Report: Paterno to retire at end of season

I don't see anybody being indicted, arrested, and going to trial for this whole thing. Just a bunch of finger-pointing, heresay, and unproven allegations as to who knew what, and when they were supposedly told about it.

For all of this, a LEGEND in college sports history has had his good name destroyed, and his legacy forever tarnished.

So where are these victims? Why aren't they coming forward? Where's Jerry Sandusky's "perp walk"? Does anybody really know how much Paterno knew about this?

This is a microcosm of today's society..........a modern version of the Salem witch trials, where everything is heresay and unproven rumors and uncontested allegations. DUE PROCESS does not exist. "Innocent until proven guilty" is completely ignored in the court of public opinions.

In the end, a GOOD MAN has been destroyed. I hope all of you grade school mental midgets are happy with yourselves.
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Joe Paterno is the Pope of Penn State

What happened on his watch is his responsibility. Just like sexual molestation was reported to the Catholic Pope and was brushed under the table to protect the image of the church, Paterno played down sex abuse allegations to protect his football program

Neither is excusable
My friend who lived in Penn said back in the 1990's there were stories that sexual assaults were going on at Penn State. There are also reports the mother of the first child who was assaulted made a complaint with school back in 1998. The school knew then and did nothing. As far as Paterno goes, we know that he did report to his superiors what was reported to him. But also the board of trustees alledgely knew back in 1998 and did nothing. And now that the grand jury has charged the sexual preditor his superiors the school fired him? At minimum Paterno did what he was required to do. Morally he could of done more, yet he did not witness the incident and was passing on information which, may or may not have been true. It was up to his superiors to do an investigation and report it to the authorities.

I think the entire Board of Trustees needs to be fired, because they knew back in 1998 and put the entire school and the community in peril for their cover-up. If the school did something in 1998 then the grad student would of not witnessed a young boy being assaulted in the shower and never have to tell Paterno. Instead the school did nothing and allowed the sexual preditor to continue on in his assaults at the school. Numerous people witnessed these sexual assaults. Some were affaid to say anything while others who spoke up like Paterno are fired.

If my friend who lived in a small town miles away heard rumors in the last 90's the school knew then, or should of known---And did nothing!
Now.... wait a second guys... Your crucifixion of Paterno is misguided. Both Mike McQueary and Paterno followed Protocol. McQueary witnessed Sandusky in the Shower with a child doing evil shit. He then Reported it to Paterno. Paterno did exactly what protocol called for... He Reported it to Curley and Shultz, his superiors.... who took it upon themselves to cover it up.

This whole thing explodes a few days ago. Sandusky, Curley and Shultz are indicted... the right people are the ones Criminally Charged. Facts are that Paterno and McQueary followed proper procedure.

However, a Pennsylvania State Police Bigwig made the comment that Paterno should have followed up with reporting the incident to his superiors, he should have also contacted police as a matter of "morality"... which is fine... I understand the Policeman's perspective and I agree. But it was more of a mistake than being some kind of accessory.

So... If you are willing to crucify Paterno for that... go ahead.

I also have a sneaky suspicion that Paterno made a deal with the Trustees to save McQueary. Paterno, regardless of this situation, was at the end of his career. McQueary was once one of his athletes and is a new young coach.

I think he said "look, fire me... let Mike stay". Now, I have no proof of that... But knowing his character over the years, It wouldn't surprise me.

This whole thing is just a damned shame. A shame for the victims and their families, a shame for the University and a shame for a large chunk of PA, who have a lot of alumni and fans of PSU sports.

BTW... to the guy that talked about football worship in State College, My son Graduated from PSU in 2010, and has a hell of an education in Forestry and is working in his field... unlike a lot of graduates these days.
Now.... wait a second guys... Your crucifixion of Paterno is misguided. Both Mike McQueary and Paterno followed Protocol. McQueary witnessed Sandusky in the Shower with a child doing evil shit. He then Reported it to Paterno. Paterno did exactly what protocol called for... He Reported it to Curley and Shultz, his superiors.... who took it upon themselves to cover it up.

This whole thing explodes a few days ago. Sandusky, Curley and Shultz are indicted... the right people are the ones Criminally Charged. Facts are that Paterno and McQueary followed proper procedure.

However, a Pennsylvania State Police Bigwig made the comment that Paterno should have followed up with reporting the incident to his superiors, he should have also contacted police as a matter of "morality"... which is fine... I understand the Policeman's perspective and I agree. But it was more of a mistake than being some kind of accessory.

So... If you are willing to crucify Paterno for that... go ahead.

I also have a sneaky suspicion that Paterno made a deal with the Trustees to save McQueary. Paterno, regardless of this situation, was at the end of his career. McQueary was once one of his athletes and is a new young coach.

I think he said "look, fire me... let Mike stay". Now, I have no proof of that... But knowing his character over the years, It wouldn't surprise me.

This whole thing is just a damned shame. A shame for the victims and their families, a shame for the University and a shame for a large chunk of PA, who have a lot of alumni and fans of PSU sports.

BTW... to the guy that talked about football worship in State College, My son Graduated from PSU in 2010, and has a hell of an education in Forestry and is working in his field... unlike a lot of graduates these days.

Legally, Paterno did nothing wrong.

Morally is a different issue. Joe runs the show. He knew Sandusky was up to some nasty shit. He knew nothing was done after he reported the guy.

The end result was more young boys were molested.
Now.... wait a second guys... Your crucifixion of Paterno is misguided. Both Mike McQueary and Paterno followed Protocol. McQueary witnessed Sandusky in the Shower with a child doing evil shit. He then Reported it to Paterno. Paterno did exactly what protocol called for... He Reported it to Curley and Shultz, his superiors.... who took it upon themselves to cover it up.

By washing their hands of it and not calling the cops when the administration failed to do so, and for continuing to allow Sandusky to operate under their eye for years after this, both Paterno and especially McQuierie need to be in cuffs.
It seems to me that Coach Paterno is the scapegoat here and the Board of Governors of PSU are doing nothing more than covering their asses and blaming Paterno for their own failures.

From what I read, Paterno reported this to the school. It was the school's responsibility to report this to the authorities and they didn't do it. The one thing that I can see that Coach Paterno did wrong was that when the Board of Governors failed to fulfill their responsibility Coach Paterno should have gone to the authorities.

Like I said, the bastards on top are using Coach Paterno as their fall guy... bastards... everyone of them. They should all resign immediately if not be indicted themselves!

Now.... wait a second guys... Your crucifixion of Paterno is misguided. Both Mike McQueary and Paterno followed Protocol. McQueary witnessed Sandusky in the Shower with a child doing evil shit. He then Reported it to Paterno. Paterno did exactly what protocol called for... He Reported it to Curley and Shultz, his superiors.... who took it upon themselves to cover it up.

This whole thing explodes a few days ago. Sandusky, Curley and Shultz are indicted... the right people are the ones Criminally Charged. Facts are that Paterno and McQueary followed proper procedure.

However, a Pennsylvania State Police Bigwig made the comment that Paterno should have followed up with reporting the incident to his superiors, he should have also contacted police as a matter of "morality"... which is fine... I understand the Policeman's perspective and I agree. But it was more of a mistake than being some kind of accessory.

So... If you are willing to crucify Paterno for that... go ahead.

I also have a sneaky suspicion that Paterno made a deal with the Trustees to save McQueary. Paterno, regardless of this situation, was at the end of his career. McQueary was once one of his athletes and is a new young coach.

I think he said "look, fire me... let Mike stay". Now, I have no proof of that... But knowing his character over the years, It wouldn't surprise me.

This whole thing is just a damned shame. A shame for the victims and their families, a shame for the University and a shame for a large chunk of PA, who have a lot of alumni and fans of PSU sports.

BTW... to the guy that talked about football worship in State College, My son Graduated from PSU in 2010, and has a hell of an education in Forestry and is working in his field... unlike a lot of graduates these days.

Legally, Paterno did nothing wrong.

Morally is a different issue. Joe runs the show. He knew Sandusky was up to some nasty shit. He knew nothing was done after he reported the guy.

The end result was more young boys were molested.

Joe obviously doesn't run the show... he was fired. He knew from word of mouth and treated the accusation as legitimate. He then followed protocol and reported the accusation to his superiors. The incident was in their hands at that point.

I still think that Joe's part in all of this was more of a mistake than any kind of helping to cover this stuff up. My thinking is that Joe comes from a different era than most of us, he's now 84, so that would put him in his late 70's when McQueary witnessed the incident. The idea that keeps popping into my head is that when Joe followed protocol, he felt he did his job... Sandusky was no longer a coach, so any decisions of his access to the school or criminal investigations belonged to his superiors. He had shit to do(metaphorically speaking), and then got on with his work. Not out of laziness, protecting a former co-worker, or protecting the college, but because he's an old man who just didn't think that Curley and Shultz would cover it up.

Was that the correct way to do things? Yes, at first... but I agree that he should have followed up. A younger, more aware(of the sick fucks that inhabit this world) person in the same position, probably would have followed up and contact police when he found out his superiors haven't done anything.

In my mind, that seems to make sense to me....On the other hand, I certainly admit that Joe could have been protecting Sandusky, the college, or was being purposely deceptive. But this guy, for 66 years... has run a top notch program with a history of not only athletic, but academic excellence in his players. I've seen him speak at the Special Olympics Pennsylvania State Games, held at PSU campus and had the opportunity to speak to him personally on a few occasions. Now I realize that's not the stuff that would deem me an expert, but I really respected him......

This just sucks.... :(
Now.... wait a second guys... Your crucifixion of Paterno is misguided. Both Mike McQueary and Paterno followed Protocol. McQueary witnessed Sandusky in the Shower with a child doing evil shit. He then Reported it to Paterno. Paterno did exactly what protocol called for... He Reported it to Curley and Shultz, his superiors.... who took it upon themselves to cover it up.

This whole thing explodes a few days ago. Sandusky, Curley and Shultz are indicted... the right people are the ones Criminally Charged. Facts are that Paterno and McQueary followed proper procedure.

However, a Pennsylvania State Police Bigwig made the comment that Paterno should have followed up with reporting the incident to his superiors, he should have also contacted police as a matter of "morality"... which is fine... I understand the Policeman's perspective and I agree. But it was more of a mistake than being some kind of accessory.

So... If you are willing to crucify Paterno for that... go ahead.

I also have a sneaky suspicion that Paterno made a deal with the Trustees to save McQueary. Paterno, regardless of this situation, was at the end of his career. McQueary was once one of his athletes and is a new young coach.

I think he said "look, fire me... let Mike stay". Now, I have no proof of that... But knowing his character over the years, It wouldn't surprise me.

This whole thing is just a damned shame. A shame for the victims and their families, a shame for the University and a shame for a large chunk of PA, who have a lot of alumni and fans of PSU sports.

BTW... to the guy that talked about football worship in State College, My son Graduated from PSU in 2010, and has a hell of an education in Forestry and is working in his field... unlike a lot of graduates these days.

Legally, Paterno did nothing wrong.

Morally is a different issue. Joe runs the show. He knew Sandusky was up to some nasty shit. He knew nothing was done after he reported the guy.

The end result was more young boys were molested.

BUT...Joe knows football!!! :razz:

swoooooooooooooooon :doubt:
It seems to me that Coach Paterno is the scapegoat here and the Board of Governors of PSU are doing nothing more than covering their asses and blaming Paterno for their own failures.

From what I read, Paterno reported this to the school. It was the school's responsibility to report this to the authorities and they didn't do it. The one thing that I can see that Coach Paterno did wrong was that when the Board of Governors failed to fulfill their responsibility Coach Paterno should have gone to the authorities.

Like I said, the bastards on top are using Coach Paterno as their fall guy... bastards... everyone of them. They should all resign immediately if not be indicted themselves!


The one thing that I can see that Coach Paterno did wrong was that when the Board of Governors failed to fulfill their responsibility Coach Paterno should have gone to the authorities.

Not a minor thing!
Now.... wait a second guys... Your crucifixion of Paterno is misguided. Both Mike McQueary and Paterno followed Protocol. McQueary witnessed Sandusky in the Shower with a child doing evil shit. He then Reported it to Paterno. Paterno did exactly what protocol called for... He Reported it to Curley and Shultz, his superiors.... who took it upon themselves to cover it up.

This whole thing explodes a few days ago. Sandusky, Curley and Shultz are indicted... the right people are the ones Criminally Charged. Facts are that Paterno and McQueary followed proper procedure.

However, a Pennsylvania State Police Bigwig made the comment that Paterno should have followed up with reporting the incident to his superiors, he should have also contacted police as a matter of "morality"... which is fine... I understand the Policeman's perspective and I agree. But it was more of a mistake than being some kind of accessory.

So... If you are willing to crucify Paterno for that... go ahead.

I also have a sneaky suspicion that Paterno made a deal with the Trustees to save McQueary. Paterno, regardless of this situation, was at the end of his career. McQueary was once one of his athletes and is a new young coach.

I think he said "look, fire me... let Mike stay". Now, I have no proof of that... But knowing his character over the years, It wouldn't surprise me.

This whole thing is just a damned shame. A shame for the victims and their families, a shame for the University and a shame for a large chunk of PA, who have a lot of alumni and fans of PSU sports.

BTW... to the guy that talked about football worship in State College, My son Graduated from PSU in 2010, and has a hell of an education in Forestry and is working in his field... unlike a lot of graduates these days.

Legally, Paterno did nothing wrong.

Morally is a different issue. Joe runs the show. He knew Sandusky was up to some nasty shit. He knew nothing was done after he reported the guy.

The end result was more young boys were molested.

Joe obviously doesn't run the show... he was fired. He knew from word of mouth and treated the accusation as legitimate. He then followed protocol and reported the accusation to his superiors. The incident was in their hands at that point.

I still think that Joe's part in all of this was more of a mistake than any kind of helping to cover this stuff up. My thinking is that Joe comes from a different era than most of us, he's now 84, so that would put him in his late 70's when McQueary witnessed the incident. The idea that keeps popping into my head is that when Joe followed protocol, he felt he did his job... Sandusky was no longer a coach, so any decisions of his access to the school or criminal investigations belonged to his superiors. He had shit to do(metaphorically speaking), and then got on with his work. Not out of laziness, protecting a former co-worker, or protecting the college, but because he's an old man who just didn't think that Curley and Shultz would cover it up.

Was that the correct way to do things? Yes, at first... but I agree that he should have followed up. A younger, more aware(of the sick fucks that inhabit this world) person in the same position, probably would have followed up and contact police when he found out his superiors haven't done anything.

In my mind, that seems to make sense to me....On the other hand, I certainly admit that Joe could have been protecting Sandusky, the college, or was being purposely deceptive. But this guy, for 66 years... has run a top notch program with a history of not only athletic, but academic excellence in his players. I've seen him speak at the Special Olympics Pennsylvania State Games, held at PSU campus and had the opportunity to speak to him personally on a few occasions. Now I realize that's not the stuff that would deem me an expert, but I really respected him......

This just sucks.... :(

The idea that keeps popping into my head is that when Joe followed protocol, he felt he did his job... Sandusky was no longer a coach, so any decisions of his access to the school or criminal investigations belonged to his superiors. He had shit to do(metaphorically speaking), and then got on with his work. Not out of laziness, protecting a former co-worker, or protecting the college, but because he's an old man who just didn't think that Curley and Shultz would cover it up.

The man continued to work for him after he KNEW...
I don't care how many buildings they erect in his name or how much money his program draws to the University or how many football games his team won...

IMO Paterno failed as a man. :(
And did ANY of those yahoos rioting at Penn State give a damn about the victims?


And is anybody that willfully ignorant to believe that a man of Paterno's position of power at Penn State DID NOT know of all the circumstantial evidence that came out of Sadusky's initial investigation should NOT hold a job of responsibility?

Sadusky was allowed back on campus with full access to facilities the following years after his firing...and that SOB had a previous record of incidences like this. Paterno, like the rest of the hierarchy of Penn State, put the money and prestige ahead of a child's welfare. Looking the other way is nearly as bad (if not worse) than actually commiting the crime itself.
It seems to me that Coach Paterno is the scapegoat here and the Board of Governors of PSU are doing nothing more than covering their asses and blaming Paterno for their own failures.

From what I read, Paterno reported this to the school. It was the school's responsibility to report this to the authorities and they didn't do it. The one thing that I can see that Coach Paterno did wrong was that when the Board of Governors failed to fulfill their responsibility Coach Paterno should have gone to the authorities.

Like I said, the bastards on top are using Coach Paterno as their fall guy... bastards... everyone of them. They should all resign immediately if not be indicted themselves!


The one thing that I can see that Coach Paterno did wrong was that when the Board of Governors failed to fulfill their responsibility Coach Paterno should have gone to the authorities.

Not a minor thing!

So you are okay with Coach Paterno being the fall guy while the people who were over him and had the duty to report this go on their merry little ways collecting the big bucks and laughing all the way to the f-ing bank?

Paterno was their employee. I think he had a moral responsibility when his bosses failed to do their jobs, but still it was their duty first and foremost. But you seem to be willing to allow them to skate on this. Why?

Legally, Paterno did nothing wrong.

Morally is a different issue. Joe runs the show. He knew Sandusky was up to some nasty shit. He knew nothing was done after he reported the guy.

The end result was more young boys were molested.

Joe obviously doesn't run the show... he was fired. He knew from word of mouth and treated the accusation as legitimate. He then followed protocol and reported the accusation to his superiors. The incident was in their hands at that point.

I still think that Joe's part in all of this was more of a mistake than any kind of helping to cover this stuff up. My thinking is that Joe comes from a different era than most of us, he's now 84, so that would put him in his late 70's when McQueary witnessed the incident. The idea that keeps popping into my head is that when Joe followed protocol, he felt he did his job... Sandusky was no longer a coach, so any decisions of his access to the school or criminal investigations belonged to his superiors. He had shit to do(metaphorically speaking), and then got on with his work. Not out of laziness, protecting a former co-worker, or protecting the college, but because he's an old man who just didn't think that Curley and Shultz would cover it up.

Was that the correct way to do things? Yes, at first... but I agree that he should have followed up. A younger, more aware(of the sick fucks that inhabit this world) person in the same position, probably would have followed up and contact police when he found out his superiors haven't done anything.

In my mind, that seems to make sense to me....On the other hand, I certainly admit that Joe could have been protecting Sandusky, the college, or was being purposely deceptive. But this guy, for 66 years... has run a top notch program with a history of not only athletic, but academic excellence in his players. I've seen him speak at the Special Olympics Pennsylvania State Games, held at PSU campus and had the opportunity to speak to him personally on a few occasions. Now I realize that's not the stuff that would deem me an expert, but I really respected him......

This just sucks.... :(

The idea that keeps popping into my head is that when Joe followed protocol, he felt he did his job... Sandusky was no longer a coach, so any decisions of his access to the school or criminal investigations belonged to his superiors. He had shit to do(metaphorically speaking), and then got on with his work. Not out of laziness, protecting a former co-worker, or protecting the college, but because he's an old man who just didn't think that Curley and Shultz would cover it up.

The man continued to work for him after he KNEW...

No, he didn't. He was no longer a member of Joe's Coaching staff. He retired in 1999, and McQueary witnessed the incident in 2002. The reason he was allowed access to PSU's athletic department was because he was an Emeritus something or another.

He did not work for PSU at the time of the McQueary thing.... which was the first it was reported to him. Know your facts, stop making assumptions.
It seems to me that Coach Paterno is the scapegoat here and the Board of Governors of PSU are doing nothing more than covering their asses and blaming Paterno for their own failures.

From what I read, Paterno reported this to the school. It was the school's responsibility to report this to the authorities and they didn't do it. The one thing that I can see that Coach Paterno did wrong was that when the Board of Governors failed to fulfill their responsibility Coach Paterno should have gone to the authorities.

Like I said, the bastards on top are using Coach Paterno as their fall guy... bastards... everyone of them. They should all resign immediately if not be indicted themselves!


The one thing that I can see that Coach Paterno did wrong was that when the Board of Governors failed to fulfill their responsibility Coach Paterno should have gone to the authorities.

Not a minor thing!

So you are okay with Coach Paterno being the fall guy while the people who were over him and had the duty to report this go on their merry little ways collecting the big bucks and laughing all the way to the f-ing bank?

Paterno was their employee. I think he had a moral responsibility when his bosses failed to do their jobs, but still it was their duty first and foremost. But you seem to be willing to allow them to skate on this. Why?


:lol: You want to put words in my mouth...? There were actually several other people fired as well...
The one thing that I can see that Coach Paterno did wrong was that when the Board of Governors failed to fulfill their responsibility Coach Paterno should have gone to the authorities.

Not a minor thing!

So you are okay with Coach Paterno being the fall guy while the people who were over him and had the duty to report this go on their merry little ways collecting the big bucks and laughing all the way to the f-ing bank?

Paterno was their employee. I think he had a moral responsibility when his bosses failed to do their jobs, but still it was their duty first and foremost. But you seem to be willing to allow them to skate on this. Why?


:lol: You want to put words in my mouth...? There were actually several other people fired as well...

I asked you a question.

Those who were fired were not the Board of Trustees who were the ones responsible. They skate and let the peons suffer the wrath of the authorities. Bastards.

This story is a good warning about what happens to societies that make FOOTBALL their unoffical religion.

And believe me, I grew in PA, in a football crazy town.

Football players and their coaches get away with murder.

It's a great GAME, football, but sadly it's becomes something more than just a game.

We see the same kind of sports madness in Europe's football thuggery.

I like football, the game.

Football the institution, however, is way out of whack. When I was growing up, the football players could have RAPED NUNS and gotten away with it. It's one of things about idiot redneck America that makes me just want to vomit.

"Wull, they's just bein' boys, har har. Havin' a little fun, yusseree."

But sir, they've just sodomized an infant!

"Aint' you ever done that?"
Joe obviously doesn't run the show... he was fired. He knew from word of mouth and treated the accusation as legitimate. He then followed protocol and reported the accusation to his superiors. The incident was in their hands at that point.

I still think that Joe's part in all of this was more of a mistake than any kind of helping to cover this stuff up. My thinking is that Joe comes from a different era than most of us, he's now 84, so that would put him in his late 70's when McQueary witnessed the incident. The idea that keeps popping into my head is that when Joe followed protocol, he felt he did his job... Sandusky was no longer a coach, so any decisions of his access to the school or criminal investigations belonged to his superiors. He had shit to do(metaphorically speaking), and then got on with his work. Not out of laziness, protecting a former co-worker, or protecting the college, but because he's an old man who just didn't think that Curley and Shultz would cover it up.

Was that the correct way to do things? Yes, at first... but I agree that he should have followed up. A younger, more aware(of the sick fucks that inhabit this world) person in the same position, probably would have followed up and contact police when he found out his superiors haven't done anything.

In my mind, that seems to make sense to me....On the other hand, I certainly admit that Joe could have been protecting Sandusky, the college, or was being purposely deceptive. But this guy, for 66 years... has run a top notch program with a history of not only athletic, but academic excellence in his players. I've seen him speak at the Special Olympics Pennsylvania State Games, held at PSU campus and had the opportunity to speak to him personally on a few occasions. Now I realize that's not the stuff that would deem me an expert, but I really respected him......

This just sucks.... :(

The idea that keeps popping into my head is that when Joe followed protocol, he felt he did his job... Sandusky was no longer a coach, so any decisions of his access to the school or criminal investigations belonged to his superiors. He had shit to do(metaphorically speaking), and then got on with his work. Not out of laziness, protecting a former co-worker, or protecting the college, but because he's an old man who just didn't think that Curley and Shultz would cover it up.

The man continued to work for him after he KNEW...

No, he didn't. He was no longer a member of Joe's Coaching staff. He retired in 1999, and McQueary witnessed the incident in 2002. The reason he was allowed access to PSU's athletic department was because he was an Emeritus something or another.

He did not work for PSU at the time of the McQueary thing.... which was the first it was reported to him. Know your facts, stop making assumptions.

Post #11

A grand jury identified eight boys singled out for sexual advances or sexual assaults by Sandusky from 1994 through 2009.[13] At least 20 of the incidents allegedly took place while Sandusky was still employed at Penn State.[14]
So you are okay with Coach Paterno being the fall guy while the people who were over him and had the duty to report this go on their merry little ways collecting the big bucks and laughing all the way to the f-ing bank?

Paterno was their employee. I think he had a moral responsibility when his bosses failed to do their jobs, but still it was their duty first and foremost. But you seem to be willing to allow them to skate on this. Why?


:lol: You want to put words in my mouth...? There were actually several other people fired as well...

I asked you a question.

Those who were fired were not the Board of Trustees who were the ones responsible. They skate and let the peons suffer the wrath of the authorities. Bastards.


Joe worked with this guy for over 30 years. He knew about the abuse for at least a decade... He chose to look the other way and leave it to someone else.

Sandusky remained in the football program there, only in a different capacity...

Nowhere have I "let anyone skate" or said that Joe should be "THE fall guy."

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