Replace the ACA with single payer

Poor people can't afford health insurance.because their wages are too low.

Maybe they shouldn't have it then. The vast majority spend more on insurance than they receive in healthcare. That's the whole scheme that allows it to function.

Most healthcare institutions have fixed costs, so you should work towards driving down their expenditure instead of making health insurance affordable. Eliminate the middleman.

You can be poor and work 40 hours a week.

Of course you can. Why couldn't you?

You are too dumb/immature to admit that.

Admit what? You need tips on how to stay on narrative.
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I just confirmed with my mother, they paid "Roughly 95%", the company was Aetna. The only things they didn't cover amounted to a few thousand, but they did cover surgeries amounting to millions of dollars, like open heart surgery. My youngest brothers, who are twins, were "Million dollar babies".

So your pre Obamacare plan was over $1000. Not $150.
Prove it. Post proof that you know my family's bill better than me. Do it.

My family paid $150 per month. You will either prove your statement or you'll go back to the Flame Zone where brain dead Liberals belong.
Yes, it is a success. The recession was a result of the government being allowed to run amok and expand its powers far beyond what they should be, much like the Great Depression.

Another competing business having lower costs and a better product stealing all of their customers? What we had before ACA was not only better, but wasn't actual capitalism due to government regulations. Competition beyond state lines would have been an unregulated capitalist healthcare system, and would have results in people getting the lowest cost and best product, because that's how capitalism works.

Even if costs were rising before ACA, ACA caused them to rise significantly faster, and has given us a far, far worse product.
Both the depressions happened after 8 years of GOP in power and deregulated insanity and greed, ignorant dupe. "a result of the government being allowed to run amok and expand its powers far beyond what they should be" ? WTH are you talking about? LOL
Actually, the Great Depression was caused by FDR, who re-implemented a lot of Woodrow Wilson's failed policies. He turned a mild recession into a Great Depression by attacking businesses with the full force unconstitutional powers the president should never have had. Including but not limited to compulsory unionism, locking prices high, minimum wage laws, and basically taking full control of private industry with the NIRA. His policies drastically increased the cost of hiring employees and the cost of goods and services, which actually promoted monopolizing businesses.
Read something- You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. When FDR became president, it was the height of the depression, over 3 years since the crash....
No, it was a mild recession when he took office, which his regressive policies turned into a Depression.
Yup, only 25% unemployment and 11,000 banks closed- no problem. Will you PLEASE read something, dupe?

What were the immediate challenges facing Franklin Roosevelt in March 1933? | eNotes

The policies you support tell a different story.
Okay like what?
This one, for example~
I support single payer.
Keep it to yourself then, leave the rest of us out of it…
Yeah me and the 20 million left uninsured after ObamaCare's repeal.
one of the reasons that obamacare is failing is because so far the majority of those that signed up are the ones that get subsidies, those that would not get subsidies, and in fact would be paying more to cover those with subsidies, have not signed up in great enough numbers to cover the losses.
obamacare needs to be shut down before it becomes too much of a loss. Those that signed up for it can go and get insurance in the same places the rest of us do, there are no laws that stop them from doing this.
Insurance has always been out there, all people have to do is buy a policy that fits their needs.
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Poor people can't afford health insurance.because their wages are too low.

Maybe they shouldn't have it then. The vast majority spend more on insurance than they receive in healthcare. That's the whole scheme that allows it to function.

Most healthcare institutions have fixed costs, so you should work towards driving down their expenditure instead of making health insurance affordable. Eliminate the middleman.

You can be poor and work 40 hours a week.

Of course you can. Why couldn't you?

You are too dumb/immature to admit that.

Admit what? You need tips on how to stay on narrative.
So basically you are saying that even though low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs, these poor people don't deserve healthcare? Poverty is inevitable in this country no matter how hard people try to better their lives. Our child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world. Don't you think a lot of those people are going to be poor no matter what they do? Only so many people fit into the middle class.
Some contributors here seem to have the idea that people are more important than money!
I just confirmed with my mother, they paid "Roughly 95%", the company was Aetna. The only things they didn't cover amounted to a few thousand, but they did cover surgeries amounting to millions of dollars, like open heart surgery. My youngest brothers, who are twins, were "Million dollar babies".

So your pre Obamacare plan was over $1000. Not $150.
Prove it. Post proof that you know my family's bill better than me. Do it.

My family paid $150 per month. You will either prove your statement or you'll go back to the Flame Zone where brain dead Liberals belong.
Yes, it is a success. The recession was a result of the government being allowed to run amok and expand its powers far beyond what they should be, much like the Great Depression.

Another competing business having lower costs and a better product stealing all of their customers? What we had before ACA was not only better, but wasn't actual capitalism due to government regulations. Competition beyond state lines would have been an unregulated capitalist healthcare system, and would have results in people getting the lowest cost and best product, because that's how capitalism works.

Even if costs were rising before ACA, ACA caused them to rise significantly faster, and has given us a far, far worse product.
Both the depressions happened after 8 years of GOP in power and deregulated insanity and greed, ignorant dupe. "a result of the government being allowed to run amok and expand its powers far beyond what they should be" ? WTH are you talking about? LOL
Actually, the Great Depression was caused by FDR, who re-implemented a lot of Woodrow Wilson's failed policies. He turned a mild recession into a Great Depression by attacking businesses with the full force unconstitutional powers the president should never have had. Including but not limited to compulsory unionism, locking prices high, minimum wage laws, and basically taking full control of private industry with the NIRA. His policies drastically increased the cost of hiring employees and the cost of goods and services, which actually promoted monopolizing businesses.
Read something- You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. When FDR became president, it was the height of the depression, over 3 years since the crash....
No, it was a mild recession when he took office, which his regressive policies turned into a Depression.
Lol that is complete bullshit. The Great Recession began 4 months before Bush left office and we were losing 500,000 jobs per month on average. After the stimulus was passed, the recession ended in June of 09. NONE of Obama'a policies made it worse. Hell there wasn't even time to make it worse. It's not like you can point to any policy of his that did.
First, I was talking about FDR and the Great Depression. Second, Obama made things worse when he passed the ACA, which taxes businesses per-employee. Either pay attention to the topic or keep to yourself.
If you have no money, nothing is affordable. By your logic, everything should be 'free', which is Socialism, which was implemented by the USSR, which destroyed their Nation for 90 years and caused their economy to collapse. If you want everything affordable for those who have no money, move to Venezuela. People who can't make it on their own due to lack of motivation and laziness don't deserve to have things paid for by others for them, and therefor don't NEED to be able to afford anything. You Liberals keep complaining that we're the only Nation that doesn't do this, that, or the other thing. Great, if you don't like an equal opportunity Nation where you have to take care of yourself, move somewhere else. We don't need nor want you here. Move to Cuba. Move to Venezuela. Move to a Socialist paradise where all of your policies have already destroyed their economy instead of destroying ours.
No, I don't think everything should be "free". I know you cons struggle with nuance, but no political issue is black or white.
The policies you support tell a different story.
Okay like what?
This one, for example~
I support single payer.
You support Socialism. You only proved my point.
So your pre Obamacare plan was over $1000. Not $150.
Prove it. Post proof that you know my family's bill better than me. Do it.

My family paid $150 per month. You will either prove your statement or you'll go back to the Flame Zone where brain dead Liberals belong.
Both the depressions happened after 8 years of GOP in power and deregulated insanity and greed, ignorant dupe. "a result of the government being allowed to run amok and expand its powers far beyond what they should be" ? WTH are you talking about? LOL
Actually, the Great Depression was caused by FDR, who re-implemented a lot of Woodrow Wilson's failed policies. He turned a mild recession into a Great Depression by attacking businesses with the full force unconstitutional powers the president should never have had. Including but not limited to compulsory unionism, locking prices high, minimum wage laws, and basically taking full control of private industry with the NIRA. His policies drastically increased the cost of hiring employees and the cost of goods and services, which actually promoted monopolizing businesses.
Read something- You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. When FDR became president, it was the height of the depression, over 3 years since the crash....
No, it was a mild recession when he took office, which his regressive policies turned into a Depression.
Lol that is complete bullshit. The Great Recession began 4 months before Bush left office and we were losing 500,000 jobs per month on average. After the stimulus was passed, the recession ended in June of 09. NONE of Obama'a policies made it worse. Hell there wasn't even time to make it worse. It's not like you can point to any policy of his that did.
First, I was talking about FDR and the Great Depression. Second, Obama made things worse when he passed the ACA, which taxes businesses per-employee. Either pay attention to the topic or keep to yourself.
Okay my mistake I didn't read your proceeding post.
I just confirmed with my mother, they paid "Roughly 95%", the company was Aetna. The only things they didn't cover amounted to a few thousand, but they did cover surgeries amounting to millions of dollars, like open heart surgery. My youngest brothers, who are twins, were "Million dollar babies".

So your pre Obamacare plan was over $1000. Not $150.
Prove it. Post proof that you know my family's bill better than me. Do it.

My family paid $150 per month. You will either prove your statement or you'll go back to the Flame Zone where brain dead Liberals belong.

You paid $150, but that's not the COST of the plan. The employer through in another $1000.

But you come here and blame the ACA when premiums were already too high for an average family .
I still see no evidence to back up your claim... you also misspelled the word "threw".

No evidence !? I'm just quoting the shit you said !!!
And at what point did I say the employer paid another $1000? You're basing that on no evidence, and you're backing it up with nothing.
I just confirmed with my mother, they paid "Roughly 95%", the company was Aetna. The only things they didn't cover amounted to a few thousand, but they did cover surgeries amounting to millions of dollars, like open heart surgery. My youngest brothers, who are twins, were "Million dollar babies".

So your pre Obamacare plan was over $1000. Not $150.
Prove it. Post proof that you know my family's bill better than me. Do it.

My family paid $150 per month. You will either prove your statement or you'll go back to the Flame Zone where brain dead Liberals belong.
Yes, it is a success. The recession was a result of the government being allowed to run amok and expand its powers far beyond what they should be, much like the Great Depression.

Another competing business having lower costs and a better product stealing all of their customers? What we had before ACA was not only better, but wasn't actual capitalism due to government regulations. Competition beyond state lines would have been an unregulated capitalist healthcare system, and would have results in people getting the lowest cost and best product, because that's how capitalism works.

Even if costs were rising before ACA, ACA caused them to rise significantly faster, and has given us a far, far worse product.
Both the depressions happened after 8 years of GOP in power and deregulated insanity and greed, ignorant dupe. "a result of the government being allowed to run amok and expand its powers far beyond what they should be" ? WTH are you talking about? LOL
Actually, the Great Depression was caused by FDR, who re-implemented a lot of Woodrow Wilson's failed policies. He turned a mild recession into a Great Depression by attacking businesses with the full force unconstitutional powers the president should never have had. Including but not limited to compulsory unionism, locking prices high, minimum wage laws, and basically taking full control of private industry with the NIRA. His policies drastically increased the cost of hiring employees and the cost of goods and services, which actually promoted monopolizing businesses.
Read something- You're out of your tiny brainwashed mind. When FDR became president, it was the height of the depression, over 3 years since the crash....
No, it was a mild recession when he took office, which his regressive policies turned into a Depression.
Yup, only 25% unemployment and 11,000 banks closed- no problem. Will you PLEASE read something, dupe?

What were the immediate challenges facing Franklin Roosevelt in March 1933? | eNotes
Sounds like he implemented economy-destroying policies immediately. Read "How FDR's New Deal prolonged the Great Depression". If you try really hard, you may learn something. Knowing you, I wouldn't count on it, but hey, I tried.
No, I don't think everything should be "free". I know you cons struggle with nuance, but no political issue is black or white.
The policies you support tell a different story.
Okay like what?
This one, for example~
I support single payer.
You support Socialism. You only proved my point.
Well so do you when you say you support our military. You realize that right?
The policies you support tell a different story.
Okay like what?
This one, for example~
I support single payer.
You support Socialism. You only proved my point.
Well so do you when you say you support our military. You realize that right?
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Why not? Seriously, Canada, Uk, Germany, France, and on down the list have it. It is a proven system and it works. I seriously believe that our healthcare system shouldn't be about jacking up the price just because you're sick. That is wrong.

Right and let's use the euro instead of the dollar and ride bikes and trains to work instead of cars....and have brown teeth from drinking tea and watch muslims march down our streets demanding sharia law, and live in flats instead of apartments and no guns, not even for the coppers, oh and let's have a QUEEN (Hillary?) and only work 4 hours a day, three days a week and drink warm beer.....mmmmm....
Okay like what?
This one, for example~
I support single payer.
You support Socialism. You only proved my point.
Well so do you when you say you support our military. You realize that right?
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".
This one, for example~
I support single payer.
You support Socialism. You only proved my point.
Well so do you when you say you support our military. You realize that right?
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".
You clearly have no idea what Socialism is. Social ownership is encompassing public ownership, employee ownership, cooperative ownership, citizen ownership of equity, and common ownership, meaning that if the government owns it, it falls under the definition. Example; USSR. I'd also like to point out that I said "Social Ownership", not "Government ownership". You need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

No, "any government program" is NOT Socialism, you just have no idea what Socialism is. You seriously need to read the Communist Manifesto, or just understand any topic you choose to talk about in general, people would probably take you a tiny bit more seriously if you weren't completely ignorant of everything regarding politics in general. In order for something to fit the definition of Socialist policy, it has to include Social ownership of private industry or Equity. Literally that's the definition. That means that by definition it excludes infrastructure, and "any government program" not using those aforementioned components is not Socialist.
I support single payer.
You support Socialism. You only proved my point.
Well so do you when you say you support our military. You realize that right?
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".
You clearly have no idea what Socialism is. Social ownership is encompassing public ownership, employee ownership, cooperative ownership, citizen ownership of equity, and common ownership, meaning that if the government owns it, it falls under the definition. Example; USSR. I'd also like to point out that I said "Social Ownership", not "Government ownership". You need to work on your reading comprehension skills.

No, "any government program" is NOT Socialism, you just have no idea what Socialism is. You seriously need to read the Communist Manifesto, or just understand any topic you choose to talk about in general, people would probably take you a tiny bit more seriously if you weren't completely ignorant of everything regarding politics in general. In order for something to fit the definition of Socialist policy, it has to include Social ownership of private industry or Equity. Literally that's the definition. That means that by definition it excludes infrastructure, and "any government program" not using those aforementioned components is not Socialist.
Look, it's a pretty broad term, but its basic definition has nothing to do with communism. Socialism refers to a program that is owned by citizens. Anything citizens pay for belongs to them. Sure this gets corrupted in some systems, but that doesn't change the actual definition of the word. The military is paid for with tax revenue. It's funded by society. That is socialism.
Poor people can't afford health insurance.because their wages are too low.

Maybe they shouldn't have it then. The vast majority spend more on insurance than they receive in healthcare. That's the whole scheme that allows it to function.

Most healthcare institutions have fixed costs, so you should work towards driving down their expenditure instead of making health insurance affordable. Eliminate the middleman.

You can be poor and work 40 hours a week.

Of course you can. Why couldn't you?

You are too dumb/immature to admit that.

Admit what? You need tips on how to stay on narrative.
So basically you are saying that even though low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs, these poor people don't deserve healthcare? Poverty is inevitable in this country no matter how hard people try to better their lives. Our child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world. Don't you think a lot of those people are going to be poor no matter what they do? Only so many people fit into the middle class.
I might actually consider thinking that you and the rest of the liberals gave a crap about the child poverty rate in this country, but you dont. You prove it every day.
You all want us to keep allowing these poor and mostly uneducated illegals to flood our country, you dont want to send them back. According to those even on this forum, the illegals add nothing to the cost of welfare because they are not eligible to receive it with being illegal and all. So you people are inviting others to come here and live in poverty in great numbers.
Do you want to see our child poverty rate reduce by at least 50% or better in just a few months? secure the border and deport all illegals. With them will go much of the childhood poverty you pretend to be concerned with. With them will also go a large number of those uninsured that we are having a problem with.
Until you are willing to start fixing the border issues and you are willing to start sending these poverty level illegals back, dont even try to cry about our need to do a damn thing because of child poverty rates. The reality is that you need those people to come over here and live in poverty, it helps you push your social agenda, the truth is you need to have those illegals come over here and watch their children die so you can push the obamacare on everyone. The truth is, you are using them and need them to be here, to be poor and to die.
Dont even think for a moment that anyone takes your concern for real.
Yeah me and the 20 million left uninsured after ObamaCare's repeal.

You were insured at other people's expense. That is the problem.
Uh, no actually. I am insured through my employer and I never have enrolled in ObamaCare.

Poor people can't afford health insurance.because their wages are too low. You can be poor and work 40 hours a week. That's the reality of today's America. You are too dumb/immature to admit that.
And the nanny state helps America how?
Poor people can't afford health insurance.because their wages are too low.

Maybe they shouldn't have it then. The vast majority spend more on insurance than they receive in healthcare. That's the whole scheme that allows it to function.

Most healthcare institutions have fixed costs, so you should work towards driving down their expenditure instead of making health insurance affordable. Eliminate the middleman.

You can be poor and work 40 hours a week.

Of course you can. Why couldn't you?

You are too dumb/immature to admit that.

Admit what? You need tips on how to stay on narrative.
So basically you are saying that even though low wage jobs greatly outnumber higher wage jobs, these poor people don't deserve healthcare? Poverty is inevitable in this country no matter how hard people try to better their lives. Our child poverty rate is the worst in the developed world. Don't you think a lot of those people are going to be poor no matter what they do? Only so many people fit into the middle class.
Again, the nanny state helps America how?
This one, for example~
I support single payer.
You support Socialism. You only proved my point.
Well so do you when you say you support our military. You realize that right?
Socialism is Social Control of the private industry. Military is infrastructure, you ignorant Fopdoodle.
Um no. You have no idea what it means. If you did, then this interpretation of yours would make you like the term. Socialism refers to the people's ownership - not those exclusively in government. Meaning, anything paid for with tax revenue belongs to citizens. That means any government program is an example of socialism including the military. The key word is "social" as in "people". "Social" doesn't mean "government".

You can redefine words all day long, but it doesn't change the underlying debate.

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