Replace the ACA with single payer

Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.

Oh dear, someone has lost faith in hope and change.
No, it was a mild recession when he took office, which his regressive policies turned into a Depression.
Yup, only 25% unemployment and 11,000 banks closed- no problem. Will you PLEASE read something, dupe?

What were the immediate challenges facing Franklin Roosevelt in March 1933? | eNotes

Keep it to yourself then, leave the rest of us out of it…
Yeah me and the 20 million left uninsured after ObamaCare's repeal.
one of the reasons that obamacare is failing is because so far the majority of those that signed up are the ones that get subsidies, those that would not get subsidies, and in fact would be paying more to cover those with subsidies, have not signed up in great enough numbers to cover the losses.
obamacare needs to be shut down before it becomes too much of a loss. Those that signed up for it can go and get insurance in the same places the rest of us do, there are no laws that stop them from doing this.
Insurance has always been out there, all people have to do is buy a policy that fits their needs.
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".

Um ... no ... socialism is central economic planning, control over the economy. The military is in no way socialism. Basically you're making it an irrelevant word, it's bull shit
Cons always use a definition in which socialism is where industry is owned or regulated by the community. Today REGULATED is the key word, and socialism is also defined as always democratic, while communism is NEVER democratic. Breaking for cold war dinosaur dupes...
Except its not, because it's defined by Social Ownership, hence the name, which encompasses Government Ownership. The Nordic Nations implement a type of "Democratic" Socialism, but surprise, they don't define the word. You can't find a single source that defines it that way. On the other hand, the Communist Manifesto, and Wikipedia, and all of its sources for the page, follow my definition.

I'm fairly certain Kaz is a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

Communism isn't Democratic, because they have no government, you dense Fopdoodle.
BULLLSHYTTE!!! Forget the communist Manifesto- totally moot. Let's see that wiki definition then. Socialism is always democratic, communism NEVER. Get that through your head and cut the cold war dinosaur bs.
Socialism sucks ass
Read something- You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. When FDR became president, it was the height of the depression, over 3 years since the crash....
No, it was a mild recession when he took office, which his regressive policies turned into a Depression.
Yup, only 25% unemployment and 11,000 banks closed- no problem. Will you PLEASE read something, dupe?

What were the immediate challenges facing Franklin Roosevelt in March 1933? | eNotes

I support single payer.
Keep it to yourself then, leave the rest of us out of it…
Yeah me and the 20 million left uninsured after ObamaCare's repeal.
one of the reasons that obamacare is failing is because so far the majority of those that signed up are the ones that get subsidies, those that would not get subsidies, and in fact would be paying more to cover those with subsidies, have not signed up in great enough numbers to cover the losses.
obamacare needs to be shut down before it becomes too much of a loss. Those that signed up for it can go and get insurance in the same places the rest of us do, there are no laws that stop them from doing this.
Insurance has always been out there, all people have to do is buy a policy that fits their needs.
Well so do you when you say you support our military. You realize that right?
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".

Um ... no ... socialism is central economic planning, control over the economy. The military is in no way socialism. Basically you're making it an irrelevant word, it's bull shit
Cons always use a definition in which socialism is where industry is owned or regulated by the community. Today REGULATED is the key word, and socialism is also defined as always democratic, while communism is NEVER democratic. Breaking for cold war dinosaur dupes...
Except its not, because it's defined by Social Ownership, hence the name, which encompasses Government Ownership. The Nordic Nations implement a type of "Democratic" Socialism, but surprise, they don't define the word. You can't find a single source that defines it that way. On the other hand, the Communist Manifesto, and Wikipedia, and all of its sources for the page, follow my definition.

I'm fairly certain Kaz is a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

Communism isn't Democratic, because they have no government, you dense Fopdoodle.
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

  • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

  • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
Jeebus you're thick. And funny how "realization of communism" always involves violent revolution...
No, it was a mild recession when he took office, which his regressive policies turned into a Depression.
Yup, only 25% unemployment and 11,000 banks closed- no problem. Will you PLEASE read something, dupe?

What were the immediate challenges facing Franklin Roosevelt in March 1933? | eNotes

Keep it to yourself then, leave the rest of us out of it…
Yeah me and the 20 million left uninsured after ObamaCare's repeal.
one of the reasons that obamacare is failing is because so far the majority of those that signed up are the ones that get subsidies, those that would not get subsidies, and in fact would be paying more to cover those with subsidies, have not signed up in great enough numbers to cover the losses.
obamacare needs to be shut down before it becomes too much of a loss. Those that signed up for it can go and get insurance in the same places the rest of us do, there are no laws that stop them from doing this.
Insurance has always been out there, all people have to do is buy a policy that fits their needs.
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".

Um ... no ... socialism is central economic planning, control over the economy. The military is in no way socialism. Basically you're making it an irrelevant word, it's bull shit
Cons always use a definition in which socialism is where industry is owned or regulated by the community. Today REGULATED is the key word, and socialism is also defined as always democratic, while communism is NEVER democratic. Breaking for cold war dinosaur dupes...
Except its not, because it's defined by Social Ownership, hence the name, which encompasses Government Ownership. The Nordic Nations implement a type of "Democratic" Socialism, but surprise, they don't define the word. You can't find a single source that defines it that way. On the other hand, the Communist Manifesto, and Wikipedia, and all of its sources for the page, follow my definition.

I'm fairly certain Kaz is a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

Communism isn't Democratic, because they have no government, you dense Fopdoodle.
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

  • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

  • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
Jeebus you're thick. And funny how "realization of communism" always involves violent revolution...
Replace the ACA with single payer the rest of the civilized world enjoys. Lets not be left out in the cold!!!!

-It would be cheaper

Only rich can afford what the ryans of this world want. That is wrong.

Oh dear, someone has lost faith in hope and change.
Actually, Switzerland and Holland, two other eminently capitalist countries, have systems based on private insurance. It's just that after years, the insurers become non-profits thru regulation.
Yup, only 25% unemployment and 11,000 banks closed- no problem. Will you PLEASE read something, dupe?

What were the immediate challenges facing Franklin Roosevelt in March 1933? | eNotes

Yeah me and the 20 million left uninsured after ObamaCare's repeal.
one of the reasons that obamacare is failing is because so far the majority of those that signed up are the ones that get subsidies, those that would not get subsidies, and in fact would be paying more to cover those with subsidies, have not signed up in great enough numbers to cover the losses.
obamacare needs to be shut down before it becomes too much of a loss. Those that signed up for it can go and get insurance in the same places the rest of us do, there are no laws that stop them from doing this.
Insurance has always been out there, all people have to do is buy a policy that fits their needs.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".

Um ... no ... socialism is central economic planning, control over the economy. The military is in no way socialism. Basically you're making it an irrelevant word, it's bull shit
Cons always use a definition in which socialism is where industry is owned or regulated by the community. Today REGULATED is the key word, and socialism is also defined as always democratic, while communism is NEVER democratic. Breaking for cold war dinosaur dupes...
Except its not, because it's defined by Social Ownership, hence the name, which encompasses Government Ownership. The Nordic Nations implement a type of "Democratic" Socialism, but surprise, they don't define the word. You can't find a single source that defines it that way. On the other hand, the Communist Manifesto, and Wikipedia, and all of its sources for the page, follow my definition.

I'm fairly certain Kaz is a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

Communism isn't Democratic, because they have no government, you dense Fopdoodle.
a political and economic theory of social organization that advocates that the means of production, distribution, and exchange should be owned or regulated by the community as a whole.
synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

  • policy or practice based on the political and economic theory of socialism.
    synonyms: leftism, welfarism; More

  • (in Marxist theory) a transitional social state between the overthrow of capitalism and the realization of communism.
Jeebus you're thick. And funny how "realization of communism" always involves violent revolution...
Feq Lenin, ya dirty commie. Absolute RW idiocy at this point. (Democratic) sociallism has never morphed into communism, and never will,
one of the reasons that obamacare is failing is because so far the majority of those that signed up are the ones that get subsidies, those that would not get subsidies, and in fact would be paying more to cover those with subsidies, have not signed up in great enough numbers to cover the losses.
obamacare needs to be shut down before it becomes too much of a loss. Those that signed up for it can go and get insurance in the same places the rest of us do, there are no laws that stop them from doing this.
Insurance has always been out there, all people have to do is buy a policy that fits their needs.
Um ... no ... socialism is central economic planning, control over the economy. The military is in no way socialism. Basically you're making it an irrelevant word, it's bull shit
Cons always use a definition in which socialism is where industry is owned or regulated by the community. Today REGULATED is the key word, and socialism is also defined as always democratic, while communism is NEVER democratic. Breaking for cold war dinosaur dupes...
Except its not, because it's defined by Social Ownership, hence the name, which encompasses Government Ownership. The Nordic Nations implement a type of "Democratic" Socialism, but surprise, they don't define the word. You can't find a single source that defines it that way. On the other hand, the Communist Manifesto, and Wikipedia, and all of its sources for the page, follow my definition.

I'm fairly certain Kaz is a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

Communism isn't Democratic, because they have no government, you dense Fopdoodle.

I have him on ignore because he said he screwed my mother and when I was like, what?, he said he screwed my sister. So I don't see his posts unless someone quotes him, he knows that and why. He still follows me around like a puppy dog anyway. Just FYI.

It does crack me up with liberals how they say conservatives are black and white and not intelligent like they are, then they're like duh, dar, drool, you're a conservative. Sure, I'm fiscally conservative, but I oppose being in the Middle East and the wars other than retaliating against the Taliban and al Qaeda for 9/11. I oppose nation building in Afghanistan. I'm also against all laws against drugs, gambling, prostitution, euthanasia, gay sex and other morality laws. I'd slash the military 1/3 to 1/2 and close all overseas bases and make our military defensive focused. Still, Democrats are duh, dar, drool, Republican. Sure.

While the self described "intelligent" liberals can't grasp anything other than Republican, Republicans seem to overwhelmingly grasp that I'm not Republican or Democrat. My theory is Republicans are smarter than Democrats. All empirical data seems to back that up
That sounds like such a mature and reasonable response.[/Sarcasm]
Liberals typically spew Flame Zone material, so I'm not the least bit surprised.

I agree, people should be allowed to do whatever they like, so long as they aren't infringing on the rights of others. I, personally, can't see why some of that stuff bothers people to an extent that they'd want to stop it altogether.

Well, at this point, it's common knowledge that whatever a Liberal says, the opposite is true~

Well put. Democrats only have DNC talking points. When I'm not a Democrat, I have to be a Republican, they can't think through their talking points and adapt them to what I actually think, so I have to be a Republican or they're stranded.

It's not just on the board. Liberals who know me and know I'm a libertarian will fall back into talking points that I'm a neocon, I support Iraq, I voted for W, I'm pro-life and on and on. When they do that and I'm like WTF? You know that isn't true. They either go with you know you really are or oops, but oops doesn't mean they won't do it again five minutes later
You dupes have absolutely no idea what Dems think...dupe skull is the thickest substance known to science- which you deny. lol. FACT
No, it was a mild recession when he took office, which his regressive policies turned into a Depression.
Yup, only 25% unemployment and 11,000 banks closed- no problem. Will you PLEASE read something, dupe?

What were the immediate challenges facing Franklin Roosevelt in March 1933? | eNotes

Keep it to yourself then, leave the rest of us out of it…
Yeah me and the 20 million left uninsured after ObamaCare's repeal.
one of the reasons that obamacare is failing is because so far the majority of those that signed up are the ones that get subsidies, those that would not get subsidies, and in fact would be paying more to cover those with subsidies, have not signed up in great enough numbers to cover the losses.
obamacare needs to be shut down before it becomes too much of a loss. Those that signed up for it can go and get insurance in the same places the rest of us do, there are no laws that stop them from doing this.
Insurance has always been out there, all people have to do is buy a policy that fits their needs.
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".

Um ... no ... socialism is central economic planning, control over the economy. The military is in no way socialism. Basically you're making it an irrelevant word, it's bull shit
Cons always use a definition in which socialism is where industry is owned or regulated by the community. Today REGULATED is the key word, and socialism is also defined as always democratic, while communism is NEVER democratic. Breaking for cold war dinosaur dupes...
Except its not, because it's defined by Social Ownership, hence the name, which encompasses Government Ownership. The Nordic Nations implement a type of "Democratic" Socialism, but surprise, they don't define the word. You can't find a single source that defines it that way. On the other hand, the Communist Manifesto, and Wikipedia, and all of its sources for the page, follow my definition.

I'm fairly certain Kaz is a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

Communism isn't Democratic, because they have no government, you dense Fopdoodle.

I have him on ignore because he said he screwed my mother and when I was like, what?, he said he screwed my sister. So I don't see his posts unless someone quotes him, he knows that and why. He still follows me around like a puppy dog anyway. Just FYI.

It does crack me up with liberals how they say conservatives are black and white and not intelligent like they are, then they're like duh, dar, drool, you're a conservative. Sure, I'm fiscally conservative, but I oppose being in the Middle East and the wars other than retaliating against the Taliban and al Qaeda for 9/11. I oppose nation building in Afghanistan. I'm also against all laws against drugs, gambling, prostitution, euthanasia, gay sex and other morality laws. I'd slash the military 1/3 to 1/2 and close all overseas bases and make our military defensive focused. Still, Democrats are duh, dar, drool, Republican. Sure.

While the self described "intelligent" liberals can't grasp anything other than Republican, Republicans seem to overwhelmingly grasp that I'm not Republican or Democrat. My theory is Republicans are smarter than Democrats. All empirical data seems to back that up
I never said that, you idiot. I said I knew a girl in Paris from Kalamazoo in the 70's, and made a silly joke. As a hater went nuts and got me banned..
Cons always use a definition in which socialism is where industry is owned or regulated by the community. Today REGULATED is the key word, and socialism is also defined as always democratic, while communism is NEVER democratic. Breaking for cold war dinosaur dupes...
Except its not, because it's defined by Social Ownership, hence the name, which encompasses Government Ownership. The Nordic Nations implement a type of "Democratic" Socialism, but surprise, they don't define the word. You can't find a single source that defines it that way. On the other hand, the Communist Manifesto, and Wikipedia, and all of its sources for the page, follow my definition.

I'm fairly certain Kaz is a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

Communism isn't Democratic, because they have no government, you dense Fopdoodle.

I have him on ignore because he said he screwed my mother and when I was like, what?, he said he screwed my sister. So I don't see his posts unless someone quotes him, he knows that and why. He still follows me around like a puppy dog anyway. Just FYI.

It does crack me up with liberals how they say conservatives are black and white and not intelligent like they are, then they're like duh, dar, drool, you're a conservative. Sure, I'm fiscally conservative, but I oppose being in the Middle East and the wars other than retaliating against the Taliban and al Qaeda for 9/11. I oppose nation building in Afghanistan. I'm also against all laws against drugs, gambling, prostitution, euthanasia, gay sex and other morality laws. I'd slash the military 1/3 to 1/2 and close all overseas bases and make our military defensive focused. Still, Democrats are duh, dar, drool, Republican. Sure.

While the self described "intelligent" liberals can't grasp anything other than Republican, Republicans seem to overwhelmingly grasp that I'm not Republican or Democrat. My theory is Republicans are smarter than Democrats. All empirical data seems to back that up
That sounds like such a mature and reasonable response.[/Sarcasm]
Liberals typically spew Flame Zone material, so I'm not the least bit surprised.

I agree, people should be allowed to do whatever they like, so long as they aren't infringing on the rights of others. I, personally, can't see why some of that stuff bothers people to an extent that they'd want to stop it altogether.

Well, at this point, it's common knowledge that whatever a Liberal says, the opposite is true~

Well put. Democrats only have DNC talking points. When I'm not a Democrat, I have to be a Republican, they can't think through their talking points and adapt them to what I actually think, so I have to be a Republican or they're stranded.

It's not just on the board. Liberals who know me and know I'm a libertarian will fall back into talking points that I'm a neocon, I support Iraq, I voted for W, I'm pro-life and on and on. When they do that and I'm like WTF? You know that isn't true. They either go with you know you really are or oops, but oops doesn't mean they won't do it again five minutes later
You dupes have absolutely no idea what Dems think...dupe skull is the thickest substance known to science- which you deny. lol. FACT
So basically you are saying that even though low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs, these poor people don't deserve healthcare?

I said that they shouldn't purchase health insurance. Don't put words in my mouth.
Except its not, because it's defined by Social Ownership, hence the name, which encompasses Government Ownership. The Nordic Nations implement a type of "Democratic" Socialism, but surprise, they don't define the word. You can't find a single source that defines it that way. On the other hand, the Communist Manifesto, and Wikipedia, and all of its sources for the page, follow my definition.

I'm fairly certain Kaz is a Libertarian, not a Conservative.

Communism isn't Democratic, because they have no government, you dense Fopdoodle.

I have him on ignore because he said he screwed my mother and when I was like, what?, he said he screwed my sister. So I don't see his posts unless someone quotes him, he knows that and why. He still follows me around like a puppy dog anyway. Just FYI.

It does crack me up with liberals how they say conservatives are black and white and not intelligent like they are, then they're like duh, dar, drool, you're a conservative. Sure, I'm fiscally conservative, but I oppose being in the Middle East and the wars other than retaliating against the Taliban and al Qaeda for 9/11. I oppose nation building in Afghanistan. I'm also against all laws against drugs, gambling, prostitution, euthanasia, gay sex and other morality laws. I'd slash the military 1/3 to 1/2 and close all overseas bases and make our military defensive focused. Still, Democrats are duh, dar, drool, Republican. Sure.

While the self described "intelligent" liberals can't grasp anything other than Republican, Republicans seem to overwhelmingly grasp that I'm not Republican or Democrat. My theory is Republicans are smarter than Democrats. All empirical data seems to back that up
That sounds like such a mature and reasonable response.[/Sarcasm]
Liberals typically spew Flame Zone material, so I'm not the least bit surprised.

I agree, people should be allowed to do whatever they like, so long as they aren't infringing on the rights of others. I, personally, can't see why some of that stuff bothers people to an extent that they'd want to stop it altogether.

Well, at this point, it's common knowledge that whatever a Liberal says, the opposite is true~

Well put. Democrats only have DNC talking points. When I'm not a Democrat, I have to be a Republican, they can't think through their talking points and adapt them to what I actually think, so I have to be a Republican or they're stranded.

It's not just on the board. Liberals who know me and know I'm a libertarian will fall back into talking points that I'm a neocon, I support Iraq, I voted for W, I'm pro-life and on and on. When they do that and I'm like WTF? You know that isn't true. They either go with you know you really are or oops, but oops doesn't mean they won't do it again five minutes later
You dupes have absolutely no idea what Dems think...dupe skull is the thickest substance known to science- which you deny. lol. FACT
That's communism and moot, dupe.
So basically you are saying that even though low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs, these poor people don't deserve healthcare?

I said that they shouldn't purchase health insurance. Don't put words in my mouth.
If they do have any means to get it, the government should pay for it. And yeah, as in tax payers should pay for it.
If they do have any means to get it, the government should pay for it. And yeah, as in tax payers should pay for it.

You are arguing from a sense of entitlement. That will get you nowhere.

Instead of using violence and intimidation to achieve your objectives, you could stop acting like a dickhole and pursue change peacefully and voluntarily. Is there no end to your people's savagery?
I think we need to distinguish between social safety nets and socializing a concern generally. And we need to be clear about what a given policy is trying to achieve. ACA always seemed, to me, like a giant bait and switch. Most people wanted government to do something about inflated health care prices. Or perhaps provide a fallback for people who couldn't afford health care. But this was twisted into an effort to herd everyone into the corporate insurance pens. It became all about insurance, instead of focusing on a health care market so out of control that most people couldn't afford health care.
One thing about ill informed, ignorant LWNJ's....they never give up on their fantasy of a progressive utopia where everything is FREE!!!!

I think we need to distinguish between social safety nets and socializing a concern generally. And we need to be clear about what a given policy is trying to achieve. ACA always seemed, to me, like a giant bait and switch. Most people wanted government to do something about inflated health care prices. Or perhaps provide a fallback for people who couldn't afford health care. But this was twisted into an effort to herd everyone into the corporate insurance pens. It became all about insurance, instead of focusing on a health care market so out of control that most people couldn't afford health care.
There are a lot of aspects that go together with having good health. Insurance and capitalism isn't going to solve this issue. It will only make it worse. We have hypocrites in both parties from the bottom to the top using and abusing the political process for their own personal gain and agendas.

If you have a person that has a bad heart, diabetes and other issues that feels like its okay to keep eating shit and getting shots and pills to counteract their own personal bad habits; what incentive is there for them to take a little personal responsibility in their health if others are paying for the majority of that eighteen hundred a month for their meds?

If the company that sells the products that treat these diseases can have a sister company that sells enzymes and products that cause the diseases; how can that be justified to allow them to continue putting crap into the markets?

If Wall Street makes a profit on these transactions either way want difference does it make to them?
If they do have any means to get it, the government should pay for it. And yeah, as in tax payers should pay for it.

You are arguing from a sense of entitlement. That will get you nowhere.

Instead of using violence and intimidation to achieve your objectives, you could stop acting like a dickhole and pursue change peacefully and voluntarily. Is there no end to your people's savagery?
Lol what are you even talking about? I have no idea what your point is supposed to be. I said nothing about violence.
If they do have any means to get it, the government should pay for it. And yeah, as in tax payers should pay for it.

You are arguing from a sense of entitlement. That will get you nowhere.

Instead of using violence and intimidation to achieve your objectives, you could stop acting like a dickhole and pursue change peacefully and voluntarily. Is there no end to your people's savagery?
Lol what are you even talking about? I have no idea what your point is supposed to be. I said nothing about violence.

Taxation is coerced.
So basically you are saying that even though low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs, these poor people don't deserve healthcare?

I said that they shouldn't purchase health insurance. Don't put words in my mouth.
If they do have any means to get it, the government should pay for it. And yeah, as in tax payers should pay for it.

Right, and tell us how well that's worked in Greece, Venezuela, China, Cuba, and Soviet Russia?

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