Reposted : I disapprove of the manner which Anwar al-Awlaki was killed.

Does the end (ever) justify the means?

Yes and No. However the victorious always have great influence on how history is written.
Does the end (ever) justify the means?

Consider as you would an essay question. Partisan posts = an 'F'

Did nuking Japan justify saving thousands of lives that would have been lost? Yeah, I think so.

I accept that it was done, still, if it was my choice, it would not have happened, at least not when, where, and how it was done. We each have a right to our own perspective. Fire Bombing was a hard thing too.
Does the end (ever) justify the means?

Consider as you would an essay question. Partisan posts = an 'F'

Did nuking Japan justify saving thousands of lives that would have been lost? Yeah, I think so.

No, as usual you don't think, that was an emotional response. Your blue book would have come back with a large 'F'.

Thougtful example. Too many civilians died, Truman should have ordered the bomb be dropped on a military target less likely to cause civilian carnage.

Or, the people of Hiroshima might have been warned to leave days before their city was demolished.

Or, yes, "Little Boy" was necessary and sufficient to end the war; the use of Fat Man was uncalled for.
Does the end (ever) justify the means?

Consider as you would an essay question. Partisan posts = an 'F'

Did nuking Japan justify saving thousands of lives that would have been lost? Yeah, I think so.

I'm sure he'll say no.

If the "he'll" is directed at me you're wrong. btw, my father-in-law flew 'Billy Mitchell's" in support of the Naval and Marine landings in the Pacific. Before he died he knew what he did was necessary but never felt good about the people - both combatants and civilians - who died while carrying out his missions. There is a toll taken by the victors, notwithstanding the bravado of the Chicken Hawks who post on this message board.
Well, I'll say this about the issue:

It's one of those rare thing that divides posters in a weird way.

Posters that normally agree disagree and vice versa.
I disapprove of the manner which Anwar al-Awlaki was killed.

I don't.

What's the legal process for targeted killings like al-Awlaki's?

As to those that belive the hype that this regime or the Gubmint can come after them next merely for exercising thier free speech?

DON'T Take up arms against the Government, and above all? DON'T join radical groups that have.

This piece of shit got what he deserved.
friendly fire and a civil war is none of our business Intense...Yemen is not the US..we need to mind our own business..if they wanted him then they should have went after him.

The Middle East is a mess. It effects Everyone around the Globe.
friendly fire and a civil war is none of our business Intense...Yemen is not the US..we need to mind our own business..if they wanted him then they should have went after him.
Since when do we mind our own business? :eusa_whistle: What flag would Honduras be flying now if we did not take interest?

take interest in what? The US has never fought any invasion in Honduras...and Hondurans kicked the Spanish out all by themselves sans the USA..I think you have us confused with Nicaragua.
Does the end (ever) justify the means?

Consider as you would an essay question. Partisan posts = an 'F'

Did nuking Japan justify saving thousands of lives that would have been lost? Yeah, I think so.
Indeed it did. The Japanese were that fanatical. Dropping a nuke on them convinced them thier cause wasn't just, they were wrong in thier attack against us, and thier empire building endeavours.
told ya, rabbi.

Hey, it was a judgement call. It is okay to think outside of the box. What's done is done. Ever think about how it effected future warfare? Have we dropped one since? No. It is something that is reserved for the worst of the worst.
Well, I'll say this about the issue:

It's one of those rare thing that divides posters in a weird way.

Posters that normally agree disagree and vice versa.

It crosses Party Lines. Which means Reason plays a more defining role. :D
friendly fire and a civil war is none of our business Intense...Yemen is not the US..we need to mind our own business..if they wanted him then they should have went after him.
Since when do we mind our own business? :eusa_whistle: What flag would Honduras be flying now if we did not take interest?

take interest in what? The US has never fought any invasion in Honduras...and Hondurans kicked the Spanish out all by themselves sans the USA..I think you have us confused with Nicaragua.

Ha! What do you think kept Cuba, Venezuela, and the other crazies in check all these Decades?
And there you have it, unconstitutinal. Now our Government can kill anyone at any time and they don't even have to shot proof (even if they have it) as to why.

Grats guys!

Don't be a dullard. The naming and targeting of an enemy combatent doesn't turn into a magical slippery slope where the government can simply start killing people.

You guys are starting to sound as idiotic as those Randy Weaver/Branch Davidian wingnuts.

some of us are starting to wonder if those wingnuts were right...if he can order the killing of one American by simply calling him a terrorist with no conviction, indictment whatever..what stops him from naming me or you a terrorist? or anyone else for that matter?

The "common person/sense" standard.

American citizens are shot and killed by police all the time in this country before they are given the opportunity to have a trial. Some of them are innocent. We don't go into meltdown mode when it happens.

Now, because we are in un-explored territory, (due to a novel situation, where a terrorist group declares war on us), and we go operational, everyone is going nutso. It's absurd.

All the facts dictate that this guy was an AQ operator who was plotting the deaths of Americans. He was involved with Ft. Hood. Two years ago, the ACLU took the government to court over this and lost. Now people are trying to act like this could happen to any Tom, Dick, or Swing Richard. It's stupid.

I can respect people who want to argue the legalities of this, but it's annoying seeing people act all "butt-hurt" about this simply because Obama made the call.

There will be new law as a result of this, I am sure of it. I would even venture to guess it will get fast tracked to the SCOTUS. But Obama isn't going to be "impeached" or "imprisoned" over this.

While people might not agree with this, Obama has at least had the balls to go after these motherfuckers. His expansion of the drone project has been enormously successful. We would have droned Bin Laden too if we didn't want to be 100% sure. He's basically taking out the leaders of a terrorist cabal (that eluded GWB and hundreds of thousands of troops (me being one of them)) for a decade because they hide out in Pakistan and Yemen) one at a time. They have no where to go and no where to hide. The rats are being stamped out one by one. AQ used to rely on it's low level nitwits to do the dying for them. Because, despite what they say, none of them wants to die. If Bin Laden wanted to be a matyr, he would have died like a man on the battlefield with a rifle in his hands. Instead he hid out for ten years. Now, being a leader of AQ is a zero sum game for not only the foot soldiers but the upper level scumbags too.

We are finally sticking it to the people who killed 3000 innocent Americans.

At any rate, I know you are more interested in the legalities of it then partisanship, just wanted to make that point.
Does the end (ever) justify the means?

Consider as you would an essay question. Partisan posts = an 'F'

Did nuking Japan justify saving thousands of lives that would have been lost? Yeah, I think so.
Indeed it did. The Japanese were that fanatical. Dropping a nuke on them convinced them thier cause wasn't just, they were wrong in thier attack against us, and thier empire building endeavours.

So, are we justified today to use nuclear weapons against Islam? No doubt some Muslims attacked us, and some Muslims are fanatics, therefore ...?
friendly fire and a civil war is none of our business Intense...Yemen is not the US..we need to mind our own business..if they wanted him then they should have went after him.

The Middle East is a mess. It effects Everyone around the Globe.
The current situations in the Middle East are continuations of unresolved situations created from two World Wars...

(Save from the continuing conflict between Arabs and Israeli's that has been ongoing for a few thousand years).
Did nuking Japan justify saving thousands of lives that would have been lost? Yeah, I think so.
Indeed it did. The Japanese were that fanatical. Dropping a nuke on them convinced them thier cause wasn't just, they were wrong in thier attack against us, and thier empire building endeavours.

So, are we justified today to use nuclear weapons against Islam? No doubt some Muslims attacked us, and some Muslims are fanatics, therefore ...?
Whom is saying that we would in the first place with exceptions of IRAN and thier intentions? What of Pakistan? India?

Broaden your scope.

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