Reparations for Blacks.......Legalize Looting

Immediately following "National Looting Day" all entitlement programs like Affirmative Action would be cancelled.

That's because the alleged debt owed by the U.S. Government for condoning past slavery would be paid in full. ...... :cool:

Here we go again. Then what about those who have benefitted the most from AA, namely white females?
Black man got the vote first, black man got a President first, score even????

America is not even close to being predominiately black, but you would think it is in this forum since the " black bogeyman" is ever present on the the minds of so many here, but it is trending towards being predominately multi racial.

The current POTUS is multi racial. He is just as white as he is black.

America will never be predominantly black. Predominantly white and/or Hispanic, eventually, perhaps.

Obviously I stated that America is not predominately black, only that the inordinate amount of energy that is spent by so many here discussing the black population makes it appear to be so, which is amusing.
When you have an inherent fear of greatness the feelings of inferiority cause you to focus on your source of fear. The main reason most of these cave monkeys spend so much time trying to convince themselves they are better than Black people is obvious. They know they are not worthy of being considered the same species..
Blacks aren't getting reparations. End of story.
white women benefit the most from aa beause they are white or female?

sorry kat steve, you lie
white women benefit the most from aa beause they are white or female?

sorry kat steve, you lie
white women benefit the most from aa beause they are white or female?

sorry kat steve, you lie

Statstics from many sources indicate otherwise. This is only one of many articles.

The Internet is your friend, use it. Your ignorance is not my problem.
Rams players showing support for looters in Ferguson:

Rams players showing support for looters in Ferguson:

Well, I think I'd boycott the NFL, if I ever watched the NFL, which I don't.

It is a sickening display of ignorance though.
They're gonna say they're supporting the protesters, but the whole thing is based on lies and it led to riots and looting. So they should be ashamed of themselves.

But they're not. Skin color is more important than the truth.
Rams players showing support for looters in Ferguson:

Well, I think I'd boycott the NFL, if I ever watched the NFL, which I don't.

It is a sickening display of ignorance though.
They're gonna say they're supporting the protesters, but the whole thing is based on lies and it led to riots and looting. So they should be ashamed of themselves.

But they're not. Skin color is more important than the truth.
Too bad they dont give your opinion much thought. I think they are right on the money and thats what counts.
America needs to settle the issue of reparations for Black people.

My solution would be to have one time "National Looting Day".

Stores across the country, like Target, Walmart, Best Buy, Costco, Sams, etc. would participate in cooperation with both state and local Law enforcement agencies and government.

For 24 hours these businesses would open their doors and all employees would vacate the store. All of the shelves would be fully stocked with brand new items.

Black people would be allowed to enter and loot the stores until the shelves were bare or the 24 hours were up.

Then the federal government would reimburse the stores for all of the looted merchandise and any damage to the property.

And once and for all the reparations issue would finally be settled. ...... :cool:

It appears that the OP is provocateur who ascribes to the Cloward–Piven strategy. Create chaos, everywhere and anytime you can.
To be literal, NO, a national day of looting will not erase "white guilt." No words or deeds will ever stop the inheritors of a legacy that entitles them to "free stuff."
Rams players showing support for looters in Ferguson:

I think you meant protesters. I didnt see any looters with their hands up. Good show of support from the Rams.

Some people will take any opportunity that they can to distort the truth to serve their own perverse desire for conflict.

Rams players showing support for looters in Ferguson:

I think you meant protesters. I didnt see any looters with their hands up. Good show of support from the Rams.

Some people will take any opportunity that they can to distort the truth to serve their own perverse desire for conflict.


Actually they did. Looting and burning this bitch down.

If they had felt something was wrong about Ferguson protesters looting, burning, their mob-mentality, their violence, etc,....they wouldn't have fallen in line with them.
Rams players showing support for looters in Ferguson:

I think you meant protesters. I didnt see any looters with their hands up. Good show of support from the Rams.

Some people will take any opportunity that they can to distort the truth to serve their own perverse desire for conflict.


Actually they did. Looting and burning this bitch down.

If they had felt something was wrong about Ferguson protesters looting, burning, their mob-mentality, their violence, etc,....they wouldn't have fallen in line with them.

You can rationalize your need to generalize, however, there is a difference between "looting" and "protesting".
Rams players showing support for looters in Ferguson:

I think you meant protesters. I didnt see any looters with their hands up. Good show of support from the Rams.

Some people will take any opportunity that they can to distort the truth to serve their own perverse desire for conflict.


Actually they did. Looting and burning this bitch down.

If they had felt something was wrong about Ferguson protesters looting, burning, their mob-mentality, their violence, etc,....they wouldn't have fallen in line with them.

You can rationalize your need to generalize, however, there is a difference between "looting" and "protesting".

No Shit!!!

During a recent interview with a Philadelphia radio station in which he was discussing the Michael Brown case, Charles Barkley lamented that the “media love race stories.”

For anyone who’s paid even the slightest attention to the race-obsessed media, Sir Charles’ observation is spot on. The media love race stories for all the wrong reasons.

When Barkley was asked why blacks refuse to accept the grand jury’s conclusion regarding officer Darren Wilson, he responded that ‘the true story came out from the grand jury testimony,’ adding that he was made aware of ‘key forensic evidence, and several black witnesses that supported Officer Darren Wilson’s story for the first time Monday Night. I can’t believe anything I hear on television anymore. And, that’s why I don’t like talking about race issues with the media anymore, because they (the media) love this stuff, and lead people to jump to conclusions. The media shouldn’t do that. They never do that when black people kill each other.‘”


Not only do the media love to emotionally manipulate stories involving racial issues- being part of the story rather than merely reporting on it, they’re nowhere to be found- say, on an average weekend in Chicago- when blacks are diligently killing one another, which far and away exceeds the number of officer-involved shootings of black suspects.

Barkley continued, arguing caution against condemning police presence in black communities. He said, “[W]e have to be really careful with the cops, because if it wasn’t for the cops we would be living in the Wild, Wild West in our neighborhoods. We can’t pick out certain incidentals that don’t go our way and act like the cops are all bad. Do you know how bad some of these neighborhoods would be without the cops?”

Charles Barkley speaks the truth about Ferguson calls out the media and it 8217 s EPIC
This is just one night of "peaceful protests" in Ferguson:

Residents and business owners around the Ferguson, Mo. area remained vigilant Tuesday evening for displays of the lawlessness that ravaged the city 24 hours earlier.

After round of protests police were able to make 44 arrests as protesters returned to the embattled streets of Ferguson. Other than a cop car being torched and another flipped over, protesters' clashes with law enforcement were small.

Four of the 44 arrested received felony charges for either unlawful use of a weapon or assault of a police officer.

Protesters also began throwing rocks and bottles at police before standing in the road as tactical vehicles inched down the road. The unit dispersed tear gas to quell the vandalism and torching of automobiles.

Protesters were told to stay on the sidewalk and if they enter the streets, they would face unlawful-gathering arrests.

Police said another car was set on fire in front of Michael Brown's memorial. At the same time there were reports of gunfire. It was the only gunfire reports of the night.

Police also seized a molotov cocktail in front of city hall along with bottles filled with water and urine. There were no arsons reported.

Outside police headquarters in Ferguson, one woman was taken into custody after protesters threw what appeared to be smoke bombs, flares and frozen water bottles at a line of officers. Several other protesters were arrested after defying police instructions to get out of the street or out of the way of police vehicles.
Immediately following "National Looting Day" all entitlement programs like Affirmative Action would be cancelled.

That's because the alleged debt owed by the U.S. Government for condoning past slavery would be paid in full. ...... :cool:

Here we go again. Then what about those who have benefitted the most from AA, namely white females?

White females were not the reason AA was instituted.
Immediately following "National Looting Day" all entitlement programs like Affirmative Action would be cancelled.

That's because the alleged debt owed by the U.S. Government for condoning past slavery would be paid in full. ...... :cool:

Here we go again. Then what about those who have benefitted the most from AA, namely white females?

White females were not the reason AA was instituted.

I did not state that, and anyone who has read the initiative and understands it knows that.

It does not change the fact that they have benefitted from it.

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