Remember...Officer D. Wilson could be YOU or ME next time


Gold Member
Feb 25, 2010
A note we should all take from this shit- The police officer could be you or me. I, like many of you, carry a concealed weapon, and have one in my home.

What if you or I found ourselves the victim of an assault or attempted theft out in public? Lets say this:

You are at Wal-Mart, and see a shoplifting. You dial 911, and the 6'4 300 lb theif sees you and gets angry. He confronts you, and begins to fight you. Punches you, attacks you. You fear for your life, and reach for your gun. He tries to take your gun, but then runs. But, then he turns back and runs at you try to take your gun again? Maybe. To finish the job of physically harming you? Maybe.

Do you shoot an unarmed man? Or, try to fight him and HOPE he doesn't knock you out or choke you out....then take your gun and kill you?

How Officer Wilson is judged.......could be applied to you one day.
A note we should all take from this shit- The police officer could be you or me. I, like many of you, carry a concealed weapon, and have one in my home.

What if you or I found ourselves the victim of an assault or attempted theft out in public? Lets say this:

You are at Wal-Mart, and see a shoplifting. You dial 911, and the 6'4 300 lb theif sees you and gets angry. He confronts you, and begins to fight you. Punches you, attacks you. You fear for your life, and reach for your gun. He tries to take your gun, but then runs. But, then he turns back and runs at you try to take your gun again? Maybe. To finish the job of physically harming you? Maybe.

Do you shoot an unarmed man? Or, try to fight him and HOPE he doesn't knock you out or choke you out....then take your gun and kill you?

How Officer Wilson is judged.......could be applied to you one day.

As we could be judged as Michael Brown was.......... I was falsely accused of a crime once, minor, but I remember the Officer's "attitude". If I had not heard the "ORDER" from the employee of store, who screamed in public I had stolen something..............then called an officer, a young guy, eager to read me the riot act for theft, until the RECEIPT was produced; the store sent coupons for cheap merchandise..........................I was not dressed for work, had I been, the entire incident might not have taken place.........................
As we could be judged as Michael Brown was.......... I was falsely accused of a crime once, minor, but I remember the Officer's "attitude". If I had not heard the "ORDER" from the employee of store, who screamed in public I had stolen something..............then called an officer, a young guy, eager to read me the riot act for theft, until the RECEIPT was produced; the store sent coupons for cheap merchandise..........................I was not dressed for work, had I been, the entire incident might not have taken place.........................

And I have been the victims of thefts, the police could barely stifle yawns. The vast majority of LE I have known are fine human beings however.
As we could be judged as Michael Brown was.......... I was falsely accused of a crime once, minor, but I remember the Officer's "attitude". If I had not heard the "ORDER" from the employee of store, who screamed in public I had stolen something..............then called an officer, a young guy, eager to read me the riot act for theft, until the RECEIPT was produced; the store sent coupons for cheap merchandise..........................I was not dressed for work, had I been, the entire incident might not have taken place.........................

BUT, you didn't attack the cop. That's where you were an adult, civilized person. Mistakes happen in law enforcement, no doubt about it. ALL humans are imperfect, cops included.

But when you ATTACK a cop, physically, no matter if you are innocent or not, it wont end well.
situational awareness. Know who is around you.

I look at life like cops do (unfortunately)..Treat everyone with courtesy and respect....and have a plan to kill them.

You never know.

You never know.

That's right. What if Brown had gotten back to Wilson? The man whose eye socket he just blew out, and gun he tried to take? Would he have done more harm?

Don't know, and Wilson was NOT required to give "Gentle Giant" that chance.
BUT, you didn't attack the cop. That's where you were an adult, civilized person. Mistakes happen in law enforcement, no doubt about it. ALL humans are imperfect, cops included.

But when you ATTACK a cop, physically, no matter if you are innocent or not, it wont end well.

No, nor is it proven Michael Brown did, though the officer appears honest, thus far. My questions are about the "escape" from the LE vehicle, running away, turning around, "charging" etc.
Anyone that comes at me in that scenario won't get close enough to hurt me. He or she will be dead.
A note we should all take from this shit- The police officer could be you or me. I, like many of you, carry a concealed weapon, and have one in my home.

What if you or I found ourselves the victim of an assault or attempted theft out in public? Lets say this:

You are at Wal-Mart, and see a shoplifting. You dial 911, and the 6'4 300 lb theif sees you and gets angry. He confronts you, and begins to fight you. Punches you, attacks you. You fear for your life, and reach for your gun. He tries to take your gun, but then runs. But, then he turns back and runs at you try to take your gun again? Maybe. To finish the job of physically harming you? Maybe.

Do you shoot an unarmed man? Or, try to fight him and HOPE he doesn't knock you out or choke you out....then take your gun and kill you?

How Officer Wilson is judged.......could be applied to you one day.

Indeed we could. I hope we are carefully questioned and the shooting investigated. The day we are allowed to shoot other citizens without any investigation is a chilling day to consider.

But let's not get carried away. The biggest part of the reason for the flack and uproar is that it was a cop who shot Brown, and that the cops in Ferguson have not been held responsible for their actions on many, many occasions. Until just a couple of years ago, if an officer in Ferguson was accused of excessive force, he wrote the report himself, it was reviewed by his superior, and then filed. But it was NOT filed in his personnel file.
No, nor is it proven Michael Brown did, though the officer appears honest, thus far. My questions are about the "escape" from the LE vehicle, running away, turning around, "charging" etc.

Dont question it, I'm finding out that questioning the events is tantamount to hating police and defending "criminals"...not sure how Brown became a criminal without a record or charges but he's black so we have to say he was thuggy and other stuff
No, nor is it proven Michael Brown did, though the officer appears honest, thus far. My questions are about the "escape" from the LE vehicle, running away, turning around, "charging" etc.
So you think the cop punched himself in the face so he could go shoot a negro..Yeah...that's plausible.:cuckoo:
Indeed we could. I hope we are carefully questioned and the shooting investigated. The day we are allowed to shoot other citizens without any investigation is a chilling day to consider.

But let's not get carried away. The biggest part of the reason for the flack and uproar is that it was a cop who shot Brown, and that the cops in Ferguson have not been held responsible for their actions on many, many occasions. Until just a couple of years ago, if an officer in Ferguson was accused of excessive force, he wrote the report himself, it was reviewed by his superior, and then filed. But it was NOT filed in his personnel file.
Go ahead and link to that. I'd like to see it.
Dont question it, I'm finding out that questioning the events is tantamount to hating police and defending "criminals"...not sure how Brown became a criminal without a record or charges but he's black so we have to say he was thuggy and other stuff

right...he din do nuffins. he a good boy.
Obviously Brown punched the cop, the gun went off, Brown ran then thought to himself now would be the perfect time to turn around and charge. The rest is history.

Dont ask why someone would charge a gun toting officer. ....ah ah ah...I said dont!
Go ahead and link to that. I'd like to see it.

from:The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie - The Daily Beast
"Schottel got another unpleasant surprise when he sought the use-of-force history of the officers involved. He learned that before a new chief took over in 2010 the department had a surprising protocol for non-fatal use-of-force reports.

“The officer himself could complete it and give it to the supervisor for his approval,” the prior chief, Thomas Moonier, testified in a deposition. “I would read it. It would be placed in my out basket, and my secretary would probably take it and put it with the case file.”

No copy was made for the officer’s personnel file.

“Everything involved in an incident would generally be with the police report,” Moonier said. “I don’t know what they maintain in personnel files.”

“Who was in charge of personnel files, of maintaining them?” Schottel asked.

“I have no idea,” Moonier said. “I believe City Hall, but I don’t know.”"

There it is.
from:The Day Ferguson Cops Were Caught in a Bloody Lie - The Daily Beast
"Schottel got another unpleasant surprise when he sought the use-of-force history of the officers involved. He learned that before a new chief took over in 2010 the department had a surprising protocol for non-fatal use-of-force reports.

“The officer himself could complete it and give it to the supervisor for his approval,” the prior chief, Thomas Moonier, testified in a deposition. “I would read it. It would be placed in my out basket, and my secretary would probably take it and put it with the case file.”

No copy was made for the officer’s personnel file.

“Everything involved in an incident would generally be with the police report,” Moonier said. “I don’t know what they maintain in personnel files.”

“Who was in charge of personnel files, of maintaining them?” Schottel asked.

“I have no idea,” Moonier said. “I believe City Hall, but I don’t know.”"

There it is.


I see the words "non fatal use of force". I also see the words" generally" and "I don't know" and "I have no idea" and "I believe"....pretty weak.

I also see that they are talking about 5 years ago...So this is totally irrelevant to anything going on today anyway.

I see the words "non fatal use of force". I also see the words" generally" and "I don't know" and "I have no idea" and "I believe"....pretty weak.

I also see that they are talking about 5 years ago...So this is totally irrelevant to anything going on today anyway.

Oh, so only things that happened this week are relevant?

Also, the link I posted is accurate concerning what I said. I made a statement. You wanted to see a link. I provided one.

Now, when the police dept is operated in that manner for any length of time, it is not readily forgotten. Not by the cops or the civilians.

I mean, jeez, the cops beat a man for no reason and then charged him for bleeding on their uniforms??? If you can defend that you need help. Oh, and there is no video evidence of any of the beating, despite the fact that there are video cameras in the jail.

I am not convicting every cop out there. But when something like that happens it DOES have an effect.

I see the words "non fatal use of force". I also see the words" generally" and "I don't know" and "I have no idea" and "I believe"....pretty weak.

I also see that they are talking about 5 years ago...So this is totally irrelevant to anything going on today anyway.

Really, did anyone expect any other response?

Police against blacks are fine....Its when they start abusing white people (or the media) that really gets their goat.

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