Remember when Paula Jones showed off her $850k check from Bill Clinton at a national press conference?

Are you truly disgusted when a man cheats on his wife???


Someone that has cheated on their spouse truly cannot be trusted in much anything.

What is more sacred than a marriage? And if one cannot be trusted in a marriage, why would you trust them with anything?
Know how to keep a moron in suspense?…….

So you cannot do it.

Do not feel bad, not a single person on this forum has been able to.

All your MAGA drones make the same charge against me, all of you fail to ever back it up.
I'm relatively indifferent to the adultery.

I don't understand how someone could be married to a supermodel and then feel the need to fuck a porn star. I couldn't imagine anyone wanting to fuck a porn star.

Here's the thing. Ted Kennedy never got to be president because of Chappaquidick. Bill Clinton was impeached and paid millions in legal fees and settlements. There was accountability.

Now there is accountability for Trump.

Second point- YOUR PARTY KEEPS SCREAMING ABOUT FAMILY VALUES. You do that when you want to limit what kinds of birth control a woman can use, or who can get married, or what bathroom a transgender person can use.

So when your supposed candidate is caught having sex with a porn star, and pays her off illegally, and then hides the payments so the voters don't find out, some of us are going to note the hypocrisy.
The Republicans haven’t really screamed about Family Values in a long time. Today, we just don’t want tranny boys and men following our daughters into the ladies room to molest them. If left to you people, you are more upset about the hurt feelings of the boy wearing the tutu and all boys who want to wear tutus than you are the girl who gets raped.


Weird, huh.

That payoff was not so bad, huh?

Why is that?

So nobody tried to lie about it or hide it?


Someone that has cheated on their spouse truly cannot be trusted in much anything.

What is more sacred than a marriage? And if one cannot be trusted in a marriage, why would you trust them with anything?

My my my. How the tunes change.

Someone that has cheated on their spouse truly cannot be trusted in much anything.

What is more sacred than a marriage? And if one cannot be trusted in a marriage, why would you trust them with anything?
You may personally feel that way but I’m not buying that most Democrats feel that way. When the Bill Clinton was cheating on his wife with an intern young enough to be his daughter, it was the Democrats wagging their finger at us saying that it was consensual, it was a private matter, and that in all, didn’t impact Clinton’s ability to be President.,
You may personally feel that way but I’m not buying that most Democrats feel that way. When the Bill Clinton was cheating on his wife with an intern young enough to be his daughter, it was the Democrats wagging their finger at us saying that it was consensual, it was a private matter, and that in all, didn’t impact Clinton’s ability to be President.,

far too many people are willing to compromise their values for the sake of the chosen political party.
far too many people are willing to compromise their values for the sake of the chosen political party.
Compromising values just means one is full of shit. Subscribing to the notion of “by any means possible” means that one is willing to compromise our legal and judicial system to reward friends and punish enemies. That is most concerning..
Then why the settlement? Oh and remember this classic line “I never once had sex with that woman”?

You libs crack me up!
"tell me you don't understand the charges against tRump without saying you don't understand the charges against tRump"
"tell me you don't understand the charges against tRump without saying you don't understand the charges against tRump"
But, but, but, Clinton didn’t lie, right. And if Clinton was Biden’s political rival, Clinton would be being led to the gallows over that whopper.
Of course not. Marriage is about the relationship between the two people, not their sex.
Then show me in the law where the word sacred exists, and where two people of the same sex, but both heterosexual cannot marry? Would one of those men, having a girlfriend, break the marriage vows?

You wackos crack me up.
The Republicans haven’t really screamed about Family Values in a long time. Today, we just don’t want tranny boys and men following our daughters into the ladies room to molest them. If left to you people, you are more upset about the hurt feelings of the boy wearing the tutu and all boys who want to wear tutus than you are the girl who gets raped.

Too much to expect.

Naked men must be allowed to be naked around young girls or you are a bad person.

What is a woman? We have a SCOTUS judge who does not know because she is not a biologist.
Then show me in the law where the word sacred exists, and where two people of the same sex, but both heterosexual cannot marry? Would one of those men, having a girlfriend, break the marriage vows?

You wackos crack me up.

you are a very confused person and do not even know what it means to break marriage vows.

I pray to Odin you are not married.

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