Report: 15 Gazans including children killed in Israeli attacks last month

Every "attack" was in response to an attack by Hamas. You may want to check your facts, you see a Country is legally allowed to retaliate when attacked.
Only when you're in your own country. You cannot claim self-defense, when you are an "occupational force". And you cannot target civilian infrastructure, or people who take no part in hostilities.

BTW, there is no evidence of the Palestinian's using human shields, but there is 4 documented cases of the IDF using Palestinian's as shields.

You may want to brush up on facts dumb ass. Every time Hamas attacks Israel they have the right to respond. And every one of those attacks is launched from roof tops and from school yards.

Israel does not Occupy Palestine. But if they did? It would not be illegal since Palestine is not a sovereign Nation or territory.

As for shields? Hamas once strapped a mentally handicapped teenager with a bomb and sent him to an Israeli check point. Rather then kill the kid the Israelis defused the bomb and sent the kid home.

Terror attacks are all Hamas does. They fire indiscriminately into civilian cities and towns. I notice you never complain about that. You are SCUM.
You may want to brush up on facts dumb ass. Every time Hamas attacks Israel they have the right to respond. And every one of those attacks is launched from roof tops and from school yards.
Prove it!

Israel does not Occupy Palestine. But if they did? It would not be illegal since Palestine is not a sovereign Nation or territory.
They don't occupy Palestine? Why do you think they refer to this area as the "occupied territories"? You think they put names in a hat and that's the one they pulled out? You think the UN would issue over 200 resolutions calling for an end to an occupation that didn't exist? And to think, you called me dumb ass! Saying there's no occupation after 45 years of the entire world referring to it as such, is about as stupid a statement as one can make.

As for shields? Hamas once strapped a mentally handicapped teenager with a bomb and sent him to an Israeli check point. Rather then kill the kid the Israelis defused the bomb and sent the kid home.
No one is saying Hamas hasn't committed war crimes, what I'm saying, is the Israeli's have committed far more.

Terror attacks are all Hamas does. They fire indiscriminately into civilian cities and towns. I notice you never complain about that. You are SCUM.
So when Hamas makes street improvements by putting light poles along a Gaza road, it's okay for the IDF to come in later and shoot out the lamps at the top, because those light standards were an attack against Israeli citizens? I mean, you said that's all they do, so street improvements have to be considered a terrorist attack.
You should check your sources regarding Gaza being occupied by Israel.

Would you describe provocation by pal/Arab terrorists as self defense?
They control 80% of everything that goes in and out of Gaza.

That's an occupation.
Every "attack" was in response to an attack by Hamas. You may want to check your facts, you see a Country is legally allowed to retaliate when attacked.

You want Gazans to stop dying? Tell Hamas to stop using them as shields, to stop firing missiles rockets and mortars from the roofs of their apartment buildings. Pretty simple concept.

Tell us? If Canada were lobbing rockets and missiles into the US would you support Canada or the US?

Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. The Israeli blockade of Gaza is an act of war. The Palestinians are responding to that aggression.

Tell us? If Canada were lobbing rockets and missiles into the US would you support Canada or the US?

If that "US" was illegal colonies in Ontario, I would support Canada.

israel is doing no such thing you lying terrorist supporting twit.

so you think it would be ok for some rabid group of mexicans to send missiles into texas and california?

thanks for clarifying
You should check your sources regarding Gaza being occupied by Israel.

Would you describe provocation by pal/Arab terrorists as self defense?
They control 80% of everything that goes in and out of Gaza.

That's an occupation.

That's not an occupation. Israel is not physically controlling land in Gaza. In fact, Israel withdrew forces which had been used previously to control Gaza after portions were seized as a result of Arab wars of aggression.
That's not an occupation. Israel is not physically controlling land in Gaza. In fact, Israel withdrew forces which had been used previously to control Gaza after portions were seized as a result of Arab wars of aggression.
Then what do you call the "economic blockade" they've had since 2006?
This thread is odd.
The pro Israeli side are banging on but talking to the deaf and stupid. A lot of the posts are crap.

The anti Israeli side are mostly using lies to make their point.

Makes it a sorry excuse of a debate.
That's not an occupation. Israel is not physically controlling land in Gaza. In fact, Israel withdrew forces which had been used previously to control Gaza after portions were seized as a result of Arab wars of aggression.
Then what do you call the "economic blockade" they've had since 2006?

What I wouldn't do is confuse terms as you have. An economic blockade is not an occupation. That's why those terms are spelled differently.

An economic blockade is one way to exert pressure on an bitterly hostile, intransigent Arab / Moslem death cult that calls for the genocide of Israelis. Continually hostile actions against Israel taken by various Arab / Moslem terrorist organizations requires a response. There are various Arab / Moslem death cults that are, or have operated within Gaza and Arab controlled areas.

Let's be honest. Israel has shown tremendous restraint in the face of continuing attacks. Most any of the rocket barrages could have been met with overwhelming force that might have left Gaza as a smoking ruin.
Every "attack" was in response to an attack by Hamas. You may want to check your facts, you see a Country is legally allowed to retaliate when attacked.

Yeah, zionist shithead, and every Hamas attack is in response to an Israeli attack. Fact is shithead, my statement is closer to the truth.
This thread is odd.
The pro Israeli side are banging on but talking to the deaf and stupid. A lot of the posts are crap.

The anti Israeli side are mostly using lies to make their point.

Makes it a sorry excuse of a debate.

Certainly, feel free to step in, offer nothing to further the debate, criticize what you don't understand and contribute nothing.
You may want to brush up on facts dumb ass. Every time Hamas attacks Israel they have the right to respond. And every one of those attacks is launched from roof tops and from school yards.
Prove it!

Israel does not Occupy Palestine. But if they did? It would not be illegal since Palestine is not a sovereign Nation or territory.
They don't occupy Palestine? Why do you think they refer to this area as the "occupied territories"? You think they put names in a hat and that's the one they pulled out? You think the UN would issue over 200 resolutions calling for an end to an occupation that didn't exist? And to think, you called me dumb ass! Saying there's no occupation after 45 years of the entire world referring to it as such, is about as stupid a statement as one can make.

As for shields? Hamas once strapped a mentally handicapped teenager with a bomb and sent him to an Israeli check point. Rather then kill the kid the Israelis defused the bomb and sent the kid home.
No one is saying Hamas hasn't committed war crimes, what I'm saying, is the Israeli's have committed far more.

Terror attacks are all Hamas does. They fire indiscriminately into civilian cities and towns. I notice you never complain about that. You are SCUM.
So when Hamas makes street improvements by putting light poles along a Gaza road, it's okay for the IDF to come in later and shoot out the lamps at the top, because those light standards were an attack against Israeli citizens? I mean, you said that's all they do, so street improvements have to be considered a terrorist attack.

Why do you think they refer to this area as the "occupied territories"?

Because they're ignorant.

You think the UN would issue over 200 resolutions calling for an end to an occupation that didn't exist?

You act like having a large majority of the undemocratic world on your side is a good thing.

Saying there's no occupation after 45 years of the entire world referring to it as such, is about as stupid a statement as one can make.

Still waiting for you to explain who owned the land before the "Occupation".
Every "attack" was in response to an attack by Hamas. You may want to check your facts, you see a Country is legally allowed to retaliate when attacked.

You want Gazans to stop dying? Tell Hamas to stop using them as shields, to stop firing missiles rockets and mortars from the roofs of their apartment buildings. Pretty simple concept.

Tell us? If Canada were lobbing rockets and missiles into the US would you support Canada or the US?

Indeed, the Palestinians have the right to defend themselves. The Israeli blockade of Gaza is an act of war. The Palestinians are responding to that aggression.

Tell us? If Canada were lobbing rockets and missiles into the US would you support Canada or the US?

If that "US" was illegal colonies in Ontario, I would support Canada.

israel is doing no such thing you lying terrorist supporting twit.

so you think it would be ok for some rabid group of mexicans to send missiles into texas and california?

thanks for clarifying

The rockets fired from Gaza all land inside Palestine's borders.

Haw can Israel claim self defense?

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