Report: Trump Delegates Say They Are Bringing Guns To Cleveland

Congratulations on the success of your surgery - rare for it to be undertaken for one of advanced years. Say, was it accompanied by some sort of spiritual conversion as well?

Why do you NaziCon keyboard bullies hate Native Americans and minorities in general? Is it because you're scared shitless that you white bastards will soon be in the minority? What goes around comes around...
why do you have very little to say when "your people" are being discussed?....could some posters around here be right about you?...

Because this thread isn't about what you racist NaziCons are trying to divert it to. This thread is about NaziCon guns in Cleveland.
post no. 9 you brought up indians and how democrats take care of brought them up and in other threads about Indians you dont say much and one poster a few years back asked you about something that was going on in the Lakota nation,you were in that thread and kept on ignoring her,and was not a hostile question....that was when many here started saying you aint no Indian.....

Post #9 was a flippant response to post #8 - but you already knew that. I decide when and where I discuss Native American issues - not others. BTW, you really don't give a shit about NA issues - you just like to needle others about it. You're a typical white NaziCon poser.
you decide is that it?...ok i said even in threads about them you have very little to say....but then you can be anything on the internet...and im probably darker than you are chump....but then you are a typical NaziLib trying to pose as an Indian....would love to see your old white ass trying to pass yourself off as an Indian in front of some real Native Americans....
Why do you NaziCon keyboard bullies hate Native Americans and minorities in general? Is it because you're scared shitless that you white bastards will soon be in the minority? What goes around comes around...

There she goes with the Nazi crap again. Advanced age must limit her to narrow thought and retorts. Keep Practicing princess, maybe you will get better...
"We're talking about ISIS. We're talking about people who have shown a propensity for violence."

As the Republican convention in Cleveland approaches, several delegates from Pennsylvania who support Donald Trump say they are planning on bringing their guns with them to the GOP gathering. Why? They say they are worried about possible violent protest and even an attack from ISIS.

James Klein, a pro-Trump delegate from the Harrisburg area, notes that guns won't be needed inside the convention hall and that delegates won't be allowed to bring in weapons. "But," he adds, "there's the hotels. There's going to be dinners."

So Klein, an insurance executive and economist, has decided to come armed to Cleveland, and he has urged his fellow delegates to do the same. "We're talking about ISIS," he remarks, citing the recent shooting in Orlando and the bombings at the Istanbul airport. Referring to protesters outside Trump rallies, he adds, "We're talking about people who have shown a propensity for violence."

"There are a whole bunch of things happening: You go to various events, receptions, whatever, outside the convention hall," says Ash Khare, a delegate from the northwest corner of the state who applied for a concealed carry permit in preparation for Cleveland. "And you walk on the streets and, you know, people know that you are a delegate, and who knows what the crazy people are going to do? So you've got to be vigilant about what's going on and prepare yourself."

Marc Scaringi, another Trump delegate from the Harrisburg area, says that during the past few weeks there have been many emails exchanged among the Pennsylvania delegates discussing whether to bring weapons to Cleveland.

A lifelong member of the NRA who carries a gun every day, Klein notes he is particularly concerned about the threat of international terrorism. "I'm not a terrorist, okay, but I'm an academic and a theorist, and I would think that if I were an ISIS guy that I might want to attack the Republican National Convention," he says.

Klein continues: "People will attack you at your weakest, at your softest." That is, he explains, attacks are not likely to occur at the convention hall but elsewhere in the city where police and Secret Service officers are unlikely to stop an attack.

Khare expects to receive his concealed carry permit in a few days. Then he plans to obtain training from the local sheriff's department before buying a gun. But he stresses that having a concealed carry weapon is not about stirring up trouble: "You gotta have a proper mindset and the proper training. You don't go out to act like a warrior…This is just in case you get into a situation where you can make a difference."

Scaringi hasn't yet decided if he will bring his gun, citing logistical concerns about where to store it. "If you can't have the firearm in the convention, then you really can't take it, because what do you do with it?" he says. "I don't think there's going to be any firearms locker room. That's really the only thing preventing me from saying, 'Yeah, I'm going to go ahead and carry.'"

Scaringi also points to the violence that occurred at a Trump event in San Jose, California, in early June. Anti-Trump protesters punched the candidate's supporters, jumped on cars, and threw eggs at a female Trump supporter. "I think this is going to be the most riotous political convention since 1968, and maybe even more so," he predicts. "In addition to just your average political protester, you're going to get serious people here who want to do harm and want to create mayhem."

Report: Trump Delegates Say They Are Bringing Guns To Cleveland

Thank you, Jesus! Keep them guns a comin'. The Republican National Convention should not be a gun-free zone. They need lots of guns - along with lots of booze and other "stimulants". Make ISIS afraid to come near that place. Gee, I sure hope ISIS can't find the convention address on the Internet...

Show US a report where there are no murders of people in Cleveland with illegal guns. Show US where people in Cleveland who are killing and using guns are members of the NRA. Otherwise, looks like anyone coming to the city is doing so for self defense. You people really need to stop your obsession with law abiding NRA members owning guns and turn your attention to the urban areas where gun incidents are occurring by people not legally authorized to own or use guns.

Thanks to Democrats, government is now the only protection Native Americans have. Republicans are no friend to Indians.
Thanks to Democrats, government is now the only protection Native Americans have.
with friends like them.who needs enemies....
So you are saying the Republicans are NOT friends to American Indians?

We already sorta knew that.
Don't ask the Washington redskin, hes bought and paid for by political correctness...

Please, Jesus, make it happen...
Hilarious. It's not like these conservative PUSSIES would even have the courage to pull the trigger anyway, so what's the point?
This is the problem with trash like you. It's not about courage, which the entire Democrat party lacks, based on their nominee, it is about our rights. Pulling a trigger doesn't take courage. Look at the number of murders in liberal utopian cities. Bunch of dumb punks needlessly killing each other. Hardly courageous. Defending our rights from violent brain dead leftist takes courage. You will lie, break the law, use violence, whatever means, to achieve your fucked up goals. You loons armed the Cartels, armed ISIS, do nothing about the criminals in the US, and then expect to be taken seriously. Pathetic.
Hilarious. It's not like these conservative PUSSIES would even have the courage to pull the trigger anyway, so what's the point?
This is the problem with trash like you. It's not about courage, which the entire Democrat party lacks, based on their nominee, it is about our rights. Pulling a trigger doesn't take courage. Look at the number of murders in liberal utopian cities. Bunch of dumb punks needlessly killing each other. Hardly courageous. Defending our rights from violent brain dead leftist takes courage. You will lie, break the law, use violence, whatever means, to achieve your fucked up goals. You loons armed the Cartels, armed ISIS, do nothing about the criminals in the US, and then expect to be taken seriously. Pathetic.

Was there a point anywhere in your incoherent babbling?

Thanks to Democrats, government is now the only protection Native Americans have. Republicans are no friend to Indians.
Thanks to Democrats, government is now the only protection Native Americans have.
with friends like them.who needs enemies....
So you are saying the Republicans are NOT friends to American Indians?

We already sorta knew that.
hey you can read dean....yea thats what i said....i also said your little party doesnt do much either.....yea i know,i was shocked too...
Hilarious. It's not like these conservative PUSSIES would even have the courage to pull the trigger anyway, so what's the point?
This is the problem with trash like you. It's not about courage, which the entire Democrat party lacks, based on their nominee, it is about our rights. Pulling a trigger doesn't take courage. Look at the number of murders in liberal utopian cities. Bunch of dumb punks needlessly killing each other. Hardly courageous. Defending our rights from violent brain dead leftist takes courage. You will lie, break the law, use violence, whatever means, to achieve your fucked up goals. You loons armed the Cartels, armed ISIS, do nothing about the criminals in the US, and then expect to be taken seriously. Pathetic.

Was there a point anywhere in your incoherent babbling?
I wouldn't expect a simpleton to understand. You said conservatives lack courage to pull a trigger, yet it is your party that endorsed a globalist banker. We are not afraid to use or weapons in self defense in in the same way we are not afraid to kick our parties trash to the curb. You had your chance and sold out. It is you who lacks the courage of your convictions.

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