Religous Freedom is so dead

Once again. You have to prove that someone has taken your right to worship from you. Tell us all how that you are being denied the ability to go to your house of worship and pray or do whatever it is you do.
So, therefore, you are the one full of hogwash.

Right to worship as you please.

Not "right to worship in a building only."

What are you talking about?
Don't bother. You are going to either be told you are stupid, or a caca head, or some other childish non argument.

I thought you were telling me I was stupid?

Weren't you?

It's hard to tell, with all the misspellings and sechlike..maybe you were trying to convey another idea completely.

Are you the spelling police?
It's apparently the only thing she is good at. She posts arguments like a gorilla.
Maybe you should go back and read the post again.
So, I will play your game this once, you obviously have some comprehension problems.
Have someone explain how stupid you really are, but don't take it to heart because we know you cannot help it.

Once again. You have to prove that someone has taken your right to worship from you. Tell us all how that you are being denied the ability to go to your house of worship and pray or do whatever it is you do.
So, therefore, you are the one full of hogwash.

Right to worship as you please.

Not "right to worship in a building only."

What are you talking about?
Don't bother. You are going to either be told you are stupid, or a caca head, or some other childish non argument.

I thought you were telling me I was stupid?

Weren't you?

It's hard to tell, with all the misspellings and sechlike..maybe you were trying to convey another idea completely.
She doesn't have sense enough to make an argument.
Everyone in this country, the United States, has religious freedom. They can think and worship any deity they wish. It really isn't that complicated.
Those who are trying to grind the axe of their rights of religious freedom are making up situations that do not apply to their freedoms being diminished.

Then you are okay with the valedictorians speaking about God and faith during graduation exercises? If a judge wants to hang a plaque of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom, not a problem? What about, upon hearing of the death of a student a teacher says, "Let's say a prayer..." and several students get on their knees and bow towards Mecca?

Does freedom extend this far in our country?

What about opening a mini mosque inside a courthouse. Are you okay with that? :D
Right to worship as you please.

Not "right to worship in a building only."

What are you talking about?
Don't bother. You are going to either be told you are stupid, or a caca head, or some other childish non argument.

I thought you were telling me I was stupid?

Weren't you?

It's hard to tell, with all the misspellings and sechlike..maybe you were trying to convey another idea completely.

Are you the spelling police?
It's apparently the only thing she is good at. She posts arguments like a gorilla.

She sounds more like a parrot to me! :D
In which institution they are giving a speech in, yes, if that institution has a religious. If it is a public one. NO.
If one has the right to preach their religion then all others must have the right to preach theirs. It has to be stopped at some point.
Stop it at the beginning.
No one is ever going to have them not practice their religion at their place of worship or in their homes.

Everyone in this country, the United States, has religious freedom. They can think and worship any deity they wish. It really isn't that complicated.
Those who are trying to grind the axe of their rights of religious freedom are making up situations that do not apply to their freedoms being diminished.

Then you are okay with the valedictorians speaking about God and faith during graduation exercises? If a judge wants to hang a plaque of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom, not a problem? What about, upon hearing of the death of a student a teacher says, "Let's say a prayer..." and several students get on their knees and bow towards Mecca?

Does freedom extend this far in our country?
In which institution they are giving a speech in, yes, if that institution has a religious. If it is a public one. NO.
If one has the right to preach their religion then all others must have the right to preach theirs. It has to be stopped at some point.
Stop it at the beginning.
No one is ever going to have them not practice their religion at their place of worship or in their homes.

We don't have a "public" persona and a "religious" persona where we take turns flipping switches on ourselves. If we can handle everyone dressing differently, we can handle people believing differently as well.

We should all feel free to talk and converse about our religion and its influence upon us.
Hey its you libs who are always yapping about how much money per student is spent on public education, logically if send 3 kids to private school you don't need the public school tax money for those three kids...right? What are you doing with my money pocketing it as a bonus?

Can you please tell us which "libs are always yapping about how much money per student is spend on public education"? Per my recollection - that "yapping" usually comes from NaziCons.

Get real lib its the teachers unions rallying cry every damn time they ask for an increase. Poor us look at how much (fill in the blank) district is spending per student. Do it for the kids, books, computers, the building is falling down. Then the teachers union stampedes to the trough and diverts all the money to salaries, benefits, and pensions for themselves.

How dare they make a living! Why are you attacking the Middle Class?

You do realize that the poor red states, where teachers are paid the least, are where we have some of the worst school districts in the country?

The ranking, from the personal finance site Wallethub, outlines the best and worst states for K-12 education, given the connection between one's education and future earning potential. The ranking was based on 12 factors, including student dropout rate, pupil/teacher ratio, test scores, rates of bullying and school safety measures.

The top scorers were New Jersey, Massachusetts, Vermont, New Hampshire and then Kansas. The site dubbed the areas with the worst school systems as Nevada, Louisiana, Alabama, Mississippi and, lastly, the District of Columbia.

Guess who owns the vacation beach houses and drives the BMW's and Mercede's in South Jersey...its not the middle class paying insane school taxes its the teachers omg shocker /sarcasm

Complete nonsense!

The starting teachers salary in NJ is $44, 872, and the average is $69.111 yr, with the median home value at $287.600.

Sounds like someone is suffering from Middle Class envy.

NEA - State by State Salary Listings

As I lived down the shore for years let me just say you are ignorant on this topic.
Ravi, if I had heard about this "holiday" when Bush initiated it I would have bitched then too.
The point of my OP is that the POTUS calls for students to celebrate their religious freedoms at school.
You nimrods are so uptight about any kind of religion touching a school you want to attack the religious rather than address your grievances toward the one that's telling people to do it in class.

So you're telling me that there can be no prayer in school except if the President tells you that you can on a certain day.

Got it:cuckoo:
Ravi, if I had heard about this "holiday" when Bush initiated it I would have bitched then too.
The point of my OP is that the POTUS calls for students to celebrate their religious freedoms at school.
You nimrods are so uptight about any kind of religion touching a school you want to attack the religious rather than address your grievances toward the one that's telling people to do it in class.

So you're telling me that there can be no prayer in school except if the President tells you that you can on a certain day.

Got it:cuckoo:
You didn't even read what I posted, did you?
Ravi, if I had heard about this "holiday" when Bush initiated it I would have bitched then too.
The point of my OP is that the POTUS calls for students to celebrate their religious freedoms at school.
You nimrods are so uptight about any kind of religion touching a school you want to attack the religious rather than address your grievances toward the one that's telling people to do it in class.

So you're telling me that there can be no prayer in school except if the President tells you that you can on a certain day.

Got it:cuckoo:
You didn't even read what I posted, did you?
Yes. I've been to the site as well.
I am now wondering when we get National Free Speech Day or National Right to Bear Arms Day
Ravi, if I had heard about this "holiday" when Bush initiated it I would have bitched then too.
The point of my OP is that the POTUS calls for students to celebrate their religious freedoms at school.
You nimrods are so uptight about any kind of religion touching a school you want to attack the religious rather than address your grievances toward the one that's telling people to do it in class.

So you're telling me that there can be no prayer in school except if the President tells you that you can on a certain day.

Got it:cuckoo:
You didn't even read what I posted, did you?
Yes. I've been to the site as well.
I am now wondering when we get National Free Speech Day or National Right to Bear Arms Day
Do you also object to Independence Day?
In which institution they are giving a speech in, yes, if that institution has a religious. If it is a public one. NO.
If one has the right to preach their religion then all others must have the right to preach theirs. It has to be stopped at some point.
Stop it at the beginning.
No one is ever going to have them not practice their religion at their place of worship or in their homes.

Everyone in this country, the United States, has religious freedom. They can think and worship any deity they wish. It really isn't that complicated.
Those who are trying to grind the axe of their rights of religious freedom are making up situations that do not apply to their freedoms being diminished.

Then you are okay with the valedictorians speaking about God and faith during graduation exercises? If a judge wants to hang a plaque of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom, not a problem? What about, upon hearing of the death of a student a teacher says, "Let's say a prayer..." and several students get on their knees and bow towards Mecca?

Does freedom extend this far in our country?

We have the right to reference and speak about our religion, in public. To say otherwise is to advocate a restriction on freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.
We agree. My posts are to those that feel they are being persecuted for their beliefs because they cannot force their beliefs into or onto unwanted institutions or situations.
Thank you!

In which institution they are giving a speech in, yes, if that institution has a religious. If it is a public one. NO.
If one has the right to preach their religion then all others must have the right to preach theirs. It has to be stopped at some point.
Stop it at the beginning.
No one is ever going to have them not practice their religion at their place of worship or in their homes.

We don't have a "public" persona and a "religious" persona where we take turns flipping switches on ourselves. If we can handle everyone dressing differently, we can handle people believing differently as well.

We should all feel free to talk and converse about our religion and its influence upon us.
Then explain to us the last time someone was prohibited in speaking about their religion.
That is quite different that putting religious epitaphs in a public institution.

In which institution they are giving a speech in, yes, if that institution has a religious. If it is a public one. NO.
If one has the right to preach their religion then all others must have the right to preach theirs. It has to be stopped at some point.
Stop it at the beginning.
No one is ever going to have them not practice their religion at their place of worship or in their homes.

Everyone in this country, the United States, has religious freedom. They can think and worship any deity they wish. It really isn't that complicated.
Those who are trying to grind the axe of their rights of religious freedom are making up situations that do not apply to their freedoms being diminished.

Then you are okay with the valedictorians speaking about God and faith during graduation exercises? If a judge wants to hang a plaque of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom, not a problem? What about, upon hearing of the death of a student a teacher says, "Let's say a prayer..." and several students get on their knees and bow towards Mecca?

Does freedom extend this far in our country?

We have the right to reference and speak about our religion, in public. To say otherwise is to advocate a restriction on freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.
Religious freedom is NOT just about being able to speak about religion, or about being able to put a cross on the public square.

It's about not being DISCRIMINATED against for openly embracing your religion, and not being forced to discuss your religion only behind closed doors, for fear of reprisal.

People on this site have argued repeatedly that Christians should not be allowed to participate in politics, or teach in schools, or send their children to school. People on this site maintain that openly christian people should be labeled as mentally ill, and incarcerated, and that if they send their children to church, they should be charged with child abuse.

People have a right to embrace their religion. If that means bringing Christ into every conversation they have they have the right to do so..there should never be a law that says they can't do that because it might make someone uncomfortable. There should never be a law or an action that prohibits school children from witnessing, reading the bible, or openly embracing their religion in school.

But the fascists on the left don't understand that, and never will.

Then explain to us the last time someone was prohibited in speaking about their religion.
That is quite different that putting religious epitaphs in a public institution.

In which institution they are giving a speech in, yes, if that institution has a religious. If it is a public one. NO.
If one has the right to preach their religion then all others must have the right to preach theirs. It has to be stopped at some point.
Stop it at the beginning.
No one is ever going to have them not practice their religion at their place of worship or in their homes.

Everyone in this country, the United States, has religious freedom. They can think and worship any deity they wish. It really isn't that complicated.
Those who are trying to grind the axe of their rights of religious freedom are making up situations that do not apply to their freedoms being diminished.

Then you are okay with the valedictorians speaking about God and faith during graduation exercises? If a judge wants to hang a plaque of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom, not a problem? What about, upon hearing of the death of a student a teacher says, "Let's say a prayer..." and several students get on their knees and bow towards Mecca?

Does freedom extend this far in our country?

We have the right to reference and speak about our religion, in public. To say otherwise is to advocate a restriction on freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.
In which institution they are giving a speech in, yes, if that institution has a religious. If it is a public one. NO.
If one has the right to preach their religion then all others must have the right to preach theirs. It has to be stopped at some point.
Stop it at the beginning.
No one is ever going to have them not practice their religion at their place of worship or in their homes.

Everyone in this country, the United States, has religious freedom. They can think and worship any deity they wish. It really isn't that complicated.
Those who are trying to grind the axe of their rights of religious freedom are making up situations that do not apply to their freedoms being diminished.

Then you are okay with the valedictorians speaking about God and faith during graduation exercises? If a judge wants to hang a plaque of the Ten Commandments in his courtroom, not a problem? What about, upon hearing of the death of a student a teacher says, "Let's say a prayer..." and several students get on their knees and bow towards Mecca?

Does freedom extend this far in our country?

We have the right to reference and speak about our religion, in public. To say otherwise is to advocate a restriction on freedom of religion, and freedom of speech.
Your application for martyrdom is denied on the grounds that such shrill, melodramatic whining has all the dogs in my neighborhood barking.
Religious freedom is NOT just about being able to speak about religion, or about being able to put a cross on the public square.

It's about not being DISCRIMINATED against for openly embracing your religion, and not being forced to discuss your religion only behind closed doors, for fear of reprisal.

People on this site have argued repeatedly that Christians should not be allowed to participate in politics, or teach in schools, or send their children to school. People on this site maintain that openly christian people should be labeled as mentally ill, and incarcerated, and that if they send their children to church, they should be charged with child abuse.

So what's the problem?

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