Remember when Trump was attacking NATO? Thank your lucky stars he was fired.

The Ukraine has always been far more corrupt and evil than Russia.
It is nothing like a democracy, and has more censorship, imprisonment, assassination, etc., than Russia even.
They already were found guilty of stealing $20 billion worth of oil from Russian pipelines.
They were abusing ethnic Russians in the east.
They tried to get NATO nukes on the Russian border.
They are very unethical.

And Putin is totally innocent.
He was negotiating.
It was the Ukraine that cut off negotiations, effectively a declaration of war.

Fuck off, Russian scum.
Lenin's rhetoric is probably more appropriate for today's terminal stage of capitalism:

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism - Wikipedia

Imperialism, the Highest Stage of Capitalism (1917), by Vladimir Lenin, describes the formation of oligopoly, by the interlacing of bank and industrial capital, in order to create a financial oligarchy and explains the function of financial capital in generating profits from the exploitation colonialism inherent to imperialism, as the final stage of capitalism."

Sound familiar?
Putin has been easy on the invasion. Real attacks are more vicious. All communications would be removed just to start.
Are you so confused that you do not even know that Russia is left wing and not right wing?
Putin and Trump are polar opposites.
Russia is left wing? Bullshit. Russia is about keeping their jackboots on the throat of their people, lining the pockets of Putin & his oligarchs & ensuring that their people are denied the truth about what's going on & has been going on there for years. I guess Fox hasen't reported on Putin ordering thousands of people locked up for protesting? Or hasen't that shitbag Carlson & the rest of those no good lying fucks gotten around to mentioning that yet?
Russia is left wing? Bullshit. Russia is about keeping their jackboots on the throat of their people, lining the pockets of Putin & his oligarchs & ensuring that their people are denied the truth about what's going on & has been going on there for years. I guess Fox hasen't reported on Putin ordering thousands of people locked up for protesting? Or hasen't that shitbag Carlson & the rest of those no good lying fucks gotten around to mentioning that yet?
We need parts of our nation destroyed.
The Ukraine has always been far more corrupt and evil than Russia.
It is nothing like a democracy, and has more censorship, imprisonment, assassination, etc., than Russia even.
They already were found guilty of stealing $20 billion worth of oil from Russian pipelines.
They were abusing ethnic Russians in the east.
They tried to get NATO nukes on the Russian border.
They are very unethical.

And Putin is totally innocent.
He was negotiating.
It was the Ukraine that cut off negotiations, effectively a declaration of war.
How long you been a stooge for Putin?

Putin has been easy on the invasion.

Not true but also not by his choice.,

Video on CNN Shows entire Russian Tank regiment destroyed just outside Kiev in about 30 seconds. God bless those Javelins and the Ukrainian who know how to use them.
fine with stopping doing that. We’d save a ton of money not supporting the defense of numberous nations as well, or giving the aid.

Let them fend for themselves

One Trump loving isolationists to another.

Starting with all of Europe. They can easily defend themselves against Russia, is they wish to, without our help

They can either increase their military spending or live their lives at Putin's mercy.

Either way works for me


let ‘em have Europe this time ehhh Correll

It was the Ukraine that violated treaties and tried to put NATO nukes on Russian's border.

Putin has been easy on the invasion.
Putin would solve the BLM problem if his tanks and bombers make it here.
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One Trump loving isolationists to another.

View attachment 613603

let ‘em have Europe this time ehhh Correll

Putin would solve the BLM problem if his tanks and bombers make it here.
Yep....I still feel the same way. Germany decided to undermine NATO and form and alliance with Russia. They weren't paying their fair share into NATO on top of that, as where most of NATO countries.

This should be a hard lesson, that they should all be paying their fair share, or providing for their total defense....and moreover, not partner with Russia.

Sadly, Germany, like the Dems were played by Putin
ou're a fucking stooge for Putin who is right now committing war crime in Ukraine by slaughtering innocent civilians including children. Putin should be hauled off to The Hauge, tried & hung for what he's doing.
You're siding with Nazis in Ukraine.

"The Azov Battalion has been described as a far-right militia[35] with connections to neo-Nazism, with members wearing neo-Nazi and SS symbols and regalia and expressing neo-Nazi views...."

Azov Battalion - Wikipedia

"Reports published by the Office of the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights (OHCHR) have connected the Azov Battalion to war crimes such as mass looting, unlawful detention, and torture.[83][84]

"An OHCHR report from March 2016 stated that the organisation had 'collected detailed information about the conduct of hostilities by Ukrainian armed forces and the Azov regiment in and around Shyrokyne (31km east of Mariupol), from the summer of 2014 to date.

"Mass looting of civilian homes was documented, as well as targeting of civilian areas between September 2014 and February 2015"

What happened when Ukraine's "Jewish" president told the Nazis to cease their war crimes in Donbass?
Yes we did ratify the 1906 Geneva conventions.
And economic warfare has been illegal since then.

Civilians caught in sanctions crossfire need Geneva Convention protection, says UN expert

GENEVA (8 November 2018) – Sanctions that extend beyond national borders, and which seek to block a country’s trade altogether, amount to economic warfare against civilians, an independent expert appointed by the Human Rights Council says.
"These civilians deserve the same protections provided by the Geneva Conventions to people in war," said Idriss Jazairy, the Special Rapporteur on the effect of sanctions on human rights.
"There is a need for differences between States to be resolved through peaceful means as advocated by the UN Charter, while avoiding exposing innocent civilians to collective punishment. Causing hunger and disease through economic instruments should not be accepted in the 21st century."
Referring to Iran, Jazairy said while US sanctions included humanitarian exemptions, there were reports that aid is on hold as banks, insurance and logistics companies await clarification. It has even been said that the source country of sanctions will block the SWIFT technical mechanism of international interbank financial transfer which may make such exemptions inoperative.
"There can be no justification for not including blanket protections for the importation of food, medicine, and other necessities of life without first requiring lengthy and complex approval processes," the expert said. The International Court of Justice had recently made two preliminary rulings that reiterate the obligation of States to ensure effective humanitarian exemptions while sanctions are in force.
"I am deeply concerned that it is the poor who are bearing the brunt of these actions," Jazairy said, adding that the rial currency had lost more than 70 percent of its value in the past year, and food prices had risen by half. "More people are losing their jobs as the economy suffers," he said.
"While the right of States to disagree with each other should be respected, harming the human rights of ordinary civilians should not be resorted to as a means of political pressure on a targeted Government," he said. "This is illegal under international human rights law."
When an economic blockade is imposed, adequate food, medicines, public health and other humanitarian needs must be ensured, he said. "The Fourth Geneva Convention provides such protections during times of war," Jazairy said. "Under economic sanctions, people also die but from lack of food and medicine, rather than from explosive devices. This form of warfare that relies on starvation and disease deserves the same concern from the international community as any other conflict."
States should adopt a declaration which ends such practices, and protects civilians during economic blockades.

I didn't ask your opinion if we ratified the treaty. Give me a link. And what the fuck did you even copy? This link doesn't have the word "ratify" in it at all.

I googled it and didn't find it. You didn't either, which is why you bombed me with bull shit. But this isn't it. Prove we ratified the treaty. I find it odd that Google couldn't help me now you can't. I want you to SHOW me it was ratified, not just assure me, LOL
Ukraine is a democracy. If there was doubt about Ukrainec - Putin on February 24 made her the most important democracy on e
Ukraine is a kleptocracy right now.

Democracy was overthrown in 2014.

Right wing Ukrainian nationalists have been committing war crimes in Eastern Ukraine as Amnesty International has been reporting for 7 years.


"Armed volunteers who refer to themselves as the Aidar battalion 'have been involved in widespread abuses, including abductions, unlawful detention, ill-treatment, theft, extortion, and possible executions', Amnesty said.

"The organisation has also published a report detailing similar alleged atrocities committed by pro-Russian militants, highlighting the brutality of the conflict which has claimed over 3,000 lives."

Ukrainian Nationalist Volunteers Committing 'ISIS-Style' War Crimes

The violence in Ukraine today would NOT be happening without decades of US instigation inside Ukraine including arming the right-wing white supremacists determined to purge their land of Russian-speaking inferiors.
You haven’t heard what Putin did on February 24? How did you miss it?
I did....sad that it got to that point, but did you somehow not read the rest of my post? I addressed the current events...."
Germany decided to undermine NATO and form and alliance with Russia. They weren't paying their fair share into NATO on top of that, as where most of NATO countries.

This should be a hard lesson, that they should all be paying their fair share, or providing for their total defense....and moreover, not partner with Russia.

Sadly, Germany, like the Dems were played by Putin
That Putin disinformation edifice is dead. Putin blew it to smithereens on February 24 2022. Your purpose in life has perished with it. Say goodbye to your comrade.
Putin's crimes don't change the reality of Nazi crimes in Eastern Ukraine or the help Ukrainian Nazis have received from their American puppet masters:

"Biden shakes hands with Ukrainian fascist leader, Oleh Yaroslavovych Tyahnybok, in Kiev, Ukraine, April 22, 2014..."

MintPress Study: NY Times, Washington Post Driving U.S. to War with Russia Over Ukraine

You can shed all your fake crocodile tears over white-skinned Ukrainian victims of Putin's aggression, but you can't admit it was your country that instigated the Russian war crimes.

Ready for the bad news?

Your country doesn't care how many Ukrainians are maimed, murdered, or displaced as long as their suffering bleeds Russia dry, props up the share prices of oil and defense contractors', and ensures the EU buys its energy from the US instead of Russia.

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