Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

Okay...I don’t belong in Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea or Russia...just off the top of my head.

None of them will have your kind. And you wouldn’t survive there. The people you despise most, western Christians, are the only ones who will put up with you. For a time.

I don't despise Western Christians at all. Oops, guess your entire fantasy is destroyed. You'll get over it.

So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Are you really going to try the “some of my best friends are Christians?” LOL
All four of your friends despise Christians as much as you do. And the West. And America.

Not some, most. Most of the people in my life are Christian. Some of them are Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim and I even know a couple of Santanists. Oh and quite a few agnostics and an atheist or two. Welcome to America. Recent arrival?
None of them will have your kind. And you wouldn’t survive there. The people you despise most, western Christians, are the only ones who will put up with you. For a time.

I don't despise Western Christians at all. Oops, guess your entire fantasy is destroyed. You'll get over it.

So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Are you really going to try the “some of my best friends are Christians?” LOL
All four of your friends despise Christians as much as you do. And the West. And America.

Not some, most. Most of the people in my life are Christian. Some of them are Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim and I even know a couple of Santanists. Oh and quite a few agnostics and an atheist or two. Welcome to America. Recent arrival?

You’ll always be a stranger here.
I don't despise Western Christians at all. Oops, guess your entire fantasy is destroyed. You'll get over it.

So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Are you really going to try the “some of my best friends are Christians?” LOL
All four of your friends despise Christians as much as you do. And the West. And America.

Not some, most. Most of the people in my life are Christian. Some of them are Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim and I even know a couple of Santanists. Oh and quite a few agnostics and an atheist or two. Welcome to America. Recent arrival?

You’ll always be a stranger here.

You have a weird fantasy life.
You don’t belong in a place where the majority culture something you despise and want to break.

Okay...I don’t belong in Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea or Russia...just off the top of my head.

None of them will have your kind. And you wouldn’t survive there. The people you despise most, western Christians, are the only ones who will put up with you. For a time.

I don't despise Western Christians at all. Oops, guess your entire fantasy is destroyed. You'll get over it.

So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

It's useless to try to explain to DOTR that he doesn't define or represent all or even a majority of "Western Christians." He is a member a small group that self-identify as Christians, but he thinks that he is The Great Definer.
So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Are you really going to try the “some of my best friends are Christians?” LOL
All four of your friends despise Christians as much as you do. And the West. And America.

Not some, most. Most of the people in my life are Christian. Some of them are Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim and I even know a couple of Santanists. Oh and quite a few agnostics and an atheist or two. Welcome to America. Recent arrival?

You’ll always be a stranger here.

You have a weird fantasy life.

You misspelled “culture”.
Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Are you really going to try the “some of my best friends are Christians?” LOL
All four of your friends despise Christians as much as you do. And the West. And America.

Not some, most. Most of the people in my life are Christian. Some of them are Wiccan, Jewish, Muslim and I even know a couple of Santanists. Oh and quite a few agnostics and an atheist or two. Welcome to America. Recent arrival?

You’ll always be a stranger here.

You have a weird fantasy life.

You misspelled “culture”.

Is that what you call the world inside your head?
I can’t wait until you and all the other scum are sliced up into many tiny pieces during the civil war that is coming up in 2020.

You may think you are safe treating Christians like shit despite all the charities only existing because of Christians, but that is why people like me exist. To do what Christians are too nice to do.

Guy, in 2020, Trump will be voted out of office, and people like you will be remarking, "Well, he wasn't a REAL conservative, anyway."

When you support the party of "bake that fucking cake, peasant", don't expect the peasants to just give up.

You are on the record as an anti-religious bigot, your views mean nothing on this topic because of your addled mindset.

You guys are the one who thinks there's a magic fairy in the sky who validates your homophobia... that's pretty addled.
I actually don't like it. What I like less is government force over something as stupid as a wedding cake.

You support discrimination by government against people you don't like. You are the authoritarian asshole here.

Not at all.

What you want is an exception to the law to protect a group that really doesn't need protection.

If we were talking about people who didn't want to serve blacks, this would be an issue, because there's very questionable biblical support for that. (Actually, you can use the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales to rationalize anything, but all the churches will frown on you if you try.)

If we were talking about an atheist who just hated gays because he thinks the Butt-sex is icky, we wouldn't have an issue.

But what you want is for Christians to day, "I think butt sex is icky because the Bible says so", to get a pass. But they have an option.

Don't be a business where you have gay customers.
I actually don't like it. What I like less is government force over something as stupid as a wedding cake.

You support discrimination by government against people you don't like. You are the authoritarian asshole here.

Not at all.

What you want is an exception to the law to protect a group that really doesn't need protection.

If we were talking about people who didn't want to serve blacks, this would be an issue, because there's very questionable biblical support for that. (Actually, you can use the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales to rationalize anything, but all the churches will frown on you if you try.)

If we were talking about an atheist who just hated gays because he thinks the Butt-sex is icky, we wouldn't have an issue.

But what you want is for Christians to day, "I think butt sex is icky because the Bible says so", to get a pass. But they have an option.

Don't be a business where you have gay customers.
A preacher I am not. But our culture is breaking down. We crap on our children and the aged now as individual selfishness has taken a firm hand in many people.
A preacher I am not. But our culture is breaking down. We crap on our children and the aged now as individual selfishness has taken a firm hand in many people.

Some day, you'll be able to form a coherent thought. today isn't that day, tomorrow doesn't look promising.

Let's get realistic here, shall we? Every time period has had people moaning the world was coming to an end. When I grew up in the 1960's early 70's, we had race riots, assassinations, domestic terror groups, hippies getting stoned and listening to rock and roll music. Shit, we even drove a sitting president from office two years after he won 49 states.

and you know what, 'This too shall pass."
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Which kind of shows how fucked up Evangelical Christians are, doesn't it?

"He might be a creep who fucks porn stars, but he will never, ever judge my homophobia and racism! He'll encourage it!"
I can’t wait until you and all the other scum are sliced up into many tiny pieces during the civil war that is coming up in 2020.

You may think you are safe treating Christians like shit despite all the charities only existing because of Christians, but that is why people like me exist. To do what Christians are too nice to do.

Christians are too nice to sit in their mothers basement and make empty threats?
You are going to be surprised in a year when the civil war happens and Antifa is shitting their pants just because of me.

Bookmarked so in a year I can bring this up and laugh at your stupid delesional ass

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When you have to go with degenerate Roman Emperors, you are kind of stretching it a bit. fits donnie dennison perfectly.

Shoo, adults are discussing.
Oh are starting on your "I can't win this argument so I'll start flinging insults" path again, aren't you?

You didn't add anything to the conversation except an "Orange Man Bad" drive by, so you get the response you deserve.

Now go make me a fucking sandwich. went down that well worn path you take almost everytime we debate.

It's called consistency.

Just like you consistently ignore the 1st amendment and run to your rabbit hole of "fuh fuh fuh, business laws, fuh fuh fuh"
When you support the party of "bake that fucking cake, peasant", don't expect the peasants to just give up.

You are on the record as an anti-religious bigot, your views mean nothing on this topic because of your addled mindset.

You guys are the one who thinks there's a magic fairy in the sky who validates your homophobia... that's pretty addled.

Back to your wheelhouse, religious bigotry.
I actually don't like it. What I like less is government force over something as stupid as a wedding cake.

You support discrimination by government against people you don't like. You are the authoritarian asshole here.

Not at all.

What you want is an exception to the law to protect a group that really doesn't need protection.

If we were talking about people who didn't want to serve blacks, this would be an issue, because there's very questionable biblical support for that. (Actually, you can use the Big Book of Bronze Age Fairy Tales to rationalize anything, but all the churches will frown on you if you try.)

If we were talking about an atheist who just hated gays because he thinks the Butt-sex is icky, we wouldn't have an issue.

But what you want is for Christians to day, "I think butt sex is icky because the Bible says so", to get a pass. But they have an option.

Don't be a business where you have gay customers.

What I want is government to follow the Constitution. Free exercise is a Constitutional Right, and just because you pathologically hate religious people, it doesn't mean you or government gets to ignore that.

You want to apply laws that were designed to fight systemic discrimination and apply them to individual rare episodes of crises of conscience.

That makes you, and anyone else that supports it, authoritarian assholes.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Which kind of shows how fucked up Evangelical Christians are, doesn't it?

"He might be a creep who fucks porn stars, but he will never, ever judge my homophobia and racism! He'll encourage it!"
I can’t wait until you and all the other scum are sliced up into many tiny pieces during the civil war that is coming up in 2020.

You may think you are safe treating Christians like shit despite all the charities only existing because of Christians, but that is why people like me exist. To do what Christians are too nice to do.

Christians are too nice to sit in their mothers basement and make empty threats?
You are going to be surprised in a year when the civil war happens and Antifa is shitting their pants just because of me.

Bookmarked so in a year I can bring this up and laugh at your stupid delesional ass

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What scenario do you envision after the 2020 election that doesn’t lead to civil war?

If Democrats win white people will have to pay reparations unless we destroy them, and if Republicans win the Democrats will declare war against “Nazi” America.
They may not approve of his life, but unlike the democrats, he will not go after what is important in THEIR lives. Democrats offer nothing to Evangelicals except more attacks on their beliefs and lives.

Which kind of shows how fucked up Evangelical Christians are, doesn't it?

"He might be a creep who fucks porn stars, but he will never, ever judge my homophobia and racism! He'll encourage it!"
I can’t wait until you and all the other scum are sliced up into many tiny pieces during the civil war that is coming up in 2020.

You may think you are safe treating Christians like shit despite all the charities only existing because of Christians, but that is why people like me exist. To do what Christians are too nice to do.

Christians are too nice to sit in their mothers basement and make empty threats?
You are going to be surprised in a year when the civil war happens and Antifa is shitting their pants just because of me.

Bookmarked so in a year I can bring this up and laugh at your stupid delesional ass

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Why do you always misspell the word “delusional”?

Are you actually retarded?

So, theoretically if a doctor who performed abortions on a thousand women were to be the GOP nominee one day, the Christian Conservatives would support that doctor over a Democrat based on the Party platforms?


As for where Evangelicals should go….you can always with hold your support instead of feeling obligated to give it to someone who isn’t worthy.

And let the party dedicated to your demise win the election....

The issue for them is which party would be more likely to try and force them to live their lives in a way against their own morals.

And that party is the Democrats.


Good stuff there. LOL

Again, it underscores why I’m very comfortable with my leaving of the Organized Religion scam.

Like ex-smokers, people who leave religion are usually the most zealous bigots against those who still practice it.

"I can't understand them, so I must destroy them, fuh fuh fuh"
Read the Religion board and show me threads started by atheists to attack Christians

I will show you multiple threads of Christians attacking atheists

You just have to read posts by JoeB, you don't have to go thread searching.

Any time you hear people using the "magic sky pixie" line, that's attacking someone's religion.

Show me threads started by Atheists about "magic pixie in the sky"

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