Repub Senator slams trump for killing border deal

If letting in 5,000 illegal aliens every day is a bipartisan deal, it deserves to die.
Trump's blowers & his asssucker Johnson want Biden to use EO's to address thr border issue because they're too gutless to vote on this bill or anything else, shaking in fear for that degenerate subhuman asswipe Trump. They want to be let off the hook by Biden so they can turn around & blast him for anything he does.

Those gutless cowards like Johnson should be run out of Washington on a rail.
The Secure the Border Act (H.R. 2): Asylum-Related Reforms

The House-passed Secure the Border Act would change current laws governing who may apply for or qualify for asylum, and it would limit the ability of arriving aliens to be released from custody into the United States pending the outcome of their removal proceedings.Oct 30, 2023

Getting rid of the loop hole is the MAIN thing that needs to be fixed. HR 2 also forces them to stay in a 3rd country if waiting.

It kills Asylum
Your own in here have been leaking

Doesnt matter. Senate needs to show it to the dang public.

If it was worth a fuck they would have done so already.

Time for the House to SHUT DOWN THE DEBT CEILING

I'm leaking nothing. You admit you have NOT read the bill, but you say it is shit. It is just like person from the "Party of Personal Responsibilty" NOT take responsibility for you write. P0113580 add $7Trillion to the debt and you of course ignore that. Inflation is coming down.

Your very lame and totally attempt at deflection is failure. We are NOT talking the Debt Ceiling (where Mr. Biden rolled McCarthy out the fucking door) we are the border and you people do NOT want to do the work needed. You just sound bites and photo ops.
I'm leaking nothing. You admit you have NOT read the bill, but you say it is shit. It is just like person from the "Party of Personal Responsibilty" NOT take responsibility for you write. P0113580 add $7Trillion to the debt and you of course ignore that. Inflation is coming down.

Your very lame and totally attempt at deflection is failure. We are NOT talking the Debt Ceiling (where Mr. Biden rolled McCarthy out the fucking door) we are the border and you people do NOT want to do the work needed. You just sound bites and photo ops.
Fuck off. Senate hiding it because its Garbage.

Show the Damn bill or STFU
Fuck off. Senate hiding it because its Garbage.

Show the Damn bill or STFU

I will use small words for you. YOU say the bill is shit. You need to show proof of what you say. I do not have to show anything. You made was is call a declarative (I know big word, try to sound it out) and it is up to you to prove what you wrote.
I will use small words for you. YOU say the bill is shit. You need to show proof of what you say. I do not have to show anything. You made was is call a declarative (I know big word, try to sound it out) and it is up to you to prove what you wrote.
I will respond with I have no time to listen to known LIARS.

Fuck off. Senate hiding it because its Garbage.

Show the Damn bill or STFU
The bill will be released to the public no later then this weekend. Then Trump & his asslickers in the House & Senate will be revealed to be the gutless cowards that they are.

They step on their own dicks as Biden gets another win.
The bill will be released to the public no later then this weekend. Then Trump & his asslickers in the House & Senate will be revealed to be the gutless cowards that they are.

They step on their own dicks as Biden gets another win.
How do you know this CLOWN.

And we shall see if the leaks are true. Quota Asylum. LMAO.

HR 2 ends the Asylum nonsense. Forces wait in 3rd country. Its a GOOD BILL.

I expect Toilet paper bill this weekend.
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No one is hiding anything. The bill is not complete yet.

But you’re against a bill you have not seen.

Doesn’t say much for you.
I guess the same thing it says about you for being for a bill you have not seen. Let me guess… We have to pass it to see what’s in it?
I guess the same thing it says about you for being for a bill you have not seen. Let me guess… We have to pass it to see what’s in it?
Again… I’m going by why Republicans Lankford and Crenshaw are saying about it.

You are going by what?
I’ve never heard of Lankford, and Crenshaw is a representative, not a senator.
Since I have not seen it, anymore than you have, I have nothing to go by, other than the fact that we are being told to support a bill that we have not seen yet. That’s enough for me to know that there must be something bad wrong with it.

Why do you rush to pass it? Is this another election driven timeline?
If Trump is so wrong about this bill, wouldn’t his detractors be demanding its release so we can see just how wrong?

“Quick, senators! Show us the bill! Leak it if you have to, we want to see it, so we can waive it in the Trumpers’ faces.

“Look, you, Trumpers!” we will say. “5,000 asylum seekers let in per day? What?!?!? No such thing! What would have ever given you the idea that we want to let in thousands of asylum seekers?“

Yep. That’s what they would say…
I will respond with I have no time to listen to known LIARS.


NO, I am NOT the person who made the declarative statement, YOU ARE. I have nothing to prove. YOU DO.

YOU said the bill was shit. YOU need to prove what YOUme. wrote not me.

BTW I enjoy watching you squirm.
If Trump is so wrong about this bill, wouldn’t his detractors be demanding its release so we can see just how wrong?

“Quick, senators! Show us the bill! Leak it if you have to, we want to see it, so we can waive it in the Trumpers’ faces.

“Look, you, Trumpers!” we will say. “5,000 asylum seekers let in per day? What?!?!? No such thing! What would have ever given you the idea that we want to let in thousands of asylum seekers?“

Yep. That’s what they would say…
Until they post the Damn thing none of us really know

But we know they are dealing with assholes who want Open Borders.

No reason to trust those fcks at all. Only reason they care is the blow back in Dem cities.

Great Job Abbott. Bussing them in to give them a taste.

NO, I am NOT the person who made the declarative statement, YOU ARE. I have nothing to prove. YOU DO.

YOU said the bill was shit. YOU need to prove what YOUme. wrote not me.

BTW I enjoy watching you squirm.
From the leaks on this board.



Your side is only doing this because its an election year and Dems getting pissed in Blue cities
The bill will be released to the public no later then this weekend. Then Trump & his asslickers in the House & Senate will be revealed to be the gutless cowards that they are.

They step on their own dicks as Biden gets another win.
Everyone but brain dead Clowns know who fucked us on the border.
I’ve never heard of Lankford, and Crenshaw is a representative, not a senator.
Since I have not seen it, anymore than you have, I have nothing to go by, other than the fact that we are being told to support a bill that we have not seen yet. That’s enough for me to know that there must be something bad wrong with it.

Why do you rush to pass it? Is this another election driven timeline?
I’ve never heard of Lankford

Then Shut up

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