Remember How It Was All About Hunter Biden Just A Month Before The Election?

Can you people summarize the Hunter Biden story in a clear and concise manner?


'You people' is derogatory.

How about 'You people' do your own homework.

PS - I forgot a few things.
Hunter was kicked out of the military for drug abuse.
Hunter has never held a job - the dude is 50 something years old and NEVER held a job! wtf is that all about?

Actually Hunter Biden worked in the Bush Administration and has held other jobs, so you are lying as usual because of your partisan hate
OP fail

Lamestream media refused to report a story that is backed up with video and official documents.

Hunter is a misogynist wanna be playboy, fueled by cocaine and meth, who refuses to pay child support, who had an affair with his dead brother's wife, and is under investigation for tax evasion among other things.

And you use sources like OANN and Newsmax that give us News Stories like the one about the U.S. Army raiding Germany for a Dominion Server, so let be clear your News Source is equivalent of something like the Star tabloid rag which is usually fake news...

Now with that written if you subtract the drug usage and child support what you wrote is exactly the same thing Trump is guilty of and yet you love and worship Trump but hate Hunter!

I guess if Hunter would just see the light and become some unhinged nutter that is Republican you would list for him like you do for Trump!

In the end you are no better than the left you attack, but you will disagree and proclaim you are and then demand I write what you want to read and if not you will be a total nutter!

Hunter Biden is as much of a white trash punk as Donald John Trump and his three oldest kids are but you will take offense and lecture me how wrong I am!

Sorry Joe, I thought I had you on ignore.

Back on iggy you go.

Happy New Year!

You are a moderator and can not put anyone on ignore just like we can not put you on ignore!

So facts bother you and you want to ignore them and can not dispute them as usual!

I mean it is like your claim there was no shortage of staff at Hospitals awhile back and now your claim that Hunter Biden never held a job, and posters are to take you seriously?

Also stay on subject and my name isn’t Joe but actually Bruce...
Can you people summarize the Hunter Biden story in a clear and concise manner?


'You people' is derogatory.

How about 'You people' do your own homework.

PS - I forgot a few things.
Hunter was kicked out of the military for drug abuse.
Hunter has never held a job - the dude is 50 something years old and NEVER held a job! wtf is that all about?

Actually Hunter Biden worked in the Bush Administration and has held other jobs, so you are lying as usual because of your partisan hate
OP fail

Lamestream media refused to report a story that is backed up with video and official documents.

Hunter is a misogynist wanna be playboy, fueled by cocaine and meth, who refuses to pay child support, who had an affair with his dead brother's wife, and is under investigation for tax evasion among other things.

And you use sources like OANN and Newsmax that give us News Stories like the one about the U.S. Army raiding Germany for a Dominion Server, so let be clear your News Source is equivalent of something like the Star tabloid rag which is usually fake news...

Now with that written if you subtract the drug usage and child support what you wrote is exactly the same thing Trump is guilty of and yet you love and worship Trump but hate Hunter!

I guess if Hunter would just see the light and become some unhinged nutter that is Republican you would list for him like you do for Trump!

In the end you are no better than the left you attack, but you will disagree and proclaim you are and then demand I write what you want to read and if not you will be a total nutter!

Hunter Biden is as much of a white trash punk as Donald John Trump and his three oldest kids are but you will take offense and lecture me how wrong I am!

Sorry Joe, I thought I had you on ignore.

Back on iggy you go.

Happy New Year!

You are a moderator and can not put anyone on ignore just like we can not put you on ignore!

So facts bother you and you want to ignore them and can not dispute them as usual!

I mean it is like your claim there was no shortage of staff at Hospitals awhile back and now your claim that Hunter Biden never held a job, and posters are to take you seriously?

Also stay on subject and my name isn’t Joe but actually Bruce...

On the topic of Mods not being able to ignore members: Wanna bet?

On the (off-topic) topic of your false claim, 'your claim there was no shortage of staff at Hospitals' .......... omg ROFL! That thread was about shortage of hospital beds.

Grow up, Joe
Can you people summarize the Hunter Biden story in a clear and concise manner?


'You people' is derogatory.

How about 'You people' do your own homework.

PS - I forgot a few things.
Hunter was kicked out of the military for drug abuse.
Hunter has never held a job - the dude is 50 something years old and NEVER held a job! wtf is that all about?

Actually Hunter Biden worked in the Bush Administration and has held other jobs, so you are lying as usual because of your partisan hate
OP fail

Lamestream media refused to report a story that is backed up with video and official documents.

Hunter is a misogynist wanna be playboy, fueled by cocaine and meth, who refuses to pay child support, who had an affair with his dead brother's wife, and is under investigation for tax evasion among other things.

And you use sources like OANN and Newsmax that give us News Stories like the one about the U.S. Army raiding Germany for a Dominion Server, so let be clear your News Source is equivalent of something like the Star tabloid rag which is usually fake news...

Now with that written if you subtract the drug usage and child support what you wrote is exactly the same thing Trump is guilty of and yet you love and worship Trump but hate Hunter!

I guess if Hunter would just see the light and become some unhinged nutter that is Republican you would list for him like you do for Trump!

In the end you are no better than the left you attack, but you will disagree and proclaim you are and then demand I write what you want to read and if not you will be a total nutter!

Hunter Biden is as much of a white trash punk as Donald John Trump and his three oldest kids are but you will take offense and lecture me how wrong I am!

Sorry Joe, I thought I had you on ignore.

Back on iggy you go.

Happy New Year!

You are a moderator and can not put anyone on ignore just like we can not put you on ignore!

So facts bother you and you want to ignore them and can not dispute them as usual!

I mean it is like your claim there was no shortage of staff at Hospitals awhile back and now your claim that Hunter Biden never held a job, and posters are to take you seriously?

Also stay on subject and my name isn’t Joe but actually Bruce...

On the topic of Mods not being able to ignore members: Wanna bet?

On the (off-topic) topic of your false claim, 'your claim there was no shortage of staff at Hospitals' .......... omg ROFL! That thread was about shortage of hospital beds.

Grow up, Joe

Why don’t you stop trolling for once because calling a person by another name is trolling and you did proclaim in that thread there was no shortage of staff and now you are lying as usual troll!

My name is not Joe and it is Bruce and if you can not stop your trolling then I will troll you and I promise I will win!

Also staff just like posters can not ignore each other if they are moderators and also you were caught in another lie about ignoring me when you answered me again!

Finally, this thread is about Hunter Biden and not me, so stay on topic loser and just admit you hate Hunter because of his father but if he were Eric, Donald Jr. or Ivanka you would be calling the shit you spew fake news!

So shut the hell up about Hunter and let the Government investigate and if they find nothing worth a damn I am sure your worthless ass will proclaim Deep State is just protecting the idiot.

Also you lied about Hunter never holding a job when it is clear he has but I am sure you have never held one in your life and your life long dream came true when you became a mod of a unknown message board...

Now loser remember you have me on ignore and you shouldn’t respond or it shows what a liar you are...
Wha Happened to all those very important stories?


Here's what happened...

Those stories are still being censored by your overlords.
Someone explain to the OP the "news" as he might call it is no more than an arm for the Demonicrat party.

Just because you have a finger pointed to your head doesn't mean you use it. It's similar pointing to a mystery object not knowing what it's for.
Wow, Marc shows some low information folks really are in the crazy zone. Marc, instead of reading ridiculous Fake News sites, watch the Tucker interview in which the Biden business partner exposes the corruption and confirms Sleepy China Joe was getting a percentage of Hunter's cut, when Hunter was not smoking crack with Asian teenagers. Here is a question, ya know when Sleepy Joe said he and Obama would withhold aid to the Ukraine unless the prosecutor investigating Hunter Biden was fire on video, do you think the video was faked? Or do you think corruption by democrats is okay? Answer the questions!

The Biden video where he told the Ukraine they were not getting the $1B unless the prosecutor picking on Hunter was fired is crystal clear. Democrats can’t say they video was redacted or that Americans were taking it out of context.

The video proves Democrats impeached Trump over what Biden bragged about doing himself. That alone calls into question the upcoming Presidency and Democrat controlled Legislature.

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