Representative Tlaib disgraces herself America

Why is this a "disgrace to America" but not when tRump basically fellates Putin on stage, or brags about his imaginary penis size, or calls whole countries shitholes, or......

Next faux outrage please.

Well, I guess it will be up to the new Speaker, Madame Motherfucker to decide whether or not to proceed with censure.
Chances are he's already had a warning in private. You see unlike you kids the adults will try to keep it civil.

Adults my kids are bigger adults then you. I hope they ban me from this link. Listening to you crybabies whine all the time is unreal. Change your diapers and drink your mineral oil

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How many times have you typed "motherfucker" in the last half hour?

You barely know what an adult is, and you certainly don't know how one acts.

I don't care how old you are, get back to us when you grow up kid.

If you and your liberal boys think your adults that’s fine. The difference between you and I is I am a MAN. I said MotherFucker once so learn how to count. Your a old and dumb.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
This post is a gen-yoo-wine gem.

One at a time:

Our are, huh.

Speculation fallacy. And "would have went" huh.

From speculation we move to ipse dixit.... on a topic nobody brought up.

Liberals WROTE the Constitution.

But wait............ the pièce de résistance:

:lmao: Thanks for breaking a sweat. Hope it got you through the red light.


Pogo all of what I said is true but liberals will never admit to being wrong. You plain and simple is what we call liberal scum. I don’t care what you say because it’s always tainted and you think Pelosi is your savior, your dumber then I thought. Anything else you want to say to me pm me and we can discuss it further.

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WHOA no Klown, you'll take your lumps right here where everybody can see.

I haven't posted about any "Pelosi". You seem to be one of those wags who pulls ass-sumptions out of your ass instead of addressing actual points that exist. And then expend the 90 seconds to post while you're on your phone waiting for the light to change.

NONE of what you posted is "true". Some of it isn't even English and the rest is fallacious.

No. I don’t need a computer to type on and you can say whatever you like about me. I don’t care. I have seen the problem for 8 years with Obama and now the tide is turning you and your liberal friends aren’t happy. I hear all your whining about Trump and how he is going to jail and be impeached and how he did all these bad things but no proof. Smoke and mirrors. Clinton was responsible for 22 undercover CIA agents being killed. Then here private email server, all the witnesses against her have ended up dead. What’s the count now about 30. Suicides, who goes into the woods to shoot themselves, car accidents, heart attack’s etc . You listen to bullshit where I know the people who worked for them. There was a revolving door of CIA agents under Clinton and Obama. Why is it that all the agents want the Trump detail. You don’t know anything. Your a typical liberal who thinks you are the greatest thing in the world. Now that you elected these idiots to Congress your going to spend the next few years cleaning up the mess the already started. Congresswoman calls the President a Motherfucker in public. There a couple days in and already making asses of themselves. We will see who wins in the long run. Oh yeah, it was a long light.

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Apparently what it was was a long night. :booze:.

Oh by the way I didn't elect "all these idiots to Congress" ---- I get *ONE* count 'em, one (1) Congressional election, and my choice lost anyway, so I elected zero. Don't know how things roll in Russia but here we get ONE (1) Congresscritter.


Yeah. Liberal assholes like you voted them in. Booze and Russia. Is that all you have sissy boy. Keep hiding behind your computer. I laugh at people like you. I where pro Trump shirts hats but funny thing is I live in NJ and liberals don’t say shit to me about. I wonder why. Spineless Jellyfish.

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Once AGAIN Stupid, I do not have the capacity to vote for more than one Rep, and that one didn't win anyway.

The drinking emoticon is a reference to the incoherency in your post and the Russia is a reference to your vast unlimited ignorance of how this country works.
When you criticize Christmas decorations that you don't have to look and have no impact on your life you might be a petty thin skinned little bitch.
Well, maybe, but they were actually in a building those making fun of them own and pay for. So there's that...
BFD that same building is owned by people who didn't like the taste or style of the previous first lady but I recall no one trashing her over her choice of decorations or what kind of shoes she wore when going to get on air force one or her choice of a jacket. To be clear I'm not saying Michele Obama was not criticized unfairly she was but not over silly shit like Christmas decorations and wardrobe choices.
People made fun of them because they thought they were stupid looking. So what? Wow, it's starting to look like you might be a more thin skinned sissy than melania. Even she didn't protest this much.
Yet when people made fun of the Obama's or Hillarys pantsuits the first words out of the lefts mouth were racism and or sexism. It's not looking like your a total hypocrite you are.

"the left's mouth"??? :rofl: :laughing0301:

How sad y'all can't watch your own channel. It's fucking hilarious.

"The left" has "a mouth" now. A single mouth. Wonder how they sign up for it. :
All Republicans understand that this is something only men can do. Women aren't allowed.

gender and time and place are all factors. Overheard chit chat

Playing to rolling TV cameras is not "overheard chit chat". Why do you think his voice is audible? Because he's wearing a wireless lavaliere microphone. You cannot be wearing a wireless lavaliere microphone and not know it.

nope----it was overheard chit chat------

NO, it was recorded because a camera crew was sitting on the right side of the bus while Rump and Bush were on the opposite side. The camera crew had their cameras pointed at Rump and Bush after having already fitted them both with those wireless lavaliere microphones SO THEY COULD BE HEARD ON THE RECORDING. There's no way in the world you can be sitting in front of a camera crew, wearing their mics, and not know you're being recorded. Even if you're fucking stupid.

Videos are ALWAYS shot like that. You start rolling early so you don't miss anything, continue through the event, and then edit out what you don't need. This is exactly my business, I know whereof I speak. Ain't nothing "chit chat" about playing to a TV camera.
Everybody knows that the stupid whore in the White House has said, and done at lot worse. Same goes for his male buddies, so the faux outrage cracks me up. And I've read a lot worse right here on USMB.

"Ladylike"??? What a hoot. When are the "gentlemen" in Washington going to get their shit together?

The hypocritical thing is, the Rumpbots were creaming their jeans about an orange freak who speaks candidly. Now that somebody else does it, whooooooooooooooole different ball game.

Having it both ways -------- priceless.

The hypocritical thing is, the Rumpbots were creaming their jeans about an orange freak who speaks candidly. Now that somebody else does it, whooooooooooooooole different ball game.

Having it both ways -------- priceless.

Maybe she's there to take the heat off of Ocasio Cortez
Maybe she is imitating Trump.

Thought y’all applauded that.
Good to know you Liberals are supportive of your new Muslim Congresswoman's statements. But that is not a surprise since you view the President as the Enemy. And Yeah I know, he's not your President.
Yet when people made fun of the Obama's or Hillarys pantsuits the first words out of the lefts mouth were racism and or sexism. It's not looking like your a total hypocrite you are.
you people are awfully focused on what powerful women wear.

what about what they don't wear and call it art? Publish Melania's raunchy nude photos and ask children to view them or holy rollers to view them
Do you feel the same away about liberal fashion models who have posed nude? What about liberal Hollywood actresses who have posed nude and done nude scenes? I suspect not which would highlight your issue with Melina is not the photos it's her husband and that your full of shit.

"Liberal fashion models"! :lmao:

The place just gets curiouser and curiouser.
All Republicans understand that this is something only men can do. Women aren't allowed.

gender and time and place are all factors. Overheard chit chat

Playing to rolling TV cameras is not "overheard chit chat". Why do you think his voice is audible? Because he's wearing a wireless lavaliere microphone. You cannot be wearing a wireless lavaliere microphone and not know it.

just saying
Yet when people made fun of the Obama's or Hillarys pantsuits the first words out of the lefts mouth were racism and or sexism. It's not looking like your a total hypocrite you are.
you people are awfully focused on what powerful women wear.

what about what they don't wear and call it art? Publish Melania's raunchy nude photos and ask children to view them or holy rollers to view them
Do you feel the same away about liberal fashion models who have posed nude? What about liberal Hollywood actresses who have posed nude and done nude scenes? I suspect not which would highlight your issue with Melina is not the photos it's her husband and that your full of shit.
A good point,really....
Thank you we can end the night on a civil note I’m off to watch the end of zombie land.
Why is this a "disgrace to America" but not when tRump basically fellates Putin on stage, or brags about his imaginary penis size, or calls whole countries shitholes, or......

Next faux outrage please.

Well, I guess it will be up to the new Speaker, Madame Motherfucker to decide whether or not to proceed with censure.
Chances are he's already had a warning in private. You see unlike you kids the adults will try to keep it civil.

Adults my kids are bigger adults then you. I hope they ban me from this link. Listening to you crybabies whine all the time is unreal. Change your diapers and drink your mineral oil

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How many times have you typed "motherfucker" in the last half hour?

You barely know what an adult is, and you certainly don't know how one acts.

I don't care how old you are, get back to us when you grow up kid.

If you and your liberal boys think your adults that’s fine. The difference between you and I is I am a MAN. I said MotherFucker once so learn how to count. Your a old and dumb.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

A "MAN" who posts "from my iPhone using Tapatalk". :rofl:
Yet when people made fun of the Obama's or Hillarys pantsuits the first words out of the lefts mouth were racism and or sexism. It's not looking like your a total hypocrite you are.
you people are awfully focused on what powerful women wear.

what about what they don't wear and call it art? Publish Melania's raunchy nude photos and ask children to view them or holy rollers to view them
Do you feel the same away about liberal fashion models who have posed nude? What about liberal Hollywood actresses who have posed nude and done nude scenes? I suspect not which would highlight your issue with Melina is not the photos it's her husband and that your full of shit.
A good point,really....
Thank you we can end the night on a civil note I’m off to watch the end of zombie land.

As are we all.
Do you feel the same away about liberal fashion models who have posed nude? What about liberal Hollywood actresses who have posed nude and done nude scenes? I suspect not which would highlight your issue with Melina is not the photos it's her husband and that your full of shit.
First of all, like you stated - they are fashion models.

Being liberal or not? They are not First Lady.

and David Bowie married a Super Model. Donald Trump married a Raunchy Nude Model. The Trumps try and claim Melania was a Super Model - she was not, so I am not picking on her for her raunchy tastes. I am simply correcting the record, resounding to a Trump World Bullshit Myth
So far, not a word from the House leadership.

When will the Democrat Party force this foul mouthed broad to apologize and then expel her from the body.

To call Tlaib's language "lady like" would be a miscarriage of justice.

Rep. Rashida Tlaib refuses to back down from explicit remarks
Most Americans think Trump is a fat, stupid motherfucker. Don’t be a snowflake.


America loves President Donald Trump! :2up:

Two terms !!!!! Get used to it !!!!!:clap2:

DemonRats are the only snowflakes around! WAKEY!!!!!!:04:
Yeah maybe in some dark alternate universe :cuckoo:

The hypocritical thing is, the Rumpbots were creaming their jeans about an orange freak who speaks candidly. Now that somebody else does it, whooooooooooooooole different ball game.

Having it both ways -------- priceless.

The hypocritical thing is, the Rumpbots were creaming their jeans about an orange freak who speaks candidly. Now that somebody else does it, whooooooooooooooole different ball game.

Having it both ways -------- priceless.

Maybe she's there to take the heat off of Ocasio Cortez
Maybe she is imitating Trump.

Thought y’all applauded that.
Good to know you Liberals are supportive of your new Muslim Congresswoman's statements. But that is not a surprise since you view the President as the Enemy. And Yeah I know, he's not your President.

He has declared many times that he is not the president of all Americans. In every speech, he has referred to "Democrat" this and "Democrat" that, perjoratively, so I take it that he is not the president of Democrats and their supporters. He has said so himself.
As far as elected officials go ... unprofessional causes no harm, unqualified is a bonus, and unhinged is at least entertaining.

We could always use more of that.
Why is this a "disgrace to America" but not when tRump basically fellates Putin on stage, or brags about his imaginary penis size, or calls whole countries shitholes, or......

Next faux outrage please.

Well, I guess it will be up to the new Speaker, Madame Motherfucker to decide whether or not to proceed with censure.
Chances are he's already had a warning in private. You see unlike you kids the adults will try to keep it civil.

Adults my kids are bigger adults then you. I hope they ban me from this link. Listening to you crybabies whine all the time is unreal. Change your diapers and drink your mineral oil

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk

How many times have you typed "motherfucker" in the last half hour?

You barely know what an adult is, and you certainly don't know how one acts.

I don't care how old you are, get back to us when you grow up kid.

If you and your liberal boys think your adults that’s fine. The difference between you and I is I am a MAN. I said MotherFucker once so learn how to count. Your a old and dumb.

Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
"You're" a man?

"You're" an idiot.

You post like a child, and loudly proclaiming yourself to be a MAN pretty much garantees you are a beta male if you are actually over the age of 15.

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