Religious conservatives will never abandon Trump

Okay...I don’t belong in Saudi Arabia, Iran, North Korea or Russia...just off the top of my head.

None of them will have your kind. And you wouldn’t survive there. The people you despise most, western Christians, are the only ones who will put up with you. For a time.

I don't despise Western Christians at all. Oops, guess your entire fantasy is destroyed. You'll get over it.

So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Why do I think that if someone said to you, "I don't despise black people. Most of my best friends are black", you'd be the first one to be outraged?

Depends on if it’s true or not. Mines easy since Christians make up the majority of Americans.

I can't tell you how much I value your "wisdom" on how we are "misinterpreting" the Bible because we don't see it the way you do. I can't tell you, because it's impossible to measure negatives to that extent.

Again, who is "we"? Just you and your rice crispies? What do "we" believe this passage refers to?

Cecile you should recognize that she will never know what “we” means. Or rather she does...and feels hatred for it.
I know that’s not pleasant but it’s true.

I’m asking who she thinks she’s speaking for because the “sperm as sacred” issue has been long debated in religion.

Mainstream pro-lifers, dipshit. And also mainstream Christians, depending on which sentence you're referring to. You know, two of those groups of people whose beliefs you imagine you "know" all about without ever having actually sullied yourself by speaking to one and ASKING what they believe and why.

Your admired (by you, anyway) abilities at cherrypicking Bible verses aside - since it means exactly jack and shit - the beliefs of both groups continue to be exactly what they are, not whatever straw man you want to build up to avoid having to actually take them seriously enough to educate yourself.

Funny how non Christians always know best what Christians should believe.

What's REALLY funny is that they're honestly confused as to why their opinions are laughed at and ignored.
I can't tell you how much I value your "wisdom" on how we are "misinterpreting" the Bible because we don't see it the way you do. I can't tell you, because it's impossible to measure negatives to that extent.

Again, who is "we"? Just you and your rice crispies? What do "we" believe this passage refers to?

Cecile you should recognize that she will never know what “we” means. Or rather she does...and feels hatred for it.
I know that’s not pleasant but it’s true.

I’m asking who she thinks she’s speaking for because the “sperm as sacred” issue has been long debated in religion.

Mainstream pro-lifers, dipshit. And also mainstream Christians, depending on which sentence you're referring to. You know, two of those groups of people whose beliefs you imagine you "know" all about without ever having actually sullied yourself by speaking to one and ASKING what they believe and why.

Your admired (by you, anyway) abilities at cherrypicking Bible verses aside - since it means exactly jack and shit - the beliefs of both groups continue to be exactly what they are, not whatever straw man you want to build up to avoid having to actually take them seriously enough to educate yourself.

I’m not cherry picking anything. I’m pointing out that your use of absolutes is foolish. There IS debate among Christians about the meaning of gods punishment of Onan.

No, you're quoting a handful of verses and saying, "Look, I think this means THIS, and therefore your beliefs are wrong." Is there a lot of discussion among Christians about all manner of things in the Bible? Of course. Do YOU have any place in that discussion, or anything of use to add to it or ANY discussion? Don't make me laugh.
None of them will have your kind. And you wouldn’t survive there. The people you despise most, western Christians, are the only ones who will put up with you. For a time.

I don't despise Western Christians at all. Oops, guess your entire fantasy is destroyed. You'll get over it.

So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Why do I think that if someone said to you, "I don't despise black people. Most of my best friends are black", you'd be the first one to be outraged?

Depends on if it’s true or not. Mines easy since Christians make up the majority of Americans.


Bullshit. Depends on whether or not it serves your narrative.
Christians will always support Trump. Anti-Christians will always oppose him.

Fake Christians will always support Trump. Real Christians will always oppose him.

Idiots will always assume they can define "real Christians" as "People who agree with me". Intelligent people will always laugh at them and dismiss them.

It’s a tacit admission that Christianity is the benchmark. They possess the “guilty mind” and instead of reconciling themselves they try and twist the standard they feel judged by.
It’s a very evil act to twist the world just to assuage their own guilt.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”
Again, who is "we"? Just you and your rice crispies? What do "we" believe this passage refers to?

Cecile you should recognize that she will never know what “we” means. Or rather she does...and feels hatred for it.
I know that’s not pleasant but it’s true.

I’m asking who she thinks she’s speaking for because the “sperm as sacred” issue has been long debated in religion.

Mainstream pro-lifers, dipshit. And also mainstream Christians, depending on which sentence you're referring to. You know, two of those groups of people whose beliefs you imagine you "know" all about without ever having actually sullied yourself by speaking to one and ASKING what they believe and why.

Your admired (by you, anyway) abilities at cherrypicking Bible verses aside - since it means exactly jack and shit - the beliefs of both groups continue to be exactly what they are, not whatever straw man you want to build up to avoid having to actually take them seriously enough to educate yourself.

I’m not cherry picking anything. I’m pointing out that your use of absolutes is foolish. There IS debate among Christians about the meaning of gods punishment of Onan.

No, you're quoting a handful of verses and saying, "Look, I think this means THIS, and therefore your beliefs are wrong." Is there a lot of discussion among Christians about all manner of things in the Bible? Of course. Do YOU have any place in that discussion, or anything of use to add to it or ANY discussion? Don't make me laugh.

She is a Pharisee. They do that. Nobody can thump a bible like the Puritan atheist.
Christians will always support Trump. Anti-Christians will always oppose him.

Fake Christians will always support Trump. Real Christians will always oppose him.

Idiots will always assume they can define "real Christians" as "People who agree with me". Intelligent people will always laugh at them and dismiss them.

It’s a tacit admission that Christianity is the benchmark. They possess the “guilty mind” and instead of reconciling themselves they try and twist the standard they feel judged by.
It’s a very evil act to twist the world just to assuage their own guilt.

“Woe unto them that call evil good, and good evil; that put darkness for light, and light for darkness; that put bitter for sweet, and sweet for bitter!”

Fortunately, I just have to oppose them. God gets to be the One to care about their shriveled, perverse little selves.
Again, who is "we"? Just you and your rice crispies? What do "we" believe this passage refers to?

Cecile you should recognize that she will never know what “we” means. Or rather she does...and feels hatred for it.
I know that’s not pleasant but it’s true.

I’m asking who she thinks she’s speaking for because the “sperm as sacred” issue has been long debated in religion.

Mainstream pro-lifers, dipshit. And also mainstream Christians, depending on which sentence you're referring to. You know, two of those groups of people whose beliefs you imagine you "know" all about without ever having actually sullied yourself by speaking to one and ASKING what they believe and why.

Your admired (by you, anyway) abilities at cherrypicking Bible verses aside - since it means exactly jack and shit - the beliefs of both groups continue to be exactly what they are, not whatever straw man you want to build up to avoid having to actually take them seriously enough to educate yourself.

I’m not cherry picking anything. I’m pointing out that your use of absolutes is foolish. There IS debate among Christians about the meaning of gods punishment of Onan.

No, you're quoting a handful of verses and saying, "Look, I think this means THIS, and therefore your beliefs are wrong." Is there a lot of discussion among Christians about all manner of things in the Bible? Of course. Do YOU have any place in that discussion, or anything of use to add to it or ANY discussion? Don't make me laugh.

If that’s what you came away with, you have a comprehension problem. You made an absolute statement as though you could speak for all anti abortionists or all Christians. I simply pointed out the foolishness of trying to speak for anyone else and of using absolutes because the statement you made with such surety is wrong on its face.
I don't despise Western Christians at all. Oops, guess your entire fantasy is destroyed. You'll get over it.

So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Why do I think that if someone said to you, "I don't despise black people. Most of my best friends are black", you'd be the first one to be outraged?

Depends on if it’s true or not. Mines easy since Christians make up the majority of Americans.


Bullshit. Depends on whether or not it serves your narrative.

Nah, that’s you projecting again. Most people we all encounter day to day are Christians, that’s a simple fact.
So add lying to your traits.

Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Why do I think that if someone said to you, "I don't despise black people. Most of my best friends are black", you'd be the first one to be outraged?

Depends on if it’s true or not. Mines easy since Christians make up the majority of Americans.


Bullshit. Depends on whether or not it serves your narrative.

Nah, that’s you projecting again. Most people we all encounter day to day are Christians, that’s a simple fact.

Must make your skin crawl.
Nope, thats 100% the truth. Why, most of my best friends and almost all of my family are "Western Christians"...Which makes sense since 70 plus percent of Americans are Christian.

Why do I think that if someone said to you, "I don't despise black people. Most of my best friends are black", you'd be the first one to be outraged?

Depends on if it’s true or not. Mines easy since Christians make up the majority of Americans.


Bullshit. Depends on whether or not it serves your narrative.

Nah, that’s you projecting again. Most people we all encounter day to day are Christians, that’s a simple fact.

Must make your skin crawl.

Nope, not even a little bit. You should really stop projecting your feelings about non Christians on to others. I'm much like the Constitution, all religions are equal in my eyes.
Why do I think that if someone said to you, "I don't despise black people. Most of my best friends are black", you'd be the first one to be outraged?

Depends on if it’s true or not. Mines easy since Christians make up the majority of Americans.


Bullshit. Depends on whether or not it serves your narrative.

Nah, that’s you projecting again. Most people we all encounter day to day are Christians, that’s a simple fact.

Must make your skin crawl.

Nope, not even a little bit. You should really stop projecting your feelings about non Christians on to others. I'm much like the Constitution, all religions are equal in my eyes.

You hate Christianity above any other religion. And you lie about it. That’s the mark of a coward.
Depends on if it’s true or not. Mines easy since Christians make up the majority of Americans.


Bullshit. Depends on whether or not it serves your narrative.

Nah, that’s you projecting again. Most people we all encounter day to day are Christians, that’s a simple fact.

Must make your skin crawl.

Nope, not even a little bit. You should really stop projecting your feelings about non Christians on to others. I'm much like the Constitution, all religions are equal in my eyes.

You hate Christianity above any other religion. And you lie about it. That’s the mark of a coward.

No, actually I do not. I view all three abrahamic religions as superstitious nonsense, but I can recognize that some people need and are made better by their faith. I find great value in many of the bible's, Quran's and the Torah's writings, passages and allegories, but no more or less than Greek myths or Aesop's fables.
Bullshit. Depends on whether or not it serves your narrative.

Nah, that’s you projecting again. Most people we all encounter day to day are Christians, that’s a simple fact.

Must make your skin crawl.

Nope, not even a little bit. You should really stop projecting your feelings about non Christians on to others. I'm much like the Constitution, all religions are equal in my eyes.

You hate Christianity above any other religion. And you lie about it. That’s the mark of a coward.

No, actually I do not. I view all three abrahamic religions as superstitious nonsense, but I can recognize that some people need and are made better by their faith. I find great value in many of the bible's, Quran's and the Torah's writings, passages and allegories, but no more or less than Greek myths or Aesop's fables.

Except that no matter how hard I search I won’t find you correcting anyone’s reading of Aesop’s Fables. You’ve been exposed for what you are. Wriggling only makes you look more repulsive.
Nah, that’s you projecting again. Most people we all encounter day to day are Christians, that’s a simple fact.

Must make your skin crawl.

Nope, not even a little bit. You should really stop projecting your feelings about non Christians on to others. I'm much like the Constitution, all religions are equal in my eyes.

You hate Christianity above any other religion. And you lie about it. That’s the mark of a coward.

No, actually I do not. I view all three abrahamic religions as superstitious nonsense, but I can recognize that some people need and are made better by their faith. I find great value in many of the bible's, Quran's and the Torah's writings, passages and allegories, but no more or less than Greek myths or Aesop's fables.

Except that no matter how hard I search I won’t find you correcting anyone’s reading of Aesop’s Fables. You’ve been exposed for what you are. Wriggling only makes you look more repulsive.

do we have a lot of people talking about Aesop’s Fables on this forum?
Nah, that’s you projecting again. Most people we all encounter day to day are Christians, that’s a simple fact.

Must make your skin crawl.

Nope, not even a little bit. You should really stop projecting your feelings about non Christians on to others. I'm much like the Constitution, all religions are equal in my eyes.

You hate Christianity above any other religion. And you lie about it. That’s the mark of a coward.

No, actually I do not. I view all three abrahamic religions as superstitious nonsense, but I can recognize that some people need and are made better by their faith. I find great value in many of the bible's, Quran's and the Torah's writings, passages and allegories, but no more or less than Greek myths or Aesop's fables.

Except that no matter how hard I search I won’t find you correcting anyone’s reading of Aesop’s Fables. You’ve been exposed for what you are. Wriggling only makes you look more repulsive.

Did you get any responses at all when you searched Aesop’s Fables? Did you find someone had made an (incorrect and) absolute statement about one?
What I want is government to follow the Constitution. Free exercise is a Constitutional Right, and just because you pathologically hate religious people, it doesn't mean you or government gets to ignore that.

Constitution isn't an issue here. You don't get to ignore laws for bullshit religious excuses. Otherwise, I want to cut out my former boss's heart and offer it as a sacrifice to Quetzalcoatl!!! Don't go oppressing my religion with your silly homicide laws!

You want to apply laws that were designed to fight systemic discrimination and apply them to individual rare episodes of crises of conscience.

Your crisis isn't my problem. If you are having a crisis, there's a simple solution. Go find something else to do for a living. I didn't cut out my bosses' heart, even though he was a true asshole. I just found something else to do for a living. If you really hate gay people because you are a latent homosexual fighting down your sexual urges, don't come up with some bullshit religious excuse because you can't stand to see someone else being happy.
What scenario do you envision after the 2020 election that doesn’t lead to civil war?

If Democrats win white people will have to pay reparations unless we destroy them, and if Republicans win the Democrats will declare war against “Nazi” America.

First, no one is going to end up paying reparations.

Second, so what if you do? We piss away money on stuff a lot more silly than that.
Again, look up any post by JoeB, I just responded to one 5 minutes ago.

He said threads started by, not posts... Sorry you don't get simple instructions.

The Democrats aren’t even close to being a democratic organization. The deck is stacked with superdelegates. Watch how they control their own party members and imagine what they do with control of the government.

The Superdelegate rule was put in there so they didn't have a repeat of what happened in 1972, where they nominated a nut and lost 49 states. After the Trump Debacle plays out, the GOP will do the same.

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