Remember when republicans cared about states’ rights?


Democratic Socialist
Nov 10, 2011
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Leftists aka Communists WORLDWIDE are LOVING this COVID-19 situation, Leftists aka Communists WANT the Western Economy to CRASH, Leftists aka Communists WANT this because they see COVID-19 as a way to bring in Universal Basic Income which would lead to the Cloward-Piven Strategy that all Leftists aka Communists have wet dreams about. Leftists aka Communists are mentally ill. Leftism aka Communism is a mental illness.

That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.
Remember when democrats cared about the American people?....


Those states like New York, California, Illinois, and Michigan, are free to keep their economies closed down while the rest of us are free to choose to start reopening. But those states that stay on lock down are also free not to get any more bail out money than any other state.

Good luck with that.


That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.
Remember when democrats cared about the American people?....

Typical lame deflection. You can’t defend this bullshit and you know it.
Lucy Hamilton,

Were you aware the Founders were Classical Liberals and this country was founded because of those beliefs?
Are you aware the neo-liberal platform of the 1960's was nearly identical to the modern neo-conservative platform of today?
Are you aware BOTH sides subscribe to the same monetary policy that funds the things neither you (nor I) like leading to enslaving tax payers for generations to come?
Are you aware that there are no discernible differences in policy - rhetoric doesn't count.
Can you name one "conservative" who speaks to, or about Liberty?
Conservatives support the unjust wars foreign and domestic.
Conservatives support asset forfeiture laws.
Conservatives support stiff penalties for citizens ingesting non- gov't approved stimulants/ depressants etc.
and in some cases food stuffs.
Conservatives believe you should have godvernment approval (through licensing) to pursue Happiness.
Conservatives don't believe all men are created equal and have certain unalienable rights.
Conservatives are acolytes to federal godvernment- Classical Liberals weren't.
Conservatives legislate laws based on what if or what might or what did happen.
Did you know laws are meant to punish? Conservatives and "Liberals" (of the non-classic variety) want to control every aspect of your life and make criminals of those who have caused no harm, but might, and they want to do it with legislation, claiming it's for the greater good-
The greater good occurs through Individual effort. Not legislation restricting it, which conservatives seem to fully accept and practice.
Most Republicans I know knew Trump was wrong about having the power to open up businesses in individual states. It's up to each states governor.

The hilarious thing is, first we heard the "outrage" from Dims claiming Trump didn't act soon enough to shut the economy down.
Now suddenly, they remember the power lies in the hands of governors.

You cannot win with these idiots. It's blame Trump 24/7, even when they have to twist the facts first.
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.
Remember when democrats cared about the American people?....

Typical lame deflection. You can’t defend this bullshit and you know it.
Why would anyone need to defend your hyperpartisan bullshit?

All you do is cry.....endlessly.
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.
Remember when democrats cared about the American people?....

Typical lame deflection. You can’t defend this bullshit and you know it.
Don't you care that Pelosi and Schumer are playing political games instead of working to help the people?....why don't you say anything about that...and our infrastructure is falling apart but Pelosi said there was no chance of getting anything passed on that until after November.....she is a crumb...but you say nothing...
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.
Remember when democrats cared about the American people?....

Typical lame deflection. You can’t defend this bullshit and you know it.

Interstate commerce clause, needle dick.

Now tell us remember when the left was against the wall, banning foreigners?
Most Republicans I know knew Trump was wrong about having the power to open up businesses in individual states. It's up to each states governor.

The hilarious thing is, first we heard the "outrage" from Dims claiming Trump didn't act soon enough to shut the economy down.

Oh we did huh.

-------------- Link?

("what I meant was....") qualifiers in four......... three........ two......)
That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

Very good column. I doubt any of the Rumpbots here read a word of it.

How do you simultaneously claim "Total Authority" and "Zero Responsibility"? Doublethink, that's how.

>> When another reporter asked him to cite what constitutional provisions gave him the power to override governments that remained closed, Trump said, "Numerous provisions," but he didn't name any — because there are none.​
He has no such power because the Constitution was explicitly designed to prevent that kind of absolutism. Indeed, that was whole point behind the separation of powers and federalism. James Madison was rather clear on that point, writing in "The Federalist Papers": "The powers delegated by the proposed Constitution to the federal government are few and defined. Those which are to remain in the State governments are numerous and indefinite." <<​

So it would appear, in Rumpspeak, the number referred to in the word numerous can be, and often is, "zero". Your "best words" dollars at work.
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That was only when a Democrat was President.

Now they think Trump has “total authority” to reopen the economy nationwide (he doesn’t) and ADJOURN congress (definitely doesn’t). You do have to wonder how they delude themselves into justifying such things.

No, we don't. States are Governors responsibility. Just as Federal government issued guidelines, and recommendations to states about corona virus, they will issue guidelines for reopening. Check this tweet.


Authoritarians around the world are grabbing power while Trump cedes his to states, often referring to the federal government as backup. Trump is actually being a president, and you lefties wanted dictator, so you could complain. Now you complaining that he isn't one.

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