Catholic--but Islamic---
My mom was an avowed atheist and made no bones about it.

I'm a Southern Baptist.

So no, it's not brainwashing.
it is brainwashing--especially when no one can prove there is a god, etc
when they teach that a man is god??!!??
born to a virgin
you will go to hell if you don't follow the rules

Parents are supposed to raise their children in their culture and they are supposed to instill an understanding of the differences between right, and wrong...and they are supposed to teach their children how to better themselves and give them strategies for success and joy. If we choose to do that via religion, that's right and good that we do so.

All child-rearing is *brainwashing* ..it's older, wiser, adults telling their children right from wrong and how to be a decent and productive person.

I'm more concerned about the *brainwashing* that takes place in our schools. For example, the whole *environmental* religion that their heads are filled with. The notion that they should *question everything* taught to them by their parents....that they should be ashamed of their home culture and religion, and reject them for the *proven science* that the schools claim they are presented.
bringing them up to be good does not mean bringing them up to believe in an invisible fairy
no--not all child-rearing is brainwashing
teach them not to steal, be good, be kind....fine
but not Mary was a virgin, god came to earth, he will return, pre-marital sex is a sin, etc

That's your opinion.

You're free to fuck up your kids in any manner you choose.
Meanwhile, I will continue to teach my children about God, and the Holy Spirit, and the difference between right, and wrong. And there's nothing you can do about it. Focus on your own issues.
I guess you will teach them to use vulgar language like you do, and to degrade other people like you just did
....you sound mad/hateful:
''..there's nothing you can do about it'' ...??
simmer down.....I thought hate was a sin for you people??
what you just posted was very un-christian--you just proved my point!!!--religious people like you are full of shit and hypocrites
thank you
My mom was an avowed atheist and made no bones about it.

I'm a Southern Baptist.

So no, it's not brainwashing.
it is brainwashing--especially when no one can prove there is a god, etc
when they teach that a man is god??!!??
born to a virgin
you will go to hell if you don't follow the rules

Parents are supposed to raise their children in their culture and they are supposed to instill an understanding of the differences between right, and wrong...and they are supposed to teach their children how to better themselves and give them strategies for success and joy. If we choose to do that via religion, that's right and good that we do so.

All child-rearing is *brainwashing* ..it's older, wiser, adults telling their children right from wrong and how to be a decent and productive person.

I'm more concerned about the *brainwashing* that takes place in our schools. For example, the whole *environmental* religion that their heads are filled with. The notion that they should *question everything* taught to them by their parents....that they should be ashamed of their home culture and religion, and reject them for the *proven science* that the schools claim they are presented.
bringing them up to be good does not mean bringing them up to believe in an invisible fairy
no--not all child-rearing is brainwashing
teach them not to steal, be good, be kind....fine
but not Mary was a virgin, god came to earth, he will return, pre-marital sex is a sin, etc

That's your opinion.

You're free to fuck up your kids in any manner you choose.
Meanwhile, I will continue to teach my children about God, and the Holy Spirit, and the difference between right, and wrong. And there's nothing you can do about it. Focus on your own issues.
I guess you will teach them to use vulgar language like you do, and to degrade other people like you just did
....you sound mad/hateful:
''..there's nothing you can do about it'' ...??
simmer down.....I thought hate was a sin for you people??
what you just posted was very un-christian--you just proved my point!!!--religious people like you are full of shit and hypocrites
thank you
Awesome, so stay the fuck away from me and my kids...or rather, stay the fuck away from churches and the kids in them. Worry about your own. Do you understand the separation of church and state, and what it's for? It's to protect my children from ignorant, depraved busybodies like you. Who target children and get a kick out of taking jobs that put you in a position of authority specifically so you can brainwash the kids into rejecting their culture, and God. So they can be stupid, mentally ill, self satisfied, elitist little fags just like you.
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it is brainwashing--especially when no one can prove there is a god, etc
when they teach that a man is god??!!??
born to a virgin
you will go to hell if you don't follow the rules

Parents are supposed to raise their children in their culture and they are supposed to instill an understanding of the differences between right, and wrong...and they are supposed to teach their children how to better themselves and give them strategies for success and joy. If we choose to do that via religion, that's right and good that we do so.

All child-rearing is *brainwashing* ..it's older, wiser, adults telling their children right from wrong and how to be a decent and productive person.

I'm more concerned about the *brainwashing* that takes place in our schools. For example, the whole *environmental* religion that their heads are filled with. The notion that they should *question everything* taught to them by their parents....that they should be ashamed of their home culture and religion, and reject them for the *proven science* that the schools claim they are presented.
bringing them up to be good does not mean bringing them up to believe in an invisible fairy
no--not all child-rearing is brainwashing
teach them not to steal, be good, be kind....fine
but not Mary was a virgin, god came to earth, he will return, pre-marital sex is a sin, etc

That's your opinion.

You're free to fuck up your kids in any manner you choose.
Meanwhile, I will continue to teach my children about God, and the Holy Spirit, and the difference between right, and wrong. And there's nothing you can do about it. Focus on your own issues.
I guess you will teach them to use vulgar language like you do, and to degrade other people like you just did
....you sound mad/hateful:
''..there's nothing you can do about it'' ...??
simmer down.....I thought hate was a sin for you people??
what you just posted was very un-christian--you just proved my point!!!--religious people like you are full of shit and hypocrites
thank you
Awesome, so stay the fuck away from me and my kids. Worry about your own.
god loves you
Parents are supposed to raise their children in their culture and they are supposed to instill an understanding of the differences between right, and wrong...and they are supposed to teach their children how to better themselves and give them strategies for success and joy. If we choose to do that via religion, that's right and good that we do so.

All child-rearing is *brainwashing* ..it's older, wiser, adults telling their children right from wrong and how to be a decent and productive person.

I'm more concerned about the *brainwashing* that takes place in our schools. For example, the whole *environmental* religion that their heads are filled with. The notion that they should *question everything* taught to them by their parents....that they should be ashamed of their home culture and religion, and reject them for the *proven science* that the schools claim they are presented.
bringing them up to be good does not mean bringing them up to believe in an invisible fairy
no--not all child-rearing is brainwashing
teach them not to steal, be good, be kind....fine
but not Mary was a virgin, god came to earth, he will return, pre-marital sex is a sin, etc

That's your opinion.

You're free to fuck up your kids in any manner you choose.
Meanwhile, I will continue to teach my children about God, and the Holy Spirit, and the difference between right, and wrong. And there's nothing you can do about it. Focus on your own issues.
I guess you will teach them to use vulgar language like you do, and to degrade other people like you just did
....you sound mad/hateful:
''..there's nothing you can do about it'' ...??
simmer down.....I thought hate was a sin for you people??
what you just posted was very un-christian--you just proved my point!!!--religious people like you are full of shit and hypocrites
thank you
Awesome, so stay the fuck away from me and my kids. Worry about your own.
god loves you
He certainly does.
If we choose to do that via religion, that's right and good that we do so.
Only if the child understands that all of that knowledge can be obtained also through reason. If you are teaching your child that this magical construct is the only true one and the only path to these ideas...then no, you are not "right and good to do so".
You absolutely don't know fuck-all about my morals and whether or not they're "modern"
Of course I do. I know that you manage to function in a modern liberal society, and I know this is because your religion was reformed due to secular ideas. That's why you arent some medieval, immoral jackass.

Yes, you and your children should all be at least giving some thanks to scientific enlightenmnt and classical liberalism.

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