Remember I told you so... as Pollsters go back to drawing board!


Platinum Member
Sep 19, 2011
Pollsters who missed Donald Trump’s surprise electoral victory are headed back to the drawing board.
Most polls predicted a Hillary Clinton victory on Election Day, with some positively bullish on the likelihood of a Clinton White House.

Pollsters go back to drawing board

Remember I told you people that the biased MSM presenting Hillary as the savior and Trump as the devil
was going to lead to a Trump victory!
The reason was strictly personal.
I've been called so many names by people because I supported Trump beginning last year.
Millions of voters LIKE me have been called "deplorables"... "racist"... sexist. All sorts of names but with
NO Proof of Trump being any of those things nor am I any of those characteristics.
So is it any surprise when these pompous pollsters not only load the statistics generally 5 to 10% more Democrats were polled then GOP,naturally the statistics are skewed... BUT when these same pompous
intellectual pinheads known as the "pundits" keep making millions of people like me out to be really ignorant why should we millions respond EXCEPT in the voting booth!

We know we aren't racists. I for one had a black cousin in the 50s in the middle of Iowa!
I also know that Trump like me and millions like me ARE NOT anti-immigrants!
Trump married an immigrant. My daughter-in-law is an immigrant... BUT LEGAL!
But do the majority of anti-Trump including the biased MSM make that distinction?
Proof they don't!
A Google search moments ago of "Trump is anti-immigrant" shows 12,800 results.
None of which use the simple adjective "illegal"!

So thank goodness for the growing distrust of the pollsters/MSM/ and ignorant people that believed the pollsters and MSM's very biased favoritism of Hillary and large number of negative Trump stories.
As a consequence most of us Trump supporters/voters just went quietly about our lives and made a difference behind the curtain!
The polls worked exactly how democrats told their fake news outlets to do them.....
The polls worked exactly how democrats told their fake news outlets to do them.....
Which means the Democrats unwittingly helped Trump get elected!
Since more and more people grew to distrust the MSM, that meant more and more people believed Trump!

Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
The MSM and many of the polling folks are joined at the hip, thus their election conspiracy to hype Hildebeast's campaign and try to damage Trump's.

What's clear in the aftermath of their debacle is they've yet to figure out their partnership work is part of the reason Trump was elected. They were rejected right along with fatso's liberalism, eight years of the community agitator, PC gone wild, no economic policy, no border security and on and on. And now all that's left is the dimocrat party in shambles. reap what you sow, losers.
The polls worked exactly how democrats told their fake news outlets to do them.....
Which means the Democrats unwittingly helped Trump get elected!
Since more and more people grew to distrust the MSM, that meant more and more people believed Trump!

Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
. Runs far deeper than this... It is a rejection of where the liberals had this country heading towards, and a rejection of reverse discrimination, a reverse of putting American labor last, dead end schools, destructive cultural rot running rampant like a cancer consuming everything in it's path, unsafe communities, joblessness, anti-Americanism, anti-Christian etc. The lib networks were strong due to the thinking by many Americans that they had been betrayed, and by this it was betrayal on steroids. It was as if there was no hope left. NPR is the most poisonous lib run radio network that there is maybe, and their signal is unreal in comparison to the conservative networks. Now the crazy thing, is that taxpayers are paying for this against their will. That network would be something I would strip funds from until it cleaned itself up or I would shut it down by stripping it's funding. It's time to give conservatives a strong voice or at least an equal voice in the media again. And this accusation that everything conservative is racist has got to end. It's time to deal with the race baiters and hustlers in this nation, and stop their bull crap in which they almost ruined the nation with.
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Before the election I said many times that Trump was going to do 3-5% better than the polls indicated.

The pollsters had a flawed system.

They sampled a small number of voters, usually around a thousand, and then extrapolated the predictions to a larger population based upon traditional R v D historical voting models.

The problem is that those models were not accurate for a populist candidate like Trump. The models failed to estimate the number of blue collar Americans that may have voted for Democrats in the past but chose Trump this time. It also assumed the same number of Black voters that voted for Obama would turn out to vote for Crooked Hillary and that didn't happen.

On top of the failed models the pollsters did not have a good accounting of the people that did not like Crooked Hillary. She had no real base for her personally. She had some of the Democrat base simply because she had a "D" by her name but nobody really liked her.
To the OP. The truth here is that the pollsters got caught lying to the public. They now have even less credibility than ever.

The so-called polls are designed to influence public opinion, not to report on it, and they failed. That is the story here if anyone cares to understand it.
Before the election I said many times that Trump was going to do 3-5% better than the polls indicated.

The pollsters had a flawed system.

They sampled a small number of voters, usually around a thousand, and then extrapolated the predictions to a larger population based upon traditional R v D historical voting models.

The problem is that those models were not accurate for a populist candidate like Trump. The models failed to estimate the number of blue collar Americans that may have voted for Democrats in the past but chose Trump this time. It also assumed the same number of Black voters that voted for Obama would turn out to vote for Crooked Hillary and that didn't happen.

On top of the failed models the pollsters did not have a good accounting of the people that did not like Crooked Hillary. She had no real base for her personally. She had some of the Democrat base simply because she had a "D" by her name but nobody really liked her.

you give them too much credit, they were corrupt and biased and had an agenda to help the hildebeast. the "errors" were intentional.
The polls worked exactly how democrats told their fake news outlets to do them.....
Which means the Democrats unwittingly helped Trump get elected!
Since more and more people grew to distrust the MSM, that meant more and more people believed Trump!

Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
. Runs far deeper than this... It is a rejection of where the liberals had this country heading towards, and a rejection of reverse discrimination, a reverse of putting American labor last, dead end schools, destructive cultural rot running rampant like a cancer consuming everything in it's path, unsafe communities, joblessness, anti-Americanism, anti-Christian etc. The lib networks were strong due to the thinking by many Americans that they had been betrayed, and by this it was betrayal on steroids. It was as if there was no hope left. NPR is the most poisonous lib run radio network that there is maybe, and their signal is unreal in comparison to the conservative networks. Now the crazy thing, is that taxpayers are paying for this against their will. That network would be something I would strip funds from until it cleaned itself up or I would shut it down by stripping it's funding. It's time to give conservatives a strong voice or at least an equal voice in the media again. And this accusation that everything conservative is racist has got to end. It's time to deal with the race baiters and hustlers in this nation, and stop their bull crap in which they almost ruined the nation with.

I agree regarding NPR being liberal and it is ironic that the taxes that fund NPR are generally paid by the people that the NPR knocks!
I live in a part of Florida with the ONLY paper being the Tampa Bay Times. Most people aren't aware that this paper is owned by a non-profit.
So consequently they were able to drive out the ONLY other major paper the Tampa Tribune and bought it. The Tribune though was for profit.
And so consequently the non-profit could offer lower advertising while the for profit PAID taxes that subsidized the non-profit!
The Tampa Bay Times (formerly St. Petersburg Times) is known as "Pravda West" is the most left wing paper far more the NYT!

What is really sad is that the Poynter Institute owner of the above, which is suppose to be.....a global leader in journalism. It is the world’s leading instructor, innovator, convener and resource for anyone who aspires to engage and inform citizens in 21st Century democracies.

This left wing/communism advocate is now the ONLY paper on the west coast of Florida.

The only way to counter this would be what trump pass them!
Before the election I said many times that Trump was going to do 3-5% better than the polls indicated.

The pollsters had a flawed system.

They sampled a small number of voters, usually around a thousand, and then extrapolated the predictions to a larger population based upon traditional R v D historical voting models.

The problem is that those models were not accurate for a populist candidate like Trump. The models failed to estimate the number of blue collar Americans that may have voted for Democrats in the past but chose Trump this time. It also assumed the same number of Black voters that voted for Obama would turn out to vote for Crooked Hillary and that didn't happen.

On top of the failed models the pollsters did not have a good accounting of the people that did not like Crooked Hillary. She had no real base for her personally. She had some of the Democrat base simply because she had a "D" by her name but nobody really liked her.

you give them too much credit, they were corrupt and biased and had an agenda to help the hildebeast. the "errors" were intentional.

I suspect they liked the results of the flawed models and didn't have the incentive to do the job right.
The polls worked exactly how democrats told their fake news outlets to do them.....
Which means the Democrats unwittingly helped Trump get elected!
Since more and more people grew to distrust the MSM, that meant more and more people believed Trump!

Americans' trust and confidence in the mass media "to report the news fully, accurately and fairly" has dropped to its lowest level in Gallup polling history, with 32% saying they have a great deal or fair amount of trust in the media. This is down eight percentage points from last year.
Americans' Trust in Mass Media Sinks to New Low
. Runs far deeper than this... It is a rejection of where the liberals had this country heading towards, and a rejection of reverse discrimination, a reverse of putting American labor last, dead end schools, destructive cultural rot running rampant like a cancer consuming everything in it's path, unsafe communities, joblessness, anti-Americanism, anti-Christian etc. The lib networks were strong due to the thinking by many Americans that they had been betrayed, and by this it was betrayal on steroids. It was as if there was no hope left. NPR is the most poisonous lib run radio network that there is maybe, and their signal is unreal in comparison to the conservative networks. Now the crazy thing, is that taxpayers are paying for this against their will. That network would be something I would strip funds from until it cleaned itself up or I would shut it down by stripping it's funding. It's time to give conservatives a strong voice or at least an equal voice in the media again. And this accusation that everything conservative is racist has got to end. It's time to deal with the race baiters and hustlers in this nation, and stop their bull crap in which they almost ruined the nation with.

I agree regarding NPR being liberal and it is ironic that the taxes that fund NPR are generally paid by the people that the NPR knocks!
I live in a part of Florida with the ONLY paper being the Tampa Bay Times. Most people aren't aware that this paper is owned by a non-profit.
So consequently they were able to drive out the ONLY other major paper the Tampa Tribune and bought it. The Tribune though was for profit.
And so consequently the non-profit could offer lower advertising while the for profit PAID taxes that subsidized the non-profit!
The Tampa Bay Times (formerly St. Petersburg Times) is known as "Pravda West" is the most left wing paper far more the NYT!

What is really sad is that the Poynter Institute owner of the above, which is suppose to be.....a global leader in journalism. It is the world’s leading instructor, innovator, convener and resource for anyone who aspires to engage and inform citizens in 21st Century democracies.

This left wing/communism advocate is now the ONLY paper on the west coast of Florida.

The only way to counter this would be what trump pass them!

We used to subscribe to the St Pete Times (now Tampa Bay Times) but dropped it after realizing it was a Left Wing trash rag.

Living in Polk County we also once subscribed to the Orlando Sentinel but it is also a Liberal trash rag.

It was obvious Trump was going to carry Florida.

I saw very little support for Crooked Hillary. In past elections I would see bumper stickers and yard signs for the Democrat candidates but I almost saw none this election.
Before the election I said many times that Trump was going to do 3-5% better than the polls indicated.

The pollsters had a flawed system.

They sampled a small number of voters, usually around a thousand, and then extrapolated the predictions to a larger population based upon traditional R v D historical voting models.

The problem is that those models were not accurate for a populist candidate like Trump. The models failed to estimate the number of blue collar Americans that may have voted for Democrats in the past but chose Trump this time. It also assumed the same number of Black voters that voted for Obama would turn out to vote for Crooked Hillary and that didn't happen.

On top of the failed models the pollsters did not have a good accounting of the people that did not like Crooked Hillary. She had no real base for her personally. She had some of the Democrat base simply because she had a "D" by her name but nobody really liked her.

you give them too much credit, they were corrupt and biased and had an agenda to help the hildebeast. the "errors" were intentional.

I suspect they liked the results of the flawed models and didn't have the incentive to do the job right.
. No incentive because they were corrupt... What kind of incentives can you give in order to thwart corruption, more corruption ??

No incentive because they were corrupt... What kind of incentives can you give in order to thwart corruption, more corruption ??

I have often wondered why the press has become so Left Wing and supportive of all the Liberal destruction in this country. It must be because all the stupid Journalism majors got brainwashed by their bat shit crazy Marxists professors in college.

No incentive because they were corrupt... What kind of incentives can you give in order to thwart corruption, more corruption ??

I have often wondered why the press has become so Left Wing and supportive of all the Liberal destruction in this country. It must be because all the stupid Journalism majors got brainwashed by their bat shit crazy Marxists professors in college.
. That's exactly what happened... It's even trickled down to k thru twelve where they figured they weren't starting the process young enough. It is something that needs cleaned up badly now. How people allowed their children into these environments without a fight just shows how good the leftist brainwashing was.
Pollsters who missed Donald Trump’s surprise electoral victory are headed back to the drawing board.
Most polls predicted a Hillary Clinton victory on Election Day, with some positively bullish on the likelihood of a Clinton White House.

Pollsters go back to drawing board

Remember I told you people that the biased MSM presenting Hillary as the savior and Trump as the devil
was going to lead to a Trump victory!
The reason was strictly personal.
I've been called so many names by people because I supported Trump beginning last year.
Millions of voters LIKE me have been called "deplorables"... "racist"... sexist. All sorts of names but with
NO Proof of Trump being any of those things nor am I any of those characteristics.
So is it any surprise when these pompous pollsters not only load the statistics generally 5 to 10% more Democrats were polled then GOP,naturally the statistics are skewed... BUT when these same pompous
intellectual pinheads known as the "pundits" keep making millions of people like me out to be really ignorant why should we millions respond EXCEPT in the voting booth!

We know we aren't racists. I for one had a black cousin in the 50s in the middle of Iowa!
I also know that Trump like me and millions like me ARE NOT anti-immigrants!
Trump married an immigrant. My daughter-in-law is an immigrant... BUT LEGAL!
But do the majority of anti-Trump including the biased MSM make that distinction?
Proof they don't!
A Google search moments ago of "Trump is anti-immigrant" shows 12,800 results.
None of which use the simple adjective "illegal"!

So thank goodness for the growing distrust of the pollsters/MSM/ and ignorant people that believed the pollsters and MSM's very biased favoritism of Hillary and large number of negative Trump stories.
As a consequence most of us Trump supporters/voters just went quietly about our lives and made a difference behind the curtain!

Good lord

I posted two weeks before the election that unless Clinton had a lead of more than 3.9% in the national polls, her chances of winning an electoral college election was less than 50%.

Under that, she loses swing states and marginal blues.

Pretty simple math.

The polls were not wrong, but you must adjust them for surplus votes in large states.
Pollsters who missed Donald Trump’s surprise electoral victory are headed back to the drawing board.
Most polls predicted a Hillary Clinton victory on Election Day, with some positively bullish on the likelihood of a Clinton White House.

Pollsters go back to drawing board

Remember I told you people that the biased MSM presenting Hillary as the savior and Trump as the devil
was going to lead to a Trump victory!
The reason was strictly personal.
I've been called so many names by people because I supported Trump beginning last year.
Millions of voters LIKE me have been called "deplorables"... "racist"... sexist. All sorts of names but with
NO Proof of Trump being any of those things nor am I any of those characteristics.
So is it any surprise when these pompous pollsters not only load the statistics generally 5 to 10% more Democrats were polled then GOP,naturally the statistics are skewed... BUT when these same pompous
intellectual pinheads known as the "pundits" keep making millions of people like me out to be really ignorant why should we millions respond EXCEPT in the voting booth!

We know we aren't racists. I for one had a black cousin in the 50s in the middle of Iowa!
I also know that Trump like me and millions like me ARE NOT anti-immigrants!
Trump married an immigrant. My daughter-in-law is an immigrant... BUT LEGAL!
But do the majority of anti-Trump including the biased MSM make that distinction?
Proof they don't!
A Google search moments ago of "Trump is anti-immigrant" shows 12,800 results.
None of which use the simple adjective "illegal"!

So thank goodness for the growing distrust of the pollsters/MSM/ and ignorant people that believed the pollsters and MSM's very biased favoritism of Hillary and large number of negative Trump stories.
As a consequence most of us Trump supporters/voters just went quietly about our lives and made a difference behind the curtain!

Good lord

I posted two weeks before the election that unless Clinton had a lead of more than 3.9% in the national polls, her chances of winning an electoral college election was less than 50%.

Under that, she loses swing states and marginal blues.

Pretty simple math.

The polls were not wrong, but you must adjust them for surplus votes in large states.

the polls had her winning those states--------------they were wrong. Either by design or by bad sampling. But they were wrong.
Pollsters who missed Donald Trump’s surprise electoral victory are headed back to the drawing board.
Most polls predicted a Hillary Clinton victory on Election Day, with some positively bullish on the likelihood of a Clinton White House.

Pollsters go back to drawing board

Remember I told you people that the biased MSM presenting Hillary as the savior and Trump as the devil
was going to lead to a Trump victory!
The reason was strictly personal.
I've been called so many names by people because I supported Trump beginning last year.
Millions of voters LIKE me have been called "deplorables"... "racist"... sexist. All sorts of names but with
NO Proof of Trump being any of those things nor am I any of those characteristics.
So is it any surprise when these pompous pollsters not only load the statistics generally 5 to 10% more Democrats were polled then GOP,naturally the statistics are skewed... BUT when these same pompous
intellectual pinheads known as the "pundits" keep making millions of people like me out to be really ignorant why should we millions respond EXCEPT in the voting booth!

We know we aren't racists. I for one had a black cousin in the 50s in the middle of Iowa!
I also know that Trump like me and millions like me ARE NOT anti-immigrants!
Trump married an immigrant. My daughter-in-law is an immigrant... BUT LEGAL!
But do the majority of anti-Trump including the biased MSM make that distinction?
Proof they don't!
A Google search moments ago of "Trump is anti-immigrant" shows 12,800 results.
None of which use the simple adjective "illegal"!

So thank goodness for the growing distrust of the pollsters/MSM/ and ignorant people that believed the pollsters and MSM's very biased favoritism of Hillary and large number of negative Trump stories.
As a consequence most of us Trump supporters/voters just went quietly about our lives and made a difference behind the curtain!

Good lord

I posted two weeks before the election that unless Clinton had a lead of more than 3.9% in the national polls, her chances of winning an electoral college election was less than 50%.

Under that, she loses swing states and marginal blues.

Pretty simple math.

The polls were not wrong, but you must adjust them for surplus votes in large states.

the polls had her winning those states--------------they were wrong. Either by design or by bad sampling. But they were wrong.

States that are too close to call are that for a reason. Taking national polls and deducting surplus votes from large states gives you a better view overall.

She needed a 3.9% lead nationally to be competitive in the swings and marginal blue/red states. If memory serves me she was at 2.4 and was doomed. Her lead with surplus votes in California, on a national basis gave her a 1.8% lead.

She needed to make up 5 million votes in the swing states. Impossible.
It is absolutely my vindication that the reason the pollsters were so wrong was because behind the curtain people who were intimidated by
pollsters, pundits,the MSM all telling anyone who supported Trump they were "deplorables", racists, sexist you name it WE pulled for Trump!
What you see with these 4 bell weather states is where the polling indicated one thing but reality another!

FLORIDA — 29 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 47.7, Trump 46.4 — Clinton wins by 1.3
Actual: Clinton 47.8, Trump 49.0 — Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain between exit polls and actual results: 2.5
NORTH CAROLINA — 15 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.6, Trump 46.5 — Clinton wins by 2.1
Actual: Clinton 46.1, Trump 49.9 — Trump wins by 3.8
Trump gain: 5.9
PENNSYLVANIA — 20 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 50.5, Trump 46.1 — Clinton wins by 4.4
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 — Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain: 5.6
WISCONSIN — 10 Electoral Votes
Exit Polls: Clinton 48.2, Trump 44.3 — Clinton wins by 3.9
Actual: Clinton 47.6, Trump 48.8 — Trump wins by 1.2
Trump gain: 5.1
2016 Exit Polls vs. Actual Results: Here’s What May Have Happened

Exit polls are showing that Hillary Clinton won in four key battleground states that the vote tally gave to Donald Trump.
These states are North Carolina, Pennsylvania, Wisconsin, and Florida.
According to the exit polls conducted by Edison Research and reported by TDMS Research show that in North Carolina, there was a 5.8 point discrepancy in favor of Donald Trump, which would have awarded him the state. In Pennsylvania, there was a 5.5 point anomaly to Trump, a 4.8 percent swing to him in Wisconsin, and 2.7 point swing to him in Florida, taking him over the line in these three states as well.
Exit Polls Predicted Hillary Clinton To Win Four Of Donald Trump’s Key Victories

NOW I'm going to shout!!!

Trump voters were intimidated.
Were booed.
Were castigated.
Were demeaned.
A few actually beaten up!

Hundreds of students from Richard Montgomery High School were carrying signs reading, “Love Trumps Hate,” and chanting near the Rockville courthouse on Maryland Avenue in a protest that began at about 10 a.m. when a 15-year-old boy wearing one of the Trump campaign’s “Make America Great Again” hats was attacked by about four students
Trump supporter, 15, beaten during Rockville protest

So why in the hell would we the "Cowards For Trump" tell exit pollsters we voted for Trump and face the above possible actions ?

Naturally we voted behind the curtain for Trump because WE the "deplorables" knew that the way we were going was destructive and Trump
frankly he had NOTHING to gain...remember he's a billionaire. He could play golf the rest of his life! So why would he risk HIS life for
this country? Because like me and millions like me TRUMP is selfish. Selfish in that HE wants his children to live in a better world then
the direction the country was going! Trump like millions like me WANT the USA to be the place where people can survive and THRIVE!

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